7 Votes in Poll
7 Votes in Poll
I thought most people here agree that R>F is a higher dimensional gap?
I don't know what it is
Make a Yoru profile
Nameless clan sounds better
Extraverse level in summary, basically High Outerverse level but repeating itself by infinity times.
Naruto characters, you know it's bad when people can't even scale Juubidara above Multi-Continent level.
6 Votes in Poll
High Universal at best
14 Votes in Poll
16 Votes in Poll
I can even say that Marvel characters are 0D if need to
That's funny
I guess~
Blah blah blah why those cardinals do matter?
Most them are the same, use the same Tiering System indeed
We don't need, our system does not work that way
Nah, yours is horrible =>
I will always believe in "don't get your scales from wikis, make them yourself"
I don't think you have any choice other than creating blogs on the Wikis
The fact this shit can even begin to be possible on this wiki is another level of bullshit.