Art Credits: @sentryworm. Credits to all of the
YouTube links I used from the YT creators/websites I used from people who created them so I can use them for evidence of my Amanda scale; huge thanks for those websites and amazing people :)
Note, please read!!!👍: Absolute Amanda is Amanda's strongest form. What this basically means is that Amanda in this form has all of her forms combined into 1 (Like Mega Composite in full power, full potential and all of her abilities completely mastered within her games like Pilot Game Amanda, ATA 1 and ATA 2) and all of her powers working at its maximum absolute value. Also yes this includes all ATA canon forms so yes even her demon form; I know in ATA 2 the entity and her aren't the same person but in this form it includes all the forms and she still has control of the demon entity so I'll include the form too since it is kinda a part of her powers/her ability to control demons completely. And all of the powers listed here work on Absolute-Omni levels because this is absolute Amanda at her Absolute Full Potential.
Tier: 4-C-4-B | At least 3-A-HIGH 3-A (In ATA 1 episode "True Ending" Amanda breaks/destroys the entire gameworld; and yes she did do this feat; and here too!; So as Amanda was destroying the entire gameworld she was also destroying concepts within the gameworld too. She was destroying concepts like time (Proof for time being a concept in ATA verse; Space/Dimensionality (Proof for Space/Dimensionality being apart of the gameworld in ATA; The earth, sun and moon (Basically she can control the day by the sun and night by the moon resembling night within earth of the ATA verse; and the concept of the sun and moon are concepts within ATA. Proof for this; and finally reality/existence (Hint; the "reality/existence" in this situation is the entire ATA verse within the gameworld). This would be considered in the 3-A tier because destroying the very concept of standard 3D space alongside spatial dimensionality in the gameworld then 3D objects, locations, and anything reliant on spatial dimensions in ATA would cease to exist. For time it was destroyed too within the ATA verse as a concept in the gameworld. This would lead towards High 3-A because destroying the concept of time would fundamentally erase the entire structure of space-time, stopping all events, change, and progression in ATA. This would lead to a state where nothing could happen, and existence itself would be frozen, resulting in a complete disruption of the gameworld. For the earth, sun and moon concepts of these were destroyed too within the gameworld. So this would be scaled to 4-C to 4-B at minimum; and Amanda has already been scaled to Star Level before too so this would make a lot of sense!;
Name: Amanda
Origin: Amanda From Amanda The Adventurer
Gender: Female
Age: 7-8 (Proof for this can be said in this video when Amanda's voice actor Blair Greene-Osako has said herself Amanda is a part of this age category. Proof for this:
Classification: Data Sentient (Proof for this: The concept of evil/murder (Proof for this:,in%20many%20of%20the%20tapes.)
Powers and Abilities: Dynakinesis (On one of the three sticky notes on the boards it says "potential for Dynakinesis" when the TR investigated energy transferring into the ATA Game World, which would be caused by Amanda herself manipulating energy among the Game World/tapes and the tapes are connected to the Game World which is how we interact with Amanda within the tapes entirely. Proof for this: | Transmutation (in general completely) with Sentience Binding (Having the power to alter physical state of children and then turn them into props or objects like slabs of meat; this would be considered Transmutation. And this also remains within Sentience Binding. Why? because combining the alternation of transmutation with physical forms with the binding of the soul/consciousness together would fit within Sentience Binding. Proof for this: | Technological/Digital Physiology and Non-Corporeal Physiology (Amanda has been transformed into a digital form, existing within an AI program when she most likely got killed. Amanda no longer has a physical body form but instead turned into a technological framework being within the ATA verse that's made of Data and Technology together. Proof for this: | Immunity to Physical Damage (Amanda doesn't have an physical body.) | 4th Wall Breaking (Quite literally in every single episode of ATA games she can speak directly to the watcher. She can react to the things that players say like she can actually interact with them in real time. Proof for this: | Eldritch Horror/Abomination (Said right here in this quote: "As the player gets further into the game, Amanda appears to be an eldritch horror that has control over the show". Link for this: | Narrative Manipulation (Amanda can directly control the structure, flow, and outcome of the show, treating the fictional world as something it can rewrite or reshape at will. Proof for this: | Possession/Possession Manipulation/Spiritual Possession (The Director is forcing Rebecca to recite demonic chants, which leads to her being influenced or controlled by an external entity like Bael, Paimon and Balaam. And this would count as Possession because Possession is when a person is overtaken by an external force, such as a demon, spirit, or eldritch entity, which can control their actions and communicate through them. And Amanda can use her Possession to manipulate others to trap them into the gameworld. Proof for this: | Power Nullification and Power Removal (Amanda in the episode "What's a family" was able to take away Wooly's anthropomorphic abilities like speech and being able to stand upright. This would match Power Nullification because Power Nullification allows a character to suppress or completely erase the abilities of others, rendering them powerless and reverting them to a more basic state. Proof for this: | Existence Erasure Type 1, 2 and 3 (In the final tape of ATA 1 Wooly is erased from the ATA logo since Amanda was able to erase him entirely in the "Everything Rots" tape before hand. And this would simply be Existence Erasure because she erased Wooly's existence from the entire ATA verse and from the game's logo too; making him disappear. Proof for this: and!) | Pocket Realm Manipulation (The Demon possessing Amanda is Balam. This is because of Rebecca’s interrogation, she names three demons, one of them being him, and this one matches the characteristics of Amanda. And Balaam in mythology was a demon who could manipulate pocket realms and used children as sacrifices. Proof for this: | Scene Manipulation (In Episode 2 of ATAPG "Going to the Store" starts with Wooly trying to warn the viewer about something, but Amanda appears and interrupts him, resuming the episode as normal. This would be Scene Manipulation because she has control over the flow of events within the show, dictating what happens and overriding any differences that occur within the show. And Scene Manipulation is all about a character controlling or altering sequences of certain events, effectively "rewinding," "pausing," or "editing" reality within a scripted environment. Proof for this: | Text Manipulation (Amanda in Episode 2 of ATAPG "Going to the Store" can manipulate Text. For example; if Amanda wants Riley to say Apple but she says anything else but Apple Amanda can just manipulate the text and force Riley into writing "Apple". Amanda actually uses this ability a lot but this is just one of the cases of her using the ability. Proof for this: | Glitching, Body Manipulation/Body Control/Body Disortion and Elasticity (In the last Episode of ATAPG "Making New Friends" Amanda violently contorts her body being replaced by static. This would be Glitching because her contorting her entire body into static suggests to us that she can distort her form in unnatural ways, likely due to being part of a digital or scripted environment. This would fit with the Super Power description of Glitching which allows a character to break the normal rules of their existence, appearing corrupted, distorted, or out of sync with reality—usually linked to digital or eldritch influences but not most of the time. And for Body Manipulation she can manipulate her entire body's elasticity within her arms and she can also stretch her neck, which can also be her having Elasticity. Proof for this: and | Summoning/Conjuration, Plant Manipulation and Life Manipulation (In the secret Episode of ATAPG "Finding Treasure" Amanda can summon/conjure two entire trees out of nowhere to two dirt pouches marked "square and circle". And she would have Plant Manipulation because she's also manipulating the growth of the trees while actually summoning them. And for Life Manipulation she can give life to entire trees. Proof for this: | Levitation to Flight (In the secret Episode of ATAPG "Finding Treasure" Amanda levitates herself into the air and then flys a bit to the right to then kill Wooly. Proof for this: | Paralyzation/Immobilization Manipulation (In the secret Episode of ATAPG "Finding Treasure" Amanda froze Wooly in place and he couldn't move or talk at all anymore. This would be considered Paralyzation because Paralyzation is basically the inability to move or act; so In this case, since Wooly is completely immobilized and unable to speak, it aligns with the definition of paralysis. Proof for this: | Technology Manipulation and Digital Text Control (In another secret tape in the V1.4 update of ATAPG there's code words at the end of the tape that Amanda has manipulated into the TV that says "say hello 2023". This would be Technology Manipulation because Amanda demonstrates control over technology, specifically TVs and digital screens. This implies she can interface with devices in ways normal people can't, likely bypassing the hardware and software limits of standard tech. And for Digital Text Control Amanda's focus is on manipulating the words visible on screens, almost like she’s reprogramming or "hacking" them without typing a single key. She directly influences the digital output of what she puts on TV screens/technology in general, controlling what viewers see. Proof for this: | Data Manipulation (Amanda can alter the tapes she exists within due to her being in control of the entire game world that's connected to the tapes too. If she really wanted to she can also delete entire characters or change their behavior. She can also manipulate other people's data and turn them into 10-C beings too if she really wanted to. Proof for this: | Dimension Manipulation and Reality Entrapment (Amanda has Dimension Manipulation because Amanda is warping the fabric of reality, moving people from one dimension (the real world) into another (the game world). This type of power allows her to bridge or merge separate realities. And for Reality Entrapment she can trap people inside of the tapes in a 3D cartoon type of setting. She's not just opening a portal to help people get into the gameworld she can forcibly integrate people into the game world, likely under her control due to her being able to usually alter the world and creatures of her world with ease in the gameworld. Proof for this: and | Reality Warping/Vast Manipulation (She has the ability to flatten reality if she really wanted to and she has done other reality warping feats like turning a apple pie into a tape in ATA 1 when baking a pie. That would be considered reality warping because Amanda's breaking the natural rules of reality. An apple pie can’t normally turn into a tape, so changing it completely like that means you’re rewriting how reality works. Proof for this: and | Perception Manipulation, Reality Distortion and Digital Corruption/Corruption in general (Amanda can basically manipulate perception of someone else like Riley by being able to make glitches to the TV screen or making entire color backgrounds be red/any color that she likes. She actually does this in the alternative V2 tape version of "In your Neighborhood" where Amanda is seen manipulating glitch static to extensive levels alongside changing the entire color themes of the TV messing around with perception; she's manipulating what you can perceive and what you can't perceive within her world with the glitching and color going on. For Reality Distortion by glitching the screen and altering the environment (like turning the background red) Amanda demonstrates the ability to distort and rewrite reality within the scope of the game world/her verse. This suggests she’s imposing her own rules over what viewers perceive. And for Digital Corruption The glitching aspect ties directly to Amanda’s affinity with technology, specifically the ability to corrupt or manipulate digital systems with ease but also in unsettling ways. This includes breaking the natural “rules” of how the game world operates usually and breaking them by creating chaotic visuals that were never programmed to exist. Proof for this: | Telekinesis (Amanda is able to make her television shake and thrash around which would be considered Telekinesis because she is exerting force on the TV shaking rapidly without physically touching it and only using her mind to do so. Proof for this: | Portal Creation (Amanda can create white portals to send people into entire pocket dimensions by creating them like there actually in the real world instead of the game world; she did this in ATA 1, "Everything Rots" Butcher Escape Ending where she creates a white portal to send Riley to the butcher place. We all perceive the butcher place in the real world as standard 3D space. Proof for this: and | BFR (In ATA 1, "Everything Rots" Butcher Escape Ending Amanda can create portals to the tapes. Not only can she do this but she can also use them to trap Riley within them in the form of a piece of meat. Proof for this: | Pocket Dimension Creation/Manipulation (in ATA 1, "Everything Rots" Butcher Escape Ending Amanda can create an entire Pocket Dimension in the real world that's usually a place only in the game world...but we are able to enter it. Proof for this: and | Glitch Manipulation (Basically in all of the games she can manipulate her own glitching, even the static glitches completely on the screen which seems like on any level actually-.) | Non-Existent Physiology Type 1 (Basically she's the concept of evil/murder as a whole; so she doesn't actually exist; she only exist as a idea of data and evil within the gameworld as a whole. Proof for this:,in%20many and | Glitch Physiology (She's made of glitch and data together; and she has once turned herself into static glitch completely which would indicate to us about her being made of glitch. This was shown in the episode of "Making New Friends" in ATAPG. Proof for this: | Immortality type 4 and type 8 (For type 4 immortality in ATA 1 for the true ending Amanda breaks/destroys the entire game world and was entirely unstable and out of control trying to escape the gameworld. To stop Amanda Riley then throws a brick at the gameworld TV, destroying Amanda's entire verse and herself too. But in ATA 2 Amanda does make a return, most likely recreated the gameworld and resurrected herself coming back to life even when she died from the damage done to the TV, affecting the entire gameworld; the verse she inhabits. Proof for this: And for Type 8 immortality Amanda can actually live forever! As long as the VHS exist as a concept then Amanda can also just keep on living forever.) | Teleportation (Amanda can teleport to Wooly's bed to kill him with all the 3 weapons she has. Proof for this: | Higher Dimensionality Existence (Amanda's demon form is above Amanda's base existence, and we can see through hidden tapes that her powers canonically affect real human beings, making it 3 layers up from her base existence.) | 4th Wall Awareness/Interaction/Manipulation (In all of the games Amanda has the ability to directly address the player and react to their choices. This hints to us that she has some level of awareness or influence over others perceptions. She also has been stated to be able to not only be in control of the gameworld but the real world too. Proof for this: | Gameworld Creation->Recreation (When Amanda's verse got destroyed from the brick hitting her TV, impacting her verse to stay gone forever Amanda in the 2nd game of ATA Amanda recreated the gameworld and it's perfectly fine now. Riley or Joanne didn't because they were trying to destroy the tapes, and the tapes are within the gameworld. So yes, Amanda did recreate the entire gameworld which can also hint to us that she created it in the first place mostly due to her Technology Manipulation too and entire control over the gameworld in the first place. Proof for this: and | Plot Manipulation (She has shown lots of times that she has Plot Manipulation because of her Narrative Control over the entire gameworld. Like for example: when the player tries to make decisions contrary to Amanda's desires, Amanda can forcibly alter the environment of the entire gameworld or remove certain options to ensure the plot aligns with her narrative. Like if she just wants to keep on treasure hunting she can change the plot of that to her liking instead of just ending the episode. Proof for this: | Virtual Warping (A core aspect of her entire power set. She demonstrates Virtual Warping quite literally in all of the games she's in. For example; Amanda can alter the game’s environment, such as turning the background red or distorting the visuals when she becomes hostile, angry or mostly when she's unstable and out of control. She does this a lot of times but most evidently in the V2 tape version of "In your Neighborhood" where she does this!; manipulating the entire environment of the Gameworld changing the visual static glitch screen with color or visuals. And Virtual Warping refers to the ability to alter and manipulate the digital or virtual world, breaking the normal rules of the environment, which is most definitely an ability Amanda has. Proof for this: | Implied Hydrokinesis, Severe Thunderstorms Manipulation, Tornado Manipulation, Blizzard Manipulation, Emergency Alert System Manipulation and Weather Manipulation (In ATA 1 episode "What's a family?" Amanda can cause entire emergency alerts that say "flood warning"; so Amanda can cause entire floods then give warnings about them if she wants to. Then it's also implied from a wheel that Amanda can also summon entire tornados and even blizzards indicating Amanda's control going further than Hydrokinesis to cause floods but to also control the weather and different aspects of it like thunderstorms, tornados and causing whole world like blizzards if she really wants. Proof for this: | Image Depiction Manipulation (She actually does this ability a lot but the very first time we actually see her do this is in ATAPG episode "Making New Friends" where at the very end of the tape she depicts a image showing her demon form; manipulating that exact image into the gameworld and visualizing it to Riley. Proof for this: | Duplication (Can make multiple clones of herself in ATA 2 episode "We can fix it!" tape. Where she makes exactly 5 clones of herself while crying on the ground. Proof for this: | Size Manipulation (Can manipulate the size of the trash bag in the ATA 2 episode "We can fix it!" tape as she made the trash bag big->small. Proof for this: | Repair Manipulation (In ATA 2 episode "We can fix it!" tape Amanda alongside with the help of Riley were able to repair an roller skate missing a skater wheel, the blabbot, Wooly's eye when his eye got taken by a opossum, fixing the picnic table and fixing a butterfly wing. Proof for this: | Day And Night Manipulation (In ATA 2 episode "Do you feel safe" tape Amanda turned the day into night while asking Wooly if he really felt like his neighborhood was safe and cozy. Proof for this: | Light Manipulation (Amanda can manipulate the entire buildings light source and then turn it off when she asks Riley to find her a night light to sleep so she won't get nightmares; this was shown in ATA 2 tape "Goodnight!". Proof for this: | Chaos Manipulation (In the ATA 2 episode "We can fix it!" tape Amanda and Wooly were causing entire chaos to the gameworld, glitching everything everywhere. Not only that but the tape was also broken which made this even more chaotic and not everything functioning well. Proof for this: | Body Fusion/Body Morphing (In ATA 2 episode "We can fix it!" Amanda and Wooly's bodies are both merged together by both of them manipulating the merging in the process to each other's body. Proof for this:!) | Murder Methodology (Basically her way of fighting is using her powers and weapons. These aren't all of the powers she would use in a fight but just some of her lost prominent ones; Virtual Warping And Narrative Manipulation. Being able to manipulate how the narrative of the fight plays out and being able to Virtual Warp in the gameworld to her advantage. And for weapons then Amanda using 3 surgical tools as a weapon to kill Wooly. Proof for this:!_Accidents!) | Television Manipulation (Yes, Amanda can manipulate the entire TV besides the Gameworld inside of the television itself. For example; she has control over the television by being able to make it move with her Telekinesis. Proof for this: | Concept Destruction -> Concept Creation/Manipulation (Amanda was basically able to destroy/break the entire gameworld also transcending the concept of it. Not only was she destroying the entire gameworld but she was also destroying the concept of reality/existence, the moon, the sun and even the earth too within the gameworld. Space, time and dimensionality are also things within the gameworld and Amanda destroyed those concepts too. Later in the 2nd game Amanda recreated the entire gameworld, which just recreated those concepts of space, time and dimensionality again. That goes for the other things I've mentioned too like the concept of reality/existence, the moon, the sun and even the earth were recreated in ATA 2 thanks to Amanda. Proof for this: and | Inorganic-Physiology Type 2 (Due to Amanda's Non-existent physiology Type 1 her consciousness is not tied to a body, meaning she can exist beyond just the physical functions of any body she's in.) | Boundary Manipulation/Game Boundary Transcendence (When Amanda destroyed the gameworld she wasn't just destroying it-she was breaking the boundaries of the game itself while doing so. Proof for this: | Destruction Manipulation (She does this ability a lot but I'll just use one example to support her having this ability. In ATA 1 episode "What's A Family"
Amanda causes entire destruction to her world, destroying and deleting entire sheeps, the fences and barn house too if you choose not to help the lonely kitten she will cause entire destruction to her gameworld and be completely unstable and everything within it too. Proof for this: | Social Influencing (In the Red Secret Tape of ATA 2 Amanda has lots of children/people who look up to her, know her and love watching her TV show. "Kate: Hey, you all may know a friend of Mr.Colton's. You can watch her on our own hometown hit show on Kensdale's public access channel. Do you know what show that is?. Kids: AMANDA THE ADVENTURER!. Not only that but all the Kids knew Amanda immediately and cheered for her too, showing that she has a widespread and well-known presence. And since the show ATA is described as a "hometown hit show" Amanda is seen as an influential figure in the area of Kensdale's public access channels, meaning people trust her content and guidance. And this is proven even more in ATA 1 as an entire town loves ATA when Sam started producing the show under the studio of Hameln. Proof for this: and | Voice Manipulation (In ATAPG episode "Finding Treasure" Amanda first asks Wooly if he's excited to find treasure in a normal voice tone. Later on though her voice gets much deeper when she repeats the question to get Wooly's attention to answer her question; so essentially she's manipulating her own voice to make it be more deeper. Proof for this: Also yes I just learned how to shorten YouTube videos guys so my absolute bad for not knowing how to do it before with all the other proof I posted with YouTube links 😭.) | Wall Crawling (Amanda in her demon form can basically crawl on ceilings. Proof for this: | Demon Manipulation/Control (Amanda can somehow stop the Demon Entity from attacking Riley and control it/manipulate it to not hurt Riley because Riley made Amanda feel better. Proof for this: | Demonic Communication (Amanda can also communicate and stop the Demon Entity once again trying to hurt Riley. It's like she understands how to communicate with demons/entities. Proof for this: | Existential Madness Inducement (Amanda is described to be an Eldritch Abomination. Eldritch Abominations are unnatural creatures whose very existence defies the laws of nature. More often than not, any mortal that views an entity such as this goes mad at its sheer presence. This would be Existential Madness Inducement because just looking at Amanda will make mortals go crazy because their brain can't understand what they're seeing. Eldritch Abominations are weird and unnatural creatures that breaks people's minds just by existing. So, the power is making people lose their sanity just by seeing or knowing about something too strange for them to handle!; "More often than not, any mortal that views an entity such as this goes mad at its sheer presence". Proof for this; | Orb Manipulation (Amanda can manipulate the data within the tapes/anything to do with them. So within the tapes are orbs inside of them too when there broken/freed. This was shown and supported by Joanne breaking one of the tapes that had a blue orb escaping it. Amanda can manipulate orbs inside of the tapes too alongside with data. Proof for this: | Immunity To Existence Erasure (She can't be erased because...she doesn't already exist; you can't erase something that doesn't already exist; she's apart of Non-existent Physiology Type 1.) | Non-Physical Interaction (Physical/Communication - Can interact with the real world and other game characters. Can communicate with The Entity.) | Sleep Manipulation (Can summon an entire random drug medicine that she later on gives to Wooly. Wooly instantly falls asleep due to the drug medicine Amanda gave him; | Weapon Creation (Can create huge cartoon hammer out of nowhere, summon crowbars, ropes and random shovels too to have them as weapons to her use too!.) | Statistics Amplification (Via powers, weapons and anger) | Weapon Mastery (This is her absolute form so she has mastered all the abilities she has within her weapons too from her absolute full potential of skill.) | Hive Mind (Type 2 [Multi-Minded])/Multiple Selves (Type 1 [Multiple Minds]. Implied to be connected to The Entity but they have separate minds and possibly one soul.) | Vehicular Mastery (Can use Roller Skates + this is her absolute form so she has mastered her skill with skating to the maximum absolute value.) | Melting Manipulation (Amanda can melt entire buildings; infact 4 of them. Proof for this;!)
AP/DC: Star level->Universal->High Universal (Via breaking the entire gameworld)
Speed: Inaccessible->Irrelevant (Also was destroying the concept of time in the gameworld too. Destroying the concept of time would count as irrelevant speed because the very notion of speed, which requires a measure of time to calculate, becomes meaningless in a timeless environment once the concept of time is removed. There is no "before" or "after" to compare movement against, making the idea of speed completely irrelevant. Also was still moving in the gameworld when the concept of time was non-existent/destroyed.)
Strength (PHYSICALLY, NO POWERS): Below Average Human Level (Can smash a small butterfly completely. Butterflies are considered small animals so this would be a Below Average Human Level strength feat Amanda did. Proof for her doing this; | Average Human Level (Can basically kick an electronic robot-toy's head off completely. Proof for her doing this; | Street Level (Was able to break Wooly's knee in this clip; Holding down Wooly that's an average male sheep. The average male sheep weighs around 120–350 lbs (54–160 kg). Proof for her holding down Wooly and he can't really get up; Being able to destroy an entire cabinet drawer stand and then a chair with her bare hands/strength. Proof for her doing this: Her being able to throw an opossum that's taller then her. The opossum in ATA is otherwise known as "Chickenscratch" and is a male opossum. The average male opossum weighs about 8 lbs (3.6 kg), but can also weigh as much as 12–15 lbs (5.4–6.9 kg). In size the average male opossum is considered to be the same size as a large cat; and a large cat is considered to be a large animal. So Amanda doing this strength feat would most likely fall into street level at most. Proof for her doing this; She should be stronger than the cat who killed a bird in one attack by biting it due to her ultimately scaling above the cat in overall strength. Proof for this; and | Class 5 with wall level kinetic energy (Her being able to carry a huge cartoon hammer, break a piggy bank with it and then throw the huge cartoon hammer with really no difficulty. This has already been calculated by another user on VSBW to Class 5 as a overall strength feat. Proof for this; and
Durability: Star Level->Universe->Universe+ (While Amanda was breaking the gameworld she was still trying to escape it before Riley threw the brick to end Amanda's story in ATA 1. Her body was still there though when she was destroying the entire gameworld; and the amount of force her body was taking was being affected inside of the gameworld too as she was destroying concepts like space/dimensionality/space-time, time in general, earth, sun, the moon and reality/existence itself and was unharmed still from the amount of damage done completely to the gameworld going to Amanda.)
Stamina/Endurance: Limitless (Amanda doesn't have an physical body. And not having a physical body means you have limitless stamina because the concept of physical exertion and fatigue wouldn't apply to a non-physical entity; there's no muscle to tire, no need for rest or energy intake.)
Range: Universal (Via powers and then uses her powers to then destroy the gameworld at a universal range setting.)
Standard Equipment: Crowbar, Rope and a Shovel. Proof for her having these 3 pieces of equipment!; Sharp Kitchen Knife/Scalpel (Proof for her having this equipment!; Saw/Bone Saw, Hammer and Forceps. Proof for her having these 3 pieces of equipment!; Scissors (Amanda can summon entire scissors in the real world so Riley can use them to cut the Gret-chan doll. Proof for this: Huge Cartoon Hammer. Proof for Amanda having this equipment!; Nail Gun then Amanda demonstrates how she would use it as an actual weapon against someone. Proof for her having this equipment!; Has stated herself that she always carries extra supplies on her adventures to be ready for whatever happens and she never leaves home without her extra supplies. Proof for this!; and Also has other equipment like Gun, Screw Driver, Normal Hammer and Bear Traps (Proof for her having this type of equipment!:, and Lighter Torch (Can summon entire lighter torches in the real world so Riley can give Amanda something to help cook her bacon for breakfast. Proof for this: Wooden Staff Stick (Can summon an entire wooden staff stick in the real world so Riley can give Amanda something to help cook her bacon for breakfast. Proof for this: Pan (Can summon an entire pan in the real world so Riley can give Amanda something to help cook her bacon for breakfast. Proof for this: | Roller Skates (Proof for her having this equipment;
Intelligence: Meta-Genius, possibly higher (Again, when she broke the gameworld she broke everything within it and that includes concepts too inside of the gameworld itself/concepts dying in the process of destroying the gameworld. The concept of intelligence/knowledge is a thing in ATA and that was broken by Amanda. This would give her Meta-Genius intelligence because she understands that she’s inside a game and knows how to break its reality to escape. By destroying the concept of knowledge, she broke the game’s logic and stability on purpose, creating a loophole to escape the gameworld. Realizing she’s fictional, understanding the game’s mechanics, and destroying a core concept to the gameworld just to break free is what makes her a meta-genius. She’s not just smart inside the game; she’s thinking beyond the game’s reality to the real world too.)
Weakness: She can't fight without her powers/weapons at all. She has 0 to none combat training with just her hands. She relies on using her powers/weapons to actually fight in a battle; so if someone more powerful then Amanda can take away her powers/weapons the fight is quite literally over-that only applies though if there more powerful then her though + Amanda can also remove people's powers/nullify them if she's more powerful then them; but that'll be in a rare case where someone can just nullify or control her powers since her powers work on absolute/omni levels in this form!. And for weapons she has said herself she has always carried extra supplies on her for her adventures. So she will also have supplies to use as weapons too so she can fight in battles.
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches:
Note #2🥰🌈 please read!!!👍: This was just for fun and I really wanted to scale Amanda's strongest form. I'm sorry if this profile isn't the best but this took almost half a week to make (cause she has so many dang fricking abilities-)-so I hope this profile isn't too bad!. If you guys do decide to put Absolute Amanda in some matchups make sure to use this profile, tag me so I can know if she won the battle or not and I'll make posts updating her matchups. Also this is my 3rd scale ever; if I make any mistakes respectfully correct me and I'll update this profile. I'm scaling for fun, not to be serious but just for fun and this was really fun to make. But that's all and have a blessed day. This was requested by my IRL friend to do so yay I decided to do it!.