“ | You used her. You put her in danger, and then you threw her out like she was fucking garbage. How does this not all start with you, Hughie?! | „ |
~ A-Train blaming Hughie for his girlfriend's death |
A-Train, real name Reggie Franklin, is one of the main antagonists in the Amazon series The Boys.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 9-B
Name: Reggie Franklin, A-Train
Origin: The Boys
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Classification: Supe, Former member of the Seven
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Enhanced Speed, Accelerated Perception, Acrobatics, Statistics Amplification and Regeneration (Low) with Compound V (Healed a broken leg within a few days)
Attack Potency: Wall level (Reduced a woman to a shower of blood by running through her. Threw Kimiko through a train station wall. Overpowered Starlight. Fragmented a concrete roadblock)
Speed: Supersonic (Outran a bullet as a child. Ran at 371 meters per second), possibly higher (Billy Butcher has estimated that A-Train can cover all of Manhattan in 30 minutes. Perceived Starlight's blasts at a standstill and outsped them. Supplied Compound V to terrorists across the globe in an unknown time frame)
Lifting Strength: Class K (Towed a train with an injured leg)
Striking Strength: Wall Class
Durability: Wall level (Unaffected by the kinetic energy he outputs at super speed)
Stamina: Superhuman. Low in Season 2 (Now suffers from intense heart palpitations whenever he uses his super speed)
Range: Standard melee range, though his speed allows him to easily cross great distances.
Standard Equipment: Compound V
Intelligence: Average.
Weaknesses: A-Train is callous and narcissistic. His abuse of Compound V has had immense ramifications on his health. As of season 2, running at superhuman speeds will give A-Train debilitating heart palpitations.
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: