Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

Roku was just as much Fire Nation as Sozin was, right? If anything, their story proves anyone's capable of great good and great evil. Everyone, even the Fire Lord and the Fire Nation have to be treated like they're worth giving a chance.
~ Aang to Sokka, Katara, and Toph

Fire Lord Ozai, you and your forefathers have devastated the balance of this world, and now you shall pay the ultimate price!
~ Avatar State Aang to Ozai

No, it's not over.

Adult Aang Render
When we hit our lowest point, we are open to the greatest change.
~ Aang to Korra

Adult Avatar Aang


Aang was a male Air Nomad and the Avatar during the century-long conflict known as the Hundred Year War. His immediate predecessor was Avatar Roku, and his immediate successor is Avatar Korra. As the Avatar of his time, he was the only person capable of using all four bending arts: airbending, waterbending, earthbending, and firebending. He was also one of a select few Avatars, and one of the first in many cycles to learn the ancient art of energybending, and the first Avatar known to have actively used the technique. Shortly before the beginning of the Hundred Year War, Aang was frozen in an iceberg for a hundred years; he later emerged, still biologically twelve years old, into a world engulfed by war.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 8-C | 8-C, eventually becomes 8-A | 8-A, far higher with Firebending during Sozin's Comet | At least 6-C, likely higher

Name: Aang

Origin: Avatar: The Last Airbender

Gender: Male

Age: 112 (biologically 12) in Avatar: The Last Airbender, 113-114 (biologically 13-14) in The Promise trilogy, 114-115 (biologically 14-15) in The Search trilogy, 166 at death (biologically 66)

Classification: Human Airbender, Avatar, Monk, Airbending instructor, Air Nomad culture teacher

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Longevity, Air Manipulation, Pseudo-Flight, Water Manipulation, Healing, Earth Manipulation, Lightning redirection, Fire Manipulation, Astral Projection, Metal Manipulation, Possession (The current avatar can allow past avatars to take over their body), Immortality (Type 12; When killed, the Avatar's reincarnate into the next cycle of the four nations. In Aangs case, he will reincarnate into Korra), Abstract Existence (Type 3; The Avatar is the physical manefestation of the Avatar Spirit, which embodies the light and hope of the world. This is further supported in the Avatar: The last Airbender art guide), Cosmic Energy (The Avatar state channels the cosmic power of the universe), Non-Physical Interaction (Can interact with spirits), Energy Absorption, Sound Amplification (Can increase soundwaves with his airbending), Resistance to Blood Manipulation and Elemental Manipulation (Was immune to Bloodbending in the Avatar state, which would also make him immune to water bending. Logically this means he would resist the other elements as well. The Avatar State is a defense mechanism, activated when the Avatar's life is in danger, which is the reason why he resisted bloodbending according to the artguide), Extrasensory Perception (According to the official ATLA and Nick Youtube channels, Aang's airbending allows for his presence to not be sensed), Cold Manipulation (Airbenders naturally have to manipulate body tempreture which is why experienced airbenders don't feel cold even in the harshest tempretures), Fear Manipulation, Willpower Manipulation, Illusion Manipulation (Entering the Avatar State requires the Avatar to let go of all fears, not be tricked by illusions and make his willpower incapable of being manipulated) Soul Manipulation, Power Nullification, Indomitable Will (The Lion Turtle stated Aang has to make his spirit unbreakable. The ATLA and Nick Youtube channels state Aang has a strong mental spirit and that his spirit is unbreakable)

Attack Potency: Building level (Via this calc. His airbending should be equal) | Building level+ (Stronger than before), eventually becomes Multi-City Block level (In the beginning of Book 3, 8 Dai Li agents brought down the wall of Ba Sing Se. Since Aang can take on multiple Dai Li agents, he should be stronger than they are individually. While Aang is weaker than Toph, by the end of season 2, he shouldn't be too far behind her. Toph stopped the Wan Shi Tong Library from Sinking. ) | Multi-City Block level (Stronger than before), far higher with Firebending during Sozin's Comet | At least Island level, likely higher (Avatar Roku split an Island in half. A fire nation Avatar caused volcanic explosions. Avatar Kyoshi split an island. Avatar Yangchan made every cloud in the horizon move. The avatar state is considered a human nautral disaster powerful enough to cause elemental destruction. Avatar Kuruk destroyed an island and sunk it under the ocean. Earth avatars hurling landmasses was considered a greater feat than this. Landmasses are generally considered to be large islands or even continents. Avatar Kyoshi pulled a large chunck of earth from the Seabed. The Avatar state grants the current Avatar the knowledge and skills of all the past Avatars. The glow is the the combination of all the Avatars past lives focusing their energies onto the current Avatars body. There were over 100 Avatars before Aang so he's very much likely to be at a higher tier. Aang is stated to have the strongest spiritual power in the entire verse by Nickelodian. There were over 100 Avatars before Aang so he's very much likely to be at a higher tier)

Speed: Massively Hypersonic combat speed and reactions (Can fight against and scales to characters who can fight and react to lightning) | Massively Hypersonic combat speed and reactions | Massively Hypersonic combat speed and reactions (Should not be any slower compared to Zuko) | At least Massively Hypersonic+, likely higher combat speed and reactions (Far superior to Ozai)

Lifting Strength: Superhuman (Lifted a rock bigger than himself, 1,300 lbs given the dimensions) | Superhuman, Class M with bending (Moved a large "pillar" of rock with Earthbending) | At least Superhuman, at least Class M with bending | At least Superhuman, at least Class M with bending

Striking Strength: Building Class | Building Class+, eventually becomes Multi-City Block Class | Multi-City Block Class, far higher with Firebending during Sozin's Comet | At least Island Class, likely higher

Durability: Building level | Building level+, eventually becomes Multi-City Block level | Multi-City Block level, far higher with Firebending during Sozin's Comet | At least Island level, likely higher

Stamina: High (Could train for several hours by repeatedly punching a tree despite already being severely sleep deprived)

Range: A few dozen meters | Tens of kilometers in Avatar State

Standard Equipment: Glider Staff and Appa (his air-bison)

Intelligence: Knowledgeable in World History and cultures. He has learned the bending of each element very quickly | Has the combined knowledge of all the past Avatars

Weaknesses: Is a pacifist by nature, He refuses to take a life and is often overly forgiving unless friends' lives are endangered, While he greatly surpasses most benders he still has their limits he needs earth to earth bend and water to water bend, The solar eclipse disables his fire bending and the lunar eclipse disable his water bending, He has not learned to metal bend and must perform martial arts to bend material

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Air Scooter: Aang can create and ride a ball of air with his air bending.
  • Water Whip: Aang can create water whips by water bending, and secluding his arms in water.
  • Seismic Sense: After being taught this by Toph, Aang is able to sense all movement on the ground allowing for a radar of sorts.
  • Earth Armor: This technique allows Aang to coat his entire body (excluding his eyes) in a layer of earthly armor, and can even do it with crystal.
  • Avatar State: Aang taps into the cycle of reincarnation, and gains the accumulated knowledge, skill and experience of countless previous lifetimes in addition to a dramatic increase in skill and knowledge it dramatically augments the power of his bending, allowing him to perform feats of power that would require multiple master level bender to replicate. However, if he's killed in this state, the cycle of reincarnation is permanently broken.
  • Air Shield: In his Avatar state, he can conjure an omni-directional sphere of condensed air. This air shield protects him from melee attacks as well as elemental attacks. It also levitates Aang and allows him to fly at high speeds.

Key: Book 1 | Book 2 | Book 3 | Avatar State/Adult Avatar State

NOTE: Credit goes to Zenkaibattery1's profile and this blog for a good chunk of the reasoning for Aang's Attack Potency.
