Aang was a male Air Nomad and the Avatar during the century-long conflict known as the Hundred Year War. As the Avatar of his time, he was the only person capable of using all four bending arts: airbending, waterbending, earthbending, and firebending. He was supposed to end the war between nations but was imprisoned in a block of ice for 100 years. He was then found by his friend and eventually wife Katara, and her brother Sokka. Aang had to master all four elements at a quicker time then the Avatars before him in order to stop the war before a comet arrived that would make the Fire lord to powerful to defeat.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 8-C | 8-C | High 8-C. Low 7-C with Firebending during Sozin's comet | At least Low 6-B, likely 5-C
Name: Aang
Origin: Avatar: The last Airbender
Gender: Male
Age: 112 in ATLA, 166 at time of death
Classification: Avatar
Powers and Abilities:
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Immortality (Type 4. Can reincarnate continually), Abstract Existence (Type 3; The Avtar is the physical manefestation of the Avatar Spirit, who embodies the light and hope of the world), Possession (The Avatar can allow past avatars to take control of their body), Martial Arts (All Benders are innately skilled in Martial Arts as they use their Bending as an extension of it), Chi Manipulation, Non-Physical Interaction (Able to interact with spirits), Enhanced Senses (Airbenders can feel shifts in air currents to anticipate something. Monks shave their heads to give them hypersensitivity because of this), Weapon Mastery (Frequently uses objects like his staff for combat), Skilled Acrobat, Airbending (Can also breathe it), Flight, Astral Projection and Dimensional Travel (Through projecting his spirit, he is able to go to the Spirit World in this state), Extrasensory Perception (Can perceive spirits when others could not), Forcefield Creation, Underwater Breathing (Type 4. Can form pockets of air to breathe underwater through Airbending and Waterbending), Divine Union (Able to unite with spirits), Sound Manipulation, Weather Manipulation (Airbending can be used to form clouds and control the weather), Summoning (Can call upon his past lives to act for him or for advice. His whistle can summon Appa or other animals to his aid), Waterbending (Any phase of water), Ice Manipulation (Proficient in Waterbending enough to freeze over water), Weapon Creation, Empowerment (Empowered by the Full Moon with his Waterbending), Steam Manipulation, Healing, Plant Manipulation, Energy Absorption, Reality Warping in the Spirit World (Stated by Raava that the Avatar had the greatest control of spiritual energy in the Spirit World. Scales to Korra who generated a thunderstorm and made spirits fight each other through her emotions), Limited Firebending (Has a very basic grasp over it but no proper control)
Resistance to cold temperatures (Experienced Airbenders can regulate their temperatures to stay warm in cool environments), Ice Manipulation (Scales to Katara who could move freely in ice with Waterbending despite initially being frozen)
All previous abilities, Earthbending (Any phase of earth. Can apply it for further sensing as well), Sand Manipulation, Vibration Manipulation, Magnetism Manipulation (Comparable to Dai Li Agents who could magnetize themselves to rocky sides with Earthbending)
All previous abilities, Elemental Manipulation, Firebending (Any phase of fire), Heat Manipulation, Explosion Manipulation, Clairvoyance, Lightning Redirection (Taught by Zuko to repel Ozai's lightning. Lightning Redirection involves absorbing lighting and then redirecting it elsewhere)
Resistance to extreme heat (Firebenders are fine to withstand very hot environments such as the Boiling Rock)
All previous abilities, Enhanced Firebending and Empowerment (Sozin's Comet massively amplifies Firebenders)
All previous abilities to a far higher degree minus Sozin's Comet, Light Manipulation (Able to make his eyes and tattoos glow in this state. Empowered with Raava's light), Magma Manipulation (Has the skills of Avatar Szeto who could manipulate lava), Glass Manipulation, Sealing (Has Avatar Wan's capabilities, which involve sealing Vaatu for ten thousand years and sealing the spirit portals), Statistics Amplification, Purification (Type 2), Soul Manipulation (Should have the capabilities of Dark Avatar Unalaq, who ripped Raava's spirit from Korra. The Lion Turtle's dialogue suggests Energybending is done on a spiritual level), Energybending (Able to manipulate another person's life energy to impart them with knowledge instantly, remove one's bending completely, give them bending, or restore one's bending)
Resistance to Bloodbending, Water Manipulation, Fire Manipulation, Earth Manipulation, Air Manipulation (The Avatar State is a defense mechanism which activates when the Avatar's life is in danger. It activated to save him from Bloodbending, which is an application of Waterbending, and should grant him resistance to the other elements as a result), Willpower Manipulation, Fear Manipulation, Illusions (The Avtar State requires the Avatar to not let fear take over and control him, allow their willpower to be manipulated and to not be tricked by illusions), Soul Manipulation, Power Nullification (Nickelodian stated Aang has a strong mental spirit. The Lion Turtle stated Aang has to make his spirit unbendable. Should be resistant to energybending)
All previous abilities of Season 1 and Avatar State, Large Size (Type 2; Is this big), Enhanced Waterbending, Intangibility (Elemental. Said to be purely made of water and light)
Attack Potency: Building level (Via this calc. His air bending should be equal) | Building level+ | Large Building level (Stronger than before). Small Town level with firebending during Sozin's Comet | At least Small Country level (Avatar Roku split an Island in half. A fire nation Avatar caused volcanic explosions. Avatar Kyoshi split an island which is this powerful. Avatar Yangchan made every cloud in the horizon move. The avatar state is considered a human nautral disaster powerful enough to cause elemental destruction. Avatar Kuruk destroyed an island and sunk it under the ocean. Earth avatars hurling landmasses was considered a greater feat than this. Landmasses are generally considered to be large islands or even continents. Avatar Kyoshi pulled a large chunck of earth from the Seabed. The Avatar state grants the current Avatar the knowledge and skills of all the past Avatars. The glow is the the combination of all the Avatars past lives focusing their energies onto the current Avatars body. There were over 100 Avatars before Aang so he's very much likely to be at a higher tier), likely Moon level (The Avatar State draws power from Raava, who is one of the two all powerful Gods in Avatar, putting them above the Moon spirit, which is the moon, itself.)
Speed: Massively Hypersonic combat speed and reactions (Can fight against and scales to characters who can fight and react to lightning) | Massively Hypersonic combat speed and reactions | Massively Hypersonic combat speed and reactions (Should not be any slower compared to Zuko) | At least Massively Hypersonic+, likely Irrelevant combat speed and reactions (Should scale above The Mother of Faces.)
Lifting Strength: Superhuman (Lifted a rock bigger than himself, 1,300 lbs given the dimensions) | Superhuman | At least Superhuman | At least Superhuman | At least Superhuman
Striking Strength: Building Class | Building Class+ | Large Building Class | At least Small Country Class, likely Moon Class
Durability: Building level (His durability should scale to his attack potency) | Building level+ | Large Building level | At least Small Country level, likely Moon level (The Avatar State is primarly a defense mechanism, so durability should scale.)
Stamina: Very high
Range: Standard melee range.
Standard Equipment: Glider
Intelligence: Extremely high
Weaknesses: If killed in the Avatar state, the reincarnation cycle will be broken and he will cease to exist
Key: Book 1 | Book 2 | Book 3 | Avatar State/Adult Avatar State