Renji Abarai (阿散井 恋次, Abarai Renji) is the lieutenant of the 6th Division under Captain Byakuya Kuchiki. He formerly served as the 6th Seat of the 11th Division under Kenpachi Zaraki.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 8-C, High 8-C with Shikai | High 7-C, 7-B with Bankai | High 7-C, 7-B with Bankai | High 6-C with Shikai, 6-B with Bankai
Name: Renji Abarai
Origin: Bleach
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown, likely 150+ years (scales to Rukia)
Classification: Shinigami, Lieutenant of the 6th Division
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Master Swordsmanship, Whip Mastery, Pseudo Flight, Spiritual Awareness (Can see invisible spirits and objects), Extrasensory Perception (Can sense beings with Reiatsu), Longevity, Can take his reiryoku and exert it as reiatsu, Statistics Amplification (Can use Shunpo to boost his speed), Dimensional Travel (With Senkaimon), Energy Manipulation and Energy Projection with Hadō 31 and his Bankai, BFR (Shinigami can transfer the souls of the dead to either Soul Society or Hell depending on the deeds they've committed when they were alive with their Zanpakuto), Soul Manipulation (Shinigami can directly damage souls with their Zanpakutō), Invisibility, Non-Physical Interaction (Can harm and interact with intangible spirits and objects), Overwhelming Aura (Spiritual pressure can passively induce ailments ranging from paralysis to fear inducement), Resistance to Soul Manipulation and High Temperatures (Able to bathe in Kirinjo's hot spring, and without protection the water can cause the spiritual being's bodies to erode and rupture from exposure to the waters)
Attack Potency: Large Building Level (Superior to Ichigo, Shikai can increase the user power by several times in some cases up to 10x/comparable to a resurrection) | City Level (Up to 10x stronger than Shikai, could one shot Yylfordt Granz, far superior to Bankai Ikkaku, could somewhat match a Base Captain, should be consider a Grade 4 fighter when his Bankai is activated.)| Large Island Level (Could match Full Power Cheer Mask de masculine who at this point was dozens of times stronger than Bankai Kensei) | Country Level (Comparable to Bazz-B who easily one shot Shikai Toshiro with less than 10% of his power also hundreds of times stronger than Kensei by Masculine statement, one shot Mask de Masculine even after multiple Power boost, up to 10x stronger than Shikai)
Speed: Massively Hypersonic
Lifting Strength: At Least Class M ( Stronger than Abirama Redder and Meninas)
Striking Strength: Large Building Level | City Level | City Level | Country Level
Durability: Small Building | Town Level | Large Island level
Stamina: Very High (During his fight with Byakuya, Renji is hit directly by every blade from Senbonzakura Kageyoshi, and when he continues to fight he is pierced by five more blades. Even after such terrible damage, he makes a last ditch effort attack, almost piercing Byakuya with Zabimaru, and finally falls defeated. He had enough confidence in his resiliency to use a full-power Hadō #31 on Szayelaporro at point-blank range, willingly taking damage as well)
Range: Extended melee range with Zanpakuto in sealed state, several dozen metres with Shikai (has shown to extend to such lengths), greater with Bankai.
Standard Equipment: His Zanpakutō, Zabimaru, Ōken clothing and goggles.
Intelligence: Gifted. Renji is highly skilled in various swordsmanship techniques. He was trained by the 3rd Seat of the 11th Division Ikkaku Madarame when he was relocated to his division. Before becoming a lieutenant, his skills were great enough to fight on par with Ikkaku's Shikai and earn the rank of 6th Seat Officer in the 11th Division. Renji is able to hold his own against captain-level fighters, and is one of three lieutenants to have attained Bankai (alongside Chōjirō Sasakibe and Rukia Kuchiki)
Weaknesses: Renji's not good at using kido to the point that creating a simple energy blast will blow up in his face.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
Shikai: The initial release to a Shinigami's Zanpakutō. It is activated by a command while declaring the name of the Zanpakutō Spirit. It changes the shape of the Zanpakutō and/or granting special abilities.
Bankai: The ultimate and final release to a Zanpakutō. The difference in power between Shikai and Bankai is generally around 5-10 times more powerful. Even though Bankai is the final stage of a Zanpakutō, it does not mean the Shinigami's growth ends there. A Bankai, especially one recently obtained, can evolve even further as its Shinigami gets stronger.
Kidō: Spells casted by Shinigami with strong enough Reiryoku and Reiryoku control. Kidō is divided into mainly three categories: Hadō for attacks, Bakudō for battle support and Kaidō for healing. The spells are ranking from 1-99 with 1 being the weaker and easier spells to cast and 99 being the most powerful and difficult to cast. Skilled users can cast Kidō without the need of an incantation; however, casting without incantation does reduce the Kidō's effectiveness less than a third of it's full potential.
Shunpo: A Shinigami movement technique which allows the user to move faster than the eye can follow. As speed is the main factor of the technique, the method is best characterized by how fast one can get from point A to point B in the least amount of steps.
Higa Zekkō: Renji can use his spiritual power to levitate the disconnected or broken segments of Zabimaru into the air, allowing him to execute a one-shot omni-directional attack at the cost of greatly damaging Zabimaru, making it a last ditch effort.
Bankai: Sōō Zabimaru: Zabimaru gains special techniques when in Bankai form.
- Sōō Zabimaru, Zaga Teppō: After impaling the enemy with his blade, Renji clenches his fist, forming jaws of spiritual energy. These jaws then close down on the enemy, forming the visage of a large, serpentine skull, crushing them with its fangs. Simultaneously, Renji fires a blast of spiritual energy through the enemy. The attack is powerful enough to reduce its target to ashes.
Hadō #31: Shakkahō: The caster generates a high temperature fire ball in their hand that they can fire towards a target. It can be even used as a source of light in the dark.
Bankai: Hihiō Zabimaru: Zabimaru's original Bankai state.
- Bankai Reconstruction: Unlike its Shikai, Zabimaru's segments are held together by Renji's spiritual power, allowing him to separate and reattach them at will. The segments themselves are extremely tough, making it extremely difficult to destroy Hihiō Zabimaru. Even if a segment is damaged, knocked off, or destroyed, Renji can simply detach it and reform Zabimaru.
Hikotsu Taihō: Renji fires a dense blast of concentrated spiritual energy from Zabimaru's mouth. The technique requires a substantial amount of energy from Renji, which usually breaks the segments out of formation in the aftermath.
Reiatsu Ropes: Renji can separate his Bankai segments and use them to surround his opponent. By linking the segments together again with his Reiatsu, Renji is able to bind the target.
Key: Substitute Shinigami Arc 20% | Soul Society Arc | Arrancar Arc | 1000 Year Blood war |