Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
Lego Absorbing man


Carl Creel drank a drink with asgardian ingredients that turned him into the villain, Absorbing man.

Powers and stats[]

Tier: 6-B

Name: Carl Creel, Carl Crusher Creel, Absorbing man

Origin: Lego marvel games. Earth 13122.

Gender: Male

Age: 28

Classification: Super villain

Powers and abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics

Attack Potency: Country as he scales to the hulk who hurt the statue of liberty

Speed: Massively hypersonic as he scales to Hulk who can move at that speed

Lifting Strength: super human

Striking Strength Country class

Durability: Country

Stamina: High as he scales to the hulk

Range: Standard melee, extended melee range with wrecking ball

Standard equipment: wrecking ball

Intelligence: Above average human

Weaknesses: None noted.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
