Adam is one of the seven Seeds of Life that was sent by the Far Ancestral Race to spawn life across the universe. He landed on earth, however, a second seed of life, Lilith, landed shortly after. The FAR do not like two seeds of life on one planet, because it could fuse the Fruit of Life and Knowledge and potentially create a god-like being (Adam carries the Fruit of Life, Lilith the Fruit of Knowledge). In order to prevent this, a weapon known as the Spear of Longinus is used to incapacitate one of the seeds of life. However, Lilith's spear broke, and so it was Adam's spear that activated, impaling him and denying him the rightful rule of earth.
In 2000 AD, Adam is reawakened in an Experiment where human DNA is inserted into him. However, this went horribly wrong, as Adam immediately generated an Anti-A.T. Field, removing the A.T. Fields of the Lilin and thus reverting them back to LCL and freeing their souls. The Lance of Longinus then impaled Adam, causing him to explode which kills billions of people, melted the Antarctic ice caps and tilts the earth's axis. The event reverted Adam into an embryo, which Adam's children, the Angels, would soon attempt to find and thus cause a Third Impact that would allow their branch of life to inherit the earth.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: Low 5-B, higher with A.T. Field
Name: Adam, The First Angel, The First Apostle (In supplementary material)
Origin: Evangelion
Age: Billions of years old (Adam was already on earth before Lilith had arrived, 4 billion years ago)
Gender: Unknown, possibly Male
Classification: Angel/Apostle, Seed of Life
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Large Size (Type 1 - The Evangelions, which are clones of Adam, stand 70 - 80 meters tall, Type 3 with Wings of Light), Immortality (Types 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8 - The Evangelions, which are clones of Adam, will live forever. The core of an angel is their only vital point, as long as it remains, they can survive and regenerate from any damage. After the Second Impact, Adam's soul was salvaged and put into a human vessel, named Kaworu Nagisa), Acrobatics (The Eva Units, which are clones of Adam, are portrayed as being very agile and acrobatic for their large size), Accelerated Development & Reactive Evolution (Upscaled from Sandalphon, who is adapted to the high heat and high pressure environment of a volcano, and metamorphosed into an adult from larval form in seconds, and Ireul, who adapted to high concentrations of ozone and even began to absorb it to grow stronger. Angels are capable of learning and evolving), Light Emission (Adam's body glows a bright white hue, as seem from clips of him during the flashback of the Second Impact), Body Control (Adam manifested 4 Wings of Light during the Second Impact, which stretched to the stratosphere), Forcefield Creation (While the A.T. Fields of the Lilin are weak and only help to keep their form, those of the angels can manifest as a powerful barrier that cannot be penetrated by any conventional weapon. Only another A.T. Field can bypass the latter), Shockwave Generation (Angels can use their A.T. Fields offensively in the form of shockwaves), Self-Quantum Manipulation and Shapeshifting (A person's ego boundary is what forms their shape and keeps it from breaking down. Also, as shown by Shinji and other Lilin as a whole they are able to reform their bodies after being turned into a quantum state/pure LCL. Angels scale to Humanity as they share the same nature because of the latter being the 18th Angel/Lilin, furthermore they possess a stronger A.T. Field, which is shown to be the ego boundary during the events of the Third Impact), Regeneration (Mid, Low-High overtime - Upscaled from the Mass Production Evas, who were able to recover from bisection, decapitation and having their necks snapped by Unit-02 in a relatively short amount of time, and hypothetically he can regenerate using just his core given enough time. It is implied that he was regenerating back to his former self after his explosion during the Second Impact), Levitation (Upscaled from Angels who can use their A.T. Fields for levitation), Self-Sustenance (All Types - Angels are blessed with limitless motive energy from the S² Engines inside of their cores and are not portrayed as requiring oxygen to maintain metabolic function), Dimensional Storage (Adam holds the unborn souls of his progeny within his Chamber of Guf, when he was awakened during the Second Impact, he opened this Chamber and bestowed souls upon his children before closing the Chamber once more), Possibly Soul BFR (It is possible that the souls that were freed from the bodies of the Lilin during the Second Impact were transferred to Adam's Chamber of Guf), Life Manipulation (As a seed of life, Adam is capable of populating entire planets with his descendants. The 15 angels are all children of Adam who seeked him out so as to cause a third impact and have Adam be the sole ruler of the earth), Terraforming (If Adam had successfully wiped out the Lilin, his own branch would populate the earth, which would drastically change the surface of the earth from when Lilith’s own life inhabited it), Durability Negation, Soul Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Identity-Negation and Quantum Deconstruction (Anti-A.T. Fields reduce matter to quarks, And remove A.T. Fields, the fields that keep living beings separate and maintaining their individually, causing those affected to revert back to LCL/quantum state and have their souls freed from their bodies. The Anti-A.T. Field is effective on the Lilin despite their ability to reform their bodies from LCL with high conscious effort). Spatial Manipulation (A.T. Fields are stated in supplementary material to warp 3-Dimensional Space (see first cited scan). His A.T. Field should be superior to Leliel’s, whose inverted A.T. Field supports a Dirac Sea. Upscaled from Berserk Unit-01, who destroyed Leliel's body. Anti-A.T. Fields invert dimensional values), Attack Reflection (Upscaled from Ramiel, whose A.T. Field can reflect light), Power Nullification (Upscaled from Kaworu, who can use his A.T. Field to block out and nullify all forms of energy and matter, including incoming light, electromagnetism and subatomic particles. within a certain radius), Limited Technological Manipulation (Upscaled from Matarael and Sahaquiel, who can use their A.T. Fields to jam communications), Body Puppetry (Upscaled from Kaworu, who can control Evangelion units), Energy Projection via Light Manipulation (Upscaled from Sachiel, Israfel and Zeruel, who can fire blasts of energy from their eyes, which are referred to as Rays of Light in supplementary material. He should also be able to produce violent explosions from the blasts like Zeruel can. Arael was able to project their A.T. Field as a ray of light to make Asuka relive her worst memories), Telepathy (Upscaled from Leliel, Arael and Armisael, all of whom were trying to communicate with the Eva Pilots), Resistance to Power Nullification (Upscaled from Zeruel, who could resist having his A.T. Field nullified by Asuka), Soul Manipulation, Mind Manipulation and Quantum Deconstruction (Upscaled from the Evas, who were able to resist the effects of an Anti-A.T. Field during the events of the Third Impact), Hot and Cold Temperatures and Cosmic Radiation (Was awakened in Antarctica, and didn't appear to be bothered by the freezing temperatures. Upscaled from Arael and Sahaquiel who were unaffected by the adverse conditions of space. Upscaled from Zeruel, who was able to tank an N2 mine even without his A.T. Field, N2 Mines are likely comparable in temperature to nuclear bombs), Limited Resistance to Matter Manipulation (Angels are made of Particle Wave Matter (PWM), which has the properties of both matter and light, as opposed to conventional matter, which would allow them to resist matter manipulation to some extent), Limited Resistance to Information Analysis (Numerical expression and measurement of Anti A.T. Fields is impossible)
Attack Potency: Small Planet Level (Adam, along with Lilith, are god-like beings who stand as the two strongest characters within the Evangelion setting, being vastly superior to their progeny and would thus upscale any feats that they perform. Evangelion Unit-01 upon acquiring the Fruit of Life attains a level of existence equal to that of Adam, meaning that he would scale to the former's feat of harming Lilith-Rei, who is Low 5-B via sheer size), higher with A.T. Field. Can negate durability with Anti-A.T. Field
Speed: Supersonic movement speed (Upscaled from Unit-01, who was able to move this fast as they approached a descending Sahaquiel, though it should be noted that Unit-01 is made from Lilith, not Adam), with FTL+ combat speed, attack speed and reactions (Possesses the optic blasts of Sachiel, Israfel and Zeruel, which are consistently stated to be rays of light in the supplementary material, and Arael’s mind probing A.T. Field which is projected as a ray of light. Upscaled from Unit-00, who was able to intercept Ramiel’s particle beam, which moves at 99% light speed, and who should be comparable to Units 01 and 02, who were able to dodge Israfel’s optic blasts mid combat. Superior to Angels who are shown to be relative or even superior to the Evas, such as Zeruel, who was able to blitz Unit-02 and Unit-01. Upscaled from Berserk Unit-01, who was able to react to Zeruel’s arms, which were used in blitzing Unit-02. Is equal to Awakened Unit-01, who should be superior in speed to her berserk self)
Lifting Strength: Class T (Is equal to Awakened Eva 01, who, after obtaining the Fruit of Life from Zeruel and ascending to Godhood should be as strong as Lilith-Rei, who off of sheer size is able to lift 128 trillion metric tons)
Striking Strength: Small Planet Level
Durability: Small Planet Level (Awakened Eva 01, who was able to harm Lilith-Rei, was considered equal to Adam. Due to Newton’s third law this would scale to her durability as well), higher with A.T. Field. Immortality and Regeneration make him very difficult to kill
Stamina: Infinite (Adam, like the rest of his children, has a limitless supply of energy at his disposal, thanks to the S² Engine in his Core)
Range: Tens of Meters by virtue of sheer size, Hundreds of Meters with Optic Blasts, Tens of Kilometers with Wings of Light (Adam manifested 4 Wings of Light during the Second Impact, which extended as far high up as the as the stratosphere), Tens of Kilometres with Power Negation A.T. Field (Upscaled from Kaworu, whose deployed A.T. Field can filter out all incoming light, electromagnetism, and sub-atomic particles from entering into Terminal Dogma, blocking out communications from the upper levels of the GeoFront), Tens of Kilometres with Cruciform Blasts (Upscaled from Sachiel and Zeruel), Hundreds of Kilometres with Mind Probing A.T. Field (Upscaled from Arael, who can use their A.T. Field as a mind probing technique from orbit), Planetary with Anti-A.T. Field (Had the Spear of Longinus not stopped Adam in time, his Anti-A.T. Field would have wiped out all life on earth, down to the smallest virus), Interdimensional with Chamber of Guf
Standard Equipment: Anti-A.T. Field
Intelligence: Adam does not display any intelligence feats during the flashback of the Second Impact, but is implied to be sapient, as his actions of opening his Chamber of Guf to bestow souls upon his children, on top of his manifestation of an Anti-A.T. Field all suggest that he was trying to reclaim the Earth from Lilith-based lifeforms. This idea is heavily supported by the Angels actively seeking their progenitor in order to initiate a third impact and wipe out all of humanity and other organisms. The angels themselves are generally uncommunicative, with inexpressive forms that make it difficult to interpret their emotions, but are referenced in supplementary material as having the ability to learn. Zeruel in particular displays a form of wit, as he was intelligent enough to figure out that he had to somehow bypass Central Dogma's self-destruct system. He was also the only angel that displayed direct hostility to humans, attempting to kill NERV personnel only being stopped by Shinji Ikari piloting Unit-01. This hostility is likely due to the humans being derived from Lilith, who is the unrighteous inheritor of the earth and thus the humans were seen as a rival by Zeruel. Leliel, Arael and Armisael are angels who engage the pilots in some form of communication, suggesting that the three were attempting to understand mankind. Kaworu, who possesses Adam's soul, is shown to be highly intelligent, as he is presented as highly insightful and knowledgeable in human culture (he is first seem humming to the tune of Ode to Joy, Beethoven's musical adaption to the poem of the same name written by Friedrich Schiller), and also the concepts of love and loneliness. He was able to deceive the entirety of NERV by posing as the Fifth Children, sent supposedly to replace the incapacitated Asuka Langley Soryu as the pilot of Eva Unit-02, although Misato Katsuragi was suspicious of him early onto his arrival. He had a greater knowledge of A.T. Fields compared to a good number of NERV personnel. And so with all aforementioned things considered, it is pretty safe to say that Adam is very intelligent, even despite possessing the Fruit of Life as opposed to the Fruit of Knowledge.
Weaknesses: The core of an Angel, once breached, means the absolute certainty of death for the Angel involved, however it should be noted that Adam has survived having his core being penetrated by the Spear of Longinus before, and it was even implied that he was gradually regenerating back to his former self after he exploded as a result of the Spear penetrating the organ once more.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
(S² = Super Solenoid Engine; also known as the "Fruit of Life"): An elusive double-helical organ, traditionally possessed by only Adam and its progeny, the Angels. This "engine" organ is responsible for the perpetual energy supply that the Angels can utilize, along with the vast majority of their exotic physiological powers (including levitation, regeneration and energy-projection). Appears to be the key to inverting "A.T. Fields" and projecting an "Anti A.T. Field" also, as well as accessing the "Dirac sea"
- A.T. Field: The intangible light of the soul in the physical world, A.T. Fields are possessed by all living beings on NGE-Earth and are one of the major aspects of the human psyche that defines someone as "individual" and "protect" them from the intrusion of another's feelings. However, the Evangelion Units and the Angels are unique in the ability to generate A.T. Fields that are corporeal and occasionally visible to the naked eye, possibly due to a large amount of innate energy contained in their souls. Their A.T. Fields mostly function as a physical defence: a forcefield consisting of concentric octagonal yellow lines. The barrier is almost perfect, only being temporarily disrupted from its active state by incredibly energetic weapons (such as military-grade positron beams and "N² Weapons") or erosion by another corporeal A.T. Field that is superior in strength. If left alone after initial disruption, the A.T. Field will revive its durability almost instantly as long as the user is still alive, making it a regenerative barrier. The transition from a dormant A.T. Field to an active Field is indicated by a slight atmospheric blurring. Adam should possess all of the heightened capabilities of Tabris, given that its salvaged soul is the reason behind Kaworu's incredibly powerful "A.T. Field" in the first place.
- Anti A.T. Field: Evangelion Units with the possession of a "S² Engine" and sufficiently intelligent Angels are capable of inverting the dimensional values of their own "A.T. Field", triggering a tremendous explosion of energy entering well into the gigaton range even for the weakest users. An "Anti A.T. Field" projection also has the added ability of dematerializing all "A.T. Fields" (intangible or corporeal) within its area-of-effect, resulting in the dissolution of regular organic matter into LCL fluid (affectionally referred to as orange tang) and the mass removal of souls from the physical form. Beings composed of an alternative type of matter (such as synthetics or the elusive particle-wave matter seen in the NGE-verse) are unaffected by the dissolution/soul-removal half of an "Anti A.T. Field" projection. In the case of the "First Angel", its "Anti A.T. Field" has enough power to affect the entirety of Earth's surface, and even when its "S² Engine" (The power which the "Anti A.T. Field" generates from) collapses and greatly weakens its power, Adam still manages to completely obliterate the continent of Antarctica and wipe out all lifeforms (Even microbes and bacteria) in the surrounding Southern Ocean, rendering it as a permanent "deadhouse" for unborn souls, while the Doors of Guf are apertures which manifest on Adam's palms and function as simple "gateways" between the Chamber and the physical universe. Adam essentially stores the necessary souls inside for bestowing life on to its children/creations, indicating to have given birth to the Angels with this method, before sealing the Doors up when the supply of souls was extinguished. It is likely that the mass soul removal effect intended out of a standard "Anti A.T. Field" is to provide a new supply of souls to Adam's "Chamber of Guf".
- Cruciform Explosion: Adam is known to possess this technique, due to the fact that at least the majority of the Evangelion Units are modelled out of the "First Angel"s blueprints and DNA. This cross-shaped energy attack towers above the surrounding landscape, reaching kilometers at least in height and has the destructive capacity to generate at least megatons of energy in output.
- Regeneration: Adam possesses the ability to recover or revive lost portions of its body. While it does not demonstrate the ability in the flashback sequences to "Second Impact" (as the organ that enables regenerative capabilities, the "S² Engine", had been critically damaged), Adam is known to have survived the enormous explosion by regressing into an embryonic state, fossilized in frozen bakelite, and the Director's Cut edition of Episode 23 from the original TV series may imply that the "First Angel" was very gradually regenerating into its original form.[1]
Chamber & Doors of Guf [Hebrew] (Chamber & Doors of the Celestial Body): While the context of "Guf" within the NGE continuity has never been clearly defined, it is heavily implied that the Chamber of Guf represents a separate dimension (similar to the Dirac sea) which functions as a "storehouse" for unborn souls, while the Doors of Guf are apertures which manifest on Adam's palms and function as simple "gateways" between the Chamber and the physical universe. Adam essentially stores the necessary souls inside for bestowing life on to its children/creations, indicating to have given birth to the Angels with this method, before sealing the Doors up when the supply of souls was extinguished. It is likely that the mass soul removal effect intended out of a standard "Anti A.T. Field" is to provide a new supply of souls to Adam's "Chamber of Guf".
Notable Matchups[]
Victories: King Ghidorah (MonsterVerse)