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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki


Agate Crosner, also known as the Heavenly Sword, is a Bracer in the Liberl and Erebonia branches. He later joins Estelle in order to help her solve mysterious incidents brought about by Ouroboros' Enforcers and to try to put a stop to the mysterious organisation for good.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 2-A

Name: Agate Crosner, Heavenly Sword

Origin: The Legend of Heroes: Trails of the Sky

Gender: Male

Age: 24 (Trails in the Sky FC), 25 (Trails in the Sky the 3rd), 28 (Trails of Cold Steel 3)

Classification: Bracer

Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Weapon Mastery (Agate is a master at using his greatsword), Fire Manipulation (With Draguna Edge and Beat Down, Agate can light his greatsword on fire before swinging it at the opponent), Explosion Manipulation (With Dragon Fall, Agate can create a massive eruption of fire), Statistics Amplification (With Wild Rage, Agate can increase his attack and regain some CP in exchange from some health), Non-Physical Interaction, Extrasensory Perception (Is able to see and harm spirits and ghosts)

Elemental Manipulation, Fire Manipulation, Ice Manipulation, Water Manipulation, Air Manipulation, Electricity Manipulation, Earth Manipulation, Illusion Manipulation, Time Manipulation, Spatial Manipulation (Agate is able to use all element types of Quartz which include Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Time, Space and Mirage), Light Manipulation, Death Manipulation, Soul Manipulation, Black Hole Generation (Can create a black hole that swallows up time and space with Lost Genesis), Forcefield Creation, Attack Reflection (With Crescent Mirror, Agate can produce a forcefield that can reflect one magic attack back at the opponent and with Adamantine Shield, Agate can produce a forcefield that negates one attack), Precognition (With Insight status effect, Agate can see into the future so he can dodge opponent's attacks easier), Sleep Manipulation, Status Effect Inducement, Emotional Manipulation (Can drive someone into despair with Grim Butterfly), Fear Manipulation, Petrification, Poison Manipulation, Statistics Reduction, Power Nullification, Perception Manipulation, Healing, Causality Manipulation (Higher Elemental Quartz like Space, Time and Mirage can influence and distort causality itself)

Resistance to Elemental Manipulation, Fire Manipulation, Ice Manipulation, Water Manipulation, Air Manipulation, Electricity Manipulation, Earth Manipulation, Time Manipulation, Light Manipulation, Spatial Manipulation, Death Manipulation, Status Effect Inducement, Emotional Manipulation, Fear Manipulation, Poison Manipulation, Statistics Reduction, Power Nullification, Perception Manipulation, Causality Manipulation, Acid Manipulation (Can fight against the Dissolution Slug which uses its stomach acid to dissolve its prey), Madness Manipulation (Can fight against the Acerbic Tomartian which spews out tomato juices that are so bitter it drives people insane and the Shadow Spirit who gives an opponent a maddening nightmare if they hear it), Soul Manipulation (Can fight against the Hell Rabbit who can steal an opponent's soul when it stabs them with its spines and Nosferatu who has the authority over souls which it devours), Existence Erasure (Can fight against the Orderbelisk which uses powerful space arts to erase opponents from existence), Sleep Manipulation (Can fight against the Ghost Soul and the Pit Demon which can both lull an opponent into an eternal sleep), Illusion Creation (Can fight against the Fate Spinner which able to make an opponent experience hallucinations after attacking them with its poisonous liquid), Fragrance Manipulation (Can fight against the Platinum Bug which is able to produce a horrid stench that can make an opponent faint), Disease Manipulation (Can fight against the Zesvia which is believed to be the cause of countless plagues), Perception Manipulation (Can fight against the Pit Cerberus which can use deadly miasma which removes an opponents vision), Petrification (Can fight against the Polyjelly which can turn an opponent to stone with just a touch), Fire Manipulation, Heat Manipulation (Can fight against the Surtr which has a sword so hot that it can boil steel), Ice Manipulation (Can fight against the Frost Biter who can turn an opponent to ice with just a touch), Paralysis Inducement, Fear Manipulation (Can fight against the Double Sickle which can paralyse people in fear by howling and the Basilisk Starer which is able to generate so much fear in a person that they die just with its stare), Petrification, Corrosion Inducement, Matter Manipulation (Can take hits from Unsurtr Maris which has breath that petrifies people and a howl that corrodes away matter)

Attack Potency: Multiverse level+ (Is comparable to Lloyd Bannings who managed to defeat the Azure Demiourgos whose body contains the World of Zero, a world which contains all of the infinite possibilities that can occur with each of these possibilities being described as their own worlds)

Speed: FTL (Can dodge Millium's Riot Beam which is stated to be a beam of light)

Lifting Strength: Superhuman (Scales to Rean Schwarzer who is able to reel and pull in a monster that is several times his own size)

Striking Strength: Multiverse level+

Durability: Multiverse level+ (Can take hits from people that are equal to him like Estelle Bright, Joshua Bright, Duvalie the Swift and Shirley Orlando

Stamina: Superhuman (Can fight through dungeons filled with monsters)

Range: Standard melee range, Extended melee range with Greatsword, Several metres to Tens of metres with Quartzs

Standard Equipment: Greatsword, Battle Orbment, Quartzs

Intelligence: Above Average

Weaknesses: None Notable

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Quartz: Quartz are crystals that are made up of septium fragments. Inserting one into Agate's Battle Orbment will allow him to use special Arts. Arts are separated into seven categories, Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, Time, Space and Mirage each of which has Arts that can deal damage to opponents, increase Agate's stats, buff up allies and inflict status effects on opponents.

  • Needle Shoot: Agate forms a big rock spike which stabs into the opponent.
  • Earth Lance: Agate forms multiple rock spikes to shoot out of the ground to stab the opponent.
  • Grand Press: Agate creates a small isolated earthquake where the opponent is standing.
  • Yggdrasil: Agate creates a tree that stabs the opponent with its roots.
  • Ancient Glyph: Agate drops a large stone slab on top of the opponent.
  • Earth Pulse: Agate makes the Earth heal an ally that repeatedly activates every so often.
  • Crest: Agate raises the defence of one ally by using the Earth.
  • La Crest: Agate raises the defence of everyone in an area by using the power of the Earth.
  • Adamantine Shield: Agate creates a rock forcefield that protects an ally from one attack.

  • Defence 1: Agate's defence is increased by a little.
  • Defence 2: Agate's defence is increased by a bit.
  • Defence 3: Agate's defence is increased by a lot.

  • Poison: Agate poisons the opponent making them take damage every so often.
  • Petrify: Agate turns the opponent to stone and prevents them from being able to act.
  • Shield Breaker: Agate lowers the defence of the opponent by twenty-five percent.

    • Aqua Bleed: Agate fires a small stream of water at the opponent.
    • Frost Edge: Agate creates a group of ice shards that fly into the opponent to stab them.
    • Hydro Cannon: Agate fires a massive amount of water in a compressed stream at the opponent.
    • Crystal Flood: Agate creates a frozen river that harms the opponent.
    • Maelstrom: Agate creates a storm of water that harms the opponent
    • Tear: Agate heals a small amount of an ally's health.
    • Teara: Agate heals a medium amount of an ally's health.
    • Tearal: Agate heals a lot of an ally's health.
    • Thelas: Agate revives an ally and recovers a small amount of health.
    • Athelas: Agate revives an ally and recovers a large amount of health.
    • Curia: Agate heals an ally of any negative status effect they are suffering from.

  • HP 1: Agate's health is increased by a little.
  • HP 2: Agate's health is increased by a lot.
  • Shield 1: Agate's magical defence is increased by a little.
  • Shield 2: Agate's magical defence is increased by a bit.
  • Shield 3: Agate's magical defence is increased by a lot.

  • Mute: Agate mutes the opponent that prevents them from using magic.
  • Freeze: Agate freezes the opponent in a block of ice which harms them.
  • Spirit Breaker: Agate lowers the special attack of the opponent by twenty-five percent.

    • Fire Bolt: Agate fires a fireball at the opponent.
    • Heat Wave: Agate creates a wall of fire which harms the opponent.
    • Flame Tongue: Agate creates a fire eruption from the ground which harms the opponent.
    • Volcanic Rain: Agate rains down balls of fire on top of the opponent.
    • Flare Bomb: Agate launches a giant fireball at the opponent which explodes.
    • Purgatorial Flame: Agate creates a giant pillar of fire to burn the opponent.
    • Impassion: Agate raises an ally's spirit which restores their stamina every so often.
    • Heat Up: Agate removes a debuff from one ally and restores a small part of their stamina.
    • Forte: Agate raises an ally's attack.
    • La Forte: Agate raises the attack of everyone in an area.

  • Attack 1: Agate's attack is increased by a little.
  • Attack 2: Agate's attack is increased by a bit.
  • Attack 3: Agate's attack is increased by a lot.

  • Seal: Agate prevents the opponent from using any special skills.
  • Burn: Agate sets the opponent on fire.
  • Sword Breaker: Agate lowers the attack of the opponent by twenty-five percent.

    • Air Strike: Agate fires a gust of wind at the opponent.
    • Spark Arrow: Agate fires a bolt of lightning at the opponent.
    • Aerial: Agate creates a small isolated tornado that attacks the opponent.
    • Judgement Bolt: Agate fires a bolt of electricity at the opponent.
    • Ragna Vortex: Agate creates a massive tornado that harms the opponent.
    • Breath: Agate creates a wind of air which slowly heals anyone in an area by a little.
    • Holy Breath: Agate creates a wind of air which slowly heals anyone in an area by a lot.
    • Recuria: Agate cures an ally of any status effects.

  • Evade 1: Agate's evasion is increased by a little.
  • Evade 2: Agate's evasion is increased by a lot.
  • Move 1: Agate's movement is increased by a little.
  • Move 2: Agate's movement is increased by a bit.
  • Move 3: Agate's movement is increased by a lot.

  • Blind: Agate blinds the opponent making it impossible for them to hit him.
  • Sleep: Agate puts the opponent to sleep.
  • Leg Breaker: Agate lowers the movement of the opponent by twenty-five percent.

    • Soul Blur: Agate shoots a ball that shakes time and space to harm the opponent.
    • Demonic Scythe: Agate creates a scythe that rips the soul from the opponent.
    • Grim Butterfly: Agate creates a group of butterflies that explode which both harms the opponent a drives them into despair.
    • Shadow Blade: Agate drops swords of darkness that drain the health of whatever damage they deal and give it to Agate.
    • Chrono Drive: Agate manipulates time to increase his and his ally's speed.
    • Chrono Break: Agate manipulates time to decrease the opponent's speed.
    • Chrono Burst: Agate manipulates time so that he and his allies can attack again in quick succession.

  • Action 1: The time between Agate's attacks is decreased by a little.
  • Action 2: The time between Agate's attacks is decreased by a bit.
  • Action 3: The time between Agate's attacks is decreased by a lot.
  • Cast 1: The time it takes for Agate to use a Quartz is decreased by a little.
  • Cast 2: The time it takes for Agate to use a Quartz is decreased by a lot.
  • Impede 1: The time between the opponent's attacks is increased by a little.
  • Impede 2: The time between the opponent's attacks is increased by a lot.

  • Nightmare: Agate puts the opponent to sleep and places them in a nightmare that physically damages them.
  • Speed Breaker: Agate lowers the speed of the opponent by twenty-five percent.

    • Golden Sphere: Agate creates three balls of light that harm the opponent.
    • Dark Matter: Agate creates a vacuum that draws the opponents together and compresses them.
    • Cross Crusade: Agate creates a cross glyph on the ground that fires off a giant pillar of light.
    • Altair Cannon: Agate rains down beams of light from the sky.
    • Fortuna: Agate raises the magical attack and magical defence of one ally.
    • Shining: Agate raises the evasion and accuracy of one ally.
    • Seraphic Ring: Agate fully heals, revives and cures all allies of status effects.

  • EP Cut 1: The amount of EP that Agate uses when he uses a Quartz is decreased by a little.
  • EP Cut 2: The amount of EP that Agate uses when he uses a Quartz is decreased by a little.
  • Hit 1: Agate's accuracy is increased by a little.
  • Hit 2: Agate's accuracy is increased by a lot.

  • Vanish: Agate makes the opponent disappear from the fight.
  • Voice Breaker: Agate lowers the special defence of the opponent by twenty-five percent.

    • Luminous Ray: Agate fires a beam of lights at the opponent.
    • Silver Thorn: Agate drops swords of light from the sky on the opponent.
    • Phantom Phobia: Agate harms the opponent by creating an illusion of death itself.
    • Claiomh Solarion: Agate summons a giant arm that fires beams of energy at the opponent.
    • Analyze: Agate analyzes the opponent to learn how strong they are, what their elemental resistances are and what their status effects resistances are.
    • Saintly Force: Agate raises an ally's attack and defence as well as remove any debuffs of one ally.
    • Crescent Mirror: Agate sets up a forcefield that reflects one magic attack back at the opponent.

  • EP 1: Agate's amount of EP is increased by a little.
  • EP 2: Agate's amount of EP is increased by a lot.
  • Mind 1: Agate's magical attack is increased by a little.
  • Mind 2: Agate's magical attack is increased by a bit.
  • Mind 3: Agate's magical attack is increased by a lot.

  • Confuse: Agate puts the opponent into a state of confusion where they will attack their allies or themselves.

  • Clear Moon Gem: Agate forms a magical circle in the sky in front of the Moon which transforms the Moon's rays into healing rays that heals Agate and all of his allies.
  • Glimmering Star Gem: Agate forms magical gears that alter the flow of time for Agate and his allies so that they are all able to move faster.
  • Roaring Dragon Gem: Agate summons energy from the earth to make three energy dragons that amplify Agate and his allies to full power.
  • Divine Salvation Gem: Agate teleports the opponent to God's Battle where energy swords rain from the sky and create a large pillar of energy that heavily harms the opponent.
  • Searing Sun Gem: Agate forms a miniature Sun in the clouds which falls down on top of the opponent to burn them.

    • Crafts: Crafts are special skills that are unique to the individual. As a Greatsword Wielder, most of Agate's Crafts are reliant on his Greatsword.
    • Draguna Edge: Draguna Edge is a Craft where Agate lights his greatsword on fire and lifts it into the air before slashing down and making a wave of fire shoot forward.
    • Beat Down: Beat Down is a Craft where Agate Agate lights his greatsword on fire before slashing the opponent three times.
    • Wild Rage: Wild Rage is a Craft where Agate Agate raises his attack for a short period and regains some CP in exchange for some of his health.
    • S-Crafts: S-Crafts are the strongest Crafts that someone can use.
    • Dragon Fall: Dragon Fall is an S-Craft where Agate Agate dashes forward before slashing the opponent repeatedly before leaping into the air and making a dragon made of fire before falling down and slashing the opponent, creating a large eruption of fire.