“ | I chose night raid because my heart told me it was the right thing to do. I simply decided to follow the path in which I believe. | „ |
Akame (アカメ, Akame), also known as Akame of the Demon Sword Murasame, is the titular heroine, alongside Tatsumi, and lead anti-heroine of the manga series Akame ga Kill!, as well as the main protagonist of the prequel manga Akame ga Kill! Zero. She also appears as a main supporting character in Hinowa ga Yuku!, mainly as Hinata's personal tutor of swordsmanship and Elder's Class combat tutor. Originally sold to the Empire along with her sister Kurome to be trained as an assassin, Akame eventually defected to the rebels when she was sent to assassinate General Najenda, the leader of Night Raid and joined them to overthrow the corrupt monarchy.
Akame appears to be a very serious and cold-hearted person which stems from her hellish training that the Empire forced her and her sister through, but it is eventually revealed that she is just socially awkward. She cares about her comrades very much and she is always worried that one of them may not make it out alive due to her first-hand experience that war always has a high mortality rate. After Tatsumi fought Ogre, she stripped him of his clothes to check his body for wounds and Akame rushes to Mt. Kageboshi to aid Hinata who was about to be killed by Yomihime. She also tends to hide her emotions when it is revealed that a comrade dies, such as seen with Sheele, making Tatsumi mistakenly and incorrectly assume that she deals with it easily, because she is used to it. However, this prompts her to break into tears saying that she can never be fine when she loses a friend, for it is the most horrible thing of which anyone can experience. She is then comforted by Tatsumi who resolves to not die and never let her experience such pain again, making her smile.
Upon facing her enemies, however, she shows absolutely no mercy towards them shouting words such as "eliminate" and "consign" to show the lack of mercy she has and also to strengthen her resolve to kill them. After donning Murasame's curse, she barely said such words. Akame loves to eat and is surprisingly known to be a big eater (she usually prefers meat from Danger Beasts and fish), much like her sister Kurome. She is passionate about food to the point that Sheele noted how the "usually cool" Akame turned mad when she had burned some meat. Additionally, she is usually in charge of cooking the base's meals. Akame is a person that refuses to take command and refuses promotion unless she was mandated to do so. She takes command of Elite Seven temporarily when Najasho is absent and she takes command of Night Raid's operations when Najenda is away to the Revolutionary Army's Headquarters because she was mandated to takes charge to do so. During her Campaign at Soukai, she refuses promotion to Captain and Ninja by Maruge since she can move freely as a Foot Soldier under Hinata's Command after Battle of Shiranui Fortress.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 10-B to 10-A (Fights off wild dogs), | 9-C (Slaughtered the Sabatini Company), 9-C (Can defeat Land Tigers with ease), 9-A (Comparable to Pony) | 8-C (Superior to Taeko) | 7-C (Comparable to Bulat)
Key: Akame ga Kill! Zero | Akame ga Kill! | Hinowa ga Yuku!
Name: Akame
Origin: Akame ga Kill!
Gender: Female
Age: In her teens[1]
Classification: Human, Assassin, Swordmaster, Member of Night Raid, Elders Class, Akame of The Demon Sword Murasame, Teigu User, Shingu User, Meihou User
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Enhanced Senses, Acrobatics, Sword Mastery (Has shown proficiency with a sword), Martial Arts (Is stated to have been trained in martial arts[2]), Regeneration Negation, Immortality Negation, Curse Manipulation (Type 3; Her shingu Kiriichimonji causes wounds that will never heal negating regeneration completely[3], its said to be a bewitched blade that even the healing medicine created by the Oarburgh clan cannot heal its wounds), Analytical Prediction (Akame was capable of observing the Oarburgh sword-drawing technique and was capable of perfectly countering Taeko by reading her very movements[4]), Indomitable Will (Can slice up The Boss whilst under the knowledge that whatever damage she inflicts will be returned back to her which takes an immense amount of willpower), Resistance to Poison Manipulation likely Corrosion Inducement (Can withstand Martha's poison and its stated they trained to build a resistance to snake venom)
Attack Potency: Average Human Level to Athlete Level (As a small child is capable of killing a pack of wild dogs which are shown to be atleast the size of Kurome, she performs this feat while trying to protect Kurome which implies she wasn't going all out), Athlete Level to Street Level (Completely murders a group of mountain bandits, then later with the help of Tsukushi, kills each member of the Sabatini Company), Street Level (Can easily defeat Land Tigers), Small Building Level (Comparable to Pony, whom can one-shot this large danger beast which is stated to be on the bigger side of its species), Building Level (Is capable of killing Taeko whom can take hits from Crushing King) | Large Town Level (Is capable of matching power and skill with Bulat whom should be superior to BoS Esdeath who performs this feat), higher (Should have gotten stronger between AGK: Zero and AGK),
Speed: Supersonic+ likely Hypersonic (Is significantly faster than Cornelia who should have been atleast relative to her first target who is capable of performing this feat), Supersonic+ likely Hypersonic (Should be superior to Taeko whom Cornelia exclaimed to be faster), Hypersonic (Can keep up with Taeko after she increased her speed so much she was capable of perception blitzing her), higher (Can contest The Boss who's speed is significantly higher than the previous Nubis she fought), Hypersonic+ Massively Hypersonic (Is capable of reacting to a blast fired from Pumpkin by Najenda)
Lifting Strength: Class 50 (Should be superior in strength to Cornelia, whom can do this)
Striking Strength: The attack power of the character's physical attacks/blows (in bold).
Durability: The amount of attack power the character can withstand before being overwhelmed (in bold).
Stamina: Self-explanatory
Range: The distance the character's attacks/abilities can cover.
Standard Equipment: Things the character usually uses, or carries with him.
Intelligence: Self-explanatory
Weaknesses: Self-explanatory
Feats: List all of the character's amazing feats. Strength feats, speed feats, durability feats, etc. You can judge a person's power by their feats.
Notable Attacks/Techniques: A list of some abilities the character generally uses.
Note: Self-explanatory
Explanations (Optional)[]
This section can be used to explain the reasons for the assigned power level of a certain character more in-depth, as well as how the powers and nature of the character fundamentally work. This is particularly useful for more high-tiered characters.
However, it is very important that you make sure that the text has good grammar/sentence structure, and is easy to understand.
Put other pictures of the character here.
Put some minor information about the character here.
Notable Victories:
Put some notable/good matches that result in the character's victory.
Notable Losses:
Put some notable/good matches that result in the character's loss.
Inconclusive Matches:
Put some notable/good matches with the results still unclear.