“ | Now, who am [I]? I am [I], the 9th letter of the alphabet. But I am also [Zero]. ...No, that's not true. I'm not really Zero. Not yet. Perhaps you could say I am... [less than Zero]. Zero is my future. In 9 years... I will be [Zero]. | „ |
~ Akane Kurashiki |
Akane Kurashiki was one of the 18 children taken to participate in the Nonary Game by Gentaro Hongou where she was killed, however, by tapping into the Morphogenetic Field, she managed to exist in the future to create another Nonary Game which could be used to save her life in the past.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 9-A
Name: Akane Kurashiki, June, Zero
Origin: Zero Escape
Gender: Female
Age: 21 (999), 22 (ZTD), 68 (VLR)
Classification: Esper
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Immortality (Type 6, 8 & 9, If Akane's body is ever killed then she can possess her body from another timeline, Akane's mind exists within the 4th Dimension and he can always come), Limited Possession (Can possess the body an alternative timeline version of herself), Extrasensory Perception, Clairvoyance, Telepathy, Higher-Dimensional Physiology (Her mind exists within the 4th Dimension), Dimensional Travel, Time Travel (Can travel backwards in time and to other timelines), Power Bestowal (Someone who can tap into the Morphogenetic Field can grant others this ability by tapping into it near them), Causality Manipulation (Managed to send information to the future which would rewrite her past while keeping history the same), Acausality (Type 2, Espers are able to use their existence of another timeline to exist in a timeline after they die), Precognition (An Esper can send their consciousness into the future to observe it), Power Absorption (Stronger Espers can absorb the power of weaker Espers), Sleep Manipulation (With Soporil)
Attack Potency: Small Building Level (Can harm people like Sigma)
Speed: Subsonic (Scales to Junpei)
Lifting Strength: Athletic Human
Striking Strength: Small Building Level
Durability: Small Building Level (Scales to Sigma who survived a room sized explosion)
Stamina: Average
Range: Standard melee range, Multiversal with Morphogenetic Fields
Standard Equipment: Soporil
Intelligence: Extraordinary Genius (Managed to create the Second Nonary Game on her own and helped to create the Nonary Game: Ambidex Edition, Managed to come up with a correct theory on how Morphogenetic Fields work)
Weaknesses: Akane can only tap into the Morphogenetic Field when she is in danger or she believes she is in danger
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
- Morphogenetic Fields: Akane is an Esper which allows her to access the Morphogenetic Field. The Morphogenetic Field is a higher dimensional plane where all human consciousness resides, by tapping into this field, Akane is able to transmit her thoughts to other Espers and gain information from other espers, even if the esper exists at a different point in time, allowing Akane to rewrite history while not changing causality.
- SHIFTing: By using the Morphogenetic Fields, Akane is able to send her consciousness to a version of herself from an alternative timeline, by using this, Akane is able to gain information that he knows from other timelines.
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: