Akasan, also formerly known as the Dark Angel, is the main protagonist of The Abyss Series, and the current Abyss Lord of the Highwater Divine Realm. From birth, Akasan has never known parental love, or any love for that matter. He did however, have one friend who showed him kindness; Kagami. Seeing how they would struggle for human necessities like food, water, and even shelter, Akasan became motivated to create a world where no one would ever have to be treated unequally, or met with severe misfortune ever again.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 9-C, possibly 9-B with Crimson Fire | 9-A as a Beta Knight | Low 4-C with Sirius Energy | 4-C with Nil | 3-C with the Eyes of Creation and Destruction | 3-C | 3-B, possibly higher with Kamigen | 3-B with Perfect Nil Form | 3-B | 3-A with Crimson Magenta, higher using Quasar | 3-A | High 3-A with True Nil Form | Low 2-C with Form Q | High 1-B | Low 1-A with Crimson Blue | 1-A, higher with Djinn Equip | 1-A | High 1-A using Nihil | High 1-A | 1-S
Age: 39 in the Reinhart Academy Arc
Classification: Human, Demon, God, Angel, Absydian
Powers and Stats: Acausality (Type 4 via Concept of Time, can exist in the immediate past, present, and future at once), Accelerated Development, Acrobatics, Afterimage Creation (via Shadow Step, creates afterimages by moving beyond the speed of light), Anemokinesis, Analytical Prediction (Can predict opponent’s moves based on the slight twitches of their body), Animal Manipulation (Can create living animals and beasts at will), Aquatic Respiration (via Djinn Equip, grows gills underwater), Astroremkinesis (Can create and manipulate planets, stars, and galaxies), Aura, Automatic Translation (can decipher any language merely by hearing it), Avatar Creation (Can create perfect human bodies, and bodies of other races), Berserker Mode, Beyond-Dimensional Physiology (Could move and fight inside of the Mirror Plane, a metaphysical realm consisting of infinite dimensional layers, each layer transcending the previous), Limited Biological Manipulation (via Creation, can re-create living cells and create living bodies perfectly from the cellular level), BFR (via Realm, can create realm portals of any size to trap someone inside), Black Hole Generation (Can create quasars and black holes of any size), Body Control, Breath Attack, Conceptual Manipulation (Can create the Concept of Time and apply it to other objects, Destroyed Nyx’s Zenith Warriors, which were stated to be conceptual beings), Corruption (via Imperium, an ability that inflicts one’s will onto another, altering their mental state and even changing their memories and personality), Cosmic Awareness, Creation, Danmaku, Limited Death Manipulation (via Necromancy, can bring people back to life by applying souls to newly-created bodies), Density Manipulation, Dimensional Storage (via Realm), Dimensional Travel, Durability Negation (via Soul Manipulation, and Conceptual Manipulation), Earth Manipulation, Electricity Manipulation (Can generate 500 septillion gigavolts of electricity), Elemental Manipulation, Energy Manipulation, Enhanced Senses (via Sixth Sense), Enhanced Swimming (via Djinn Equip, stated to swim as fast as any fish), Existence Erasure (via Destruction, an energy opposite to Creation, as just like all things can be created from nothing, all things can also be reduced to nothing, also via Nihil, an energy that can erase even concepts), Explosion Manipulation, Extrasensory Perception (via Sixth Sense), Fear Manipulation (via Rigor Mortis, induces weaker opponents with a sense of dread and inferiority), Fire Manipulation, Fissionism (via Quasar, can pull apart living matter from the atomic level, and can separate souls from bodies), Flight, Forcefield Creation, Genius Intelligence (Stated to be a genius amongst geniuses, has absolute knowledge over all forces and elements in the universe down to the atomic level), Glyph Creation (via Magic Circle, created a new set of glyphs to code magic spells in infinite ways), Healing (By harnessing the power of the Djinn, Reini, Akasan can heal wounds and minor injuries. Using Creation, he can regrow lost limbs or damaged organs), Heat Manipulation, Higher-Dimensional Manipulation (Destroyed the Mirror Plane, containing infinite layers of dimensionality), Holy Manipulation, Ice Manipulation, Limited Illusion Creation (via Shadow Step, creates afterimages that seem real until contact is made), Information Analysis, Limited Intangibility (via Spatial Manipulation), Law Manipulation, Life Manipulation, Magic, Magnetism Manipulation, Martial Arts, Matter Manipulation, Memory Manipulation (via Imperium), Metal Manipulation, Mind Control (via Imperium), Mind Manipulation (via Imperium), Mind Reading (By matching the electromagnetic waves found in brains, he can hear and see what others think), Limited Necromancy (Can revive souls in new bodies, but cannot create undead), Organic Manipulation, Pain Suppression, Paralysis Inducement (via Rigor Mortis), Physics Manipulation, Plasma Manipulation, Pocket Reality Manipulation (via Realm), Power Mimicry, (Can copy techniques after seeing them once, can also copy individual energies, but only energies accessible through genetic relation), Resurrection, Reactive Power Level, Rage Power, Quantum Manipulation, Sealing, Self-Sustenance (Can go long times without the need to eat or sleep), Social Influencing (He is incredibly charismatic without knowing so, his personality draws others towards him), Soul Manipulation, Sound Manipulation (via Thunder Manipulation), Spatial Manipulation, Spin Attack (via Crimson Tornado), Summoning, Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Telepathy (via Magnetism Manipulation), Teleportation, Time Manipulation (via Stasis and Concept of Time), Limited Time Stop (via Stasis, but can only affect an area as large as the Stasis Sphere), Transformation, Unholy Manipulation, Vibration Manipulation, Water Manipulation, Weapon Creation, Weather Manipulation, Willpower Manipulation (via Imperium), Resistance to: Most forms of Manipulation, excluding Plot Manipulation, Fate Manipulation, Void Manipulation, and Probability Manipulation
Attack Potency: Street level (Can generate Crimson Fire, which burns hotter than any flame, so it should be able to melt concrete), Small Building level+ (Much stronger than before, defeated hundreds of biotechnological soldiers capable of killing Beta Knights), Small Star level+ (After unlocking Sirius Energy, Akasan became able to use the attack Sirius Star, which has the potency of a real star without the size), Star level+ (Much stronger than before, uses Nil, an energy far more potent than Sirius Energy. Nullified and destroyed Apollo’s Capella, a star that was the size of an entire city, far superior to Akasan’s Sirius Star), Galaxy level+ (Defeated Andromeda, who was stated to be able to destroy the Andromeda Galaxy by herself), Galaxy level+ (Should be comparable to Jack the Ripper, who previously overpowered him at his strongest while amped with rage, Akasan later came back with the Kamigen, which amps his stats), Multi-Galaxy level+, likely far higher (Took down a fake Nephilim, which only contained a fraction of the real one’s power, but the real Nephilim were stated to be able to wipe universes clean), Multi-Galaxy level+ (Defeated Jack the Ripper, who was weakened, but amped with the Kamigen. Jack previously overpowered Akasan’s Star Form, which is superior to Jack in base), Multi-Galaxy level+, likely far higher (Defeated Akira of the King’s Bloodhounds, who should be far superior to Jack before. Defeated King Dabi who should be far superior to Akira), at least Universe level (Fought on par with the God of Death Anubis, who killed Sirius, who was able to harm Nyx, who is above all forms of dimensionality), higher using Quasaric Energy (Akasan created a Quasar by combining all of his energy. This attack is superior to anything that Anubis could do, and led to his defeat. Also destroyed the Underworld, a realm equal in size to the Common Realm), High Universe level (Gained a God Killer buff from killing Anubis, should be exponentially more powerful than before, fought and temporarily killed Mikael, one of the Three Phantoms), Low Multiverse level (Far stronger than before using Quasaric Form, is comparable to Judah who ripped open the Common Realm and created a temporary rip in space-time to the Overworld and Hell at the same time. Phased into the Mirror Plane, a realm consisting of infinite layers of dimensionality, each layer transcending the previous), High Hyperversal level (Destroyed the Mirror Plane along with all of the infinite dimensional layers), Low Outerversal (Should be relative to Nyx, who transcends the Common Realm as a whole. Nyx created an infinite space-time where the concepts of speed and direction did not exist, and filled it with trillions of condensed space-times with infinite mass that were used to attack. She also created Earth’s version of Hell, another infinite space-time where time sped up exponentially the closer you got to the center of the realm), Outerversal (Akasan took Nyx’s soul and used it as his own, increasing his own power by an amount equal to hers), higher with Djinn Equip (Gained the power of 3 Djinn, who each boost his power by an unquantifiable amount), High Outerversal (Vastly more powerful than before, easily fought all 12 Noble Dragons at once, and is able to incapacitate any one of them instantly), High Outerversal+ using Nihil (Can erase anything that comes within contact of it, including concepts and those who produce them. Effect is limited to those weaker than the user), Extraverse level (Infinitely stronger than before, destroyed Chelumebel, an infinite space where time, direction, and satiety didn't exist. Chelumebel surpasses High Outerversal structures in durability.)
Speed: Normal Human (Fought and defeated adults in Arbok City’s Tournament, should at least be equal to them), Subsonic+ (Moved in a flash of blue, faster than Mugen could see. Covered a considerable distance in less than 2 seconds), Massively Hypersonic (Fought on par with Ryuga, who casually stopped Kiba: Lightning Fang at point blank range), Massively Hypersonic+ (Much faster than before, dodged Lazuli’s attacks, who could swing a 1-ton weapon faster than the human eye could see), Speed of Light, possibly FTL (Fought and won against Apollo, who was stated to move at light speed), FTL (Faster than before), FTL+ (Post-training, much faster than before), Massively FTL (Should be comparable in speed to Ten, who was stated to move far faster than light itself), Massively FTL+ (Kept up with Ten in Demikai Form, who greatly surpassed his previous self in speed), Massively FTL+ (Got speed blitzed by Anubis, later caught up to him in speed), Infinite (Relative to Wolfgang, who was faster than Judah at infinite speed and strength), Inaccessible (Superior to Taffy, who can move in stopped time, and is unbound by the general laws of the universe), Immeasurable (Far faster than infinite speed, fought relative to Nyx at full power. Can exist and attack in the immediate past, present, and future using Concept of Time), Irrelevant (The World Tree’s fist was stated to be infinitely-infinitely faster than the speed of light in a vacuum, so fast that if it were a sentient being, it would perceive all things in the universe as stagnant. Akasan was able to calculate how fast it moved, and dodged the fist while inside of Nyx’s Hyperstasis, a space where time didn’t exist), Nigh-Omnipresence (Is a user of Saisho, a technique that represents absolute speed, fast enough to blitz characters that scale to irrelevant. Saisho makes the user so fast that no possible cardinal number where 2^∞ is aleph one can represent his/her speed. Stated to make the user omnipresent without actually being in two places at once)
Lifting Strength: Class Z (Held up Tartarus’ fist, the surface of which was as large as the Country of Arbok) | Immeasurable
Striking Strength: Human Class | Small Building Class | Small Star Class | Galactic | Multi Galactic | Universal | Low Complex Multiversal | Hyperversal | Outerversal
Durability: Outerversal
Standard Equipment: None (Note that user can create anything imaginable)
Intelligence: Supergenius (Has full knowledge over all forces and elements in the Common Realm. Was able to design his own Magic Circle that was far more efficient than what was previously used. Figured out how to manipulate and create souls on his own)
Stamina: Effectively Limitless (Can fight at peak levels for long periods of time. Went several years without sleep)
Range: Irrelevant (Fought in a realm where the concepts of speed, time, and direction didn’t exist)
Weaknesses: None.