“ | Long ago in a distant land, I, Aku, the shape shifting master of darkness, unleashed an unspeakable evil! But a foolish samurai warrior wielding a magic sword stepped forth to oppose me. Before the final blow was struck, I tore open a portal in time, and flung him into the future where my evil is law. Now the fool seeks to return to the past and undo the future that is Aku! | „ |
~ Aku Seasons 1-4 Intro |

Aku is the central main antagonist of the cartoon Samurai Jack and goes by numerous titles. He was originally a surviving fragment of a primordial evil vanquished by gods, later given sentience by a daimyo who was trying to protect his village from the fragment's continued growth. Aku went on a rampage until he was sealed by the daimyo using a sword created to wound the demon, Aku breaking free a decade later to take revenge. Though the daimyo made preparations for his son to succeed where he failed, Aku sent the Samurai to the distant future where Earth is now under Aku's control.
Tier: 6-B, 4-A, possibly 2-C | 4-A, possibly 2-C
Name: Aku, Master of Masters, The Deliverer of Darkness, Shogun of Sorrow, Ikra, The Hermit
Origin: Samurai Jack
Gender: Male
Age: At least 65 million years old (Was the meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs)
Classification: Demon, Shapeshifter, The Embodiment of Evil, Primordial Cosmic Entity, a fraction of the Nameless Evil
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Enhanced Senses (Could sense Jack by smelling his blood and Ashi having Aku in them), Weapon Mastery (Can use a sword), Immortality (Type 1 and 3. Stated to be immortal and doesn't age), Regeneration (Mid-High. Can regenerate from being cut in half and from clouds of dust), Absorption and Attack Reflection (Can absorb attacks and send them back), Magic (Uses Dark Magic for spells), Abstract Existence (Type 4. Is made out of pure darkness and evil), Large Size (Type 2. Is the size of a large tree naturally), Shapeshifting (Can turn into animals and change his gender), Self-Sustenance (Type 1. Can breathe in space), Aquatic Respiration (Can breathe underwater), Social Influencing (Could trick people into trusting him), Teleportation (Can teleport around), Invulnerability (Is immune to all attacks and cannot be harmed by anything unless they are made by the gods), Intangibility (Is pure darkness), Empowerment (When a solar eclipse happens, he becomes stronger), Size Manipulation (Can alter his size), Elasticity (Can stretch out his limbs), Durability Negation, Energy Projection (With lasers), Heat Manipulation and Fire Manipulation (His lasers can create fire and he can naturally create it), Explosion Manipulation (Can create explosions with his lasers. Exploded Scaramouche's head), Creation and Life Manipulation (Can create and give life to his troops), Weather Manipulation (Created a route with a fog), Summoning (Could summon demons), Sound Manipulation, BFR, Portal Creation (By screaming, he could create a portal to send Jack to the past), Flight (Can fly across the air. Can fly into space), Earth Manipulation (Could make a rock wall), Surface Scaling (Can climb up walls), Natural Weaponry (Can uses claws), Darkness Manipulation (Controls darkness), Disassembly (His lasers can reduce people to ash), Clairvoyance (Can see Jack is no matter where he is), Telekinesis (Can move objects with his mind), Body Control (Can change his body), Weapon Creation (Can create weapons of darkness), Precognition (Type 1. Could see into the future due to a nightmare), Pocket Reality Manipulation (Created a pocket between time), Corruption (Can corrupt people such as Jack with a sickness and Ashi), Technopathy (Changed a wanted tablet), Biological Manipulation (Aku's darkness created the Seven Sisters), Cloth Manipulation (Could create clothes), Breaking the Fourth Wall (Refers to a event as a saga, is self aware of how all their battles will go against Jack, and has looked at the screen), Duplication (Could split into other Aku's), Emotional Manipulation (Created a clone of Jack's hatred), Age Manipulation (Could prevent the Lava Monster from aging), Sealing (Trapped the Lava Monster in rock. Trapped Demongo in a skull), Death Manipulation (Could wither plants by being near them), Electricity Manipulation (Can create thunderbolts), Disease Manipulation, Possession, Essence Manipulation (Used his evil essence to possess Jack by using a sickness), Necromancy (Could raise zombies from the dead), Mind Manipulation and Resistance Negation (Can control The Scotsman's mind), Non-Physical Interaction (Destroyed a portal), Animal Manipulation and Transformation (Type 2. Could change and transform animals), Restoration (Restorated Scaramouche's body), Resistance to Disease Manipulation (Earth has polluted air and yet they aren't affected by it)
All abilities from before but enhanced, Large Size (Type 6. Comparable to the gods who are bigger than stars)
Country level (He was the meteor itself who killed the dinosaurs while only a small fragment of his current self), Multi-Solar System level (Capable of creating a pocket dimension which started to collapse when he was defeated, which is shown to contain a sun and numerous stars), possibly Low Multiverse level (Created multiple alternate timelines in which he sends Jack in hopes for him to be defeated. This timeline have no future or past, and are a place between time) | Multi-Solar System level, possibly Low Multiverse level (Far stronger than Aku. Could fight against the gods who defeated Cronus, who ate a starry sky)
FTL+ (Can easily keep up with Jack, who Tagged a lightspeed ship while it was near top speed, and also deflected a laser beam which would have hit that same ship while it was near top speed and dodged sunlight) with Massively FTL+ travel speed (Flew to the Milky Way Galaxy from an unspecified region in outer-space and flew from planet to planet quickly) | Massively FTL+ (Scales to the gods, who could suck up stars)
Varies depending on form. Class 25 to up to at least Class M within his forms
Country Class, Multi-Solar System Class, possibly Low Multiversal | Multi-Solar System Class, possibly Low Multiversal
Country level, Multi-Solar System level, possibly Low Multiverse level, Immortality and regen makes it difficult to kill him (Provided he isn't harmed by something like Jack's Sword, for instance) | Multi-Solar System level, possibly Low Multiverse level
Very high
Tens of meters normally. Tens of kilometers with beams. At least Planetary (wiped the Earth of most life as the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs. Stole the water of the water planet of the Vadaquas by an unknown mean) | possibly Intergalactic (The Vadaquas live in another galaxy)
He is as intelligent as he is powerful, and his cunning knows little end, from taking the form of a woman to trick Jack or manipulating various races into serving him. He has no remorse whatsoever about telling someone he will save their village if they obey his command, only to destroy said village as soon as he gets what he wants.
Aku's shapeshifting is limited to his color scheme and will remain red, black, and green no matter what form he takes. Aku's own reflection will reveal his normal form. Though Aku cannot be harmed by normal weapons and attacks, he can only be harmed, defeated, and vanquished by Jack's sword and other mystical forces, such as divine weapons and power. Furthermore, the Goddess of Water and her 3 elemental servants are able to harm and defeat Aku with very little effort, although not at the same degree as the three 3 gods Odin, Ra, and Vishnu. Since Aku was a fragment of the greatest manifestation of evil, he can be destroyed by the strength and purity of a human's (and likely any other living creature's) spirit, as stated by Vishnu. This can be seen by Jack's katana, forged from the purity and strength of his father's spirit, are able to inflict an extremely agonizing injury to him, judging by his scream. When possessed by Aku, Jack, in his psyche, vanquish and exorcise the demon from him completely by the light of his spirit. Is very sadistic and often makes choices that backfire on him.
Shape Shifting[]
- Calling himself the "Shape Shifting Master of Darkness" at the opening of each episode, Aku can change into virtually any form he desires, from a giant dragon to a small insect, or even a beautiful woman. He can also change his size, liquefy himself, stretch, and expand his body. Aku's consciousness can exist even in a part of himself. He typically changes into animal forms that are threatening to fit certain situations, such as a scorpion or an octopus, adapting to the situation. He is however limited to his own color scheme, no matter what form he takes, it will always be black, red and green. Also, his true reflection will always appear, even in another form.
- Superhuman Strength: Aku can manifest considerable physical force when needed, though due to his shapeshifting and mystical nature, he rarely utilizes simple brute force.
- Immortality: A significant aspect in the series is that Aku is ageless and immortal. Therefore, he needs no food, air, or water and his wounds will merely regenerate from any conventional injury. He can only be harmed and finally defeated by Jack's samurai sword.
Dark Magic[]
- Aku, being a demonic manifestation of an ancient formless evil, is naturally tapped into various dark forces. This gives him magical power beyond any mere mortal. There appears to be little to no limit to it, as he can perform acts of necromancy along with manifesting demons, energy projection and various supernatural feats. The powers he has demonstrated so far are:
- Laser Eye Beams: Aku used this ability in numerous battles with Jack and he also used it to destroy the majority of Jack's Kingdom. He can also teleport beings through this ability.
- Pyrokinesis: Aku can breathe streams of fire from his mouth and project it from his hands.
- Scrying: Using mystical forces, he can create mid-air images to spy upon Jack and other enemies. He seems to need to be aware of their existence before he can track them.
- Time Travel: This was the very ability that Aku had used to send Jack into the future at the beginning of the series, though so far it has only been used once and was a one-way portal forward in time.
- Teleportation: Aku uses this quite often to appear before those he has business with him.
- Telekinesis: Aku has shown the ability to manipulate objects with his mind alone.
- Object Materialization: The ability to create objects out of thin air. He once used this ability to conjure gold, jewels, and treasure for the Imakandi.
- Interstellar travel: Aku is capable of interstellar travel.
- Necromancy: Aku has been shown in one episode to be capable of animating countless dead bodies, and bending them to his will, for they lack mind and soul.
- Weather Manipulation: Aku is capable of conjuring thunderstorms at will.
Aku | The Black Mass
Note 1: The Battle Through Time game has confirmed to be canon.
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: