Akuto Sai (紗伊 阿九斗 Sai Akuto) is the primary protagonist of the series Demon King Daimao. He is an orphan who transfers into Constant Magick Academy, hoping to someday become a high priest for the benefit of society. However, upon arriving, Yatagarasu, the school's oracular spirit, predicts that he will become a Demon King in the future. Towards the end of the story, Akuto ends up in the afterlife, a world in which he has absolute power and realizes his special place in the story of The Law of Identity..
Tiering: At least High 7-C, 2-A without limiters | at least 1-C, High 1-A when sealed, 1-S | at least High 1-A, 1-S during afterlife | at least 1-S in the anti-universe | at least 1-S, ( ∞ layers severe lowball, inaccessible layers: lowball, immeasurable Layers: midball, Irrelevant Layers: Highball, Higher Scale of Irrelevant Layers: Severe High Ball ) with Void Body Form
Key: God Suhara Arc | Empress Kazuko Arc | Formless Power Arc | The Afterlife | Void Body
Verse: Ichiban Ushiro No Daimaou
Name: Akuto Sai, the Demon King, Mao, Ruler of Ghosts
Gender: Male
Age: At least multiple millennia, though technically above the concept of time
Classification: Student, Demon King
Powers and Abilities
, superhuman physical characteristics, Magic, Social Influencing (can entrance other people with his speech and leave strong impact on their minds), Explosion Manipulation (Akuto learned how to use explosions using mana inside of his body), Absorption (can absorb magical energy from other beings), Forcefield Creation (can surround his body in a mana barrier to protect from different attacks), Aura (can twist and break the limbs of others using his mana pressure), Paralysis Inducement (can control the mana surrounding other people bodies to completely paralyze them), Telekinesis (can levitate other people bodies in the air), Energy Projection (has shown the ability to create mana balls which Akuto uses to attack from a distance), Healing (learned how to heal other people just by observing others once), Light Manipulation (can create light using mana for different tasks, such as reading in the dark), Air Manipulation (can create small tornados, whirlwinds and typhoons), Homing Attack (Akuto can change a bullets path so bullets can hit the target), Statistics amplification (by filling his muscles with mana, he becomes many times more powerful and his mana control is improved), Extrasensory Perception (can detect the mana pattern of different individuals to know where they are without seeing them), Body Control (learned Hua Jin from the principal which allows Akuto to control every muscle in his body), Gun Mastery (has shown high proficiency with a gun, even after using it for the first time), Power mimicry (copied Yuzou's illusions by seeing them), Illusion Creation (can show other people illusions of their death, potent enough to kill people without mental training), Precognition (his illusions allow him to predict his opponent's next move), Fear Manipulation (Akuto's illusions are meant scare and make the opponent confused), Corruption (his ominous mana passively corrupts other living beings, turning them into demonic beasts, works also on inorganic material, such as turning the school into the demon king's castle), Teleportation (travels long distances by opening portals), Immortality (type 4 , 8; the law of identity doesn't allow akuto's death, even stopping himself from turning all of existence and himself into nothingness and type 9; After Akuto Sai killed the real life Author , he became the Author of DKD story and entire stories as a higher existence than his Author like in real life . So, even though it doesn’t exist in real life, it is written as if existed in real life in the story ), Regeneration (low-mid; can regrow his left arm after it had been severed, regenerated half of his body after it was destroyed by an plasma explosion), limited spatial manipulation (held together the space cut by Boichiro), Animal Manipulation (his ominous mana allows him to control demonic beasts)
All previous abilities to a greater extent, Electricity Manipulation (can summon cloud-to-ground lightning to smite his opponents), Flight (Akuto gains wings that he uses for flight), Telepathy (when Akuto awakened, he could kill others just by glancing at them), Self-Sustenance (type 1, 2 and 3; Akuto doesn't need to sleep, eat or breathe), Power Nullification And Attack Reflection (by concentrating, Akuto can steal others mana and use it against them), Enhanced Senses (Akuto is aware of every single particle in his surroundings which he exploits to steal mana and reflect attacks), Information Analysis (after awakening, Akuto gained access to the life logs, which allows him to know every single moment, action, thought and even ideals of every single human in history)
All previous abilities, Size Manipulation (Akuto can shrink other people down to microscopic size), BFR (capable of sealing his opponents in VPS for all of eternity), Improved Absorption (absorbed all of the mana inside the empires atmosphere instantly)
All previous abilities to an infinitely higher degree, Precognition (can predict his opponents moves based on their body expression), Pressure Points (Akuto can hit his opponent on a special part of their forehead that causes their brain to stop functioning), Subjective Reality (can make anything he imagines to come to reality in the afterlife), Time Manipulation And Spatial Manipulation (can crush the entirety of the afterlife into nothingness or manipulate it however he pleases), Acausality (type 4; the law of identity stated that Akuto can choose what is real or what is fictitious to the point of contradicting causality), Acausality (type 5; exists outside of the causality system of the stories of the extra-universal gods), Abstract Existence, Conceptual Manipulation (type 1; created the concept of communication, second and third person), Creation (can create stories and anything he wants), Probability Manipulation (his stories are based on the infinite possibilities), Plot Manipulation (can create any story and manipulate it to his will), Reality Warping (can manipulate and change the afterlife to however he pleases), Higher-Dimensional Manipulation (has full control over his stories, even ones containing dreams, within dreams, within dreams), Soul Manipulation (controls the souls of the characters inside of his stories), Information Manipulation (can turn souls into mere concepts/date fitting for his stories), Perception Manipulation (his creations can only be truly perceived only by reaching them), Large Size (type 11; perceives his creations, even including ones with infinite dimensions, as nothing but a piece of paper on an infinitely vast room), Beyond-Dimensional Existence (type 2 , beyond type 2 ), Physics Manipulation (created all the foundations for the laws of his stories), Causality Manipulation , Beyond All Existence ,
All previous abilities to an infinitely higher degree, Void Manipulation, Nonexistent Physiology (cast aside his earthly form, leaving nothing but a void where only emptiness and nothingness resides)
Special Abilities ( Short ),
Reality Warping, Plot Manipulation, Nigh-Omniscience, Spatial Manipulation, Time Manipulation, Locally Restricted Omnipresence, Text Manipulation, Creation, Destruction, Durability Negation, Conceptual Manipulation, Information Manipulation, Magic, Physics Manipulation, Soul Manipulation , Immortality Types 4 , 8(The Law Of Identity Doesn't Allow His Death), 9 , Instinctive Reaction ,Heat Manipulation , Energy Manipulation , Analytical Predication , Magic Nullification, Light Manipulation , Telepathy ,Barrier Creation, Mind Manipulation ,Wind Manipulation , Statistic Application ,Air Manipulation ,Forcefield Creation ,Absorption Bfr , Bfr ,Healing , Energy Projection ,Statistics Amplification , Power Mimicry , Precognition ,Home Attack , Extrasensory Perception , Martial Arts , Gun Mastery , Corruption , Rage Power , Animal Manipulation , Kakei ,Genkei ( The " Genkei " Archetypes Are The Status Of Developed Outer–Universe Gods , Born As A Result Of Unfolding Of Infinite Possibilities , And Containing Complex And Diverse Stories . Due To Their Complex Nature , The Structure Of Available Logical Descriptions And Operations With Them In Archetypes Is Many Times Superior To The Primitive Outer–Universe Gods ) , Spectrum , Beyond Infinite Possibilities , Infinite Digression ,The Tower Of Babel , Electricity Manipulation , Longevity , Self –Sustenance , Enhanced Senses , Size Manipulation , Pressure Points , Explosion Manipulation , Aura , Paralysis Inducement , Large Size , Beyond Dimensional Existence ,Acuasality Type 4 And 5 , Maker Or Creator Of Infinite Stories With Infinite Higher Author Authorities , Beyond Fictional , Regeneration , Subjective Reality , Teleportation ,Beyond Time And Space Manipulation , Beyond Conceptual Manipulation , Creation , Text Manipulation ,Transduality Type 2 , Plot Manipulation , Reality , Reality Warping ,Beyond Higher Dimensional Beings Higher Dimensional Manipulation , Soul Manipulation , Informational Manipulation , Beyond Omniversal Existence , Causality Manipulation , Existence Erasure , Erasing , Physics And Math Manipulation , Higher Author Authorities , Non–Existent Physiology Type 2 , A Causality Type 5 , Law Of Identity ,Void Body , Void Manipulation , All Prior Abilities Possibly To A Greater Extent, Causality Manipulation, Void Manipulation, Acausality
Attack potency : At least High Country Level (can trade blows with Peterhausen, later he overpowered Boichiro Yamato, who previously had destroyed him, this is thanks to Akuto's continuous growth), Universe Level+ , Low Multiverse Level without limiters (after his limiters were removed by Peterhausen, Akuto was capable of killing the Computer God Suhara, this is also considered his "true power" which later in the series becomes his awakened state) | at least Complex Multiverse Level to Hyperverse Level , Outerverse Level (his awakened state is considered his true demon king power, in which he can kill computer gods, and trade blows with zero, the original demon king) | High Outerverse Level when unsealed (stated to be equal to the formless power, which is more powerful than the magic system of the computer gods, could tribe blows with marine, a user of the formless power) | at least Extraverse Level (ascended to the "next system" which is a layer above the normal world, where even the infinite multi-stories which infinite Omni verse with infinite or all possibilities with infinite higher dimensions,....etc,( he created are mere fiction), at least Extraverse Level+, High Extraverse Level (akuto can create every possible story that can be put into writing, even contradictory ones, which would include the infinite hierarchy with infinite cardinals present in the infinite series) | at least High Extraverse Level+ (cast aside his earthly form, leaving a void body that was take into keena by the contract of the one, which allowed him to be freed from his story role as the demon king and become part of the infinite anti-universe, the place where all or entire stories end, which would put it above the totality of fiction)
Speed: Immeasurable (the afterlife and all of it is part of his body; technically above the concept of time) | Omnipresent
Lifting strength: Immesurable | Irrelevant | Irrelevant | Irrelevant
Striking strength: possibly Outerversal Level | at least High Outerversal Level, Extraversal Level | at least Extraversal Level+, High Extraversal Level | at least High Extraverse Level+
Durability: possibly Outerversal Level | at least High Outerversal Level, Extraversal Level (his sheer size exceeds that of all of his creation and for him, all of it is just fiction) | at least Extraversal Level+, High Extraversal Level | at least High Extraverse Level+ ( with Void Body Form )
Stamina: Limitless | Infinite | Infinite | Infinite
Range: Nigh–Limitless | Limitless | Irrelevant | Irrelevant
Intelligence: Nigh-Omniscient (consciously created all information in some of his worlds, has access to the data logs of the computer gods, has spent millennia studying all kinds of different worlds, can perceive everything and anything in the afterlife ) | Omniscient (created every possible story and should be comparable to the likes of the law of identity in his void body)
Standard equipment: None Notable
Weaknesses: only this powerful in the afterlife or possibly some other space completely filled with mana. Is not capable of killing himself, since the law of identity prevents it. | possibly dependent on the law of identity.
Notable attacks/techniques:[]
All stories: All of the existence are stories. From the inside, these stories appear to be true and from the outside to be fiction. Akuto created all stories that can be described. This includes stories with higher dimensions and without, with time and without time, where the occult exists and where it doesn't and all other sorts of different concepts. Some of these stories contain stories themselves and people like Sai Akuto that can freely create stories. These stories can be called stories of higher story density and can form infinite hierarchies with infinite cardinals.
Anti–universe : In Dkd , each anti– universe which was created at the very end which exists beyond everything and anything that include existence and nonexistence, possibility, causality, dualism and non-dualism, the concepts of life and death, and their analogues at every level and , every empty above( also known as nothingness ).
Hua jin: A type of martial art or a fighting style that he learned from the principal. This allows Akuto to control every single muscle in his body. What's more, this fighting style works well with his magic type and because of that he can lift gigantic structures such as the Genkaku, a ship 350m in length. This also allows Akuto to deflect other's attack as to avoid vital spots, like he did in his fight against Boichiro.
Immortality: After the world was destroyed and Akuto arrived in the afterlife brave attempted to travel into the past to prevent the world's destruction. He attempted this many times by, amongst others, preventing the development of magic and killing Akuto, but when he returned to the afterlife of the future nothing ever noticeably changed. That was due to the law of identity having predetermined the fate of Akuto and the world. No matter what brave changed in the past, history would always realign itself to keep the end result the same. Akuto could, for example, later on be revived by someone else, as demonstrated in act 8. When Akuto tried to crush the afterlife and by that erase himself, the law of identity stopped that as well, as this wasn't an ending it would allow. In conclusion, while one can kill Akuto in the world of the living, sending him to the afterlife and by that winning against him, it will ultimately make no difference for the fate of him or the world. Furthermore, any action that would even destroy his afterlife self would be prevented by the law of identity.
Void body: The void body is a state Akuto archived during the final ritual with the law of identity. That ritual brought both the stories and Akuto's body down to zero and created a void. During this ritual, Akuto and all souls in him are taken into the law of identity and together with it they enter the infinite anti-universe, the place where all or entire stories end.
Extra info: The void body only existed during a very short time during the end of the story and as such not much is known about it.
"God suhara arc" is a fan-given name for the first arc of the series, which covers volume 1-5, which would be episodes 1-12 for the anime. This is done for the sake of conveniency.
The "Empress kazuko arc" key covers volumes 6-9. Volume 6 is a slice of life type of story, which can be interpreted as a fun standalone read where the characters are trapped inside of a videogame. Volume 7 revolves around vps (virtual phase space) and the ending introduces us to new trouble that will revolve around empress kazuko and zero from volume 8-9.
"Formless power arc" covers volumes 10-12, with volume 10 being a more casual read centered around student council but not much happening. This also includes volumes 11-12 which are centered around the one, an alien from an outer universe and his civilization invading the main world which is known as the "formless power". The void body only existed during a very short time during the end of the story and as such not much is known about it.
Author Explanation( Author:Mizuki Shōtarō )[]
- That photos listed below are pictures taken by the manager of the Japanese novel company himself after asking permission from the Author of novel Ichiban Ushiro no Daimaou.
- It is said that the Author took permission to pulish the letters and took pictures through the Author's computer.
-And that explanatory letter was published by the Author himself in Japan near the end of last year . It is rarely published in Japanese only.
##A photo that shows the most important point from one of the photos,
*** It says that the beginning of the author'sname is written in Japanese at the beginning of the letter in the top picture
***I have copied the letters from the pictures mentioned above***
Author's Explanation[]
“Author Words ” ,
[ 認証者ミズキ: 私は言いたい
しかし、現実の世界はキャラクターではありません 現実世界に侵入できる/できないはLVに関係する
アクト・サイは全て(魔王、無限電脳神、無限第1エクストラ万能神、無限第2エクストラ万能神、創造神などの高外宇宙LV)を倒し、倒した全てのものの創造物と計画を吸収して力を変え、それはベースLvにあります。したがって、彼のベース lv では、tier はベースライン無限 lv です。ア0になりました)。
ただし、彼のいる詩宇宙論層は彼の宇宙論を処理できません (彼の宇宙論レベルが非常に高く、層も高いため (層が多い層 0))。
そのため、彼は一人で現実世界に侵入することができ、何らかの理由で彼を作成した作者を殺し、彼は魔王ディアモ小説全体(小説内の無限の無限の詩を含む)の作者になりました(それが、0^inf レイヤーとして無限に定義されている理由です)。
注 – DKD における現実世界とは、あなたと私が住んでいる世界の詩を指します。それは現実世界にのみ接続されています / 彩アクトの宇宙論は、現実世界に接続されているため、他のアニメ詩の宇宙論よりもはるかに高いですワールド (そのため、Void 形式の阿久都彩または著者の阿久都彩は、無限への 0^ inf レイヤーとして定義されます)。
その LN には、「佐井阿久人が作者に反対するとき」という一文が書かれていました。
現在、DkD 詩の宇宙論は他のアニメ、LN、WN キャラクター詩よりも R>F です。
“ [ Real world, and real world authors = do i actually have to explain this?
Narrative = the books or media that contains this world the overall story being told the culture
Story world = the world within a narrative the pages of the book
Narrator = the one telling the story or an inverse author (pseudo author can have a hierarchy based on the number of narratives)
Protagonist and other character = the main character of the story and other characters that apply to it
Setting in space time = cosmology or a set setting (ex the scp foundation within an anomalous world a constant amongst narratives)
Plot and story = the plot and story -_-
Theme and motifs =
Symbols = religious key symbols for the story
Style tone voice = tone of the story sad, happy, angry,
Narrative modes see chart
You as the author (true author) → fictional author (pseudo author) → the fictional world → fictional readers (ones from a higher narrative reading this story a story within a story) → real life readers
Real author > pseudo author and readers (higher narrative standing) > fictional world > secondary author author of the next narrative below > story within a story the next narrative below the first. ]. "
( { “ [ Narratology Field of study
The real world
Element of All Fiction
Protagonist and Other characters
Setting in Space and Time
Plot and Story
Theme and Modifs
Story , Tone , Voice , etc.. ]
[ (Narrative Modes)
Thoughts and Feelings
Comment ]
[ Story
People, things, etc. as pre- processed by the author's
Structure of narrative transmission
Verbal Cinematic
itman's diagram of narrative, cited from chatman, 197
NARRATOLOGY EXAMINES THE WAYS that narrative structures our perception of both cultural artifacts and the world around us. The study of narrative is particularly important since our ordering of time and space in narrative forms constitutes one of the primary ways we construct meaning in general. ] ” }. )
佐井阿久都はフィクションにおいて全能である、そしてそれを私が定義した 現実世界(私たちと私が住んでいた場所) DKD 宇宙論のサイズは、現実世界では普遍的なサイズ + ですが、私が定義した架空の世界ではそうではありません。私は宇宙論のサイズについてのみ述べており、宇宙論の層については述べていません (ただしフィクションではありません)と定義しました
現実世界 (あなたと私たちが現在の世界として生きていた) に存在できる基本世界のサイズが記載されています (層ではありません) / 架空の世界では、基本世界のサイズは無限です。
基本世界 (現在の世界として) のサイズは宇宙のサイズであり、それが無限の高次元で構成されている場合、無限の層が存在します。
他のコンピューターの神、超普遍的な神、バベルの塔、死後の世界、無限の反宇宙、そしてアイデンティティの法則については、もはや言及さえされていません。 なぜなら、それらが存在する詩と領域、またはそれらが作成するもの、たとえばサイズ、層、構成、可能性、枢機卿、無限の高次元、無限の階層、創造、破壊、存在、存在と非存在(不在)、すべて、無だからです。 . など、無限を超えてたくさんあります
今 、 一番うちの大魔王の宇宙観
各アンチユニバース = Tier 0
結論: 現実世界 = Beyond Tier 0。
Void Body フォーム サイ アクト = 0^inf を無限以上に重ねます(または) すべてを超えて