Akuto Sai (紗伊 阿九斗 狗閪; Sai Akuto) is the main protagonist of the Demon King Daimao anime. He is an orphan who was left out on a church's doorstep. Eventually, after leaving behind said church and a certain female friend, but not after promising to the girl that they'd meet again one day, Akuto found his way into Constant Magick Academy. Aiming to become a Grand Priest in order to make the world a better place, he caught the attention of Junko Hattori, who quickly took a liking to the young man. However, upon being prophesied as the legendary tyrannical Demon King by Yatagarasu, Akuto Sai found himself in a whirl of an existential crisis, sandwiched in between his own personal struggles and the darkness lurking within society.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 9-A, up to High 7-C with Mana amplification | Low 7-B | Low 2-C
Name: Akuto Sai, Sai Akuto, Aa-chan, Demon King
Origin: Ichiban Ushiro no Daimaou
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Classification: Human, Demon King
Powers and Abilities:
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Magic (Capable of utilizing Mana for his attacks), Explosion Manipulation (Can cause explosions by expelling his Mana), Light Manipulation (Can cause bright lights to flash by as a result of his Mana), Absorption & Power Nullification (Can absorb and nullify demonic energy from others), Forcefield Creation (Can create forcefields of magical energy), Aura, Body Control, & Telekinesis (His magical aura is capable of lifting and throwing people and objects, in addition to being able to crush bones and twist/break limbs. If he wanted to, he should also be capable of using this control of insides on himself), Statistics Amplification (Can boost his power by pouring an extraordinary amount of Mana throughout his body), Energy Projection (Can create Mana blasts), Heat Manipulation (Can boil down the Mana inside his body to emit heat)
Same as before, plus Air Manipulation (Can create small tornadoes, whirlwinds, and typhoons), Homing Attack, Extrasensory Perception (Can detect the Mana patterns of individuals, allowing him to sense them without seeing them), Skilled Hand-to-Hand Combatant, Gun Mastery, Afterimage Creation (Can create afterimages, as shown in his fight with Bouichiro), Corruption (Type 3. His ominous mana can corrupt living beings, turning them into Demonic Beasts, as well as inorganic matter, such as turning a school into the Demon King's castle), Rage Power (His anger causes his mana to explosively increase), Teleportation, Regeneration (Low-Mid. Regrew his left arm after it had been severed), Limited Spatial Manipulation (Held together the space cut by Bouichiro)
Same as before but likely on a much higher level, possibly Space-Time Manipulation (The events of the universe reset with some changes once Peterhausen had destroyed Suhara. This godly-boosted Peterhausen also boosted Akuto's powers, implying Akuto could also possibly reset the universe as well)
Attack Potency: Small Building level (Created an explosion which detonated his classroom), up to Large Town level+ with Mana amplification (Created a gigantic explosion which caused a massive crater to form in the ground) | Small City level (Far stronger than before. Could fight on par with people who could harm him) | Universe level+ (Peterhausen vastly boosted Akuto's Mana, while also being connected to Suhara. Computer God Suhara is responsible for creating all the Mana in the known universe, and Akuto killed Suhara alongside Peterhausen)
Speed: Superhuman (Even early on in the series, Akuto was portrayed as being unnaturally strong for a human. This should also apply to his speed as well) | Supersonic (Comparable to Peterhausen, who could outmaneuver and dodge gunfire coming at him from the Genkaku gunship) | At least Supersonic (Far superior to before)
Lifting Strength: Class 50 (Threw a 30-meter-tall robot to the ground. Wrestled with giant armored statues that attacked he and his friends) | Class M (Lifted Genkaku) | Unknown
Striking Strength: Small Building Class, up to Large Town Class+ with Mana amplification | Small City Class | Universal+
Durability: Large Town level+ (Survived his explosion which leveled the forest. Comparable to Junko and Keena, who both also survived the explosion. Junko and Akuto are capable of taking attacks from one another) | Small City level (Far stronger than before. Could take attacks from those who are comparable to him) | Universe level+
Stamina: Superhuman
Range: Standard melee range normally, hundreds of meters with Mana | Universal+ with abilities
Standard Equipment: An incantation gun, a communication device
Intelligence: At least Above Average. Was able to become a student at Constant Magick Academy, something which is only reserved for particularly smart individuals in society. Portrayed as being well-off in terms of combat.
Weaknesses: Is at first very clumsy, and he cannot control all of his powers
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
Mana: Mana is the life source of all things, and it is the core element of the universe. Those which are adept at using Mana can shape the stuff to the user's wishes, allowing for energy attacks or strengthening the body, among a variety of other effects. Akuto especially is a prodigy when it comes to Mana, blowing away the entire academy with his display of power, even early on in the series.
Key: Pre-Awakening | Awoken | With Suhara's Power
Note: Akuto's Partially Awoken key massively upscales from the High 7-C calc, which got 998.7 kilotons of TNT. Therefore, he scales at least to the baseline of the next tier due to this, only being a value of 1.3 kilotons of his 998.7 kiloton feat almost reaching it.
Note 2: This profile only covers Akuto's anime version, which only got up to Act 5 of his LN counterpart.
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: