Character Synopsis[]
Akuto Sai is the protagonist of Ichiban Ushiro No Daimaou. He is an orphan who was abandoned by his mother when he was just born, and later at the age of 10 he was adopted by a knight. He has lived somewhat of a hard life, having certain standards expected of him, and working different jobs since childhood. At the age of 15 he enrolled into Constant Magic Academy, one of Japan's most prestigious schools in hopes of becoming a High Priest and improving the world. This, however, quickly becomes impossible as the school's oracle predicts he will become the Demon King, said to overthrow the current system. At first, he doesn't want to but ends up embracing his fate and sets out to kill the God Suhara, one of the Computer Gods who threatened the livelihood of Akuto and his friends.
Character Statistics[]
Tiering: 9-A | Low 7-C | 7-C, Low 2-C without Limiters | 7-B | Low 2-C with Awakening | 7-B up to High 6-C, likely 6-A, Low 2-C to High 1-A when Unsealed | 1-S to Far Higher into 1-S while blinking computer gods | Far Higher into 1-S when afterlife | Far Higher into 1-S (infinite layers) from anti-universe | Unfathomably higher into 1-S, up to Scaling Failure with void body
Verse: Ichiban Ushiro no Daimaou (Demon King Daimaou)
Name: Akuto Sai
Gender: Male
Age: 15 | 20 (Pre-Possibilities) | At least multiple millennia, though technically above the concept of time (Post-Possibilities)
Classification: Human, Student, Demon King, God Universes, Storyteller
Special Abilities:
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Magic, Explosion Manipulation (Capable of creating powerful explosions[1]), Social Influencing (Entrances other people with his speech,[1] and leaves a strong impact on their minds), Absorption (Figured out how to absorb magical energy[2] from other beings), Forcefield Creation (Surrounded his body in a mana barrier[3] to protect from different attacks), Aura (Can twist and break the limbs of others[3] using his own mana pressure), Paralysis Inducement (Controls the mana in the surroundings to paralyze other people[3]), Telekinesis (Levitates[3] other people in the air), Immortality (Type 4, 8and 9; The Law of Identity doesn't allow Akuto's death, even stopping himself from turning all of existence and himself into nothingness)
Resistance to Mind Manipulation (Magic power relies on will of the person, and the stronger will the better they are.[4] This is also shown when Akuto didn't die from Yozo's illusions, as they are powerful enough to kill the people who don't have any mental training), Limited Temperature Manipulation (With his coat, which is made for harsh environments[5])
All previous, including: Light Manipulation (Casted a small light[6] to read in the dark), Air Manipulation (Can create tornadoes,[7] whirlwinds and typhoons[8]), Homing Attack (Changed the trajectory of bullets[8] so they hit the target), Statistics Amplification (By filling his muscles with mana, he becomes many times more powerful[8] and his mana control is improved), Extrasensory Perception (Detects the mana pattern[9] of different individuals to know where they are without looking), Gun Mastery (Has shown high proficiency with a gun, even after only using it for the first time[10]), Healing (Learned how to use healing magic[8] by observing others the day prior), Corruption (His ominous mana passively corrupts other living beings,[11] turning them into demonic beasts. Works also on inorganic material, such as turning the school into Demon King's castle[12]), Animal Manipulation (His ominous mana allows him to control[11] Demonic Beasts), Temperature Manipulation (After Akuto became angry the mana inside him turned extremely hot[13] to the point it could lit up the air), Rage Power (When Akuto becomes angry his mana increases explosively and he becomes far stronger[14]), Immortality and Supernatural Willpower (Type 2 and 3; Showed in his illusions that he can survive as a severed head and still move his main body through the sheer will of wanting to live.[14] He could survive with half of his body blown away and talk with Hiroshi. It's stated he can survive injuries[15] that would kill a lesser man), Spatial Manipulation (Held together the space[14] cut by Boichiro), Teleportation (Travels long distances by opening portals[14]), Regeneration (Low-Mid; Regrew his left arm[14] after it was severed), Power Mimicry (Copied[14] Juzou's illusions by seeing them), Illusion Creation (Can show other people illusions of their death,[16] even one's potent enough to kill[16] people without mental training), Precognition (His illusions allow him to predict[16] his opponents next move), Fear Manipulation (Akuto's Illusions are meant scare[14] and make the opponent confused), Accelerated Development (Constantly grows stronger.[12] Was sure he could match Boichiro seconds after being defeated, and by their actual 2nd fight he completely demolished him)
Resistance to Sound Manipulation, Vibration Manipulation and Soul Manipulation (Canceled out Mister X's sound and vibration waves.[17] What's more his Music is the sound of his soul, and so Akuto canceled it by making his soul 'louder'[17])
All previous (infinitely greater without limiters), including: Body Control (Learned Hua Jin from the Principal which allows Akuto to control every muscle in his body[18]), Martial Arts (Learned Hua Jin[19] from the Headmaster and fought Boichiro Yamato), Non-Physical Interaction (Capable of damaging and killing[19] The Computer Gods, beings who lack a sense of 'self' aka a soul, mind, and a body, their very existance being considered paradoxical), Regeneration (Mid; Regenerated half of his body[19] after it was blown away by a plasma explosion)
All previous, including: Radiation Manipulation (Can use the Fallout spell[20] he gained in VPS which creates a powerful nuclear explosion), Electricity Manipulation (Summoned Lightning[20] by using Lightning Magic which he gained in the VPS)
Resistance to Fear Manipulation (Unaffected by the chimera monsters Aura[20] which is comparable to his own and made Keena scared), Radiation Manipulation (Was at the epicenter at his own Fallout spell[20]), Death Manipulation (Implied to be able to survive after being sealed in VPS,[21] similar to how Zero survived without dying)
All previous to an infinitely greater, including: Sound Manipulation (Magically amplified his voice[22]), Weather Manipulation (Created dark clouds with lightning[22] when he arrived), Flight (After Awakening he gained wings[22] that he can use to fly), Power Bestowal (Returned magic[22] to the Empire and it's people), Technology Manipulation and Hacking (Intervened[23] with Zero's ability to control The Computer God's, and can likely do the same things as him, due to both being Demon King's), Information Analysis (Has access to the Life Logs[24]), Telepathy (Communicated telepathically[24] with Zero and Kazuko), Fear Inducement (He can cause fear into others that would freeze them in place,[25] as if their souls leave their body), Self-Sustenance (Type 1, 2 and 3; Akuto doesn't need to eat, sleep or breathe, being able to fight Zero on the moon for centuries if he has to[26]), Enhanced Senses (Akuto is aware of every single particle in his surroundings[24] which he exploits to steal mana and reflect attacks), Power Nullification and Attack Reflection (By concentrating, Akuto can steal others mana and use it against them[24]), Durability Negation (Can use the built up mana inside of others to make it explode[24]), Immortality (Type 1; Can fight Zero on the moon for centuries and is likely the moment he stopped aging[26])
Extreme Temperatures (Can survive in space indefinitely and could fight Zero for centuries if he needed to[26])
All previous (infinitely greater when Unsealed), including: Instinctive Action (Dodged an attack from Nonimora as if he got a premonition.[27] And then dodged her again instinctively[27]), Adaptation (Akuto's body adapted to the low mana environment of Marlay[28]), Improved Absorption (Absorbed all of the mana within the Empire's border instantly, and can use it to his will[29]), BFR (Can seal his opponents in the VPS for all of eternity[29]), Size Manipulation (Can shrink other's down to microscopic sizes, too small to even scream for help[29]), Madness Manipulation (Type 3; With his mere presence he sent Morlock into a state of madness and complete fear[28]), Dimensional Travel (Can travel to The Afterlife with the Robe of the Fire Rat), Death Manipulation (By sending his opponent to the VPS, which will cause death within 12 hours if they stay[30])
All previous to an infinitely higher degree including: Analytical Prediction (Can predict his opponents moves based on their body expression[31]), Pressure Points (Akuto can hit his opponent on a special part of their forehead that causes their brain to stop functioning,[31] or strike the solar plexus to cause immense pain[31]), Subjective Reality (Can make anything he imagines come to reality in The Afterlife[32]), Time Manipulation and Spatial Manipulation (Can crush the entirety of The Afterlife into nothingness[32] or manipulate it however he pleases), Existence Erasure (Erased the entirety of The Afterlife[32]), Resurrection (Everyone who had died were reborn at the hands of the Demon King aka Akuto[32]), Acausality (Paracausality; The Law of Identity stated that Akuto can choose what is real or what is fictitious to the point of contradicting causality.[32] Exists outside of the causality system of the stories of the Extra-Universal Gods[33]), Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1; Created the concept of communication,[33] second and third person[33]), Creation (Can create stories and anything he wants[32]), Probability Manipulation (His stories are based on the infinite possibilities[32]), Plot Manipulation (Can create any story and manipulate it to his will[33]), Reality Warping (Can manipulate and change The Afterlife to however he pleases[33]), Higher-Dimensional Manipulation (Has full control over his stories, even ones containing dreams, within dreams, within dreams[32]), Soul Manipulation (Controls the souls of the characters inside of his stories[33]), Information Manipulation (Converted The Afterlife into data. Can turn souls into mere concepts/date fitting for his stories[33]), Perception Manipulation (His creations can only be truly perceived only by reaching them[33]), Large Size (Type 11; Perceives his creations, even including ones with infinite dimensions, as nothing but a piece of paper on an infinitely vast room[33]), Beyond-Dimensional Existence (Type 2), Physics Manipulation (Created all the foundations for the laws of his stories[33]), Law Manipulation (Can create worlds with magic and without it, even ones where only women have physic powers[33]), Fate Manipulation (Has complete control of the characters within his stories and what will happen to them, and can repeat whatever happens to them in various ways with different changes[33]), Causality Manipulation (Can choose what will make and influence the stories he makes to take a different direction, or start from any point in history with causation that will change the future[32]), Cosmic Awareness (Is aware of everything that happens within The Afterlife and has complete control over it[33]), Omnipresence (Is Omnipresent within The Afterlife[32][33][34]), Power Bestowal (Can give characters within his story different knowledge, abilities and state of existence[33]), Avatar Creation (Created different avatars of himself within his stories[33]), Breaking the Fourth Wall (Is aware of his fictitious nature, and considered 'more real' than others alongside Hiroshi and Boichiro), Memory Manipulation (Can implant different memories in his characters[33]), Summoning (Summoned[33] The Extra-universal Gods and communicated with them), Matter Manipulation (Has complete control of The Afterlife, which is a place where matter moves completely differently than normal and all of it exists simultaneously,[35] and so he can also change the nature of it)
All previous to an infinitely higher degree including: Abstract Existence (Type 1), Void Manipulation and Nonexistent Physiology (Cast aside his earthly form, leaving nothing but a void where only emptiness resides[36])
Immunity to Plot Manipulation (Devoid of plot, in its nature to be beyond and transcended of stories)
- Magic force– a parameter that determines magical abilities, which is based on a very simple indicator: the amount of internal mana. The more it is, the more energy the magician can operate, creating magic within the boundaries of his body, the stronger the resonance with atmospheric mana will be when producing magic outside his body. Since the number of personal nanomachines varies among creatures, their abilities for magic also vary.
- Mental strength– although the ability to operate with mana depends on its internal reserve, what stands behind the process itself is the mental state of the magician, and therefore the beneficial effect of magic varies on a colossal scale. Fear and doubt weaken attacks and deplete strength, while gaining confidence, on the contrary, gives the magician energy and power. Thus, it is the volitional qualities of the owner, his, are the key to determining the ability to control mana and achieve maximum efficiency of available nanoparticles, allowing you to reach the peak of your powers by increasing both conscious and unconscious control. This could also presumably explain the psychologically deviant behavior observed in all powerful magicians, as manic ideas and/or self-centeredness can fuel the power of their magic.
- Magic Formula Pulse「」 – each spell has its own code, in which certain intracerebral signals are encoded.
- Trigger「」 – although the main activators of magic are special combinations of words and certain visual images, much in magic still remains unexplained, so magical talent, in fact, is an innate trait that depends on the individual characteristics of a person.
- Reflection of the psyche「」 – at a deeper level, mana reproduces the mentality and even the very soul of its owner. This appears to be the key to unlocking the full potential of a particular user's magic.
- Mental strength– although the ability to operate with mana depends on its internal reserve, what stands behind the process itself is the mental state of the magician, and therefore the beneficial effect of magic varies on a colossal scale. Fear and doubt weaken attacks and deplete strength, while gaining confidence, on the contrary, gives the magician energy and power. Thus, it is the volitional qualities of the owner, his, are the key to determining the ability to control mana and achieve maximum efficiency of available nanoparticles, allowing you to reach the peak of your powers by increasing both conscious and unconscious control. This could also presumably explain the psychologically deviant behavior observed in all powerful magicians, as manic ideas and/or self-centeredness can fuel the power of their magic.
- Inner Mana「」 – nanoparticles located inside the body. The human will creates an image that is converted into intracerebral electricity, which in turn is transcribed by the automatic mana program into special vibrations that create magic.
- Impact of consciousness「」 – since mana is controlled by the will, the magician maintains control over his magic even at a distance, remotely controlling the movement of his spells and their effects. Separate from this is unconscious control, which takes into account the subconscious desires of the user: for example, distributing and concentrating the energy of the explosion so that only what is necessary is damaged.
- Counteraction「」 – anything that uses mana can be countered by other magic. For example, by controlling his internal nanoparticles, the mage is able to block enemy attempts to influence them, thus preventing any unwanted influences. In addition, when magic is denied in a certain area, internal mana is able to function for some time, fading away gradually, and not all at once.
- Mind control「」 – since it is the brain that influences mana nanomachines, its connection with them is maximum, as a result of which it has enormous resistance to any external magical influence. It is believed that such control of someone else's mind using magic is impossible, and it is known that even the first Mao was unable to do this. However, the protection effect can be bypassed by influence from within, for example, through the use of special implants embedded in the victim’s body.
- Strongest Weapon「」 – it is the mental power of a person that controls the particles of mana that is the most perfect tool in the hands of a magician. This is weakly expressed among ordinary people, but those who have colossal will, like Mao, the strength of their intentions (and, accordingly, the resources involved) ensure the achievement of their goals: for example, simply surpassing the action of enemy mana annihilators with the combat power of their attacks.
- Mana Manipulation「」 – the ability to control the internal mana of other creatures (including plants), leading to significant changes in their body and psyche, or reversing such changes.
- Demonic Beasts「」 – beings whose internal mana has undergone some, which led to significant mutations in their bodies, increasing physical strength, endurance and aggressiveness.
- Mana of Demonic Beasts「」 – since distorted mana carries bugs, once it enters the body of a normal creature, it can cause infection that spreads throughout his body. Although this effect can be stopped by magic, the side effects do not disappear, causing the victim to experience strong mental effects near sources of demonic mana, expressed in the form of intense fear or inappropriate behavior.
Sinister Mana「」 – by consciously pouring his power into a creature in order to cause a very specific effect, Akto can create special types of demonic beasts. For example, by imbuing a tree with his energy, he can turn it into a monster, whose mouth serves as a magical portal leading to a dimension filled with entrails, through which Mao is able to exit at the desired point in space.
- Atmospheric Mana「」 – nanoparticles in the air. The vibrations of the magician's internal mana resonate with them, which allows them to produce magic outside the body.
- Mana stop「」 – due to the principle of controlling external nanoparticles, it becomes possible to interfere with the enemy’s attempts to direct distance spells, significantly weakening or completely nullifying them. In the end, it all comes down to a fight for control of atmospheric mana, in which the defender has an advantage, since nearby mana is easier to control than distant mana. For this reason, a magical duel between comparable opponents is highly likely to be reduced to close combat.
- Feeling of mana「」 – the ability to sense the surrounding mana, which plays the role of an additional sense organ, which can be called. Being sufficiently developed, it allows the magician to expand the zone of his perception (including in a direct way), as well as to detect someone else's presence and his intentions.
- Trap Detection「」 – by sensing the mana filling the surrounding space, even inexperienced magicians are able to recognize the presence of enemy traps if they use magic for their work.
- Hiding mana reactions「」 – a sufficiently experienced magician is able to reduce the erratic movements of his mana to a minimum, making it difficult or hiding himself from all methods of detection based on it.
- Mana patterns「」 – individual patterns of internal mana, different for each creature. It is the pattern that determines individual abilities and predisposition to use any kind of magic.
- Mana Waves「」 – the ability of mana to spread the unique effects of its user’s patterns into the surrounding space.
- Wavelength「」 – characteristic fluctuations in the magician’s internal mana, which determine the characteristics of his magic. Thus, it is the wavelength that is responsible for his unique talents.
- Activation「」 – a feature of Akto’s mana, which consists in the ability to awaken and control entire armies of demonic beasts.
- Gain「」 – in addition to the ability to control, Akto’s mana, extended to demonic beasts, is capable of strengthening them many times over.
- Wavelength「」 – characteristic fluctuations in the magician’s internal mana, which determine the characteristics of his magic. Thus, it is the wavelength that is responsible for his unique talents.
- Mana Waves「」 – the ability of mana to spread the unique effects of its user’s patterns into the surrounding space.
- Mana movement「」 – based on the nature of mana movements, four types can be distinguished:,,And. Coupled with the additional division into the use of external or internal mana, there are 8 categories of magic in total. An innate predisposition to certain types, coupled with belonging to a particular church, gives rise to the specialization of a magician.
- Illusions- magic that allows you to project any images into the environment.
- Spiritual Magic「」 – magic of an unknown direction, probably associated with an effect on the brain and sensory organs of creatures.
- Healing「」 – magic that allows you to heal yourself and others, regenerate the body, and also maintain life after receiving mortal wounds. Akto demonstrated the instant restoration of the crushed bones of several dozen people, the instant regrowth of his own lost arm, as well as maintaining control over his body even after his head was cut off (without damaging his brain).
- Tool manipulation「」 – magic that allows the owner to create and effectively use items of magical technology.
- Telekinesis「」 – by moving atmospheric mana, the mage can cause telekinetic effects: for example, lift opponents into the air and break their bones, or stop all movement in a certain space. Depending on the strength, this type of magic can even influence the movement of molecules.
- Religious magic「」 – magic of an unknown direction, probably closely related to the functioning of artificial spirits and the system of computer gods.
- Necromancy「」 – magic that allows you to reconstruct the personalities of the dead. This is possible due to the fact that the gods save special personality cards for users:having information about all his actions. For this reason, those who are called can be asked about everything that they knew during their lifetime, but their fundamental difference from the living is thatwill no longer undergo any changes from new experiences, which is why, in particular, they are not able to lie, because in fact we are only talking about a simulation of a person. Necromancy is considered a forbidden magic, which only high-ranking magicians can use. Anyone who uses it without special permission from God is a black magician.
Explosions- magic focused on the direct release of energy into the surrounding space, respectively leading to destructive effects of varying scale. More complex manipulations allow you to create various controlled structures, for example, mana balls.
- Mana Burst「」 – sufficiently powerful magicians, having increased their magical power, are able to emit a stream of mana, releasing pressure and/or heat into the surrounding space. Unlike magic like telekinesis, this effect is not directed and occurs as a result of poor control of the increased amount of one's own energy, but it can be enough to simply blow away weak opponents.
- Fighting spirit "」 is a practical application of aura used by Akto when facing a strong opponent. In this case, it plays the role of additional protection and is capable of at least reflecting all six laser shots from Brave's armor .
Terrible energy「」 – in addition to the physical effect itself, Akto’s mana pressure exerts mental and psychic pressure on opponents, causing the feeling that the very air around him is ready to cut, sapping the enemies’ will to fight.
Pure Mana Burst「」 – While normal mana pressure occurs due to weak control, there is a way to do the same with higher magic control skills. This method allows you to release a huge amount of internal energy, which turns into an explosion. At the same time, Akto creates a force sufficient to tear apart a flying ship with dozens of walls and armor comparable to that of tanks, like a balloon.
- Limiter「」 – a block set on the amount of simultaneously operated energy by limiting the ability to increase the concentration of mana. In the case of even a partially awakened Akto, its removal was enough to destroy the god's pocket dimension and the subsequent breakthrough of the remnants of the detonation into the real world, creating a giant pillar of fire between heaven and earth.
- Transformations「」 – magic that allows you to change the composition of materials and living beings (including yourself), create magic potions, and also manipulate states of aggregation.
- Traditional magic「」 – within the above categories, magic is capable of reproducing many effects, limited only by the will of its owner.
- Telepathic communications– the ability to mentally connect with others using mana. Also includes the ability to defend against someone else's telepathic theft attempts.
- Telepathic theft– the ability to use magic to intercept someone else’s telepathy.
- Reading the Heart「」 – magic that allows you to read thoughts.
- Artificial Spirit「」 – crystallization of imperial magical technology, representing a creature that has certain functions due to communication with the gods . An example of this is Yatagarasu: a raven that accesses a database to obtain information about all the actions, thinking patterns and physical abilities of a person, based on the analysis of which an accurate conclusion is drawn about the ideal future occupation. Everyone can be calculated, from a systems engineer to Mao, although there is one exception - Soga Ken .
- Weather control「」 – magic that allows you to control atmospheric phenomena in the area of application.
- Typhoon- magic that manipulates the wind. Depending on the amount of mana used, she is capable of creating controlled tornadoes of various sizes.
- Lightning– magic that causes electrical damage. In the case of a large amount of invested force, the force itself is capable of causing powerful explosions and demolishing buildings upon impact.
- Hardness increase「」 – by imbuing an object with mana, you can increase its strength and strength. This makes it easy to turn any object into a melee weapon, however, depending on the skill of the magician and the material used, the limits of strengthening will vary.
- Acceleration「」 – magic that accelerates an object and launches it at the enemy. By itself, while not offering any particular advantages over other combat spells, this spell can be successfully combined with the creation of local areas of reduced mana, firing projectiles at significantly weakened magical shields.
- Mana Infusion「」 – by nourishing the muscles with mana, the magician can greatly increase the physical characteristics of his body. There is no clearly defined limit to enhancement; it all depends on the personal abilities of the magician and the amount of his internal mana.
- Unconscious increase in physical strength「」 – under the influence of internal mana, any magician unconsciously enhances the physical capabilities of his body, due to which he has superhuman characteristics even without the use of special magic.
- Mana infusion「」 – parts of the body strengthened by mana can acquire various additional qualities, such as tactile energy kinesis, piercing and chopping properties, as well as the ability to directly influence objects of various states of aggregation (other than solid), as if they had a fixed shape.
- Shield "」 – a protective field that allows the magician to block the spread of various effects. As a general purpose spell, Mana Barrier serves not only to protect against attacks, but also for other purposes, such as stopping sound from escaping from a certain area or preventing magical teleportation.
- Shield Dispel「」 – what can be created with the help of magic can be destroyed with it. Using his mana, one magician can dispel the shield of another if he is inferior to him in strength or skill.
- The magic of accelerating plant growth「」 – magic that allows you to manipulate the growth and development of plants on an arbitrary scale, using them both for peaceful purposes and for combat.
- The magic of flight「」 – the ability to use magic to fly. It is considered a complex spell, as a result of which the speed and maneuverability developed should greatly depend on the skill of the magician.
- A curse "」 – magic that influences the victim’s internal mana in order to cause certain effects with a delayed activation time. Traditionally, people regard it as black, but in fact it is not (which apparently implies that when using this magic, the effects can also be positive, not prohibited from general use: blessing).
- Magic of sounds「」 – magic that allows you to manipulate sound waves of different frequencies to achieve a variety of effects, such as intimidation, attack, or even creating interference (for example, for an enemy using ultrasound).
- Creation "」 – magic that allows you to create objects by concentrating atmospheric mana. This requires the presence of appropriate chemical elements (however, this does not prevent the formation of things like magical screens literally from thin air, which, apparently, indicates a wide range of collection of suitable materials with developed specialization in the manipulation of tools) and, in some cases, a sample ( for example, to recreate blood with human DNA).
- Terrain change「」 – magic that allows the user to manipulate the surrounding landscape, for example, changing the territory of an entire forest.
- Magic Move Circle「」 – magic that twists space and connects two points. Unlike the method of splitting the target and transmitting it in the form of data, it is considered a safe form of teleportation.
- Spell Gun「」 – a special weapon charged with mana bullets, which contain magical signals that activate various spells. If its owner has mana control abilities, it can activate a built-in effect, such as causing an explosion or miniature tornado.
- Bullet manipulation「」 – thanks to the mana contained in the bullet, the shooter can control its movement.
- Strength increase「」 – After the bullet hits the target, using its effect, the magician can use his power to build up the effect, increasing its scale and power.
- Regular ammunition「」 – in the absence of mana in the surrounding atmosphere, you can also insert simple bullets into the pistol, resulting in the effect of a regular firearm.
- Student Diary「」 – a special device used by students of the Permanent Magic Academy as an organizer, an electronic book and a means of telepathic communication. In addition, it also has more unusual applications: for example, by projecting screens with images in front of you, you can create camouflage, hiding from detection.
- Telepathic communications– the ability to mentally connect with others using mana. Also includes the ability to defend against someone else's telepathic theft attempts.
- Imaginary alternate space「」 – a certain space adjacent to the dimensions of the real world. Although it contains nothing on its own, the properties of this continuum have a variety of uses, being used as a measure of protection, a means of teleportation, or storage.
- Transportation「」 – due to its nature, an imaginary alternative space can play the role of a fourth dimension, allowing instant transfer of matter and energy, as well as storing them within itself.
- Deployment「」 – an imaginary alternative space can be placed not only in some external place, but also superimposed on the real world. Mechanical gods form it around their terminals, Mao cover territories with it in battle, and magicians embed it in objects or costumes.
- Space isolation「」 – unfolding, the imaginary alternative space creates a special field that fixes a certain zone. The space itself is isolated in it, which performs protective functions: from the moment the specified barrier is installed, there is no transfer of matter or energy from other worlds, including, is no longer possible: in other words, the enemy is cut off from external support and can only rely on his own strength.
- Rifts「」 – apparently, the field of space located in the real world can be broken through with the application of a sufficient amount of force. With the exception of cases of using a powerful mana canceller, this does not have any effect on the stability and performance of the space itself.
- Closing「」 – the above non-critical damage caused to the space can usually be instantly repaired by the person who deployed it.
- Space isolation「」 – unfolding, the imaginary alternative space creates a special field that fixes a certain zone. The space itself is isolated in it, which performs protective functions: from the moment the specified barrier is installed, there is no transfer of matter or energy from other worlds, including, is no longer possible: in other words, the enemy is cut off from external support and can only rely on his own strength.
- Qualitative change– an imaginary alternative space carries the potential for transformation in accordance with human will, making it possible to develop new worlds with their own independent history and metaphysics, including recreating the gradation of fiction-reality in relation to. However, these are not real parallel worlds, but only an appendage to the main one, which is why they are also called.
- Sealing「」 – the created world is capable of absorbing objects, people and even the very space of the real world, locking them in itself. From this moment on, whoever was previously caught in it ceases to matter: now he is subject to the internal rules of the world and can either gain superior strength or weaken to the level of an ordinary person or even more.
- Characteristic unnaturalness「」 – all imaginary alternative spaces created by software are characterized by the monotonous repetition of certain simple algorithms, an example of which is the identical movement of waves on the sea. This obviously should not apply to imaginary alternative worlds created by the power of the Law of Identity .
- Rules "」 – if the unfolding space serves as the basis for creating some kind of world, it includes mandatory rules that determine its internal content.
- Fundamental change「」 – making changes to the rules entails a basic change in the whole world.
- Changing World Elements「」 – despite the fact that the created world is regulated by a number of established rules, creatures with will are able to change it from the inside to a certain extent.
- Artificial Formless Power「」 – in fact, magic is an imitation of infinite, which is the source of reason and allows you to change the world with the help of your will. The brains of people capable of using this Formless Power were studied, resulting in the development of a mana system, while the first subject became the Emperor and the others became members of the imperial family. Apparently, this is precisely what accounts for the colossal potential of nanoparticles, as well as their ability to copy and reproduce any effect, not even related to magic.
“ | - I assume you are reading the old book again? – Akto asked, but she shook her head in response.
- No. I found an interesting game. |
„ |
~ Akto and Kena |
World-story with connect to the totality of fictions「」 – dimension created in an imaginary alternative space. Although initially it is empty, they are brought there, containing the basis of the future world: for example, some image and/or story. Simply put, the imaginary alternative space becomes the world of a film, book, game - anything that can be described by people.
- Your own world「」 – each work contains a unique world of its history. It exists according to its own laws, so approaching it from the point of view of common sense and morality is as stupid as trying to mindlessly transfer what you read to your own world. By denying the inner reality of stories, the very meaning of getting to know them will disappear.
- Interior space design「」 – filling the imaginary world, based on a work of any kind. It is much more than just appearance: the independent basis of the world, including its conceptual laws, the functioning of time and space, even determining the soul and fate of its inhabitants. Who people were in the real world does not matter; from now on, all their abilities are determined by their role in the unfolding story.
- Existence in the description「」 – since the created space of history is based on some source, what is absent in it will not exist in the created world.
- Countless Online game "」 is an imaginary alternate space world created by Yoshii based on an online RPG. Since one of the rules of the game provides for a difference in the flow of time in the created world and in the source world, a dozen hours in reality is equal to about a week in virtuality.
- Infinite Game data「」 – everyone who enters the Yoshii game becomes game data themselves, receiving all the accompanying advantages and disadvantages.
- Data overwriting data「」 – one of the internal rules of the game assumes the absence of innate limitations of one’s own body, in other words, each player is capable of becoming stronger through his own will.
- Game death「」 – just like in a virtual game, it is impossible to die in the imaginary world of an online game. Players don't even physically go there, but send their souls, so death will only return them back to the origin world. However, this also has its drawbacks: bodies left in reality are vulnerable, and are also subject to depletion of internal resources over time. In addition to this, like any other rule, the impossibility of death can be ignored by those who have the appropriate power - and then the character killed in the game will die for real, having received similar wounds on the body. Damage received this way cannot even be healed in the game.
- Flight ban「」 – in the game world, all abilities that allow you to fly are impossible. Of course, this limitation does not apply to those who can ignore the internal laws of imaginary space.
- Game categories「」 – every possible action in the game is programmed, which means it has its own limits that limit the user, regardless of his abilities. For example, it is impossible to strike with damage above a certain level, which means that some strong characters, such as Mao, fundamentally cannot be killed with one blow.
- Limit「」 – the game has a certain ceiling for the levels and parameters of all characters, setting the limit of their abilities. At the same time, certain character classes (like Mao) may have higher limits, which means that it is impossible for the characters to defeat them in a fair one-on-one fight.
- Infinite Game data「」 – everyone who enters the Yoshii game becomes game data themselves, receiving all the accompanying advantages and disadvantages.
Game Character「」 – bodies possessed by those caught in the imaginary world of a network game. The roles in it are given in accordance with their characters.
- Level「」 – the general value of the character’s strength development, which determines all his abilities. The higher it is, the more opportunities the player has, however, the level also has its limit.
- Class "」 – the basis of the character, determining his skills and direction of development. Akto's class is Mao, from the very beginning he has a maximum level of 99, and parameters that exceed the limit set for other characters. Also, thanks to the gigantic parameter of military strength, in addition to a huge army, characters of the Demonic Shogun and Priest classes also obey him .
- Self-healing「」 is a class feature of the Demon Lord that quickly restores his strength and allows him to use magic without actually spending mana. However, it also has a counterbalance: it is forbidden to use any healing magic on yourself in order to prevent endless healing. This prohibition does not apply to protective magic, since it has its own limits.
- Skills「」 – skills of a magical and combat nature that all characters possess, even if they are obtained only by increasing parameters with increasing level. Their peculiarity is that, due to the characteristics of the created world, they are all stored as behavior patterns in the brains of the players, thereby being transferred to the real world: this is like the ability to ride a bicycle, which, once learned, remains with a person forever. In other words, the entire gaming experience is transferred to a real person.
- Lightning「」 – an attack spell that allows you to accurately strike selected opponents with lightning.
- Fallout「」 is the strongest attack magic in the game, creating a small nuclear explosion when hit.
- Options "」 – numerical indicators of specific knowledge, abilities, skills and abilities of characters. They include, at a minimum, physical and magical strength, HP, regeneration, evasion, as well as military power - a special parameter that determines the size of the character’s army. Although the parameters are only a numerical indicator, they determine the full extent of the characters' capabilities: even if in real life the character is fast, but in the game does not have the necessary characteristics, his speed will be low.
- Troop Command「」 – a feature of the game that, depending on the level, gives the player NPC combat units and the ability to control them, allowing large-scale combat operations. At the same time, regardless of the size of the army, there are no logistical problems with it: soldiers appear out of nowhere and disappear literally at the snap of the character’s fingers.
Novel- the world of a romance novel about the European aristocracy, responding to the desires of one of the incarnations of the Law of Identity , Kena Dorons. Because of this, at the level of reality, the space of the created story unfolded inside an ordinary book.
- Story "」 – the actual plot of the world, presented in the form of a narrative of the work and defining its internal laws and logic. As a narrative, it assumes a consistent progression of the story, without allowing deviations: for example, the guards chasing the hero will not be able to actually reduce the distance separating them, no matter how fast and long they run, until the character performs the action required of him - hides under the heroine’s skirt .
- Author's point of view「」 – since part of the novel includes text on behalf of the narrator, the world of the book also requires him for its progress. But since the writer does not appear in the work itself, remaining external to the narrative, who can play his role? A person reading a book in the real world.
- Detailed reading「」 – the plot permeates the entire world of the novel, rigidly establishing its internal framework: the characters’ refusal to act in accordance with it will simply not allow the story to move on, leaving them no choice. On the other hand, this also entails interesting consequences - since the rules of reality do not work in the narrative, the logic of the created world can be manipulated.
- No description「」 – book texts are written in such a way that they do not touch upon many internal aspects, taking them for granted. In most cases, small details, such as the expression on the characters' faces while speaking, are not described, but for those who want to really take advantage of plot loopholes, there are also more serious variations - such as the absence of the description of the absence itself: for example, in a scene where the action of only a few persons, but does not directly indicate the impossibility of the presence of others. Thus, a character who naturally finds himself within a certain territory (like a maid in any of the rooms of a mansion) can appear literally out of nowhere during any scene where his participation is not expressly prohibited.
- Scam「」 – speaking about methods of plot manipulation, one cannot fail to mention such a subspecies of it as the interpretation of the text. Since the heroes will not interfere with the course of history if they act according to the letter of the story and not its spirit, they have a loophole at their disposal to choose the desired version of the narrative.
- Not advancing the story「」 – characters who do not want to follow the course of the story block its very course. This can have both a private effect, for example, interruption of the course of events by indecisive actions or discussions not provided for by the narrative, or as a general one: refusal to complete the story and continued existence in the world as it remained at the time the plot stopped.
- Aristocrat Protagonist「」 – the role of the heroine’s lover, which Akto took in the narration of the internal history of the created world. Devoid of magical abilities (absent in the novel), he is an excellent fencer, physically developed, and also has the skills and appearance of a sophisticated seducer and heartthrob.
“ | This is the last war, and I am the last Mao in this world. | „ |
~ The Greatest Mao |
Great Mao「」 – Akto is a human, but at the same time a non-human; a creature born as a result of a special adjustment of internal mana through manipulation of the egg from which it subsequently developed. He has been shown to be vastly superior to other past (and apparently future) Maos, being arguably the strongest of them all.
- Mao system「」 – In the world of Mechanical Gods, every person can have access to all resources, so ultimately certain rules are required to prevent massacres. Mao is an exception to such rules, written into the system itself. It is intended to achieve a number of optional, multi-level and largely contradictory goals, in particular such as: possible pairing with the Law of Identity , serving as a living weapon, execution of computer gods, as well as the function of a bleed valve, ensuring the very existence and functioning of the system, since its absence for a long time brings with it the accumulation of errors in it, like a festering boil that can ultimately kill the gods.
- Combat vehicle「」 – Created for the destruction of humanity, war with the gods and outer-universal threats, Akto has fighting abilities that are beyond the reach of ordinary people. In addition to the fact that he must have access to information about all existing martial arts, his very personality is structured in such a way that it manifests itself most effectively in battle. Akto, having identified a certain goal for himself, cold-bloodedly makes the most effective decisions, discarding moral doubts and internal hesitations, which allows him, for example, to use both hands and teeth in battle at the same time, or to carry out an attack that involves losing his head (which will also independently attack the enemy ). This method of fighting is literally inhuman, and can shock even the most experienced warriors. To a large extent, this is the same manifestation of over-adequacy and integration into the environment as the best models of liladans.
- Submission「」 – Possessing overwhelming power, a ruthless personality and the charisma of a great leader, the serious Akto is capable of bringing humility and obedience to creatures and people who do not have enough will to resist with his mere presence.
- Black Tsunami「」 – A perfectly coordinated army of demonic beasts controlled by Akto. It is a wave of various types of monsters capable of covering a large building. Due to their size and speed, an army of demonic beasts can be used as cannon fodder, creating obstacles for opponents and blocking their escape routes.
- Mana Whirlpool「」 – Using his unique mana, Akto is able to strengthen demonic beasts, while simultaneously plunging them into a state of battle rage. In this state, monsters continue to attack even after receiving apparently mortal wounds (such as losing their head), until they are chopped into small pieces. In addition, many enhanced demonic beasts are capable of creating a shield in the area that blocks any magical teleportation.
- Black Tsunami「」 – A perfectly coordinated army of demonic beasts controlled by Akto. It is a wave of various types of monsters capable of covering a large building. Due to their size and speed, an army of demonic beasts can be used as cannon fodder, creating obstacles for opponents and blocking their escape routes.
- Studying "」 – Like Mao, Akto is able to master enemy techniques simply by seeing them in use. This is beyond any talent, one could only be created this way. Even if the techniques are protected from copying, are purely mental in nature, or are based on non-magical laws, the effect will be repeated. Apparently, the same system is involved here as in copying Formless Power mana: achieving the same result with a difference in sources.
- Level "」 – mastery of a technique does not in itself provide mastery of its use, but Akto’s power bypasses this obstacle, allowing him to use copied abilities more effectively than his own owners, which is further enhanced by his many times superior magical capabilities. Of course, the more complex the technique, the more difficult it is to copy, but he only needed to see the copy-protected secret technique of the Hattori clan only twice in order to use it at a higher level than the head of the clan.
- Hattori Family Appliances「」 – magic that mentally simulates a battle between opponents. It has many possible uses: for example, comparing forces without direct bloodshed, revealing the real capabilities of the enemy before a fight while hiding their own, and misleading the enemy and shocking him with various attack patterns before the real one, different from those shown.
- Mental shock「」 – due to the perception of what is happening in a mental illusion as completely real, by dying in it, a sufficiently sensitive person can die for real.
- Spiritual cry「」 is the fundamental essence of the music of CIMO8's consummate expert, Mr. X. Using his soul, Akto is able to create vibrations with his body that prevent the suppression of his abilities, and can also theoretically suppress the magic of others in this way.
- Perfect Hodgson style cut「」 – a non-magical fighting technique based on dimensional cuts, used by Yamato Boichiro . It is unknown whether Akto is capable of using the offensive aspect of this ability, but his understanding of it, even in general terms, is enough for him to suppress and negate dimensional attacks with his bare hands, holding space itself.
- Which one「」 is a magical technique adopted by Akto from the Director of the Permanent Magic Academy . This is a martial art that allows, due to the principle of controlling force vectors, to neutralize an enemy’s attack or change the direction of its application. The size of the object does not matter: if the user does not have enough strength, then only part of the energy will be released.
- All muscles working together「」 is a misuse of Kakeya, used by Akto because of its extreme simplicity and convenience. This technique allows all the muscles in the body to work together as a single system and, apparently, also awakens their potential. In Mao's case, the increase in power was so great that he was easily able to lift and swing a 350-meter aircraft carrier using physical strength alone, with only a little help from telekinesis (apparently, so that it would not collapse under its own weight or not pressed Akto himself into the ground).
- Mirror projection「」 - Another of the Director's techniques, which consists of creating a mana screen on which an intangible three-dimensional image of Akto is projected while he himself moves invisibly to the enemy. A very simple, but effective trick due to its complete imperceptibility to the enemy, which allows you to create a false target for long-range attacks or “expose yourself” to attack by carrying out your own attack from behind.
- Body reconfiguration「」 – the ability to send part of one’s body into an imaginary alternative space, thereby changing its size down to the microscopic. Probably, Akto can use this magic on an enemy, for example, reducing him to a size when the color itself disappears, dust particles turn into asteroids, and a blow of wind exceeds a storm in speed and water in density.
Awakening「」 – A state in which Akto gains access to his full power, gaining control over all magic. To achieve this status, Mao must die in a special device, moving to the next level of existence, and then be resurrected.
- The power of all gods「」 – The most powerful ability at Akto's disposal is his ability to control all magical power by directly manipulating mana: in other words, unlimited magic. Since Mao's will is a higher priority than even the will of the mechanical gods themselves , in the presence of nanoparticles Akto can achieve any desired magical effect (including skipping the spell stage, immediately realizing a specific effect by arbitrarily implementing one of the many possible ways to achieve it), as well as control the use of magic by others.
- Mana Burst「」 – By causing mana to vibrate uncontrollably at high speed, one can cause it to explode uncontrollably in the affected area. All objects associated with mana (including people) will be blown apart by the explosion, from which only instant teleportation will be the only salvation.
- Magic movement「」 – instant teleportation, splitting the target and transmitting it in the form of data. Due to the need for extremely complex and precise calculations, this magic is considered dangerous, but with Akto’s computing power this does not pose a problem: he is capable of instantly moving tens of thousands of people, as well as individual items of clothing on them.
- Mana Retention「」 – by manipulating the contents of the surrounding space, Akto is able to form a certain atmosphere around himself, achieving the desired effects in it. For example, he can change the oxygen content and amount of heat in the air, and also concentrate mana around himself, increasing his magical abilities. This ability also allows him to travel in space without any harm.
- Absorption「」 – Akto is capable of absorbing mana and energy from the surrounding space. In addition to the fact that this increases his own capabilities, in a territory devoid of nanoparticles, it is impossible for Mao’s opponents to use magic and equipment requiring mana energy supply.
- Observing the flow of mana「」 – By controlling all nanoparticles in a certain territory, such as the Empire , Akto receives information about his opponents, knowing their location and actions. This power can be thwarted either by a similar ability to manipulate mana on a gigantic scale, or by a mana canceller.
- Infinite field of view「」 – Akto’s vision is limited only by the presence of mana along the route of the area being viewed, and, if it is present, it has no limits other than the limitations of the space itself.
- Energy creation「」 – although Akto has an organic body, he is partly similar to Liladan, including the ability to produce the energy he needs from mana. Thanks to this, Mao is deprived of the need for food, sleep, air, maintaining external pressure, does not age, and also does not get tired physically.
- Disgusting power「」 – Mao’s magical power is based on the life logs of people in the past. It can be said that the existing data array of human thoughts increases the very speed of Akto’s calculations, including calculations on the use of mana nanoparticles. Simply put, the more people die, the more Mao's power grows, not limited by any limit - this is the essence of the Awakening.
- View「」 – having a direct connection with the gods, Akto also has access to records of the life logs of all people at the same time, including those who are still alive. He is able to see their past down to the smallest detail (such as what they had for dinner three years ago), as well as know their thoughts and feelings in the present moment. The amount of information beyond imagination, the reading of which gives an accurate understanding of what actions need to be taken. This power is like looking into a person's very heart, and in Akto's case, even Hiroshi in Brave's armor was not immune to it.
- Scan「」 – if it is necessary to obtain certain information, Akto can extract all the necessary data from the information resources to which it has access, including the human brain. Whether it is cartographic information or scientific theories, Mao only needs to wish to immediately “remember” something that he did not know before.
- Peeking「」 – the ability to look into “various things of the world.” Akto used it to read books, and it is not entirely clear whether we are talking about reading information from electronic media or literally viewing material objects using nanoparticles of mana.
- Majin「」 – status opposite to the status of god. “Killing someone takes away that person's future opportunities” - although this is a basic, natural idea, those who have achieved Mao status through their strength understand it most clearly. However, by unfolding the chessboard, you can see the situation from the other side: if a person’s opportunities have already been taken away by someone, or if these opportunities actually do not exist, then there will be nothing special in the death of such people. In other words, Mao, like a real god, gets the opportunity to evaluate who can be killed and who cannot.
- View「」 – having a direct connection with the gods, Akto also has access to records of the life logs of all people at the same time, including those who are still alive. He is able to see their past down to the smallest detail (such as what they had for dinner three years ago), as well as know their thoughts and feelings in the present moment. The amount of information beyond imagination, the reading of which gives an accurate understanding of what actions need to be taken. This power is like looking into a person's very heart, and in Akto's case, even Hiroshi in Brave's armor was not immune to it.
- Computing power「」 – at its core, the battle with comparable opponents, such as Zero , is fought not only and not so much in the real world, but at a level similar to software. Its goal is to fight for the “mana” resource. In this battle, Mao, who has access to the entire resource, has an overwhelming advantage over even the most advanced artificial intelligence.
- Incredible degree of mental strength「」 – since mana depends on the will of the magician, for Akto the processing power in this fight is actually secondary. By using emotions and imagination, Maou's capabilities increase so much that it has been stated that he cannot lose in the use of magic, even if he is inferior in performance. It also makes it difficult for his opponents to calculate Akto's capabilities: he can demonstrate abilities tens of thousands of times greater than predicted, simply because the need arises.
- Complex vibrations「」 – During a fight, Akto is able to time his blows in such a way that they create clearly measured vibrations. It is unknown whether this ability has any combat use, as it was only used to communicate with Zero in airless space.
- Complex Magic– As a human, Akto has an advantage over a purely mechanistic approach to mana management. Due to the fact that his control of magic is limited only by his own mental state, he always remains within the limits of his natural capabilities, which means he can use the most complex magical techniques that require the finest control of mana.
- Focus Mana「」 – in the event of a collision with an enemy who is resistant to the control of Mao’s magic, he still has ways to ignore this protection. By touching an opponent, Akto can directly manipulate the internal mana of a body part and use it in various ways, such as transforming it into an explosion.
- Interference with fine control「」 – by touching an opponent, Akto is also able to interfere with his system of internal calculations, blocking existing abilities.
- Incredible degree of mental strength「」 – since mana depends on the will of the magician, for Akto the processing power in this fight is actually secondary. By using emotions and imagination, Maou's capabilities increase so much that it has been stated that he cannot lose in the use of magic, even if he is inferior in performance. It also makes it difficult for his opponents to calculate Akto's capabilities: he can demonstrate abilities tens of thousands of times greater than predicted, simply because the need arises.
“ | Let's find out what is stronger - the will of the nation or anger over the death of one girl. | „ |
~ Akto after Junko's death |
- Abnormal concentration state「」 – after certain circumstances related to the stress of allowing the death of many people and one of his lovers, Akto’s mind itself underwent changes, revising its basic values. Previously, Maou, no matter how angry he was and no matter what situation he was in, always avoided killing, thereby unknowingly holding back a colossal part of his power. Now Akto has lost his reasons for “fighting”, having instead acquired the determination for “one-sided murder” and received from this a manifold increase in his computing abilities.
- Pure killing intent「」 – the feeling of Akto, who has abandoned his peace-loving views, becomes truly demonic and begins to terrify even the operatives of CIMO8 , the most combat-ready and elite unit on the planet. The fear it evokes is so great that it becomes attractive in itself.
- Shock waves「」 – attacks by Akto, who has ceased to care about those around him, can lead to the formation of air explosions, hardly inferior in strength to those of Boichiro .
- Ability Reverse「」 - controlling all magic, Akto also has power over the magical abilities of his opponent, turning their effect against him.
- Coverage of every single particle「」 – usually magicians manipulate only existing nanomachines, simply transferring energy through them, but Akto goes much further, doing what was simply impossible for everyone before him. By taking control of each nanoparticle in the vicinity of the battle, he can decide how it will behave and where it will be - for example, removing them all from a certain area (making it impossible to use any magic there) and teleporting them to himself (thus significantly increasing his possibilities). From this we can conclude that Akto no longer manipulates the effect - magic, but the cause itself - the vibration of nanoparticles. Also, thanks to such complete control, even the effects of powerful mana cancellers, like that of Brave's armor, are ignored .
- Destruction「」 – if the earth and air are filled with mana, we can say that they themselves are made of it. In such conditions, space itself seems to be in Akto’s hand and the world can be crushed to the smallest size. Of course, in the real world this is impossible due to the lack of the required amount of mana and energy, however, based on this mechanic, in the ideal conditions of the Underworld Akto did this.
“ | A-chan is A-chan. He won't be anyone else. …No one will become someone else, so everything will be fine. | „ |
~ The Law of Identity guarantees the "I" of everyone |
Will「」 – the ability of a creature to form goals, make decisions and direct efforts to achieve them. It is a certain fundamental quality of the universe that allows, along with the actions themselves, to change the contents of the world.
- Memories of others「」 – since the world itself has beings external to itself, for whom it is only history, people in it are supported only by the memory of someone else. In turn, memories based on emotions are themselves also nothing more than fiction. Fortunately for the inhabitants of the world themselves, since within it it is impossible to prove that a person exists only inside other people’s memories, to take one’s own reality as given,, quite natural.
- Soul- the informational substrate of a person as an individual, sometimes mistakenly identified with the “I”. Not just a certain set of data about a person, but all his views, manners of thinking and behavior, memory, the very ability to make decisions, in other words, what can be defined as the individuality of a particular being. It is this level of human existence that is perceived by the mechanical gods , and it is this level that participates in moving up and down the hierarchy of story levels (at least within the levels of the internal hierarchies of the outer-universe gods). However, the soul is completely different from the much more primary “I”, still remaining only a certain form of information - which means that it can be copied and changed. It is also known that the soul is associated with the will (at least with its external manifestations in the world), and some special magicians are able to draw the power of their unique magic from it. There is an unreliable point of view that the soul is also in some way connected with the influence of the Law of Identity : apparently, in this case we can talk about an indirect influence, and not a direct one, as in the case of the “I” (influence on something as opposed to the source anything).
- Originality「」 – a deep, fundamental quality that determines the entire nature of existence of both individual beings and the world as a whole, making them real and authentic. Will these be the people reconstructed by the gods from information? Will there be e-books digitized from paper books? It is impossible to know from the inside what kind of world we really live in. What is the reason for the lack of trust in digitized data? This is the essence of originality: a concept closely related to the Law of Identity itself and, apparently, meaning the presence and uniqueness of its own history.
- Your “I”「」 – the feeling of “oneself”, that which makes a person human; awareness of identity with oneself at the very core of thinking. This may be called. You are you and no one else, and nothing can change that. A person can be presented as information, he can be killed and returned from the afterlife, but he will always remain himself: independent, independent, separate from others. Self-awareness accompanies the emergence of free will, as well as the emergence of a certain form of information-conceptual protection: until the boundaries of a person’s physical life are erased in the world, erasing his existence is also impossible.
- Heart– a certain deep component of the personality/soul, from where, in particular, inner determination and emotions come. It will not be a mistake to say that in man it is the same as in the Law of Identity, but it is true that the latter is only the “heart.” In Akto's case, the heart is the key to his true strength, which lies in his inner determination. Although there are many systems to support Mao, including Peterhausen , these are all nothing more than crutches. Just as the gods do not have real bodies, Akto himself also does not need any material conductors of his power. Having made a decision for himself, he is able to gain the power of the destroyer of the world.
- The secret of life「」 – “I” has a certain inherent property that radically distinguishesconsciousness from the created: a riddle, the answer to which could reveal the mystery of the origin and end of the universe. Thus, artificial intelligence can surpass human intelligence, but it will not become completely real, always remaining secondary. At the same time, what is the secret of life is completely determined by the Law of Identity, and it can, in spite of everything, endow Mao Zero with true consciousness , and in general legalize all the secondary egos of machines, recognizing them as full-fledged.
- Overcoming the will of the Law of Identity「」 – even existing in a fictional world where the personality itself is not real, the “I” usually develops and surpasses the will of its source. And if every person is free, sooner or later someone will try to find out the truth about the world. Will the character's will be able to set the author of the work in motion?
“ | This is what I realized: believing stories is stupid, but to deny them, you need an even bigger story. | „ |
~ Personal History of Akto |
Outer Universe God「」 – the status of a powerful cosmic entity containing within itself, in which she is the protagonist. Because of their different nature, such creatures are unknowable to their own kind, so it is likely that Akto can only be seen or heard if one does not actually try to do so.
- Protagonist「」 – if the world is history, then there are both fictional worlds, over which there is something, and fictional worlds, over which there is nothing. The latter also have their own main characters and characters, however, the protagonist here is no longer limited by anything, so any of his actions becomes possible and successful.
- Personal consciousness「」 – basically the consciousness of an external universal god defines itself precisely from the perspective of the protagonist and, by analogy, the body of a god could denote his history.
- Endless retreat「」 – Akto’s personal history is a structure of many fictions in which the destruction of one system only entails the activation of another. This is an everlasting hell.
- Deployment「」 – the outer-universal god is able to form for himself the desired personal story, over which he has complete control, literally playing with it. This world changes freely in accordance with the will of the creator, and the process can even be subconscious in nature.
- Logically infinite possible and impossible worlds「」 – worlds can have many aspects. The very concept of possibilities suggests that where everything is possible and imposssible, everything logically feasible will happen. In other words, everything that can be described is possible, and, on the other hand, the indescribable is impossible, which represents a certain boundary of the world. “Hitler visited Paris in 2000 AD”, or “an elephant flies in the sky”, or even the most careless worlds are just a few possibilities and impossibilities from the infinity contained in the world.
- Erase「」 – the structure deployed by God can be erased at any time if he so desires.
- Restart「」 – the erased world can be re-created by an outer-universal god, by re-unfolding some (or all at once) of the logical possibilities available to him.
- Interuniversal Invasion「」 – outer-universal gods are able to create special stories to attack the stories of other outer-universal gods. Since they are not included in the original work, their interference is in no way controlled and can lead to great tragedies in the attacked world.
- Destruction of humanity「」 – in fact, the magic system functions in such a way that neither Mao nor the mechanical gods have the resources to completely erase humanity. Thus, one of the main antagonisms of the Empire, which supposedly consists in the struggle for survival and the elimination of people, is generally far-fetched, since neither side has either the ability or the goal to carry out such purges. In other words, there is no force in the universe that can destroy humanity - which means that it comes from outside, from what can be called real gods.
- Real God「」 – to a large extent, the presence of the potency of a certain structure within the archetype can be compared with how the Mechanical Gods planned to reconstruct the world as data and move with it to a higher level. Moreover, the latter, although each of them had an infinitely cardinal depth of infinities of information worlds in its composition and would have added to this the data of the real world, already at the next stage they would be no more than a simple single-celled one, while the outer-universal gods surpass the entire ladder of such multi-level stories.
- Range "」 – although there are countless stories, they can all be divided into. It can be calledor her. Each outeruniverse god occupies some position on this ladder of the spectrum, depending on the potential complexity of his internal history. Since Akto's story is not simply based on the world being a work of art, but also assumes that the living can be represented as ghost-concepts, it is very powerful and has an infinite degree.
- Satisfaction「」 - although the story must end as it prescribes, at the same time, the outer-universal god, as the main character, must himself be satisfied with its outcome. If this does not happen, he cannot simply disappear, showing some resistance to this process even against his personal desire. For Akto, this represents a cyclopean obstacle that he cannot solve on his own, since no ending to history can satisfy him due to the fact that all stories as such are denied to him.
- Archetype「」 – the status of a developed external universal god, containing a complex and varied history. Due to its complex nature, the structure of available logical descriptions and operations with them in Akto is many times superior to the primitive basic outer-universe gods .
- Ghosts「」 – data of creatures contained within the archetype, making them all its pawns. Unlike necromancy, which uses a simple set of memory and personality information, the archetype's body also storesinhabitants of its history, which truly makes them come alive when summoned. It is known that souls can be manipulated by creating, changing or destroying them and, obviously, archetypes should also have this ability in relation to the ghosts they contain.
- Characters「」 – like the Law of Identity, archetypes do not treat people as individuals. Each person has an inner side, his concept, and everything else is nothing more than a set of elements unnecessary for the personality.
- Ghosts「」 – data of creatures contained within the archetype, making them all its pawns. Unlike necromancy, which uses a simple set of memory and personality information, the archetype's body also storesinhabitants of its history, which truly makes them come alive when summoned. It is known that souls can be manipulated by creating, changing or destroying them and, obviously, archetypes should also have this ability in relation to the ghosts they contain.
Afterworld "」 – what is the next step of existence after the phenomenon of “death”. It may be called Heaven or Hell, but in this case the names are not important, since the existence of such a place proves that the real world is not real. A truth the knowledge of which doesn’t just throw people into a cold sweat – it drives them crazy.
- Fictional world「」 – many people have thought about the possibility that the world they live in is fictional, for example, even if one is convinced that the surroundings are real, it is impossible to be sure that it is not an illusion or hallucination. However, this can usually be countered with an argument about the existence of other thinking beings: if we exist, then others can exist, and if their death is equivalent to ours, then the world continues to exist regardless of anyone in particular. However, there is one view of the falsity of the world that cannot be refuted in this way: what if the whole world is nothing more than someone's dream? This point of view can also be achieved by the assumption that this world was created by a real god or described in some history, and it cannot be proven from within the world itself. More precisely, she couldn’t. Before Mao appeared.
- Resurrection「」 – if someone could see the Underworld and return from there the same way, this would prove that this world is fictitious. If there is an Afterlife, then there is someone outside this world: God in the true sense, the God of the outer world. The concept of "resurrection" present in all past religions is an instinctive understanding of this. The first to see the Underworld and return from there became “Mao”.
- Different sense of time「」 – those who died earlier in the Afterlife feel as if they had just appeared. However, with a high degree of probability this is due to the fact that the world of the dead was really just formed, so people appeared in it at the same time, regardless of the time of death.
- Newly born memories「」 – the contents of the memory of the inhabitants of the Underworld are not something reliable, since they could have just been formed or changed. In the created world, memories, relationships and social norms will be as Akto is comfortable with.
- Reflection of thoughts「」 – The afterlife reacts to the contents of the human mind. Subconscious anxiety and fear can be embodied in the monster, but can just as easily be dispelled. Some ordinary things, which by virtue of their habit are not questioned, can be much more real: for example, the ability to see even without light sources in the sky or to use magic. Apparently, without the presence of an opposing will, the inhabitants can form their vision of the world on a colossal (possibly infinite) scale, based on even the most general ideas (such as a poem they once read ).
- Imaginary form「」 – people who appear in the Underworld look the way they imagine themselves. For example, Hiroshi found himself wearing a Brave suit, which had no energy, but at the same time weighed comfortably for a young man.
- Strongest thoughts「」 – it is the will of Akto in the Underworld that is the most powerful, a priori surpassing the ideas of all its other inhabitants.
- Eternal time「」 – The Afterlife was created by Akto as a way to create a reprieve before the lost humanity was absorbed by the Formless Force. However, the absence of an end can itself be an end, and for this reason time in this world will flow endlessly, never ending. As a result, none of the inhabitants of the Underworld will grow old or die.
- Eternal happiness「」 – Akto's afterlife embodies all his dreams, including polygamy, wealth, the opportunity to change society, and even adventures and conflicts to spice up life. The universe can contain whatever he wants, with the exception of Kena and Hiroshi .
- A world filled with mana「」 – the world of eternal happiness is evenly filled with mana even where under normal conditions it could not exist, which allows Akto to use his abilities to the absolute maximum.
- Immortal life "」 – a world of many possibilities that are actually absent. Many people perceive themselves as different from who they are today, but in the world of eternal happiness this is impossible. Eternity is scary not because of boredom, but because of the continuation of what should have already been completed. A person is forced to continue talking, although there is nothing left to talk about. A person is forced to continue writing, although there is nothing left to write about. A person can teach others, but they will only become an echo of himself. Even love is forced to continue after the couple is reunited in happiness. Eternity means the absence of anything new. The ending has come, but something continues even after it. But existence requires some reason that does not exist.
- The end of the end「」 – there is no story in satisfying one’s desires. The end of the work can only come as he dictates it, and Mao's role is to destroy the world. Akto is capable of destroying the Underworld, and while its inhabitants cannot die, what happens if the very space in which they are immortal is erased? Apparently everything is coming back to.
“ | I screamed.
Meaninglessness, slip of the tongue, failure, nothingness. There are only reservations in the voice. There are only errors inside. Only pain. Nothing else. No statements. I only have mistakes. And I started making mistakes. I increased the errors. I've made mistakes in all kinds of ways. I made mistakes with my strong will. I repeated the mistakes many times. And that led me to... Nothing. |
„ |
~ Akto starts all the stories over again |
World or Universe that connected with totality of all fiction of the Law of Identity「」 –existence, totally superior to the layer of existence of the spectrum of outer-universal gods and potentially capable of supporting infinite-level stories within its framework.
- Time doesn't matter「」 – in the world of the Law of Identity, the passage of time has no meaning, being perceived mainly subjectively. Eternity may not even require time expenditure, and millennia for one will be equal to months for another.
- Opening up all possibilities「」 – the process of unfolding all logically possible worlds, similar to what archetypes do, but carried out at a higher level.
- Infinite World Walls「」 – although the space may be limited, as well as the number of characters, their combinations are endless, but that’s not all. Unfolding possibilities is not just a concept; as they grow, they literally push back the walls of the world that exists within Akto. Apparently, we are talking here about the same, which makes it impossible to create the indescribable. The props of the story are no longer limited to Akto himself, but expand further to include the very hierarchy of outer-universal gods.
- Tower of Babel「」 – a situation where all stories plunge into chaos. Even within the Akto archetype itself, a finite space and a finite number of characters create a combination of an infinite number of options, but now the possibilities begin to include even the outer-universal gods themselves with their own contents. Before this, one could say “stories are shared.” They performed their roles, and the world itself forbade interference with them, with the exception of the history of Akto. Now, many protagonists are trying to advance their stories in a limited space.
- Mess "」 – the unfolding of all the stories causes confusion, but not struggle. After all, in addition to the strong stories that claim hegemony, there are also weak ones. Added to this is their size: large but weak stories are driven by the everyday; small but strong - unusual.
- Impossibility of stories「」 – in the simultaneous thoughtless realization of all possibilities, humanity turns into “individuals”. There is no longer any shared ownership of stories; people no longer share them. The emergence of any kind of relationship between friends, enemies and even strangers is no longer possible. Now there are countless solitudes. As a result, the stories themselves become impossible and disappear.
- First person「」 – something, “I,” that exists even before the stories begin. "I" falling in the darkness. There is nothing, only the body of the first person.
- Voice "」 – something that the first person begins to hear. There is nothing yet: no stories, not even loneliness. And yet a voice is heard. It is impossible to even determine the existence of time from it, since it does not contain any units. The voice is constant. Even if it is the eternal ringing of a bell, there are simply no words to define each unique sound. How many times? How often? In what eternity?
- Speech "」 – ultimately the person can only assume that the “voice” belongs to herself, and then she tries to speak herself. The person makes a sound, which turns into a word, which turns into a language. However, there is nothing right there, there is no meaning, there is not even an error. Meaninglessness, slip of the tongue, failure, nothingness.
- Movement "」 – after failing to speak, the first person tries to move his body. There is nothing inside or outside, and they themselves are barely separated. The voice continues to sound. Even if it is the eternal ringing of a bell, there are simply no words to define each unique sound. How many times? How often? In what eternity? And yet the first person begins to count to begin the division. And the division grows, the heavens are separated from the earth. And the first person gets the opportunity to move. Now the “inside” is separated from the “outside” by the pain experienced from internal mistakes.
- Second person「」 – after the first person begins to develop and manipulate her internal errors, at some point she gets the opportunity, through errors in her perception, to see someone else where there is nothing. This second person goes through the same cycle as the first, not knowing that there is someone else next to her. However, where there are two, there is a story.
- Origin Reality becomes totality of all realities「」 – to understand reality, a story is necessary, which is born from relationships with others. Now Akto begins to reconstruct the possibilities of the stories, which takes a period of time equal to infinity, because he must test each one.
- Instant complication「」 – Akto's stories suddenly become much more complex due to their explosive diversity. Cars and cities become elements of stories. A different metaphysics becomes an element of stories. Invasions of outer-universe gods become an element of the stories . An element of stories is the lack of an ending to the story. An element of the stories is getting into another world. The element of the stories is the ending, which turns into reality. Elements of stories become possible options for the development of history. An element of the story is the change of the main character. The element of stories becomes the very absence of stories.
- This world "」 – one of the options for a story with an extremely low degree that can be deployed by Akto is “our” reality, where the author of “Ichiban Ushiro no Daimaou” lives. Yes, yes, exactly “ours,” the overly suspicious ACF user who is reading this, don’t think that you are any different from other representatives of your low-level world, just as shackled and driven by stories.
- The final form of the story「」 – ultimately, the stories not discarded by Mao develop and come to one of two options. In one, created by Akto, they strive to move into the absurd, where pleasant things will last forever (for example, the story of eating food). In the second, created by the outer-universal gods, stories seek to destroy his desires and expose the hidden outer surface of history.
- Instant complication「」 – Akto's stories suddenly become much more complex due to their explosive diversity. Cars and cities become elements of stories. A different metaphysics becomes an element of stories. Invasions of outer-universe gods become an element of the stories . An element of stories is the lack of an ending to the story. An element of the stories is getting into another world. The element of the stories is the ending, which turns into reality. Elements of stories become possible options for the development of history. An element of the story is the change of the main character. The element of stories becomes the very absence of stories.
- Creator「」 – Akto is a being capable of doing anything within the framework of personal history. The world submits to his will, taking any form and changing its size, content and degree of fiction as Mao himself wishes it.
- The furthest corners of pleasure「」 – With the power and personality that Akto possesses, he has tried all forms of biological pleasures. It is obvious that they no longer have any power over him.
- Flat story「」 – Realizing that he was unable to find a solution on his own, and realizing that stories were hidden within people, Akto created a story to meet his only equal, Brave . It exists to a minimal extent and contains as few internal stories as possible. In fact, this is just an eternal flat surface on which a table with some drinks and fruits is located.
- Unresolved「」 – Even the drinks and fruits on the table have no more than a general shape, awaiting Akto's decision in order to become something specific.
- Concepts「」 – Akto perceives everything that is not equal to himself only as concepts to which he does not include himself. For example, when communicating with a person, you cannot be sure that he has a personality, since even adequate answers can only be thoughtless, like some form of philosophical zombie. This is not the case with Akto, he can actually sense the personalities he stores, and indeed contains countless concepts of personalities. This can be compared to the ghosts contained in the archetypes, but Akto's concepts include at a minimum outer-universal gods and probably other concepts beyond their reach.
- Call「」 – Akto is able to call upon his level the concepts contained in him, what he has extended his personal history to. At the same time, for him there is no particular difference, for example, to call one girl or all the outer-universal gods at once. Even if the concept itself is not perceived and understood by Akto, this will not be any obstacle, only Mao's desire is enough.
- Everyone wants to kill Mao「」 is a certain internal pattern of Sai Akto’s world, emanating from his desire to destroy stories and find peace. Even Akto himself falls under it, wishing for his death. However, this is impossible due to the power of the Law of Identity, which prevents her beloved from ending her story in a way that does not suit her.
“ | History is just a fleeting dream. | „ |
~ The Law of Identity Perspective |
Contract of the One「」 – a ritual that allows the chosen one of the Law of Identity to create an Empty body for evolution into another universe. To do this, it is necessary to enter into a true marriage with her incarnation .
- Empty body「」 – during the ritual, both the stories and the body itself cross zero, creating emptiness. Imaginary data. Space without time. The end of the laws of nature. On the other side of causality. The rescue.
- Minus "」 – the state of a being taken by Kena to a certain higher world, the Antiverse. In fact, for Akto this is only the third step, but even so it transcends the entire structure of the universe of the Law of Identity and is no longer conditioned by all stories.
- Akuto Sai with Void Body form「」- at that time, he is beyond all and the entire of his stories( with Totality of all fiction ) and he is like as Author. ( )
Attack Potency: At least High Town level to Continent level (Destroyed his classroom with an explosion. Created an explosion 10 meters in diameter that left a crater behind), (Traded blows[7] with Peterhausen who can survive Brave's plasma explosion),(Has enough power and mental capacity to absorb all of the mana within the Empire's border,[29] and utilize it to his will, which means he should have enough energy to destroy Japan which requires this much power), (Even the weakest explosion have seven kilos of force per square cm meaning when applied to the size of Japan he'd have this much power)| Universe level+ (Although Boichiro Yamato overpowered and destroyed[12] Volume 4 Akuto, and is superior even to his muscle form, in Volume 5 Akuto could defeat him and leave heavy injuries[19]), higher with Statistics Amplification (By pumping mana into his muscles, Akuto can become many times stronger[8] which would make him at least 4x more powerful), (Comparable to the Chimera Monster who did this feat. Created a nuclear explosion which blew it away,[20] and was even stated to be weaker in VPS[20] than back in the "real world") | At least Complex Multiverse level, Hyperverse level to possibly Outerverse level with Awakening (The Awakened state is considered his true power, and is capable of using all of the mana within the Empire's borders.[5] He has all of the power of[24] The Computer Gods and can easily kill them. Heavily damaged Zero, the original Demon King and can grow infinitely stronger[5] and his power doesn't have a limit[5]) | at least High Outerverse level to Extraversal level (Comparable to his Awakened state. Can trade blows with people like Marine who can use the Faceless Power which is above the entirety of the magic system of The Computer Gods ( Type (4) Multiverse as themselves )and is an infinite power inside of a world[37]) | Extraversal level to Far Higher into Extraversal level (Akuto can create any possible story that can be put into writing,[32] even contradictory ones,[32] which includes the infinite R>F hierarchy present in the series[32]) | Far Higher into Extraversal level (Akuto can create every possible story that can be put into writing, even contradictory ones, which would include the infinite hierarchy with infinite cardinals present in the infinite series) in Antiuniverse | Unfathomably higher into Extraversal level, up to Scaling Failure (Cast aside his earthly form, leaving a void body that was take into[36] Keena by the Contract of the One, which allowed him to be freed from his story role as the Demon King and become part of the Anti-Universe, the place where all stories end, which would put it above the totality of all fiction)
Speed: Superhuman (Crossed 10 meters in an instant) | Subsonic (Stopped[11] Lily's punch moments before it could hit Boichiro Yamato) | Hypersonic (Comparable to Boichiro Yamato who can break the sound barrier and create sonic booms with his attacks[38] and speed blitzed his Volume 4 self) | Hypersonic (The same as before) | At least Hypersonic (Immensely faster than before), Massively Hypersonic+ with Lightning (Can summon cloud-to-ground lightning to smite his opponents) | Hypersonic (The same as before), far higher when Unsealed (Created a massive shockwave and tornado when unsealed. Instantly got to the ship The One was on) | Omnipresent in The Afterlife, Irrelevant otherwise (The afterlife and all of it is part of his body; technically above the concept of time) | Omnipresent
Lifting Ability: Unknown | Class 50 (Threw a 30 meters tall robot to the ground, and shouldn't be much weaker than his sealed Act 10 self) | Class M (Lifted the Genkaku) | Class M (The same as before) | At least Class M (Stronger than before) | Class M | Irrelevant (Views all of his creations as nothing but a piece of paper in an infinitely vast room. Concept of mass doesn't apply to him) | Irrelevant | Irrelevant
Striking Ability: Small Building level | Small Town level | Town level, Universe level+ without Limiters | City level | Universe level+ with Awakening | City level up to Large Island level, likely Continent level, Universe level+ to Multiverse level when Unsealed | Outerverse level to High Outerverse level when blinking computer gods | Extraversal level to Far Higher into Extraversal level when afterlife | Far Higher into Extraversal level from anti-universe | Unfathomably higher into Extraversal level, up to Scaling Failure with void body
Durability: Small Building level | Small Town level | Town level, Universe level+ without Limiters | City level | Universe level+ with Awakening | City level up to Large Island level, likely Continent level, Universe level+ when Unsealed | Outerverse level to High Outerverse level when blinking computer gods | Extraversal level to Far Higher into Extraversal level (His sheer size exceeds that of all of his creation and for him, all of it is just fiction) | Far Higher into Extraversal level from anti-universe | Unfathomably higher into Extraversal level, up to Scaling Failure with void body
Stamina: Peak Human (Akuto even early in the series could escape Junko's pursuit and keep up in combat[4] with her for a while) | Superhuman (Absorbs the mana from his surroundings to replenish his stock. Endured Boichiro's countless attacks and was regenerating from them.[14]) | Superhuman (Akuto can absorb mana from his surroundings or anything that produces it[39] to replenish his stock and keep fighting. Regenerated half of his body and both arms[19] after they were melted by Brave's plasma explosion, and he didn't show any change in his expression, simply shrugging it off as nothing special), Infinite without Limiters | Superhuman (The same was before) | Infinite (Has access to infinite mana supply[24] and can return it to the citizens of the Empire. Stated he could fight Zero for a century if he had to without getting tired. Wasn't even bothered after being burned to a char by Brave's plasma explosion, even though he still feels pain) | Superhuman (The same as before. Absorbed all of the mana within the Empire's atmosphere), Infinite when Unsealed (Comparable to his Awakened state) | Infinite | Infinite | Infinite
Range: Standard Melee Range by himself, Several and up to at least 10s of Meters with magic (Created an explosion which blew away[1] his classrooms walls. Later, he produced an explosion 10 meters in diameter.[4] | Standard Melee Range by himself, Several and up to at least 10s of Meters with magic (Created a powerful whirlwind[8] which filled an underground graveyard the size of a soccer stadium and 5 stories tall.[10] Attacked Lily with a tornado which was several dozen meters tall[7]) | Standard Melee Range by himself, Several and up to at least 10s of Meters with magic (The same as before) | Standard Melee Range by himself, Several and up to at least 10s of Meters with magic (The same as before. The Fallout spell creates a powerful nuclear explosion[20] which killed the chimera monster, who's height is at least several dozen meters[20]) | 100s up to 1000s of Kilometers when Awakened (Can create dark storm clouds[22] over the city and attack with lightning. When Awakened he can use all of the mana within the Empires borders[5] and return it to every citizen), likely far higher (Stated to be able to destroy the entire world[5] on numerous occasions) | Standard Melee Range by himself, Several up to 10s of Meters with Magic, 1000s of KM with Absorption (The same as before. Absorbed all of the mana within the Empire's border) | Irrelevant | Irrelevant | Irrelevant
Extraordinary Genius: Even at an early age Akuto could be considered serious. When witnessing being left, he looked as if he was brooding his next move. By the age of 5 he had already reached his mental peak and had an astute understanding of the world and great self-awareness.[40] This is most notable in academics, having excellent grades. Junko was even surprised he passed the Constant Magic Academy entrance exam since is so difficult that there are many years when no one can pass.[1] He also isn't a slouch when it comes to combat even early in the series, being able to keep up with[1] Junko, who is one of the most skilled students in the school and trains to become a ninja. In Volume 1 he defeated, and basically tortured, Takeshi and several of his goons.[3] While usually his mana control isn't the best, when he becomes serious, he can use it to defend against rockets, different magical explosions, chains and much, much more, all of that while focusing both on defense and offense. In his second fight against Junko, he managed to defend against her clones and choose the best course of action[4] while making sure Keena was safe. He even managed to escape most of the students chasing him towards the end for a while, until teaming up with Junko and Korone and defeating them.
To not cause unnecessary damage, Akuto was given an incantation gun, and not long after attaining it, he had amazing aim with it[10] from the get-go. He was also able to utilize the air magic inside the bullets to bring it out and increase their destructive power. Also, if he ever needed more precise aim, he could simply redirect the trajectory of the bullet, so they hit the target. Later when going on a treasure hunt, Lily had instructed for the other student council members to ward off anyone trying to locate an underground graveyard where Peterhausen was sealed, and yet Akuto managed to defeat all 3 student council members, or at least force them to retreat, and all 3 were considered among the strongest and most skilled in the entire school, from abilities that allowed one to control bats and appear practically as a mist, transform into a large wolf, or even control a powerful suit of armor.
When going on a field trip where Hiroshi's hometown was located, he ran into one of the CIMO-8 members Mister X. He could use powerful Sound and Vibrational attacks in the form of music to weaken and practically nullify any attempt his opponents made at even trying to stand, let alone fight. Yet, Akuto figured out how to counter his abilities by creating his own inner sound and vibrations,[17] which continued to be effective even after Mister X ramped up the intensity of his attacks. Akuto defeated him quickly and easily with raw physical force, and each punch was dedicated to all the awful things Mister X had said or done. He also increased the sound of his own soul to cancel out Mister X’s attacks.
Akuto often reads a lot of scientific books and ancient religious text,[11] thinking about how to improve the world and how the information he just gained could benefit him and others. Even at an early age he could argue, and debate grown-ups about religion and their flawed thinking process,[41] although it didn't amount to much besides devoted believers become mad, and the teachers at orphanage instructing him to not say the things he did even if he was right and pointed that out.[41] When arriving at Junko's village Akuto was the only one who could locate Yuko from the start,[13] a feat no one, even Junko or other ninjas have been able to perform. Later, after meeting Yozo, Akuto stated that he would change the outcome of his illusions[13] after briefly examining his style. Dodged surprise spear attacks from expert ninjas[13] after he was suddenly attacked from the ground, walls and ceiling. Fought against Yozo,[14] an experienced ninja, and defended against his attacks and faints. When Akuto encountered Boichiro he stated that he can sever dimensions with his technology, yet Akuto figured out how it worked[14] after seeing it once, and grabbed the space[14] he had cut, and then proceeded to punch the other spatial attacks.[14]
Akuto fought against Brave and found different ways to defend against his attacks, from stopping Particle Cutter with his Mana, to canceling out his Plasma Ball before it could do any real damage. He also deflected his lasers with the aura surrounding himself. Disposed of 5 expert ninjas[39] attacking him perfectly from all sides without any difficulty. He can also skillfully use his opponent's momentum[39] against them, and ward off their attacks. Defeated countless Liradans firing countrless arrows, and trying to attach themselves to Peterhausen while he was attached to the God Tree.
Kazuko called Akuto quick-witted[5] compared to all of the previous Demon Kings, which includes Zero. Could teleport 30,000 people at once which was described as if focusing on every single grain in a box of sand, and then moving each one individually to another box.[42]
Supergenius: After awakening Akuto gained access to the Life Logs. This allows Akuto to known every single moment of a humans life,[24] being able to pick which part and what information would be beneficial to him.[24] Akuto knows what emotions humans have or had had.[24] He can know every thought a human has formed and every action they might have done, or even planned, knowing their intentions and ideals. Virtually nothing is hidden from him in this state. However, even with this vast amount of information accessible, he chooses to not pry into people's personal life out of respect.
Nigh-Omniscient: Consciously created all information in some of his worlds, has spent millennia studying all kinds of different worlds, can perceive everything in The Afterlife). Omniscient (created from every impossible to every possible story and should be comparable to the likes of the law of identity in his void body)
Weaknesses: Akuto can have difficulty controlling his magic output, which usually leads to his opponents, or even friends, being injured far worse than they should have, however, this weakness was largely overcome by Volume 4. After Akuto's limiters are removed he loses the control of the torrent of power and his emotions[19] which leads to creating heat that can melt Suhara's Pseudo Space and potentially hurt those he didn't intend to.
Versions: Act 1 | Act 2-4 | Act 5-6 | Act 7 | Act 8-9 | Act 10-12 | The Afterlife/God Universe | Void Body
Other Attributes[]
List of Equipment: Wooden practice sword (In Volume 1 given to him by Junko), An incantation gun (In Volume 2 given to him by Fujiko), Robe of the Fire Rat
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
- Hua Jin: A martial art Akuto learned[19] from the Headmaster which allows him to control every muscle in his body.[18] This martial art is perfectly suited for his magic type and because of that, he can lift gigantic structures such as the Genkaku,[18] a ship 350 meters in length. Besides controlling every muscle in his body, and having expert control of impossibly large structures, he can also deflect the enemy’s attacks to avoid them hitting his vital spots, as he did in his fight against Boichiro Yamato. However, it is slightly different from the Headmaster's, and he isn’t as experienced yet.
- Fallout: An incredibly powerful spell he gained inside of VPS. This allows him to create an actual nuclear explosion that's powerful enough to kill the Chimera Monster which was after the holy grail. It even created a massive mushroom cloud after it's detonation. After it's powerful detonation it creates an incredible explosion of fire and light.[20]
- Lightning Magic: Another spell he gained inside of VPS when he was assigned the roll of the Demon King. It allows him to use different lightning attacks. Although, he primarily uses it to summon cloud-to-ground lightning of incredible power that can even turn others to dust or vaporize them.[20]
- Immortality: After the world was destroyed and Akuto arrived in the afterlife Brave attempted to travel into the past to prevent the world's destruction. He attempted this many times by, amongst others, preventing the development of magic and killing Akuto, but when he returned to the afterlife of the future nothing ever noticeably changed. That was due to The Law of Identity having predetermined the fate of Akuto and the world. No matter what Brave changed in the past, history would always realign itself to keep the end result the same. Akuto could, for example, later on be revived by someone else, as demonstrated in Act 8. When Akuto tried to crush the afterlife and by that erase himself, the Law of Identity stopped that as well, as this wasn't an ending it would allow. In conclusion, while one can kill Akuto in the world of the living, sending him to the afterlife and by that winning against him, it will ultimately make no difference for the fate of him or the world. Furthermore, any action that would even destroy his afterlife self would be prevented by The Law of Identity.
Extra Info:
Note: The Void Body only existed during a very short time during the end of the story and as such not much is known about it.
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches:
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Demon King Daimaou Volume 1 Chapter 1
- ↑ Demon King Daimaou Volume 1 Chapter 3
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Demon King Daimaou Volume 1 Chapter 4
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Demon King Daimaou Volume 1 Chapter 2
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 Demon King Daimaou Volume 8 Chapter 3
- ↑ Demon King Daimaou Volume 2 Chapter 1
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 7.2 Demon King Daimaou Volume 2 Chapter 4
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 Demon King Daimaou Volume 2 Chapter 3
- ↑ Demon King Daimaou Volume 3 Chapter 3
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 10.2 Demon King Daimaou Volume 2 Chapter 2
- ↑ 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 Demon King Daimaou Volume 4 Chapter 1
- ↑ 12.0 12.1 12.2 Demon King Daimaou Volume 4 Chapter 4
- ↑ 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 Demon King Daimaou Volume 4 Chapter 2
- ↑ 14.00 14.01 14.02 14.03 14.04 14.05 14.06 14.07 14.08 14.09 14.10 14.11 Demon King Daimaou Volume 4 Chapter 3
- ↑ Demon King Daimaou Volume 8 Chapter 2
- ↑ 16.0 16.1 16.2 Demon King Daimaou Volume 4 Chapter 2
- ↑ 17.0 17.1 17.2 Demon King Daimaou Volume 3 Chapter 4
- ↑ 18.0 18.1 18.2 Demon King Daimaou Volume 5 Chapter 3
- ↑ 19.0 19.1 19.2 19.3 19.4 19.5 19.6 Demon King Daimaou Volume 5 Chapter 4
- ↑ 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 20.4 20.5 20.6 20.7 20.8 20.9 Demon King Daimaou Volume 7 Chapter 4
- ↑ Demon King Daimaou Volume 7 Chapter 1
- ↑ 22.0 22.1 22.2 22.3 22.4 Demon King Daimaou Volume 8 Chapter 4
- ↑ Demon King Daimaou Volume 8 Chapter 5
- ↑ 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 24.4 24.5 24.6 24.7 24.8 24.9 Demon King Daimaou Volume 9 Chapter 1
- ↑ Demon King Daimaou Volume 9 Chapter 3
- ↑ 26.0 26.1 26.2 Demon King Daimaou Volume 9 Chapter 4
- ↑ 27.0 27.1 Demon King Daimaou Volume 11 Chapter 1
- ↑ 28.0 28.1 Demon King Daimaou Volume 11 Chapter 4
- ↑ 29.0 29.1 29.2 29.3 Demon King Daimaou Volume 12 Chapter 1
- ↑ Demon King Daimaou Volume 7 Chapter 2
- ↑ 31.0 31.1 31.2 Demon King Daimaou Volume 13 Chapter 2
- ↑ 32.00 32.01 32.02 32.03 32.04 32.05 32.06 32.07 32.08 32.09 32.10 32.11 32.12 Demon King Daimaou Volume 13 Chapter 3
- ↑ 33.00 33.01 33.02 33.03 33.04 33.05 33.06 33.07 33.08 33.09 33.10 33.11 33.12 33.13 33.14 33.15 33.16 33.17 Demon King Daimaou Volume 13 Chapter 4
- ↑ Demon King Daimaou Volume 13 Chapter 5
- ↑ Demon King Daimaou Volume 13 Chapter 1
- ↑ 36.0 36.1 Demon King Daimaou Volume 13 Chapter 6
- ↑ Demon King Daimaou Volume 12 Chapter 4
- ↑ Demon King Daimaou Volume 5 Chapter 1
- ↑ 39.0 39.1 39.2 Demon King Daimaou Volume 5 Chapter 2
- ↑ Demon King Daimaou Volume 1 "It Was 2:00 AM"
- ↑ 41.0 41.1 Demon King Daimaou Volume 4 Prologue
- ↑ Demon King Daimaou Volume 9 Chapter 2