Alex (born Alakay) is a male African lion. Alex is a headstrong, protective, and self-proclaimed leader of his friends. He is best friends with Marty the zebra. He is used to the life of comfort in the zoo but learns to adapt to the wild. He's smart, quick at thinking, and fast on his feet. He is a dancer by nature, often impressing others with his aerobatic feats. He does tend to be a little self-absorbed, often not seeing the problems of others above his own.
Powers and Stats:[]
Tiering System: 8-C+, up to 1-A via Fourth Wall Awareness/Toon Force and Reality-Fiction Transcendence
Name: Alex, Alakay (Birth name)
Origin: Madagascar
Gender: Male
Age: Presumably around 10 years old (Should be at least have the same age as Marty)
Classification: African Lion
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Acrobatics, Enhanced Senses, Combat Expertise, Toon Force, Natural Weaponry (Claws, Teeth, Tail), Fourth Wall, Regeneration (Mid: Can reshape himself from being flattened by Gloria), Weapon Mastery, Vehicular Mastery, Underwater Breathing (Type 3; via scuba diving equipment), Master Dancer
Attack Potency: Building level+ (Can fight against characters who can harm him. Should be comparable to Sonya the Bear, who casually destroyed 8 large columns by pushing one of them into another, which requires this much. Should have AP comparable to his Durability.), up to Outerverse level via Fourth Wall Awareness and Reality-Fiction Transcendence (Alex the Lion has traveled from his fiction world to our real world on several occasions, for example, he starred in commercials several times while in a real store, with real people, was on a cruise on a real cruise ship with real people in the real world, gave interviews to real people about the release of the Penguins of Madagascar film, and is comparable to his friends who too been in the real world)
Speed: Subsonic (Quickly catched up to a speeding safari jeep on all fours and kept up with it with only two legs. Is way faster than Marty. Can keep up with Chantel DuBois. Dug through the sand super fast.) with Hypersonic+ reaction speed (Was able to dance around and dodge a missile several times, which can travel at speeds of Mach 10, which requires this level)
Lifting Strength: Class M (Should be at least just as strong as Sonya the Bear, who did this)
Striking Strength: Building Class+, up to Outerversal via Fourth Wall Awareness and Reality-Fiction Transcendence
Durability: Building level+ (Took hits from Chantel. Has numerous feats on this level, like surviving high falls like hills covered with sharp rocks and cacti, waterfalls, being tossed through walls, getting flattened by Gloria falling on him multiple times in a row, wooden crates, cars, being shot out of a cannon with the force of over a hundred dynamite sticks, etc. Took a hit from Teetsi, which shattered the ground and split large boulder in half. Survived a direct hit from a lightning bolt, which yields at least 0.38 tons.), up to Outerverse level via Fourth Wall Awareness and Reality-Fiction Transcendence
Stamina: Very high (Swam from Africa to Monte Carlo in snorkeling gear. Go for several hours on multiple occasions, such as he was able to spent all night running/walking and yelling his friends names. Traveled all over the world all Christmas night to give away all Santa Claus gifts. Was able to last for multiple days on a beach while marooned.), possibly far higher when starved (Doesn't seems to tire at all)
Range: Standard Melee Range by himself, Extended Melee Range with melee weapons, and Several Meters with guns
Standard Equipment: Depends of occasions: Recon equipment (minus guns, unless he chooses to), vehicles, scuba diving equipment and many more, otherwise Nothing Notable
Intelligence: High (Capable of planning and carrying out intricate stealth missions in difficult locations and carrying them out without losing focus. Is also knowledgeable in multiple forms of martial arts, being skilled at improvised combat like when he picked up a fossa and spun it around his body masterfully before using it as a weapon to send the other fossa flying, and is an extremely skilled dancer. Built a Statue of Liberty from the materials on the island. Capable of making weapons, like a wooden stakes. He is the self-proclaimed leader of his group. He and his friends were able to save Circus Zaragoza from continuous failures and loss of money and make it a successful and popular circus once again. Is a master dancer. Can also use human technology like phone to call to Animal control to search for Marty. Is skilled tactician.)
Weaknesses: Pacifist