Alicia the Inkling was born in Planet Inkoplis. After her planet got exploded by unknown causes, she was sent to earth, and she was raised by Smashing Rewind. Later on, she realizes she has superpowers and she decided to use them for good.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: High 4-C | 2-A | 1-A
Name: Alicia the Inkling
Age: 18+
Classification: Inkling/Alien Hybrid
Powers and Abilities:
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Acrobatics (Inklings can ride and jump across rails and do flips in air), Accelerated Development (Team Blue, a Team of C and B- Ranked Inklings were able to defeat the S4, an elite team of S+ ranked Inklings that are considered some of the strongest in Inkopolis, Emperor, the king of Turf Wars who stomped Rider and the S4, And even an X Ranked team), Flight (With a UFO or by eating a lot), Enhanced Senses, limited Intangibility (As a squid Inklings can go through surfaces with space holes), Stealth Mastery (Can hide from enemies by being submerged and unseen in their ink), Afterimage Creation (Is Shown multiple times), Weapon Mastery (Inklings are able to use a very large variety of weapons effectively in combat), Ink Manipulation (Inklings are able to generate their own ink as well as use ink for basically all their attacks), Biological Manipulation (Inklings are able to change their ink and hair color at their will), Status Effect Inducement and Paralysis Inducement (Low-Tide Ink can make their opponent stunned for some time), Surface Scaling (Inklings can swim up inked walls), Shapeshifting (Can shapeshift from a kid to a squid), Healing (Inklings are able to fully naturally heal from their wounds after just a few seconds), Purification (The song Calamari Inkantation sung by the Squid Sisters is able to free Octoling's souls from brainwashing and defect from the Octarian forces), Transformation and Invulnerability (Inklings can transform into the invulnerable Kraken without a special weapon), Regeneration (Low-Godly. Inklings can fully regenerate their body from just a soul after some time even without a spawn point with Grizzo's gear in Salmon run.), Immortality (Type 8. If splatted, Inklings would just go back to their spawn point each and every time. In Splatoon 3, Inklings have their own personal spawn point), Cloth Manipulation (Shown here and here), Empowerment (Inklings become stronger with their music), Broadway Force (The Squid Sisters' singing is able to make DJ Octavio and Captain Cuttlefish dance along), Extrasensory Perception (The X-Zone technique lets the user perceive their opponent's every move and position and read everything they do), Dimensional Storage (Goggles can pull out several jars filled with pickled plums from thin air), Mind Reading (Rider is able to see what Goggles is thinking of), Invisibility and Intangibility Negation (Can reveal and make invisible and intangible kettles usable with their ink), Resistance to Extreme Heat (Inklings are able to stand normally on Octo Oven who 425 degrees), Resistance to Electricity Manipulation (Inklings are not harmed by the Zapfish's electric forcefield), Resistance to Magnetism Manipulation, Reality Warping, Spatial Manipulation, and Time Manipulation (Captain Cuttlefish is unaffected by being in Deepsea Metro which has a strong magnetic force that's able distort space time), Resistance to Bone Manipulation (Inkling's have no bones)
Bestowed by the Orange Lantern Ring - Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Time Travel, Super Speed, Willpower, Energy Blasts, Capable of creating everything, Energy Absorption, Forcefields, Dimensional Travel, Resistance to Fear Manipulation, Matter Manipulation, Reality Warping, BFR, Time Manipulation.
Attack Potency: Large Star Level (She destroyed the Sun during her training in a battle simulation.) | Multiversal (Destroyed a multiverse when she isn’t holding back.) | Outerversal (Defeated the Cthulians in a war that lasted 40 years.)
Speed: Massively FTL+ (Keep up with Archie Lanic and Lana Flash.) | Irrelevant
Lifting Strength: Unknown
Striking Strength: Large Star Class | Multiversal | Outerversal
Durability: Large Star Class | Multiversal | Outerversal
Range: Omnidirectional with weapons and Reality-Warping via Orange Lantern
Stamina: Limitless
Standard Equipment: Their large variety of main weapons, sub weapons, and special weapon choices, and Orange Lantern
Intelligence: Gifted (Inklings are very skilled in combat being able to use a large variety of weapons and taking part in turf wars just for fun. Inklings also see humans to have very little intelligence despite human's being able to create capsules to seal Judd for thousands of years along with Commander Tartar which stores all of humanity's knowledge and was able to build a weapon with the power to destroy the world. New Agents in the Squidbeak Splatoon are also able to adapt very quickly being complimented on how good they are multiple times.)
Weaknesses: Inklings cannot swim.