Alien Dais (ダイス星人, Daisu Seijin) was one of Ultraman Dyna's aliens. He appeared in episode 7 "Friend Inside the Box."
After his home world and daughter fell to the hands of a Perfect Gyabish, Alien Dais tracked two of its offspring to Earth and killed one of them. Dais soon found the other Baby Gyabish that was adopted by a small girl, Yuka Yoshimura, but before he could do anything, he was knocked cold by Super GUTS and taken to their base.
As Dais found the small alien in a glass box, Yuka tried to protect it, and the rest of Super GUTS soon arrived in the room. The Baby Gyabish teleported with the small girl and soon was causing havoc as Perfect Gyabish. Once Dais explained why he was hunting them, he soon rescued the small girl from inside Perfect Gyabish's head. Dais was shortly after destroyed by Perfect Gyanish's mouth needles, but his heroic efforts weren't in vain.
Powers and Stats
Tier: 9-B, higher with Laser Gun
Name: Alien Dais
Origin: Ultraman Dyna
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Classification: Alien, Seijin
Powers and Abilities:
- Superhuman Physical Characteristics
- Skilled Hand-to-Hand Combatant (Beat Ryo Yumimura in hand to hand combat)
- Vehicular Mastery (Can pilot his spaceship, as shown in the beginning of the episode)
- Teleportation (Can teleport)
- Fire Manipulation (In some cases, he's teleporting using a fireball)
- Multiple Languages (One of his device allowing him to communicate with human)
- Energy Projection (With Laser Gun)
- Paralysis Inducement & Sleep Manipulation (Can fire a beam that can stun a human and put them into sleep)
Attack Potency: Wall level (Fought and beat Shin Asuka and Ryo Yumimura, and was defeated only when he got caught off guard), higher with Laser Gun
Speed: Athletic Human speed (Is a special agent, which he should be this fast), with Transonic Combat and Reactions speed (Kept up with Shin Asuka and Ryo Yumimura)
Lifting Strength: At least Superhuman (Overpowered Shin Asuka and Ryo Yumimura)
Striking Strength: Wall Class
Durability: Wall level
Stamina: High (After he arrived on Earth and killed one of baby Gyabish, he's keep on tracking the last baby Gyabish from night to next morning without resting)
Range: Standard Melee Range physically, Extended Melee Range with Stun Gun, Tens of Meters with Teleportation and Laser Gun
Standard Equipment: Laser Gun and Stun Gun
Intelligence: Above Average (He's able to tracked down two of baby Gyabishs offspring to Earth and killed one of them, soon he found the other Baby Gyabish that was adopted by a small girl. Easily beat Shin Asuka and Ryo Yumimura in hand to hand combat.)
Weaknesses: None notable
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: