Alien Raybeaks (レイビーク星人, Reibiku Seijin) are ornithoid aliens from the P413 Nebula that came to Earth to capture humans to replenish their planet's slave supply. The alien leader's eyes were red color and his followers' eyes were yellow. They were found and destroyed by Ultraman Tiga.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 9-B | At least 9-B
Key: Followers | Leader
Name: Alien Raybeak
Origin: Ultraman Tiga
Gender: Varies (Although most likely male for all)
Age: Varies (Followers), Unknown (Leader)
Classification: Alien, Seijin, Human Crow, Crow Man
Powers and Abilities:
- Superhuman Physical Characteristics
- Light & Size Manipulation (Via Shrink Gun)
- Vehicular Mastery (Can pilot their saucer)
- Acrobatics (Can do backflip)
- Skilled In Hand to Hand (Able to fight against Daigo Madoka who is a well trained combat fighter)
All previous abilities, as well as:
Attack Potency: Wall level (Can generate this much kinetic energy. Is dozen of times stronger than humans. Can fight against Daigo Madoka) | At least Wall level (Fought on par against human size Tiga who easily destroyed a thick wall by flying through it)
Speed: Transonic (Can run at mach 1 and is capable of reacting to things or people coming at similar speeds) | Transonic (Should be faster than his followers)
Lifting Strength: At least Superhuman (Is dozen of times stronger than humans) | At least Superhuman, possibly higher (Fought Tiga on an equal strength)
Striking Strength: Wall Class | At least Wall Class
Durability: Wall level | At least Wall level
Stamina: High (Hasn't shown any sign of tiring while fighting Daigo/Tiga)
Range: Standard Melee Range, Extended Melee Range via Shrink Gun | Standard Melee Range, Extended Melee Range via Shrink Gun and energy attack
Standard Equipment: Shrink Gun, Saucer
Intelligence: Above Average (They have shown to be capable of using high technology weapons, skilled in hand to hand combatant and even pilot saucer)
Weaknesses: None notable
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: