Toshinori Yagi (八木俊典 Yagi Toshinori), most commonly known as All Might (オールマイト Ōru Maito), is the former No. 1 Hero who bore the title of the "World's Symbol of Peace" and he had inspired a whole generation of heroes, including Izuku Midoriya, whom he passed the torch of One For All to. He when not being a hero teaches Foundational Hero Studies at U.A. High School.
Power and Stats[]
Tier: High 6-B originally | Low 6-B currently
Name: Toshinori Yagi (All Might)
Origin: My Hero Academia
Gender: Male
Age: 49
Classification: Human, Former Pro Hero
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics (While he was with the quirk one for all, he had gained immense strength, speed, durability, and stamina. Despite using the quirk he still had the immense superhuman abilities during his fight with all for one while using the armored all might suit.), Indomitable Will/Fear Inducement (His will was very immense as he was known to fight until his won and was willing to kill himself to protect others and he even scared others with his own will.), Air Manipulation (He With or without one for all can generate air pressure with his attacks. He even created tornado's), Pseudo-Flight (He can propel himself in the air through using the generated air pressure), Expert Hand-to-Hand Combatant (He was an expert at using hand to hand combat shown in his fights against all for one), Limited Technopathy (Through Hercules and a suit case he can command the A.I to suit his body up in the Armored All-Might Suit. He could control parts of the suit but very limited as each part once destroyed could never be recovered or repaired, he even could command modes implanted inside the power suit), Electricity Manipulation (Through Armored All-Might's version of Chargebolt Via an armor extension he can conducts electricity through Armored All-Might's version of Black Whips), Vector Manipulation (Through Armored All-Might's version of Sugarman quirk via a extension of the armor and he was able to accelerate his legs velocities for heavier impacts), Acid Manipulation (Through Armored All-Might's version of Pinky's quirk via an armor component named Superacid Injection: Pinky that injected a extremely powerful acid inside his targets body), Statistics Amplification (Through One for All he originally was also able amplify his abilities further. Despite losing one for all he through Armored All-Might he could use various armor modes to enhance his abilities such as Thrusters: Uravity and Ingenium to enhance mobility and speed overall based on two very mobile students of his including with them is Tailman for increased defense, Tentacole for more mobility), Fire Manipulation (Through Armored All-Might's version of Shoto's quirk via an armor extension he can shoot fire), Surface Scaling (Through Armored All-Might's version of froppy's quirk via an armor extension named Froppy's Suction Pads he can cling to surfaces for mobility), Energy Projection (Through Armored All-Might's version of Can't Stop Twinkling quirk via an armor component his bike he can command it to fire a massive lazer beam), Sound Manipulation (Through Armored All-Might's version of Earphone Jack's quick via an armor component named Soundwave Vibration: Earphone Jack that projects from the chest a soundwave blasts), Transformation (Through Armored All-Might's version of Creati named Morphing Armor: Creati the armour can deattach piece's of said armor and transform them into something else such as Armored All-Might's version of Grape Juice quirk Binding Rounds: Grape Juice that sticks to his targets)
Attack Potency: High Country Level (Hence his name All Might and World's Symbol of Peace he was overall the strongest pro hero even passed his glory days when he was in his prime, he fought the U.S.J Nomu with thousands of punches that he said should have ended it in five punches in his prime showing his strength being weaken to a degree yet he did defeat it with a way stronger attack defeated it with a force of a massive country, he even one shot's lesser villain's such as in my hero academia: vigilantes he one shot a villain going on a rampage, or the time he even one shot Hammerhead and the Sludge Villain. He even with the last flame of one for all defeated all for one with a punch that can potentially shatter a whole country), Low Country Level (When he lost his quirk he severely gained a massive strength downgrade and barely generated the strength he once had when outside or inside his own prime and was only able to strike with the force of smaller countries, however he despite this massive downgrade still was quite strong as he when in Armored all might was he able to fight all for one's youngest version with him generating massive small countries worth of power, displayed multiple times during their last and finally confrontation, showing despite being quirkless he was still quite strong, even with the odds stacked against him)
Speed: Massively Hypersonic+ (He was is within the verse is the fastest character within the MHA and him being faster than the scale of mach speeds being faster than sound can be heard as he was the strongest pro hero and was way faster than even the second and third pro heroes themselves), FTL (Thought this is solid as his main scale it's not as concrete fully and can be easily confused with hypersonic scale by fairly new individuals to the manga or anime, however he can be scaled to be faster than light able to react to laser based quirks that can break the light barrier being faster than said light as the scaling can become even more concrete when he used the armored all-might he was able to react to all for ones super fast attacks that broke the light barrier and was even able to block his most power faster than light the Red Riot Shield before all for ones Lazer Quirk had even hit hid suit and him)
Lifting Strength: Class T+ (Is much stronger than his weakened self, capable of pushing back against this amount of force during his fight with Wolfram, he was also able to push the U.S.J Nomu upwards with a powerful blow that tanked dozen of his blows before, during his fight with all for one he was able to push him into the ground, and finally their latest brawl all might while in his Armored All-Might Suit he was able to lift all for one)
Striking Strength: Country level | Low Country Level
Durability: Country level (Can withstand the recoil of his own attacks in, he also handled blows from the U.S.J Nomu numerous times, handled and survived the endless barrages from all for one in both of their major confrontations)
Stamina: Superhuman (Has proven on numerous occasions to have the ability to break his limits. In his prime, All Might was able to perform hero work for more than 72 consecutive hours straight at top conditions, and has never been shown to get tired even when fighting against multiple villains. Defeated prime All For One while having his whole body damaged and losing one for all, to point out he did that when limited to only fighting for about three hours a day, which is later decreased to fifty minutes after his fight with the U.S.J Nomu and this even becomes further decreased. However, he is capable of forcing himself to last longer than this through sheer willpower. Despite the lose of One for All he was extremely resilient with stamina able to fight as if in his prime with All fir One during their last confrontation)
Range: Varied (His attacks was very different from one another, however he is mostly a brawler)