Summary []
Alouette is one of the nuns that work at the Church of the Holy Maiden alongside Priere. She is an amnesiac that only remembers the last two years of her life. It is later revealed she was the Maiden of Light that sealed away and memory wiped the Dark Prince 50 years ago, however, this also removed her memories.
Powers and Stats []
Tier: At least 4-A | High 2-A
Name: Alouette
Origin: La Pucelle: Tactics
Gender: Female
Age: Well Over 50
Classification: Priestess, Maiden of Light
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Immortality (Type 1 & 4), Holy Manipulation, Soul Manipulation, Sealing, Ice Manipulation, Healing, Fire Manipulation, Memory Manipulation, Time Manipulation, Time Travel, Probability Manipulation
Attack Potency: At least Multi-Solar System Level (Regularly beats demons, Is comparable to Priere) | High Multiverse Level+ (Fought Dark Prince Croix)
Speed: MFTL+ (Can fight normal demons) | MFTL+ (Was able to react to Dark Prince Croix)
Lifting Strength: Unknown
Striking Strength: At least Multi-Solar System Level | High Multiverse Level+
Durability: At least Multi-Solar System Level (Can take hits from normal demons) | High Multiverse Level+ (Took hits from Dark Prince Croix)
Stamina: Superhuman
Range: Standard melee range to several metres
Standard Equipment: Holy Book
Intelligence: High
Weaknesses: Alouette will die if she creates too many miracles
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
- Iyashi: Tier 1 healing spell.
- Cure: Tier 2 healing spell.
- Blessing: Tier 3 healing spell.
- Tough Love: Alouette slaps the enemy and hits them with a magic explosion.
- Repent!: Alouette rapidly hits the enemy with the Holy Book before kicking them and blowing them up.
- Book Bash: Alouette hits the enemy with the Holy Book.
- Rain of Fire: Alouette calls down a flurry of firey projectiles that explode.
- Holy Bells: Alouette blows the enemy up with magic.
- Divine Light: Alouette calls down a storm of holy projectiles.
- Miracles: Alouette, by calling upon the powers of Goddess Poitreene, is able to make miracles happen. A miracle can have several different effects including memory wiping someone, sealing someone away for a long time, travelling through time and manipulating luck. However, if Alouette uses too many miracles then she will die.
Note: Sealed | Maiden of Light