“ | One day, a mutation occurred, allowing one alpaca to absorb other alpacas. Why he gained such an ability is a mystery. No one knows how he will evolve as he continues to absorb other alpacas. Will he be a god, or a demon, or... | „ |
~ Evolution Level 1's characteristics |
“ | The alpaca has become bipedal. His front legs have developed and can now be used freely as arms. He mainly attacks using his hands. In his free time, he smokes cigarettes, just because he can. His mental faculities have also developed: he can understand a little human language and a little brutality is detected. About as strong as a human. | „ |
~ Evolution Level 2's characteristics |
“ | A form with remarkably developed arms. His attack is a clubbing motion using both of these: brutality is on the increase. However, since the structure of his skin remains that of a normal alpaca, he is unable to withstand his own strength and takes damage every time he attacks. At a level where a human could not take him in a fight unarmed. | „ |
~ Evolution Level 3's characteristics |
“ | He has now lost the heart of an alpaca. Both arms are injured due to the damage caused by his own attacks. Abandoning those old, dysfunctional arms, he developed new ones. His cellular makeup is already a far cry from that of an alpaca, and his skin is tough as steel. There are no longer any creatures on Earth that can defeat him. | „ |
~ Evolution Level 4's characteristics |
“ | So far he has been growing more and more ferocious, but from here the next stage of evolution begins. His initial head deemed useless, multiple new candidate heads have formed. A transformation of his hardened skin has resulted in a temporary, soft flabbiness. Only his legs are functioning, so he attacks by flailing his upper body. | „ |
~ Evolution Level 5's characteristics |
“ | Due to further development of his mental faculties, something like a head has grown. However, since his mental and physical development are not proceeding at the same rate, he lacks full control over it, Attacking and absorbtion are happening via both orders from the brain and conditioned response. It won't be long before he evolves into his final form. | „ |
~ Evolution Level 6's characteristics |
“ | Feast your eyes on this magnificence - could you have ever imagined? A unicycle is his main mode of transportation, but he's hopeless when it comes to braking. Since he can't stop in time, he loses balance and deals damage by crashing into his opponents. Basically a negative thinker and a mama's boy, But don't let your guard down, Will you be able to take the insanity instead? | „ |
~ Evolution Level 7's characteristics |
“ | Life functions are in decline. In a way, he's more like an object. His absorption of other alpacas has become mechanized, an unconscious act. Since the central brain is still alive, he can speak a little human language. | „ |
~ Evolution Level 8's characteristics |
“ | His condition upon receiving judgement from the gatekeepers of the godly realm, in the end, his existence as a living thing has been denied, Judgement has left his body split, half-vanished from this world. If he wants to continue life as an alpaca it seems he'll need to absorb more powerful beings. | „ |
~ Evolution Level 9's characteristics |
“ | The alpaca, having finally absorbed beings more powerful than the living, Providence spurned, his transformation into an evil diety is complete. Possessing the rage of God, he sets out to rain down the judgement of God. What will he do next? Will the good old days ever return? | „ |
~ Evolution Level 10's characteristics |
“ | The aplaca, having absorbed an angel, He locks his heart further inside, coating his body with the cells of the gatekeepers and angels he has absorbed. An alpaca who senses a confrontation with the absolute being is close at hand. Perhaps that is the reason he protects his body with angel and gatekeeper cells. The alpaca's final battle is about to begin. | „ |
~ Evolution Level 11's characteristics |
“ | The alpaca has become a new god. Now he is free to absorb living things as desire and instinct dictate. In due course, new life will spring forth and new worlds will form, but the moment they appear, they will be forcibly reminded they are a part of God. For God alapaca, there is no boredom, There is no limit, There is just the instinct to absorb living things. | „ |
~ Evolution Level 12, God Ending's characteristics |
“ | All is lost. He is naught but an evolved alpaca. The body floating in midair is just an object, and nothing flows through its multitudionous tubes. With nothing left, the alpaca devotes himself to multiplying. This endeavor has nothing approaching meaning. As for what he becomes, what happens next, the alpaca cares not. | „ |
~ Evolution Level 12, Human Ending's characteristics |
“ | The alpaca thinks it optimal that people and alpacas establish good relations. That’s quite a human way to think, wouldn’t you say? Conspicuously wielding power while pursuing harmony would only invite instability. Going as far as to abandon power in his quest for peace, the alpaca will probably face many obstacles and have a hard time. The same as a human. It is by withstanding pain and suffering that harmony is achieved. | „ |
~ Evolution Level 12, Alpaca Ending's characteristics |
Tier: 10-B, possibly 9-C | 10-B, possibly 9-C | 9-C | 9-B | 9-B | 9-B | 9-B | 9-B | 9-B | 9-B | 9-B | 9-B | 9-B, possibly 5-B | 9-B | 10-B, possibly 9-C
Name: Unknown
Origin: Alpaca Evolution
Gender: Male (Commonly referred to with male pronouns within the game)
Age: Unknown
Height: 1 Meter | 2 Meters | 5 Meters | 8 Meters | 6 Meters | 13 Meters | 12 Meters | 17 Meters | 4 Meters | 20 Meters | 22 Meters | 19 Meters | 24 Meters | 2 Meters
Weight: 34 Kilograms | 90 Kilograms | 141 Kilograms | 240 Kilograms | 322 Kilograms | 521 Kilograms | 399 Kilograms | 612 Kilograms | 210 Kilograms | 956 Kilograms | 922 Kilograms | 672 Kilograms | 231 Kilograms | 91 Kilograms
Species: Alpaca
Alignment: True Neutral at first (Is mostly just a normal Alpaca that cares mostly just for its survival), becomes Neutral Evil (Tends simply to try and get more powerful, not caring about what happens to the other Alpacas), Lawful Good in the Alpaca Ending (Gives up becoming powerful, and tries to have humans and alpacas live in harmony)
Key: Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Level 4 | Level 5 | Level 6 | Level 7 | Level 8 | Level 9 | Level 10 | Level 11 | Level 12, God Absorbed | Level 12, Human Absorbed | Level 12, Alpaca Absorbed
Powers and Abilities:
- Biological Absorption (His common trait is the ability to physically absorb other alpacas into his body)
Attack Potency: Average Human (Likely comparable to real world Alpacas, which can cause bruises with their kicks and cut skin with their toenails), possibly Street Level (Can move with a Kinetic Energy of 4 Kilojoules.) | Average Human (Said to be about as strong as a human), possibly Street Level (Can move with a Kinetic Energy of 11 Kilojoules.) | Street Level (Is said to be strong enough where a human can't take him down without a weapon. Can move with a Kinetic Energy of 17.2 Kilojoules.) | Wall Level (Is said to be undefeatable to any animal on Earth, many of which having bite forces around this level, with a Saltwater Croc biting at 3700 PSI/722 Kilojoules. Can move with a Kinetic Energy of 29 Kilojoules.) | Wall Level (Is at a similar Strength Rank (B) as his previous self, implying it's at least comparable. Can move with a Kinetic Energy of 39.4 Kilojoules.) | Wall Level (Stronger than before. Ranked as an A Rank in Strength, which if using school grading systems, could mean it's 10% stronger than last time at 794 Kilojoules. Can move with a Kinetic Energy of 62.67 Kilojoules.) | Wall Level (Considered an S Rank in Strength, which using the same measurements as before, gives it 874 Kilojoules of Strength. Can move with a Kinetic Energy of 48.8 Kilojoules.) | Wall Level (Has the same Strength Rank as the previous form. Can move with a Kinetic Energy of 74.9Kilojoules.) | Wall Level (While weaker than his last state, still is an A Rank in Strength. Can move with a Kinetic Energy of 25 Kilojoules.) | Wall Level (Considered an SS Rank in Strength, which if we use the same metric as last time, puts him at 961 Kilojoules), possibly higher (Theoretically, this could be double an S rank, which would give it roughly 1.7 Megajoules worth of Strength. Can move with a Kinetic Energy of 117 Kilojoules. ), | Wall Level (Roughly in the same strength as last time, though likely a bit higher. Can move with a Kinetic Energy of 112 Kilojoules. Can fight on par with God) | Wall Level (Roughly in the same strength as last time, though likely a bit higher. Can move with a Kinetic Energy of 82 Kilojoules. Absorbed God), possibly Planet Level with Absorption (It is said that in due time, new worlds will form, and will be reminded they are a part of God) | Wall Level (Roughly in the same strength as last time) | Average Human, possibly Street Level (Only a D Rank in strength, and likely comparable to his Stage 2 self)
Durability: Average Human, possibly Street Level (Likely scales to his strength) | Average Human, possibly Street Level (Likely scales to his strength) | Average Human (He is unable to withstand his own strength, implying that his durability hasn't changed) | Wall Level (His skin is said to be as tough as steel) | Average Human (His skin has resulted in temporary flabbiness, implying it has gotten weaker and comparable to weaker evolutions) | Wall Level (Implied to have evolved further and no longer be as vulnerable to damage) | Wall Level (Likely tougher than his previous self.) | Wall Level (Likely tougher than his previous self.) | Wall Level (Likely tougher than his previous self.) | Wall Level (While weaker than his previous incarnation, it's likely not by as high of a degree, and potentially still comparable to some of his weaker forms) | Wall Level (Likely tougher than his previous self.) | Wall Level (Likely tougher than his previous self. Can tank blows from God) | Wall Level (Likely tougher than his previous self.) | Wall Level (Likely comparable to his previous self) | Average Human, possibly Street Level (Comparable to his second stage.)
Speed: Likely Superhuman (Should be comparable to a real-world Alpaca, which can run at 35 MPH), potentially higher with Evolutions (Likely faster than before, however it isn't specified by how much)
Striking Strength: Average Human | Average Human | Street Level | Wall Level | Wall Level | Wall Level | Wall Level | Wall Level | Wall Level | Wall Level | Wall Level | Wall Level
Lifting Strength: Below Average (Alpaca's can carry up to 20% their weight.) | Above Average | Athletic Human | Peak Human | Peak Human | Class 1 | Peak Human | Class 1 | Peak Human | Class 5 | Class 5 | Class 1
Standard Equipment: None
Optional Equipment: None
Combat Experience: Mid D Tier (Doesn't seem to know any fighting styles, and mostly just seems to use sheer brutality to fight opponents)
Range: Standard Melee Range, Extended Melee Range to Tens of Meters depending on its size
Intelligence: Below Average (Likely comparable to real world Alpaca, which are relatively intelligent compared to other animals, His second stage can perform a few human-like actions, such as tunning, smoking and little human language. Generally though, some of his evolutions are reliant on instinct and lose control over the body however.)
Stamina: Average
Standard Tactics: Generally, the Alpaca will resort to aggressive physical violence of some kind, before absorbing the opponent to become stronger.
Weaknesses: Seems to have a deteriorating mental state.
NOTE: Considering how Alpaca God is a separate character in Alpaca Evolution, the Alpaca from Evolution Begins is likely a separate entity from the one in the original, so it's evolutions will not be covered.
Credit to the Alpaca Evolution Wiki for some of the descriptions.