“ | Now, I've changed my mind about all this. I'm going to tell everyone what I've done. It's going to be hard. Being honest... Believing in myself... I'm sure there will be times where I'll struggle. I'm sure there will be times where I screw up again. But knowing, deep down, that I have friends to fall back on... I know it'll be a lot easier to stand on my own. Thank you. Come on, guys. It's time for everyone to go home. | „ |
“ | I mean, isn't real life already the greatest fanfiction of all? Uh, don't tell anyone I said that. Cause I'm gonna post it online! | „ |

Art by ShyShyOctavia
Background Music |
Alphys is the Underground's current Royal Scientist, being appointed in the position after creating Mettaton, in which she did so to get close to Asgore. She is a socialy awkward nerd, and a gigantic fan of human anime and manga, her favorite being Mew Mew Kissy Cutie (not the sequel, that one is TRASH), which she collected it in the garbage dump with Bratty and Catty even before getting the job. Alphys is extremely insecure after almost all of her experiments as Royal Scientist failed in terrible ways and thus she thinks very little of herself, she is also afraid of people finding the truth of what she did in fear of they abandoning and hating her, and so she started to lie about what she did to most of her friends, trapping her in a life of lies that she hated. She also seems to be close friends with Sans, with him knowing about her experiments and their interactions in the pacifist ending. She seems to hold a extreme crush on Undyne ever since they met at the garbage dump, with Alphys showing her favorite animes to her, which she thought were actual "human history". Eventually thanks to the human's efforts Alphys is able to overcome her past errors, being able to be truthful to everyone, including Undyne, and being able to deliver the amalgamates back to their families even if it would cost her job to do so.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 9-B, 8-C with inventions.
Name: Dr. Alphys, also called Alphy as a nickname.
Origin: Undertale.
Gender: Female.
Age: An adult, exact age unknown.
Classification: Monster, Royal Scientist, Otaku, Creator of Mettaton and accidental creator of Flowey, Mew Mew Kissy Cutie fanatic and Mew Mew Kissy Cutie 2 hater.
- Superhuman Physical Characteristics
- Absorption (Any monster should be capable of absorbing a human soul)
- Inorganic Physiology (All monsters are made of magic instead of physical matter)
- Danmaku
- Soul Manipulation (All monsters attack the soul directly)
- Dimensional Storage (Every citizen of the Underground should have access to the dimensional boxes, even via their phones)
- Healing (Unlike regular food, monster food turns into energy when eaten, thus healing any damages to the body and soul)
- Magic
- Non-Physical Interaction (Magic is capable of harming ghosts, which are incorporeal)
Resistance to:
- Hacking
- Preparation (Has multiple cameras through the entire underground that she can use and can make plenty of puzzles and traps to stop her opponent)
- Dimensional Storage (Upgraded Frisk's phone adding this feature)
- Multiple Languages (Is capable of understanding monsters who speak different languages like Froggit), Creation (Can create multiple projectiles to use in battle)
- Creation (Can create multiple projectiles with her magic that can be used in battle)
- Technopathy (Can control the MTT bots and use them in battle)
- Electricity Manipulation (Used lightning bolts to block Flowey's bullets)
- Explosion Manipulation (Via bombs she makes)
- Energy Manipulation on the SOUL (Via Yellow Mode)
- Flight (Made Frisk's phone be able to turn into a jet-pack)
- Limited Cosmic Awareness (Feels as if Frisk is a old friend had they befriended her in another timeline)
- Limited Homing Attack (Her MTT bots can fire homing projectiles on the opponent)
- Limited Fourth Wall Awareness (Puts a message trolling the player if they try to search for her crush in the game's files)
Resistance to:
- Extreme Heat (Is able to go through Hotland, which is stated to be extremely hot by several characters and where water can vaporize in a instant, without any problems)
- Emotional Manipulation, Power Nullification and Willpower Manipulation (With the DT Extraction Machine)
- Power Bestowal (Capable of injecting extracted DETERMINATION on others, being capable of resurrecting them in unconventional ways, such as Asriel into a souless flower, giving them all regular determination abilities, and if it's injected too much into monsters they can become Amalgamates, giving them different abilities)
- Energy Projection and Durability Negation (Can control magical orange and blue lasers, which do the same amount of damage no matter how durable Frisk is)
- Forcefield Creation (She can control and activate several forcefields in Hotland and at the CORE)
- Electricity Manipulation (The yellow tiles in the Multicolor Tile Puzzle)
- Fragrance Manipulation (The orange and purple tiles in the Multicolor Tile Puzzle makes anyone who steps on them smell like oranges and lemons respectively)
- Fire Manipulation (Hotland has flamethrowers she can use, as well as the fact the CORE has a room with a pit of fire)
- Magnetism Manipulation (Trapped a glass of water with EM fields).
Attack Potency: Wall level (Should be stronger than Sans, blocked several bullets from a holding back Flowey), Building level with her inventions (Her lasers can harm even a determined Frisk and her bombs are potentially this powerful. Build Mettaton's body and probably Mad Mew Mew's, the former which pulverized a wall and can kick this hard).
Speed: Unknown (Alphys is far from a fighter, however she could block Flowey's bullets before they could hit Frisk, however it's unclear how serious he was).
Lifting Strength: Unknown.
Striking Strength: Wall Class.
Durability: Wall level (Should be more durable than Sans, survived being stabbed by Flowey's vines, is superior to low determination Frisk, who tanked Undyne's house exploding and should have her attack be comparable to her defense), possibly Small Town level with forcefields (Not even Chara with the Real Knife can break them).
Stamina: Average.
Range: Standard melee range, at least tens of meters with her magic.
Standard Equipment: Instant Noodles, her phone.
Optional Equipment: Hotland's and the CORE's defenses lasers and forcefields, the DT Extraction Machine, her Multicolor Tile Puzzle.
Intelligence: Extraordinary Genius (Build all of Mettaton's bodies and probably Mad Mew Mew's. Although she didn't build it, she does work on the CORE's maintenance even faster than the previous Royal Scientist W. D. Gaster, the CORE works by turning thermal heat into magical electricity and serves as a power plant for the entire Underground. Was capable of using the DT Extraction machine based of the blueprints left behind by her predecessor, as well as understood what determination was, set up an entire camera system across the entire underground with her lab as the main base. Planned out with Mettaton a plan to trick the human into thinking she is a hero between the human's travel from Snowdin to Hotland, which involved all the shows that she and Mettaton did as well as the reativation of numerous puzzles as well as the quiz show, where she and Mettaton made several questions with answers to each, such as: a highly complicated math problem, how many flies there were in a jar, and the number of n’s in Mettaton’s name in a situation where the number of n’s would be rapidly growing, all in a row. Upgraded Frisk's phone adding it the ability to text, have access to the Underground's version of the internet called the "undernet", being able to turn into a jetpack, defuse bombs, and the ability to access two dimensional boxes, all in a few seconds).
Standard Tactics: Alphys hasn't been show in any form of combat, so how she would actually fight is currently unknown, her Lost Soul form attacks by using mini mettatons, as well as bombs that explode with contact, however as said previously it's unknown if regular Alphys would attack with those patterns.
Weaknesses: Often lacks self-confidence due to past errors, however this has been lessened after the Pacifist ending thanks to the human's efforts, she possesses almost no combat skill or experience, being more of a scientist than fighter. All monsters are weak to extreme killing intent from a powerful soul (like Chara), therefore the crueller the intentions of their enemies, the more their attacks will hurt them, and a monster defense will weaken if they don't want to fight.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
- Soul Manipulation: Yellow Mode: Alphys has the ability to turn her and allies souls yellow and inverted. This gives her the ability to shoot energy projectiles from her soul, giving her a new way of attacking her opponents. Alphys also has shown that she can give this ability even via technology, as when she upgraded Frisk's phone adding it in order for them to fight Mettaton on a equal footing.
- Lightning Magic: Alphys has the power to control electricity itself, being capable of sending powerful magical lightning at her opponents, like when she used it to protect the human from Flowey
- Mini Mettatons: Alphys will summon tiny copies of Mettaton's base form which will attack her opponent with deadly heart projectiles embroidered with the letter M as they reach the bottom of the board, they will often toss a second set upwards just as they are leaving the bottom of the board.
- Cross Bombs: Alphys will rain bombs down on her opponent. When hit, the bombs will explode into bursts of energy in the form of a '+', the blast can be dodged by moving aside if the opponent is fast enough, as long as the bomb was detonated sufficiently far away. The explosions can destroy blocks and trigger other bombs, usually Alphys uses this attack with her white squares, making it necessary for the opponent to detonate her bombs otherwise they will be hit by them.
Note: Shout-out to Vs Battles and the Undertale wikia for the Notable Attacks section.
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: