Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
Altena Viktorias


Altena Viktorias is a Knight of the kingdom of Esaga who befriends Iori Yagami and travel on a journey with him to slay Dragons and find the mysterious hero. She bares a great resemblance to Athena Asamiya.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 8-C

Name: Altena Viktorias

Origin: The King of Fantasy

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Classification: Knight

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Weapon Mastery (Is an expert at using her sword), Magic (By breaking Latinum, Altena can use various types of magical skills), Statistics Amplification (Can amply her speed), Energy Projection (Can shoot out a wave of blue energy at her opponent)

Attack Potency: Building Level (Sliced off a Dragon's head, Can fight on par with Iori Yagami who managed to beat down a large Dragon with his bare hands, Can fight on par with Lilili who destroyed a large building with her magic)

Speed: Subsonic (Can produce a barrage of sword slashes which are so fast that normal people couldn't react to, Is comparable to Iori Yagami who can catch a barrage of arrows with his bare hands)

Lifting Strength: Superhuman (Scales to Iori Yagami who can pick up and throw two adult women with ease)

Striking Strength: Building Level

Durability: Building Level

Stamina: Average

Standard Equipment: Broadsword, Latinum

Range: Standard melee range, Extended melee range with Broadsword, Several metres with Magic

Intelligence: Average

Weakness: Altena can only use magic by breaking Latinum to use it which she only has a limited amount of, When using magic, Altena has to move her body in a motion which can lead to her attacks being predictable


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
