“ | I will fight for the world I was made in! The earth is everything I've ever known! | „ |
~ Amethyst |
Amethyst is a member of the Crystal Gems. She is the last known Gem manufactured on Earth as a part of the Gem Homeworld's Kindergarten project, and the only Gem of the Crystal Gems to not come from Homeworld. After the Rebellion, Amethyst helped her friends protect the Earth over the next four millennia, and often aids in the shenanigans of Steven Universe, Rose Quartz's son.
Tier: High 6-C, 6-B, 6-A, 5-A, possibly High 4-C, likely Low 2-C to possibly 2-A
Name: Amethyst (Known on the Gem Homeworld as Amethyst Facet-5 Cut-8XM)
Origin: Steven Universe
Gender: Genderless (Though appears as and commonly referred to as female)
Age: 5,000+
Classification: Gem, Crystal Gem, Quartz Warrior
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Gem Physiology (Grants Regeneration [High-Mid], Immortality [Types 1 and 3], Inorganic Physiology, Shapeshifting, Size Manipulation, Body Control, Biological Manipulation, Fusionism, Self-Sustenance [Types 1, 2, and 3, Gems do not need food, water, oxygen, or sleep to function], Automatic-adjustment to different strengths of gravity, Pocket Reality Manipulation [All Gems have a pocket dimension of infinite size contained within their gemstone], Sealing and BFR [Via Bubbles]), Skilled whip user, Weapon Creation, Fire Manipulation (Amethyst can set fire to her whips), Flight (Via Shapeshifting), Homing Attack, Energy Manipulation, Electricity Manipulation, Paralysis Inducement, Statistics Amplification (Steven Form boosts an ally's durability)
Large Island level (Revealed in the official guidebook to be not too far behind Garnet in strength, poofed a gem that could take hits from Jasper. Casually defeated a snow monster that summoned a blizzard in Summer along with Garnet and Pearl), Country level (Can destroy the diamond's warships, which generated 27.63207456978967258 Teratonnes of TNT with an earthquake), Continent level (Comparable to the likes of the Rubies, who are capable of enduring getting hit by the Roaming Eye), Large Planet level (Jasper is portrayed as a match for to if not possibly superior to Lapis), possibly Large Star level (Bismuth and Connie’s sword damaging the Diamond Warships that could hold their own against the Cluster), likely Universe level+ to possibly Multiverse level+ (Comparable to gems capable of shattering other gems, which a gem's gemstone functions as a pocket dimension. Amethyst in the comics that their gemstones are "kinda like a wallet but more infinite," and in the episode "A Single Pale Rose," we see Steven go into Pearl's gemstone and at various points there are visible celestial bodies like moons, stars and even the intergalactic corrupting light. Shattering a gem causes their consciousness to be fragmented across all the shards. This means that any time a gem is shattered their mind is fragmented into a finite number of pieces, and since any fraction of infinity is infinity, this means an infinite (And thus universe-sized) portion of each dimension is destroyed in the process)
FTL+ (Consistently dodges attacks from gems such as Bismuth, who could pick up Rose's sword and impale before she could even react. Fought and defeated several high-difficulty Holo-Pearls. Could keep up with the likes of Topaz and Jasper. Comparable to Pearl, who could pilot the Roaming Eye, which flew from Earth to the asteroid belt in 16.25 seconds and dodge incoming asteroids from extremely close range), possibly Massively FTL+ (Jasper could catch Lapis, who flew from Earth to the Gem homeworld)
At least Class M (Should be superior to Steven. Can casually pull large rocks out of the ground and throw them with her whip, could partially restrain Spinel)
At least Mountain Class+, Large Island Class, Country Class, Continent Class, Large Planet Class, possibly Large Star Class, likely Universal+ to possibly Multiversal+
At least Mountain level+, Large Island level, Country level, Continent Level (Tanked hits from Jasper, as well as a clone of herself created by Lapis. Exchanged blows with Bismuth in practice and wasn't harmed after getting thrown into a wall by Topaz. Stood close to this explosion without harm as it hit Jasper), Large Planet Level, possibly Large Star level, likely Universe level+ to possibly Multiverse level+
Limitless so long as her gem isn't damaged or destroyed
Several meters with whip
Whip(s) (Upgraded to be a flail)
High (More through experience than actual intelligence. She is the least intelligent of the Crystal Gems)
Standard Tactics:[]
Out of the Crystal Gems, Amethyst is the least likely to rely on her weapon in combat, instead of relying on her martial art skills and enhanced physical prowess as a method of dealing with the minor threats through forceful punches and kicks. She also is a skilled wrestler, easily defeating all her human challengers in the Beach City Underground Wrestling league. Her fighting style can sometimes be considered reckless and foolhardy; in "Monster Buddies", she used her whip to pull the Centipeetle Mother towards her, knocking her and the other Crystal Gems down.
Enough damage to her physical form can revert her back to her vulnerable gem form which can be broken and destroyed. She tends to fool around while fighting. When she shrinks, the gem doesn’t shrink with her.
- Whip Morning-Star/Whip Proficiency: Amethyst is very skilled with her whip, and mixes very well with her immense strength. She uses her whip to lash at opponents and cause damage that is strong enough to easily split a dumpster in half. Her lashes are sometimes so precise that they cut through objects in a clean line. Occasionally, she uses her whip to grab onto objects or lift them and throw them at the enemy. Amethyst can throw her whip to entangle or bind her target from afar. As of "Bismuth", Amethyst's whip has been upgraded to a morning star. It is also implied by Bismuth that her whip is unusual among Quartzes.
- Whiplash: Amethyst can send waves of purple energy along her whip or whips to create an immense explosion.
- Slicing: Amethyst's whip is able to slice through solid metal. In "Too Far", her whip cleanly sliced through an Injector.
- Electrocute: Amethyst ensnares an enemy in her whip and shoots electricity down her whip, shocking enemies.
- Shape-shifting: While all Gems are capable of shapeshifting, Amethyst is particularly skilled at it, specializing in transformations. Her proficiency is high enough where she was able to transform herself into a fully-functional helicopter to transport the other Crystal Gems in "Message Received".
- Wrestling: Amethyst is a skilled wrestler, easily defeating all her human challengers in the Beach City Underground Wrestling league. She also does this by shapeshifting.
- Enhanced Digestion: Amethyst can eat glass, plastic, paper, etc. and can digest it without getting sick or disgusted. However, she can still get food poisoning, but won't die from it.
- Hair-Blade: Amethyst can use her hair to slash at an enemy with such potency it severs the claw of the Crab Gem Monster.
- Spin Dash: Amethyst can rapidly roll into a ball-like shape to attack enemies, but it is smaller than Jasper's.
- Homing Attack: Amethyst can hone in on nearby enemies while spin dashing.
- Whiplash Spin Dash: Amethyst is able to summon both of her whips, ignite them with purple fiery energy, and then spin dash on top of them, giving her spin dash a purple aura. When she makes contact with something, it causes a big purple explosion.
Note 1: In the episode "Adventures in Light Distortion," Pearl makes a claim that Gems cannot move faster than light or else their light construct bodies will be left behind. However, there are numerous instances of gems moving faster than light without adverse effects on their forms.
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: