Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki


Amy Martin is the main antagonist in FAITH. She is a 17 year old girl who is presumably possessed by a demon. She attempts to kill John Ward while he is within the Martin House.

Amy is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin. She is the oldest of three children, the younger being Nate and Jason Martin. In 1986, Amy volunteered at a local abortion clinic while her father, Bob Martin, was stationed within the Middle East. She became increasingly obsessed with her position, which worried her mother. During this time, strange things began to occur near the Martin's residence. When Bob eventually returned home, Amy's condition only worsened. The Martins, believing their daughter to be possessed, solicit the help of John Ward and Father Allred. The priests visited the Martin home on September 26, 1986, to conduct an exorcism on Amy. By the end of the night, Amy had killed Father Allred with her bare hands and strangled her parents with their own intestines.

One year later, John Ward returns to the Martin home in order to conduct a second exorcism. Amy, fully consumed by the demon, attacks John as he explores the house. He confronts her in the attic, finding Amy sitting alone with her face veiled. As he begins the rite, demons gradually appear around them, and when Amy's veil removed John is able to see that her face has been completely mutilated. He finishes the rite, and Amy throws herself out the attic window and escapes into the woods.

Courtesy of the Amy Martin page on the Faith wiki.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 9-C

Name: Amy Martin

Origin: FAITH

Gender: Female

Age: Teenager

Classification: Possessed Teenager, Abortion Clinic Worker

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Immortality (Types 6 and 7. The beings they possess can withstand deathly harms, and they themselves are ghosts. They turn their possessed beings into undead incarnations), Non-Corporeal (Demons are evil spirits made of pure darkness. They can also make themselves intangible to beings capable of effecting them normally), Inorganic Physiology (After possessing inanimate objects), Undead Physiology (After possessing living beings), Possession (They can possess objects and humans with their spirits, even possessing the human's soul directly. They can possess multiple objects simultaneously. They can also possess corpses. When they possess humans it takes a longer time to remove them. Even when being exorcised they can fight to stay within their target. They can make inanimate objects they possess animated. Possession happens through the UNSPEAKABLE), Flight (Amy Martin regularly uses flight), Death Manipulation (The things they possess start dying), Breaking the Fourth Wall (Michael takes over the pause screen whenever the game is paused and he's on-screen), Accelerated Development (The more demons are repelled by the Crucifix the faster they attack), Blood Manipulation, Invisibility (They can appear invisible to John Ward, who can see ghosts, however each step they take is bloody), Blood Manipulation (Amy Martin can create bloody runes on the floor that kill John Ward if he steps on them. The demon possessing her remotely created a bloody message on the floor), Teleportation (Amy Martin teleported to the basement. She regularly uses teleportation to go to and fro), Information Analysis (Amy Martin looked at John Ward and could say the first name of his mother and spoke perfect Latin, among other things), Sound Manipulation (Amy Martin haunted John Ward with voices around his home at night. They corrupt sound with static noise), Statistics Amplification (Whenever demons possess humans, they enhance their physical abilities), Corruption (Amy Martin remotely corrupted John Ward's home. They corrupt sound with static noise. By possessing portraits they modify their contents), Empathic Manipulation (Passive. Amy Martin's condition upset John Ward to the point he wouldn't follow his duties, things he'd been trained to do, and instead would act erratic. Demons appear friendly to their acolytes), Dream Manipulation (Possibly passive. Amy Martin's actions appeared in John Ward's dreams. These can turn them into vivid and painful nightmares), Telekinesis (Amy Martin remotely rotated two crosses on the basement wall. An unknown spirit shifted a statue when John Ward wasn't looking. A regular spirit shook a church), Summoning (They can call on other demons for help that are immune to exorcisms. They can summon Malphas), Illusion Creation (Amy Martin can create multiple illusion duplicates to disorient John Ward), Madness Manipulation (By possessing victims they make them insane), Disease Manipulation (By possessing Michael Davies the demon inhabiting him likely gave him Rickets. Michael Davies also deteriorated progressively over the course of 3 months), Sound Manipulation (Michael Davies shook a house with his tortured scream. Regular spirits can scream so hard that others' ears bleed), Darkness Manipulation (Michael Davies made Father Garcia's exorcism room dark so that he could escape it. Miriam Bell made the arena she fought the priests in dark), Absorption, Bloodlust (Michael Davies consumed a corpse. He also cries "BLOOD" when running at John Ward), Air Manipulation (They can crowd an area in fog), Spatial Manipulation (They can create a looping pathway), Creation (They can create a barrier of bloody hands), Soul Manipulation (They can show the spirits of the dead to others), Power Bestowal (They have shown forbidden worlds of power and knowledge), Light Manipulation (They altered the reflection of John Ward), Fire Manipulation (The Spindly Lady remotely lit a candle), Time Manipulation (Passive. Their presence alters time and stops its progression entirely), Text Manipulation (The UNSPEAKABLE corrupted the document John was reading), Mind Manipulation (The UNSPEAKABLE gave John a vision and demons can plague him with them), they can feed off of fear, Resistance to Soul Manipulation, Purification (They can fight back to not be removed from their possessed beings, to the extent that they're unaffected by a room full of crosses and Father Garcia's crucifx. Jhon's soul is possessed)

Attack Potency: Street level+ (When Amy Martin was possessed she strangled Father Allred to death and strangled her parents with their own intestines. Amy Martin knocked out John Ward and instantly kill him. Michael Davies broke Father Garcia's restraints and can rip John Ward in half with ease, which requires this much energy. A demon ripped apart a deer and strew its remains in a tree)

Speed: Athletic Human

Lifting Strength: At least Regular Human, likely higher

Striking Strength: Street Class+

Durability: Street level+ (Amy Martin tanked flying through a second story window to the ground and having a hole punched through her head. Michael Davies tanked jumping through a window)

Stamina: Superhuman

Range: Standard melee range, up to Hundreds of Meters, possibly Kilometers with certain abilities

Standard Equipment: Nothing notable.

Intelligence: Above Average (Amy Martin managed to escape John Ward and cut the power cord when she was possessed)

Weaknesses: She's possessed and abused by her demon.

Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
