She is an anthropomorphic hedgehog with a major crush on Sonic the Hedgehog. Since meeting Sonic on Little Planet, Amy has become his self-proclaimed girlfriend and has attempted to win his heart by any means in many of their adventures. She wields the Piko Piko Hammer, which she uses with skills second to none and never leaves home without.
Amy is a cheerful, though slightly erratic girl, with a positive attitude and boundless energy. However, she has a scary temper and her infatuation with Sonic makes her short-sighted and a bit obsessive about him, having followed him everywhere since meeting him. Nevertheless, she has a pure heart and will not let anything stop her.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 7-C | 3-A with Metal Sonic Armor | 3-A | 3-A with Crossbows | Low 2-C | High 2-A | Low 1-C | High 1-B | Varies Low 1-A as a Super Amy | Low 1-A as a Hyper Amy
Name: Amy Rose, Amy Rose Hedgehog, Amy Rose the Hedgehog, Rosy the Rascal (in classic Sonic games)
Origin: Sonic the Hedgehog
Gender: Female
Age: Unknown
Classification: Hedgehog, Anthropomorphic Hedgehog, Freedom Fighter, Leader of Team Rose
Powers and Abilities:
- Superhuman Physical Characteristics
- Small Size (Type 0) (90cm tall)
- Natural Weaponry (Through sharpening her spines)
- Self-Sustenance (Type 1)
- Acrobatics (Hypermobility, All-Terrain Mobility, Self-Momentum, & Surface Running - Amy is capable of various acrobatics complimented by her ability to defensively curl herself into a ball, such as performing acrobatic flips, swift leaps after her opponent,being able to perform moves in mid-air that instantly halt her forward momentum into a steep drop, and running across the surface of water)
- Martial Arts/Hammer Proficiency (Fights with her Piko Piko Hammer. Received some training from Julie-Su and outfought the Iron King. Can fight Rosy the Rascal for a time, who fought Sonic, Amy herself, an Omega suit, Scourge, and Shadow in successions. Amy not lasting long against her could likely be caused by Rosy's piercing hammer breaking her own Piko Piko Hammer, but in comparison, Rosy did far better against Scourge and Shadow in combat)
- Accelerated Development (Achived excelllent running skill from constantly chasing Sonic & grew stronger from training)
- Vehicular Mastery (Drives a talking car in Sonic Drift)
- Summoning and Dimensional Storage (Amy can summon her hammer to her hand by wishing for it. She can summon more in battle if her hammer breaks,Can produce her hammer out of thin air)
- Absorption (Can Absorb Rings Energy)
- Forcefield Creation (Through Barriers, which takes hits in her stead and replenishes themselves after several seconds)
- Non-Physical Interaction (Souls.Can tag the Hyudoros, Boos, and King Boom Boo)
- Statistics Amplification (The Ichikoro Gauge allows Amy to knock out comparable opponents in one hit once enough energy is transferred to it)
- Afterimage Creation (Can Create Afterimages of Itself)
- Statistics Amplification (Passive - With Attack Support 5, Strength Support 6, and Speed Up Lv 1, which increases her power, defense, and movement speed respectively)
- Stealth Proficiency (Aided Elise in escaping Eggman's base after she triggered the alarm)
- Invisibility (Can become Invisible)
Standard Equipment
- Clairvoyance & Curse Manipulation (Can use tarot cards to predict the future and lay curses on opponents)
- Wind Manipulation (With the Piko Piko Hammer.Can create Tornado)
- Explosion Manipulation (With Gift. With Gifts, bombs which have the appearance of presents)
- Extreme Cold and Cosmic Radiations Extreme Heat (Is a Mobian)
- Death Manipulation (Can traverse through areas near Void and can interact with him, in which his presence alone killed off the life within the Nature Zone before it was restored)
- Acid Manipulation (Can withstand the acid of poison frogs with no negative side effects)
- Transmutation (due to resisting being converted into a ring by Chaotix Recital)
- Durability Negation (Via Amy Guard, Amy can defend herself from special attacks induced by the Ichikoro Gauge and release stored energy within it, which instantly knocks out the opponent in one hit bypassing their durability in the process)
- Space-Time Manipulation (Can withstand attacks from multiple chaos powers that attack opponents with distorted space-time)
- Electricity Manipulation,Transmutation/Deconstruction and Sound Manipulation, Cyber Corruption (Upon Sonic becoming corrupted on Rhea Island, Tails, Amy, and Knuckles drove back Sonic's corruption to bring him back in order to fight The End)
- Conceptual Manipulation & Dream Manipulation , Information Manipulation (Conceptual Destruction; Type 1, Independent Universal Concept. Type 2; Fundamental, 4-D. Void is said to possess a power of darkness that can bring an end to Maginaryworld which would include the Ancients' dream of persisting their legacy in Cyber Space, with Void himself being referred to as said darkness directly on multiple occasions while directly stating he is the dreams themselves, who Sonic can withstand attacks from)
- Electricity Manipulation, Sound Manipulation, Transmutation & Deconstruction (Can resist the effects of the Wisps being used on her)
- Cyber Corruption (Type 1 - Physical Corruption) & Information Manipulation (Type 2, Fundamental. 4-D - 2 Layers, Upon Sonic succumbing to the corruptive Cyber energy, Tails, Amy, and Knuckles reverted his corruption in order to fight The End)
- Intangibility, Time Manipulation, Higher-Dimensional Existence (With Eternity Rings)
- Durability Negation (The Ichikoro Gauge allows Amy to knock out the opponent in one hit once enough energy is transferred to it)
- Air Manipulation (can create tornadoes)
- Temporary Flight (via Propeller Hammer)
- Gravity Manipulation and Pseudo-Black Hole Creation (With the Ark of the Cosmos)
- Technological Flight, Weapon Creation Technology Manipulation, Power Nullification Homing Attack, Explosion Manipulation, Statistics Amplification, Status Effect Inducement (With Extreme Gear. Can create a regular basketball, bowling ball, and Tee Shot, enabling the user to use a golf club to shoot out golf balls, to damage other racers, Homing Attack (Via Target Torpedo) & Explosion Manipulation Users can summon a bomb to explode other Riders on the race track or a torpedo tor track them down, When breaking open a Parts Lock Item Box, the playable character's tech is temporarily shut down except for the tech's mobility, Temporary via Attack & High Speed. With Attack, user gain further strength to plow through obstacles and they can run on foot to match the speed of Extreme Gear. High Speed grants increase acceleration of Extreme Gears to high speed, With Colorball, which obscures the vision of others)
Chaos Energy is an unstable, yet incredibly powerful extra-dimensional energy that encompasses all reality in the Sonicverse
Many residents of Mobius and other realms harness this energy in various ways. Some have a natural connection to the Chaos Force, while others practice magic or draw power from physical sources like Chaos Emeralds, Power Rings, the Master Emerald, Super Emeralds, Anarchy Beryl, Sol Emeralds, and more. The use of Chaos Energy through magical means isn't limited by biology, allowing Mobians, Overlanders, and others to tap into this raw energy within their respective magical traditions.
With Chaos Emerald Powers[]
The Chaos Emeralds (カオスエメラルド Kaosuemerarudo) consist of seven ancient relics that hold boundless power. The capability to wield these emeralds depends on an individual's innate aptitude, with some demonstrating greater skill in unlocking their extraordinary potential. As the ultimate source of Chaos Energy, each Chaos Emerald grants access to the full spectrum of Chaos Powers, magnifying their effects significantly
Seven Magical Emerald[]
- Forcefield Creation & Aura (With the use of 7 Magical Emerald Sonic uses them to get golden armor, Sonic with Golden Armor benefits from an aura completely covering his golden armor)
- Flight (A user of golden armor is able to fly through the air)
- Dimensional Travel (Princess Alucion says that with the 7 Magical Emeralds the user can go wherever he wants, Sonic uses it to teleport away from the special stage)
- Statistics Amplification (Sonic can become even stronger by absorbing emerald energy)
- Energy Manipulation (Able to power machines and project chaos emerald energy)
Invisibility Chaos Emerald[]
- Invisibility (Invisibility Chaos Emerald) (Able to use the Chaos Emerald of invisibility to become invisible)
Invulnerability Chaos Emerald[]
- Statistics Amplification, Invulnerability, Muscular Manipulation, Attack Reflection (The user of Chaos Emerald of Invincibility is given a more muscular body, all attacks sent towards the user are automatically returned to the recipient passively, and he benefits from an invulnerability that makes him invulnerable to all types of attack)
Immortality Chaos Emerald[]
- Statistics Amplification, Immortality (Types 1 & 3) and Regeneration (Immortality Chaos Emerald) (Low-High) (With the use of Chaos Emerald of Immortality able to benefit from immortality making the user able to live forever, is able to regenerate ad infinitum even while mummified, Able to make ultisators stronger than before)
Supreme Forms[]
- Statistics Amplification, Electricity Manipulation, Smoke Manipulation, Size Manipulation, Biological Manipulation, Golden Manipulation & Time Manipulation (Became considerably stronger than before by absorbing the energy of the 4 Chaos Emerald, Able to generate electricity around his body and can generate smoke around his body, can increase his size, give life to metal by giving it all the biological properties to make it alive, Chaos emerald generated gold rings around the wrists, Able to manipulate time)
2 Emerald Shard (Underground)[]
Without User
- Vibration Manipulation, Shockwave Creation, Wind Manipulation, Electricity Manipulation, Weather Manipulation (2 Emerlad Shard) (are capable of shaking the entire planet moebius, the aura of the stone being on a planetary level, generating electricity, destroying the moebius ecosystem to the point of creating clouds of lightning)
- Statistics Amplification (Can make users considerably stronger than before)
- Body Control, Shapeshifting & Body Weaponry (Able to change body structure as he pleases to the point of creating weapons with his body)
Resistance to
Single Chaos Emerald (Underground)[]
- Levitation (Able to keep Angel Island in the sky)
- Pain Manipulation (users of Chaos energy can, if they wish, cause suffering in others with a wave of their hand)
- Electricity Manipulation (Those with a strong connection to the Chaos Force have used the Thunder Arrow technique, where they discharge lightning bolts made of Chaos Energy in attempt to electrocute their victims)
- BFR (the user can warp objects across space and time without going with them)
Power Rings[]
- Statistics Amplification & Speed Amplification (Power Rings) (can amplify the user's strength, with Rings providing a greater increase in strength, sonic uses several wisp with boost to fight zazz powered by a large quantity of Power Rings)
- Heat Generation (A Power Ring jamming a gear eventually caused the gear itself to begin melting after the Power Ring started to glow)
- Technology Manipulation (Power Rings can remove energy barriers)
- Mind Restoration (A Power Ring can restore or block out manipulation to the mind)
- Memory Manipulation (A Power Ring restored Sonic's memories upon him touching it)
- Purification (Types 2 & 3) (Power Rings have been shown to be capable of removing the negative energies of corruptive mind control, as well as aid Sonic in restoring his speed when it was impaired)
- Power Nullification (A single ring was used to inhibit Dulcy's ability to breathe fire)
- Stamina Recovery (Can be used to regain stamina)
- Telekinesis (Users can wish for items to be telekinetically moved)
- Power Bestowal (Can provide as an energy source to various machinery and grant protection from abilities)
- Unconventional Resistance to Magic (Power Rings grant protection from magic)
- Unconventional Resistance to Corruption (Type 2) (The Iron Queen could only corrupt Monkey Khan after the Power Ring was taken off)
- Unconventional Resistance to Mind Manipulation (A Power Ring can restore or block out manipulation to the mind)
- Statistics Amplification & Speed Amplification (Power Rings) (can amplify the user's strength, with Rings providing a greater increase in strength, sonic uses several wisp with boost to fight zazz powered by a large quantity of Power Rings)
- Healing & Resurrection (Bodyhop.Under a time of great distress, Sonic managed to revive his father through the use of a Power Ring)
- BFR (Showcased by both Nate and Sonic on separate occasions, Power Rings have the capability of sending the desired target to any place that the wielder chooses. This can be anywhere, be it to the Zone of Silence or Mega Man's own, separate multiverse.[1])
3 Power Rings[]
- Unconventional Resistance to Statistics Reduction (3 Power Rings) (Sonic can with 3 Power Rings resist the inertia field)
Power Rings Matrix[]
- Invulnerability (Dr. Robotnik states having the Power Ring Matrix, a chain mail within the skin of the Death Egg, grants the war ship to be invulnerable to outside attacks, later shown tanked Naugus's magical attacks. Sally would target the only place on the Death Egg that wouldn't be covered by the Power Ring Matrix due to the Doctor's ruse)
Resistance to
- Biological Manipulation, Matter Manipulation (Atomic) & Transmutation (The Death Egg Mark 2's Power Ring matrix rendered it immune to the Crystalline Magic of Ixis Naugus, which works on Atomic level. The energy of a single Chaos Emerald later reverted Bunnie's Roboticized limbs back to normal, and reverted mutations)
50 Power Rings[]
- Absorption (50 Power Rings) (With the energy of an abundance of Power Rings, enough to cover each arm, users can absorb energy from the opponent to transform and become relatively similar in power)
- Unconventional Resistance to Extrasensory Perception (50 Power Rings) (Enough Power Rings on each arm allowed Sonic, Knuckles, and Tails to evade Master Mogul's, visualization of reality)
1 Billion Power Rings[]
- Statistics Amplification (1 Billion Power Rings. Whatever the number of Power Rings, a Chaos Emerald is superior, quote by eggman)
- Blessed (Protection, given to him by The Ancient Walkers through his One Billionth Ring Aura)
- Immortality (Types 8) (The latter is reliant on Sonic's One Billionth Power Ring Aura, which allowed him to recover from being erased from existence by the Ultimate Annihilator after it overloaded. Was vaporized by Robotnik's Swatbots, something supported and explicitly stated by the Narrator, which put him in a limbo-like area before being able to return later on)
- Physical Restoration, Soul Restoration, Life-Force Retainment (Sonic's Aura is confirmed to be able to return his physical and spiritual essence)
- Magic and Reality Warping (Limited. His Aura is stated to override reality in a ripple of magical energy)
- Clairvoyance (Those that use Power Rings are capable of calling upon it for knowledge, though it causes discomfort to those who do so)
- Statistics Amplification (Physiology. subjected to the full force of the energy of a Chaos Emerald)
- Attack Reflection (Those of Knuckles' family being people believed to be living Chaos Emeralds, they have the ability to reflect attacks from their opponents)
- Forcefield Creation & Damage Absorption (Able to absorb attacks created by an explosion)
- Flight (Particularly skilled Chaos Force wielders can achieve flight by channeling Chaos Energy)
- Telekinesis (Skilled Chaos Force users have repeatedly shown to be able to levitate objects through midair with their minds)
- Air Manipulation (Knuckles, using Chaos Energy produced a huge whirlwind)
- Radiation Manipulation (Knuckles using Chaos Energy generated a lot of radiation, leaving a room uninhabitable, even for Mobians)
- Regeneration (Mid-Low) (With enough Chaos Energy, beings can quickly regenerate wounds)
In Sonic the Hedgehog the Magic is manipulated by any person he gains by any ability
- Electricity Manipulation (Magic Users can generate lightning)
- Plant Manipulation & Status Effect Inducement (Magic users can use the plants on the ground to entwine enemies and prevent them from moving)
- Energy Manipulation (Magic users can make energy constructions)
- Forcefield Creation (Able to protect with an energy barrier)
- Energy Projection (Able to project energy)
- Flight (Magic Users can fly)
- Mind Manipulation (With Mind link. Able to make a mental link with a super form)
- Fusionism and Power Nullification (Can Merge Sonic and Super Sonic by force)
Crystalline Magic[]
- Transmutation (Atomic) & Crystal Manipulation (Crystalline Magic involves the transformation of non-living materials into resilient green crystals. Practitioners can crystallize an adversary's weapons and armor, rendering them ineffective. Cybernetic and robotic foes are especially susceptible to this form of transmutation)
Ixis Magicks[]
- Elemental Manipulation (Ixis Magic. Ixis Wizards exhibit mastery over a range of elemental powers)
- Air Manipulation (They can manipulate gusts of wind and controlled vortexes to disrupt and unbalance opponents)
- Regeneration (Users of Ixis Magicks possess a Mid-High level of regenerative abilities, allowing them to reform from dispersing into smoke)
- Darkness Manipulation & Shadow Manipulation (Utilizing shadow-melding, they can appear at any desired location, causing discomfort to those less skilled in this technique)
- Earth Manipulation (Ixis Magicks users can easily manipulate rocks and subterranean materials, creating or sealing passages and forming defensive granite walls)
- Fire Manipulation (They harness the power of fire and brimstone for both offense, through fiery blasts, air, and defense, transforming themselves into scorching flames)
- Ice Manipulation (Mastery over ice allows them to freeze surroundings or immobilize targets)
- Smoke Manipulation (Ixis Magicks users can transform into a smoke-like substance , Magicks have repeatedly shown the capability of turning into,and adopt its properties)
- Water Manipulation (They can manipulate water for various purposes, including creating shields)
- Weather Manipulation (Users can summon formidable snowstorms, inducing whiteouts of significant intensity)
- Technology Manipulation (Magitek, sometimes referred to as Technomagic, represents a derivation of the earlier mentioned Ixis Magicks, essentially functioning as an indirect utilization of Chaos Energy. Practitioners hold the ability to manipulate electrical impulses and electronic signals, granting them control over all forms of electronics and machinery)
- Data Manipulation & Power Bestowal (This control even extends to digital environments)
- Nanotechnology (Can control nanites)
Single Chaos Emerald[]
- Gravity Manipulation (The infinite energy of a Chaos Emerald can be use to negate the forces of gravity on an object)
- Statistics Amplification (×1000) (When someone uses the energy of a Chaos Emerald he can amplify his own power)
- Energy Projection & Plasma Manipulation (Can shoot lasers and plasma blasts)
- Mind Restoration (A Chaos Emerald restored Naugus' broken mind.[2])
- Transmutation (The power of Chaos Emeralds and their Chaos Energy can revert and block out transfigurations and mutations)
- Blood Manipulation (Can recreate a bunnie body part by incorporating health and dear)
- Duplication (2 Max.Mammoth Mogul is capable of duplicate tails, Mammoth Mongul being powered by a Chaos Emerald)
- Technology Manipulation (With one Emerald users can disable technology)
Resistance to
- Life Force Absorption, Mind Erasure and Soul Erasure, and Poison Manipulation (Both Mammoth Mogul and Enerjak were subjected to Egg Grape chambers and resisted their effects without lasting repercussions, the latter due to the power of a Chaos Emerald. The Egg Grape chambers erases the victim's mind and soul, infuses them with toxins, and saps them of their energy, with even the briefest exposure to them causing severe dips in mental capability and driving Naugus to insanity)
Chaos Control (Chaos Emerald of Prime Zone)[]
- Teleportation (Chaos Control is foremost associated with the ability to instantaneously warp across space, allowing users to teleport from one place to another. With enough energy, users can teleport objects as large as the Space Colony ARK. The technique is shown to cause a side effect that disrupts space-time, slightly reverting the causality-bending effects of the Genesis Wave and restoring memories)
- Portal Creation (Chaos Control can be used to form portals to different locations. With a single Chaos Emerald, Dr. Eggman and Dr. Wily could create inter-dimensional portals that led to the Skull Egg Zone, a pocket dimension situated between their two worlds, which reside in separate multiverses)
- Paralysis Inducement (Shadow with Chaos Control demobilized the army of Metal Sonic Troopers by raising his hand)
- Unconventional Resistance to Power Nullification (Due to being all-powerful within the Special Zone, the godlike Feist was able to disable Shadow's affinity for Chaos Energy, nullifying his ability to harness Chaos Energy despite there being an abundance to tap into. Upon obtaining a Chaos Emerald, Shadow is able to overcome Feist's nullification entirely and escape the Special Zone via Chaos Control)
6 Chaos Emerald of Prime Zone[]
- Duplication and Multiples Sleves (Chaos Energy can be used to duplicate oneself or others, as displayed by Sonic unintentionally creating a separate version of Super Sonic from the red Chaos Emeralds on Thoraxia)
Chaos Forms[]
- Possession (Easily took control of another echidna)
- Telepathy (Spoke to his father through his mind)
- Extrasensory Perception (Detected Merlin and Athair‘s astral projection when they were not visibly present)
- Time Travel (Traveled to specific locations to the past in an attempt to rewrite his history)
- Enhanced Chaos Manipulation and Fate Manipulation (Due to the amount of Chaos Energy that Sonic has been exposed to, he has become the Embodiment of Chaos. As referred to by Dr. Eggman Mark 2, he is the patently unpredictable, the constant inconsistency, the hiccup on the quantum level that throws everything off to ensure Sonic’s victory)
- Immortality (Type 9. Transcendental Immortality. Beings existing in the force of chaos exist independently of the plane on which they can be killed)
Chaos Force Deity[]
- Higher-Dimensional Existence, Large Size (Type 11), and Acausality (Type 4) (Becoming one with the Chaos Force, which transcends all space and time across infinite realities, grants beings a infinite aleph-dimensional existence)
- Abstract Existence (Type 1) and Incorporeality (The Chaos Force is the embodiment of all Chaos Energy in existence; the process of becoming one with the Chaos Force is described as transcending your corporeal shell. Lacking a true physical form, those one with the Chaos Force are perceived differently between individuals, who simply see them as they imagine them to be. The "corporeal world" and the Chaos Force are also explicitly differentiated by the Complete Sonic Comic Encyclopedia)
- Avatar Creation & Astral Projection (As demonstrated by Enerjak and the Ancient Walkers, it is possible for Chaos Force deities to interact with the corporeal world either through creating physical avatars or projecting images of themselves.)
- Cosmic Awareness (Those that become one with the Chaos Force are said to "unlock the secrets of the universe", implying they attain vast knowledge of the workings of the cosmos. They are capable of perceiving phenomena on an interdimensional scale.)
- Immortality (Types 1 and 5) (Chaos Force deities are not bound by conventional death, with the goddess Aurora lamenting the finite lifespans of normal Mobians in contrast to those one with the Chaos Force such as herself, stated to be long detached from mortal life)
- Omnipresence (The Chaos Force is the all-encompassing energy of the universe. Becoming one with the Chaos Force has been described as "taking your place in the cosmos" and being "cloaked within the fabric of eternity")
- Self-Sustenance (Types 1, 2, and 3) (Lacking a physical body altogether, Chaos Force deities naturally do not need to eat, sleep, and cannot experience fatigue. Due to embodying all Chaos Energy they should possess infinite energy)
- Mind Manipulation (Extremely powerful Chaos Force wielders are capable of mind control, as shown when Enerjak took control of the Chaotix[3].)
- Memory Manipulation (Powerful Chaos Force users can erase memories[4].)
- Possession (Skilled users of the Chaos Force are able to take control of other beings and can act/speak in their stead without any indication of such a thing happening.)
- Creation (Powerful Chaos Force users could use their dominion over reality to create objects and structures from nothing, with Mammoth Mogul stating his Super Form possessed the power to create entire universes)
- Soul Manipulation (As displayed by Dark Enerjak, it is possible for Chaos Force wielders to remove people's spirits from their bodies, leaving them as little more than lifeless husks)
- Telepathy (Conduits of Chaos Energy are capable of speaking in the minds of others as if they were talking in their ear)
- Information Analysis (Able to have information about their opponents by visualizing them)
- Deconstruction (Molecular) (from disassembling and reassembling people and objects on a molecular level)
- Enhanced Air Manipulation (Enerjak created a pocket of air for Knuckles to breathe in and made that he could not breathe)
- Probability Manipulation & Curse Manipulation (Chaos Force deities are capable of placing curses to ensure the targets always fail in their future endeavours)
Resistance to
Anarchy Beryl[]
- Enhanced Self-Sustenance (Type 1 & 3) (with no signs of fatigue whatsoever for the entire duration of their showdown. Barring cases where one transforms via Anarchy Beryl, it is stated that whenever a Super State user reverts to their base forms they are left in peak physical condition and even given a small boost, further showcasing that they do not tire for the duration of their Super Form)
- Statistics Amplification, Invulnerability & Resistance to Telekinesis (Super Scourge after absorbing the power of Anarchy Beryl is able to benefit from a Super form that makes him invulnerable and capable of breaking silver's PK)
- Resistance to Paralysis Inducement (Silver's psychokinetic hold did nothing more than bring Super Scourge to a temporary stop, who proceeded to effortlessly escape it)
Seven Chaos Emeralds[]
- Self-Sustenance (Type 1 & 3) (Super Forms have shown the ability to live indefinitely without oxygen; A quality of the Super Forms is their ability to never tire for the entire duration that it lasts, as physical manifestations of the Chaos Force (such as the Chaos Emeralds) allow direct access)
- Flight & Spaceflight (One of the most exemplified traits of a Super State is their ability to freely maneuver through midair via flight. This is utilized from simply hovering above the ground to flying through the outer reaches of space at incredible velocities)
Ultra Sonic[]
- Transformation & Statistics Amplification (With Single Super Chaos Emerald)
- Time Acceleration (Chaos Energy can be used to move time forward and speed up the flow of time, as displayed by Ultra Sonic.)
- Accelerated Development (Passive; Abilities. Ultra Sonic's transformation gives him complete mastery over the elements and the skills to use it accordingly without prior training or knowledge on the matter)
- Enhanced Time Manipulation (Was able to move time forward with sheer speed alone),
- Continuously Rising Power (Had used a Super Emerald to progress through his transformations, and was constantly getting faster and stronger with the amount of Chaos Energy he was being exposed to)
- Adaptation (Is shown and stated to change his form to match his environment, taking the forms of Polar Sonic, Solar Sonic, and Eco Sonic)
- Dimensional BFR (Can create portals to a zone of his choice that suctions enemies in, leaving them trapped)
Resistance to
- Time Manipulation (Tanked the Time Beam, which forced time to flow backwards)
Super Forms (Master Emerald)[]
- Resistance Negation (Continued to weaken Enerjak with his Holy Manipulation despite him resisting its effects. Erased Enerjak and other Chaos Force beings despite them being resistant to Conceptual Manipulation and Existence Erasure)
- Size Manipulation & Large Size (Up to Type 5) (Can grow to become larger than planet Earth/Moebuis at the point where he can hold it in his hands)
- Resistance Negation (Continued to weaken Enerjak with his Holy Manipulation despite him resisting its effects. Erased Enerjak and other Chaos Force beings despite them being resistant to Conceptual Manipulation and Existence Erasure)
- Resistance to Electricity Manipulation (Electricity harnessed through the Thunder Arrow technique by Enerjak did nothing meaningful to Super Sonic, who admitted as much himself)
- Resistance to Magic (Super Sonic was able to resist the Chaos Magic of Enerjak, remarking that all his magic did was annoy him. Despite his wide array of abilities, Enerjak admitted to be incapable of destroying Super Sonic. With the Power Ring Matrix built into the Death Egg[5], the war ship was immune to Ixis Naugus's Crystallization magic powered by a Post-Harmony Chaos Emerald. The same magic that had perviously killed Nicole's nanites[6] for good.)
- Fusionism (Feist was capable of fusing all the innumerable Chaos Emeralds throughout the universe into a single set of seven)
- Pocket Reality Manipulation (Through the power of the Chaos Emeralds, Feist reshaped the Zone of Silence[7] to create the Special Zone and possesses complete dominion over the realm)
Genesis Wave[]
- Pocket Reality Manipulation (Users can create, reshape and manipulate pocket realities. With a single Chaos Emerald, Dr. Eggman and Dr. Wily created the Skull Egg Zone, a pocket dimension)
- Law Manipulation (fundamentally altering how reality functions. With a single Chaos Emerald Dr. Eggman and Wily created a Zone that bends the rules of time and space, where in hours barely equated to seconds in conventional space-time)
- Acausality Negation (Genesis Waves with one Chaos Emerald are able to affect a decoupled from time Silver)
Super Genesis Wave[]
- Existence Erasure (Super Genesis Wave. Chaos Energy can be used to erase enemies from reality, as Doctor Eggman and Wily planned to do with the Super Genesis Wave. Since the Super Genesis Wave's effects encompass the past, present, and future across the entire multiverse, this would make it so targets never existed at all)
- Enhanced Energy Manipulation and Creation (Can create golden constructs of punches and kicks as well as golden chains to restrain Wyvern)
- Soul Manipulation (Erased the Next Evolution, an entire spiritual plane of existence)
- Causality Manipulation (Chaos Energy can be used to rearrange and [rewrite the past, present, and future, altering the timeline])
- Memory Manipulation (Chaos Energy can be used to rewrite or erase memories, with the denizens of Sonic and Mega Man's universes only remembering what Eggman wanted them to remember after the Genesis Wave)
- Enhanced Invulnerability (the Egg-Wily Machine X being unable to injure Super Sonic and Super Armor Mega Man despite sharing the same power source. While they are impervious to injury, they are subject to being staggered or launched backwards with sufficient force)
Resistance to
- Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1), Law Manipulation, Matter Manipulation (Molecular & Quantum), Memory Manipulation, Existence Erasure, Space-Time Manipulation, Causality Manipulation, Resistance Negation & Reality Warping (Super Sonic and Super Armor Mega Man, were unaffected by these things when the Super Genesis Wave activated during their battle)
Dark Forms[]
- Aura, Darkness Manipulation, Rage Power, Empowerment (Sonic, angry at the news that his friends had probably lost their lives, generated a new form called dark sonic, powered by 7 Fake Chaos Emeralds created by the Metarex. The 7 Fake Chaos Emeralds made him so powerful that he was able to beat the Metarex designed to defeat him with disconcerting ease)
Giant Fake Chaos Emerald[]
- Enhanced Statistics Amplification (Giant Fake Chaos Emerald) (The Energy of False Chaos Emerald is superior to the energy of Chaos Drives and Power Cores in comparison, should multiply the power of an individual by 8, Blaze claimed that the giant fake Chaos Emerald would be on par with a single Chaos Emerald, Blaze claimed that the energy of the Giant Chaos Emerald had the same value as a Chaos Emerald)
- Regeneration (High) & Crystal Manipulation, Accelerated Development, Size Manipulation (Chaos Energy included in the False Chaos Emerald Allowing immaterial things to grow and regenerate like a living being)
- Life Absorption & Biological Absorption (the False Chaos Emeralds absorbs the life of the planet together)
- BFR & Spatial Intangibility (Eggman thanks to the energy of the False Chaos Emerald shows that he can make a spatial movement , which allows the user not to be affected by the attacks of his enemies)
- Electricity Manipulation & Pain Manipulation (Silver after touching the electricity of False Chaos Emerald suffered immense pain)
- Matter Manipulation & BFR (Can disperse Molecules of individuals into oblivion)
- Confusion Manipulation (Shadow after returning in conjunction with the energy of the false Chaos emeralds had a growing headache)
- Size Manipulation, Crystal Manipulation, & Poisonous Energy (Lanolin and Sonic both confirmed the city was growing in size, a direct result of it strip-mining the planet that Sonic theorized would eventually pave the entire planet. The City's Fake Chaos Emeralds grow more crystals as their energy is used, with the energy being detrimental to the user)
- Portal Creation, Spatial Manipulation, & Tracking (With Warp Gate Technology throughout the city, which pursues the ones who activate it)
- Summoning (Through the Central Tower, Dr. Eggman is able to summon his Badniks en-masse to its location)
- Teleportation, Forceful Intangibility, & Forceful Invisibility (With Spatial-Displacement Traps located around Eggperial City, which forces those caught in them to be unable to interact with or be seen by the tangible world)
- Sealing & Matter Manipulation (Atomic; The improved, second version of the Spatial-Displacement Traps encapsulate a person before scattering their atoms as a means of incapacitation. This works on incorporeal beings as well, as they were a threat to the new Diamond Cutters despite them already being in a state of forced incorporeality from the old version of the trap)
Single Chaos Emerald Void[]
- Unconventional Resistance to Existence Erasure, Conceptual Erasure (Type 1), Plot Erasure (Type 2) & Information Erasure (Chaos Energy still emanated and projected from a Chaos Emerald despite being erased by the Time Eater)
Single Chaos Emerald Abilities[]
- Stamina Manipulation & Self-Sustenance (Type 3) (Can increase the endurance of Sonic's characters, Tails when he had a single Chaos Emerald in hand said that it could give infinite energy)
- Radiation Manipulation (Chaos Emeralds are said to be nuclear weapons)
- Supernatural Luck (Big said that a chaos emerald brought him luck and that it was his lucky charm)
- Clairvoyance (A Chaos Emerald can project images of an individual in someone's mind)
- Light Manipulation (Mephiles Can Dazzle Sonic with the Use of a Chaos Emeralds)
- Telekinesis (A Chaos Emerald can put a Continent back in its place on earth)
- Flight (Chaos Energy user allows one to fly)
- Power Mimicry (After witnessing Shadow perform Chaos Control, Sonic was later able to replicate the use of the technique and perform Chaos Control himself)
Resistance to
- Disease Manipulation, Biological Manipulation, Transmutation, & Corruption (Type 1 – Physical Corruption. Zavok resists the Metal Virus while fueled by a Chaos Emerald, The Metal Virus in question transforms organic tissue into a metallic substance through physical contact to create a mindless Zombot)
- Spatial Manipulation, Subjective Reality, Dream Manipulation, Law Manipulation, Causality Manipulation, Memory Manipulation, Perception Manipulation, & Unconventional Resistance to Reality Warping & Transmutation (Chaos Energy provides resistance against the Altered Phantom Ruby prototype used by Dr.Eggman to alter the world and history, in which such effects were observed, more Chaos Energy in one's possession grants a stronger resistance, such as through more Chaos Emeralds)
- Existence Erasure, Conceptual Manipulation & Information Manipulation (is chaos Emerald survived the time eater's erasure of existence)
- Enhanced Space-Time Manipulation (Shadow Heal is a means of healing oneself via Chaos Control)
- Durability Negation (With Chaos Upper, Chaos Magic & Roaming Chaos. Many of Shadow's moves use Space-Time distortions as a means of attack and are powered through Chaos Control)
- Intangibility (With Chaos Burst. Spatial; Through Chaos Burst, the user can use Chaos Control to hide within distorted space)
- Duplication (With ???, which Emerl performs with Chaos Control to triplicate himself and momentarily trap enemies in distorted space)
- Statistics Amplification (Dash. The user utilizes Chaos Control to warp forward while moving at a high speed)
Chaos Control[]
- Enhanced Space-Time Manipulation (Chaos Control.referred to as a reality warping skill and allows it’s user to control the fabric of the universe. Specially its space time to perform a variety of effects)
- Pocket Reality Manipulation (Dr. Eggman split the world into seven pockets of reality by using Chaos Control)
- BFR & Sealing (Chaos Control can be used to seal others in different dimensions)
- Unconventional Resistance to Spatial Manipulation & Reality Warping (Due to Shadow using Chaos Control at the time reality was affected by the destruction of the Paradox Prism, he was left unaffected in the wake of its effects on the universe and its inhabitants)
- Portal Creation (Shadow created a rift using Chaos Control that allowed Silver to cross a gap. Metal Sonic did the same to teleport himself back aboard a ship travelling through interstellar space)
- Enhanced BFR (Chaos Rift. The user creates a sphere that is thrown to the opponent. Upon touching someone, it immediately seems to send them into space, or if it fails, it makes them dizzy instead)
Emerald Power[]
- Extrasensory Perception (Purple Chaos Emerald) (With Vision, which allows the user to see hidden platforms and objects that would otherwise be invisible)
- Underwater Breathing, Elemental Intangibility & Water Shapeshifting (Cyan Chaos Emerald) (Full conversion; with Water, which can change one's entire physiological makeup to liquify themselves and move within bodies of water)
- Plant Manipulation & Plateform Creation (Green Chaos Emerald) (With Ivy, which makes a vine grows out of the ground to help the user to get to higher places)
- Magma Shapeshifting & Elemental Intangibility (Red Chaos Emerald) (Full conversion; with Bullet, which allows one to change its direction in midair while turning oneself into a ball of magma)
- Temporal Deceleration (Yellow Chaos Emerald) (With Slow, which slows down time for everyone around the user except their allies)
- Power Bestowal, Homing Attack, Air Manipulation, Weapon Duplication & Fire Breath (Grey Chaos Emerald) (With Extra, a new ability is granted though it varies from user to user. It grants early access to the Homing Attack for Sonic, shockwave punches for Knuckles, allows Tails to create tornadoes, Amy to endlessly throw and replicate her hammer, and Trip to breathe fire)
Hyper Mode[]
- Statistics Amplification & Aura (Hyper Mode. Users can increase the speed of their attacks through Hyper Mode, a state granted to them by having a Chaos Emerald that is signified by a glittering aura)
With 2 Chaos Emeralds[]
- Statistics Amplification (×2000) & Speed Amplification (×2016)
With 5 Chaos Emerald[]
- Sealing & Speed Reduction (The Chaos Emeralds can be used to create, objects which renders the individual slower, which can only be removed by Chaos Energy of an equal or greater amount)
Seven Chaos Emeralds[]
- Life Manipulation, Stamina Manipulation, Power Bestowal (Chaos Energy exists as a natural part of every living being, being the "super-substance" that gives energy and vitality to all living things, with higher amounts of Chaos Energy giving more stamina and vitality the more one has of it)
- Radiation Manipulation (Chaos Energy is implied to be radioactive, as it can be used to power up nuclear weapons)
- Limited Magnetism Manipulation (The Chaos Emerald attract each other)
- Acausality (Type 4) (The Chaos Emeralds possess the unique ability to operate within the Egg Reverie Zone, a dimension characterized by constant time distortion, resulting in Base characters helplessly floating upon reversion. Sage, a highly advanced AI capable of performing millions of calculations, described Sonic's actions as an attempt to defy causality by resisting his escalating cyber corruption. Super Sonic, with Sage's assistance from within Supreme, ultimately triumphed over The End. The End acknowledged its impending defeat as something transcending the laws of time, despite its inherent connection to fate's rule over the universe, Super Sonic viewed this victory as a liberation from the chains of fate)
- Subjective Reality (The Chaos Emeralds are often portrayed as extraordinary gems, described as wondrous and miracule, capable of performing, miraculous feats when gathered together. with them turning one's thoughts into reality to perform miracles, [The culmination of this gathering results in the Super form. With this attribute being what was used to bring Elise's wish to reality and revive Sonic back to life)
- Invulnerability Negation (Most entities capable of penetrating the invulnerability of a Super State are fueled by Chaos Energy derived from the Chaos Emeralds)
- Spacial Slicing & Gravitational pull (By cutting through space, Chaos Emerald users are able to manipulate gravity)
- Death Manipulation (Users of the Chaos Emerald can create special temporal vulnerabilities, which kill instantly the people who kill them by attracting everyone who senses approach)
- Restoration of Time, Physical, Immaterial, Energy Restoration & Regeneration (High-Godly : History & Concept (Type 1), Information (Type 2), Plot & History. The Chaos Emerald by Restoring everything in the Cosmology should be able to do this)
- Enhanced Dream Manipulation, Empathic Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Plot Manipulation & Enhanced Conceptual Manipulation (Conceptual Destruction; Type 1, Independent Universal Concept. The Chaos Emeralds are said to be the super-substances of dreams, rooting them as the source of all the dreams contained within Fourth Dimensional Space alongside the realm itself [a space which in itself is Illumina's dream within Maginaryworld, a world made of dreams, with dreams such as Erazor djinn's desire to absorb, rule and remake[8] the Arabian Nights being also contained there, a universe that is fundamentally made of texts/manuscripts and narratives, with the words written being the story of the world itself, with all the characters following a set plot as their law and destiny, with emotions themselves being necessary for Maginaryworld and Dreams to exist. Certain dreams are the direct manifestation of certain parts within an individual's mind. Allowed Mephiles and Iblis to fuse back into Solaris, who immediately became a threat that would swallow all timelines and destroy the very meaning of time, which would include realms such as Maginaryworld by extension)
- Enhanced Light Manipulation (Solaris' immediate transformation engulfed reality in a blinding light)
- Healing, Restoration (Physical, Energy & Metaphysical-History, Concept [Type 1]; Information [Type 2]; Plot & History. All the technology of the Ancients relied entirely on the Chaos Emeralds. This included robots capable of self-reformation through gravitational pull, allowing them to perpetually continue their tasks . Moreover, these emeralds possessed the ability to restore broken structures and fix themselves, even rejuvenating from an inert state triggered by intense emotions. They also had the power to revive lost or altered memories. Super Sonic harnessed the true potential of the Chaos Emeralds to calm Perfect Chaos, taming its fury and transforming it back. Additionally, Super Sonic purified Mother Wisp, returning her to normal after being corrupted into a Nega-Wisp due to energy drainage by Eggman)
- Enhanced Causality Manipulation, Law Manipulation, Logic Manipulation & Information Manipulation (Type 2, Fundamental. Powered by the Chaos Emeralds, which were the very basis of what the Ancients built their technology around, in which the gems power all their systems, including Cyber Space, a realm stated by The End to be a separate reality[9] and also referred to by Dr. Eggman as a digital dimension.[10] Tails pieced together that Cyber Space was used to store information down to the very essences of who the Ancients were, an idea supported by how the Elder described it as being able to upload their hopes, dreams, and memories.[11] When a being enters Cyber Space, their memories physically alter and change the realm depending upon their memories. The forcefield surrounding the Starfall Islands that sucked Sonic, Tails, and Amy into Cyber Space was stated by Tails to defy the laws of the real world, manifesting logical disparities to the bottom of causality.[12] Additionally, Solaris after it had used the Chaos Emeralds to merge back into being, became a threat that would destroy all of reality by destroying time. This would include periods when Cyber Space was active, be it in the far past with the Ancients to the current day with Sonic and Sage)[13]
- Creation, Spatial Manipulation & Time Manipulation (The Chaos Emeralds are able to create an entire dimension called the chaotic inferno zone, which is the parallel dimension of Prime Zone that ended badly)
- Mind Manipulation (Can enslave others with powerful mind control powers)
- Soul Manipulation (Is stated to be able to bind one’s soul)
Werehog Form[]
- Statistics Amplification & Transformation (The Werehog is a transformation that occurs once the Sun goes down)
- Energy Manipulation (Can manipulate Dark Gaia Force for various effects)
- Size Manipulation (Capable of enlarging his arms and hands to increase the power and range of his attacks even further)
- Enhanced Non-Physical Interaction (Can destroy Dark Gaia's minions several of which are manifestations of people's negative thoughts, emontions and actions)
- Statistics Amplification (Able to use Dark Gaia Energy to augment his striking power)
- Forcefield Creation (Can use Dark Gaia Energy to form defensive barriers around himself)
- Greater Vibration Manipulation (He can cause destructive tremors with the colossal force of his blows)
- Status Effect Inducement (His attacks can cause dizziness in an opponent)
- Aura & Rage Power (Can enter Unleashed Mode, a temporary state signified by a blue hue which grants vastly greater strength and speed)
Life Energy[]
Life Energy[]
- Life Manipulation (Animation, Healing, Regeneration, Life Stealing, Instant-Death, Statistics Amplification) (Sonic sucks a small portion of the vital energy sucked from all living beings so that he makes it stronger, gives him an aura, and a passive force field, and the energy of the planet gives power to the chaos emerald)
- Energy Projection (It's able to fire sweeping lasers and rapid-fire energy balls)
- Electricity Manipulation (It can shoot beams of electricity from its hands)
- Fire Manipulation (Can shoot balls of fire)
- Forcefield Creation (By drilling, it can create constructs to block his opponent's path)
- Black Hole Generation (With a certain attack, a psuedo-black hole forms upon impact which defeats Sonic in one hit if it lands)
- Shockwave Creation & Reactive Power Level (Its power output increases the more damage it takes)
Super State[]
- Enhanced Invulnerability (As Super Forms.Super forms are stated by multiple different sources to be invincible, indestructible and invulnerable, and are merely unaffected by conventional attacks from a bunch of different enemies, such as Perfect Chaos, Time Eater, Ultimate Gemerl and the Great Eggman Robo)
- Invulnerability Negation (Can harm other Super form users with this trait)
- Self-Sustenance (Types 1 & 3)
Super Forms[]
- Enhanced Aura (With intense anger, Sonic is capable of making everyone disappear into dust with his aura)
- Power Nullification (Can Undo all of Eggman's dream creations with aura)
- Empathic Manipulation & Purification (Type 3; Spiritual Healing; The power of the Chaos Emeralds enabled Super Sonic to counteract the negative energies within Perfect Chaos. This transformation caused Perfect Chaos to return to its original form, cleansing it of its malevolent influence and restoring its benevolent nature. It also rendered Perfect Chaos's will to fight dormant)
- Light Manipulation & Electricity Manipulation (Each blow and attack given by a Super Form at this level is said to produce "lighting" and "sparks of electricity", with each blow making "flashes of light" so bright that make it impossible to differentiate night and day")
Arrow of Light[]
- Causality Manipulation (At his strongest, Sonic could harm Solaris through all points in its time and damage it)
- Statistics Amplification & Light Manipulation (Sonic can absorb light to strengthen himself and allow him to use the Arrow of Light)
- Power Bestowal (Can pass Chaos Energy onto others, allowing them to achieve Super transformations of their own)
- Enhanced Non Physical Interaction (Can directly attack Solaris' consciousness)
- Resistance to Enhanced Death Manipulation (In the Game. Super forms can withstand the Eyes of Solaris, which instantly kill whoever touches them)
- Regeneration Negation (Low Goldy. The full power of the Chaos Emeralds allowed Sonic, Silver and Shadow to bypass Solaris' regeneration entirely, shattering it's light shells and decapitating it despite being comprised of light itself. Even when Solaris revitalized and reformed itself with wings, the damage to it remained)
Resistance to
- Information Manipulation (Type 2 Fundamental), Plot Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Empathic Manipulation, Dream Manipulation & Conceptual Manipulation (Conceptual Destruction; Type 1, Independent Universal Concept. Chaos Energy users on this level can survive blows from other users which have the such effects)
Super Forms & Cyber Energy[]
- Enhanced Non-Physical Interaction (Super Sonic can interact and harm entities such as The End,the end is official say, by kishimoto to be the embodiment of death,The End refers to itself has the all-consuming void, the abyss, both infinite and nothing with the intent of bringing everything to neutrality/nothing)
- Enhanced Energy Manipulation and Creation (Can create golden constructs of punches and kicks as well as golden chains to restrain Wyvern)
Cyber Energy[]
AI (Critters Energy)[]
- Energy Manipulation, Explosion Manipulation, Fire Manipulation, Light Manipulation, Electricity Manipulation, Absorption, Ice Manipulation, Deconstruction, Plant Manipulation, Matter Manipulation, Poison Manipulation, Adhesive Manipulation, Forcefield Creation (Critters energy gives badnick abilite entertainment)
Eggman Battery[]
- Fusionism (Can merge with various other machines and vehicles created by Eggman. Connected to an ancient statue that Eggman didn't create.[14] Merged with scrap metal to create a dangerous mech.[15] Fused with random parts to create the Klepto Mobile[16])
- Natural Weaponry (Has numerous weapons built into it and has various attachments, such as; a wrecking ball,[17] a spike,[18] a flamethrower,[19] tendrils, and drills[20])
- Additional Limbs (Through various attachments to the Eggmobile)
- Duplication (Upon being hit, one of the orbs surrounding it will split off into an identically appearing Eggman and Eggmobile balloon.[21] A variation of it has balloons which bounce around and harm those who touch it[22])
- Energy Projection (With the Egg Bubble, it can fire several energy projectiles.[23]
- Explosion Manipulation (It can fire missiles[24])
- Fire Manipulation (Can drop a ball of fire that spreads its flame across the floor[25])
- Air Manipulation (With the Egg Bubble, which uses air bubbles as its shielding[23])
- Ice Manipulation (With the Egg Froster. Capable of blowing out freezing air from devices that orbit it[26])
- Electricity Manipulation (It has tendrils which produced a shock that heavily stunned Classic Knuckles)
- Magnetism Manipulation (With a magnet which detracts from below it[15])
- Homing Attack (The Eggmobile can drop an iron ball that chases Sonic around and with Homing Missile)
- Underground Mobility (Can burrow into the floor and ceiling with its drills[27])
- Poisons & Chemical Products (The Egg Poison can weaponize Mega Mack to use against its foes[28])
- Forcefield Creation (The Eggmobile can produce a forcefield that blocks any incoming attack)
- Energy Projection & Damage Transferal Negation/Limited Durability Negation (Can fire a constant beam which can one-shot Sonic regardless of how many rings he holds)
- Telekinesis (It has a tractor beam that can pick up objects and kidnap people from under it[29])
- Homing Attack & Explosion Manipulation (With homing missiles that can be fired rapidly. It can also drop bombs directly beneath it[30])
- Limited Camouflage (Can disguise every space on the map at once)
- Dimensional Storage Negation (Can replace the cards in a character's inventory with "Eggman cards", can also place a carbuncle into thier inventory without needing to be anywhere near proximity, which are fairies that will eat one item from thier victim's inventory before going away. Even with seemingly no inventions whatsoever, he can reach into Sonic's hammerspace and steal 50 rings from him without the latter noticing until it's too late)
- Statistics Reduction (Can cause a temporary movement speed debuff)
- Sleep Manipulation (The Eggmobile can spray out sleeping gas that left Sonic/Tails unconscious overnight[29], and can also do so via a light from under it)
- Ice Manipulation (Can fire Ice Beams to trap foes in blocks of ice that not even Sonic or Tails can break out of despite normally being able to do so easily)
- Temperature Manipulation & Creation Has a large floating orb capable of creating rings and blasting heat that can push back Team Sonic)
- Size Manipulation & Statistics Amplification (Can enlarge others and amplify their power to the point that they flatten and one-shot characters who were previously comparable to them)
- Electricity Manipulation (Can shoot lightning from below)
- Possible Enhanced Senses (Can detect the camouflaged rails in Green Cave)
- Fragrance Manipulation and Possible Paralysis Inducement (His farts are potent enough to harm the likes of Sonic and Knuckles, as well as possibly paralyzing them)
- Dimensional Travel (Eventually escaped from White Space without any resources[31])
- Blinding (Capable of dropping bombs which can temporarily blind foes[32])
- Blinding (Capable of dropping bombs which can temporarily blind foes)
- Further Hammerspace Manipulation (Even from outside the battlefield, can easily steal Mysterious Orbs from the player’s hammerspace and give them to his machines)
- Fire Manipulation (With the Egg Scorcher Mark III)
- Magnetism Manipulation (With the Egg Graviton)
- Weather Manipulation (With the Egg Scrambler, Eggman can change seasons)
- Explosion Manipulation
- Gravity Manipulation (The Death Egg has devices that allow it to flip gravity)
- Energy Manipulation
- Size-Shifting (Eggman has a beam that can shrink his opponent inside Metallic Madness and beams that can grow the opponent back)
- Body Control
- Plasma Manipulation (The Crystal Egg Zone boss has plasma projectiles)
- Duplication (With one beam attack, can create a near perfect duplicate of someone, down to the same abillities, weapons, and the same fighting style along with comparable skill)
- Sealing & Absorption (The small creatures that Eggman captures are put inside his Badniks, where they act as batteries for them. Eggman will usually seal them inside his capsules until he brings them back to his base. Capsules can even seal incorporeal beings such as Hyudoros)
- Pain Manipulation (With the Eggman Mark)
- Teleportation (Built a teleporter)
- Statistics Amplification (With Dash, he can temporarily increase his speed)
- Invulnerability (With Invincible)
- Light Manipulation (With Flash)
- Status Effect Inducement (With Reverse he can confuse his opponents, reversing their sense of direction)
- Time Manipulation (Has used an hourglass-like contraption to undo the destruction of his Death Egg Robot and the Egg Fortress Zone)
- Status Effect Inducement (Can blind opponents with his party popper)
- Deconstruction (Annihilated part of a building with a handgun)
- Information Analysis
- Forcefield Creation & BFR (The Solaris Prototype traps the targets inside an energy field & teleports them into another time period)
- Homing Missiles, Vibration Emission
- Life Force Absorption (Can drain a planet's life-energy with the Extractor)
- Gravity Manipulation (His robots can negate gravity)
- Transmutation (With the Roboticized)
- Forcefield Creation (Generator Badniks create an energy forcefield around Eggman's Emerald Hill Mech)
- Ice Manipulation (Can shoot ice missiles and lasers that freeze opponents solid)
- Crystal Manipulation & Sealing (Trapped Amy in an "impenetrable crystal")
- Omnidirectional Shock Wave Generation (Which induces dizziness upon impact)
- Pocket Reality Manipulation, Spatial Manipulation, Physics Manipulation, Law Manipulation & Gravity Manipulation (With Eggman's Tower. Trapped Sonic, Tails, and Amy in a space of his own creation that continuously changed around them due to a spatial warping effect, having bent the laws of physics themselves to his will in order to create a space that circumvents spatial laws, allowing him to construct an autonomously tessellating, proportionally expansive structure with no limitations Eggman could also freely control gravity within this space)
- Limited Fusionism (With Combination Badniks, which he can send en-masse most easily within this space but which can be employed elsewhere)
- Creation, Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1), Dream Manipulation, Physics Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Plot Manipulation, Text Manipulation, Information Manipulation (Type 2), Data Manipulation, Memory Manipulation and Soul Manipulation (Created an entire dream world in his image, with dreams having various intrinsic fundamental aspects to them)
Resistance to
- Magma Manipulation (Unharmed by submersion into lava[19])
- Transmutation (Eggman's mechs are not converted into rings by Chaotix Recital)
- Teleportation (Shown all throughout Sonic Shuffle[33])
- Forcefield Creation (The Egg Walker has a shield)
- Paralysis Inducement (Eggman possesses a trap that that shoots electricity through the victim's body stunning them in spite of their strength)
- Enhanced Senses (Unlike other enemies in Sonic Heroes, the Egg Emperor can see Espio through his invisibillity)
- Hypnosis & Memory Manipulation (Outfitted his goggles to negate the effects of Starline's hypnosis glove,[34] which have such effects[35])
- Power Bestowal (When hit, they grant the user with a self-contained power ups)
- Damage Reduction (Temporary. With the Invincibility Monitor, which is stated multiple times in the franchise to be a power that allows the user to receive no damage for a limited time)
- Resistance to Status Effect Inducement (The Invincibility Monitor negates Amy's Heart Attack[36])
- Resurrection & Duplication (With Extra Life. Grants an extra life, Extra life embodies the body of the individual from which it gives him an additional life and able to count all its capacities)
- Statistics Amplification (Temporary via Power Sneakers. High Speed power up greatly increase the user's speed. Invincibility greatly enhances the user's durability)
- Damage Reduction (Temporary. With the Invincibility Monitor, which is stated multiple times in the franchise to be a power that allows the user to receive no damage for a limited time)
Elemental Shields
- Elemental Variety, Forcefield Creation & Damage Reduction (Via Shields. All Shields are omni-directional, defensive tools meant to negate an instance of damage against its wielder)
- Underwater Breathing (Type 3; the Aqua Shield allows the user to breathe underwater without worrying about air[37])
- Enhanced Acrobatics, Electricity Manipulation & Limited Magnetism Manipulation. Resistance to Electrical Attacks & Energy Attacks (With the Thunder Shield, which provides its user with an additional mid-air jump, the ability to attract nearby Rings, and protection from energy and electrical attacks[38])
- Fire Manipulation & Resistance (The Fire Shield is a barrier composed of flames which can affect the environment, like burning bridges made of wood, and protects the user from fire attacks[37])
- Forcefield Negation & Attack Reflection (Insta-Shield .Sonic's Insta-Shield is capable of bypassing forcefields to hit his opponent. It can also reflect small projectiles off of it. He can also create barriers by guarding)
- Elemental Variety, Forcefield Creation & Damage Reduction (Via Shields. All Shields are omni-directional, defensive tools meant to negate an instance of damage against its wielder)
- Underwater Breathing (Type 3; the Aqua Shield allows the user to breathe underwater without worrying about air[37])
- Enhanced Acrobatics, Electricity Manipulation & Limited Magnetism Manipulation. Resistance to Electrical Attacks & Energy Attacks (With the Thunder Shield, which provides its user with an additional mid-air jump, the ability to attract nearby Rings, and protection from energy and electrical attacks[38])
- Fire Manipulation & Resistance (The Fire Shield is a barrier composed of flames which can affect the environment, like burning bridges made of wood, and protects the user from fire attacks)
- Pain Manipulation & likely Death Manipulation (Self-Afflicted. When breaking open a Robotnik Item Box, it deals the same amount of damage to the user as a Badnik. Hitting with a shield power up will take it away, hitting it with rings will cause them to be dropped, and breaking it open without rings will kill the playable character[38])
Power Bestowal
- Statistics Amplification (Temporary via Speed Shoes. This item greatly increase the user's speed. Invincibility greatly enhances the user's durability. Hercules Muscles increase the user's strength)
- Statistics Amplification (×2) (Temporary via Power Sneakers. High Speed power up greatly increase the user's speed. Invincibility greatly enhances the user's durability)
- Size Manipulation (With Grow and Shrink, which respectively doubles and halves the user's height[39])
- Statistics Reduction (Self-Afflicted. While under the effects of Shrink, the user's jumping height and maximum speed is reduced[39])
- Statistics Amplification (With High Speed. Upon opening, the user receives a burst of speed from a forward dash that lasts for a few moments)
- Statistics Amplification (Dash. When opened, the user receives a burst of speed from a forward dash that lasts for a few moments)
- Statistics Amplification (Jump. The user is bounced into the air in a similar fashion to a Spring)
- Explosion Manipulation (Hire. When acquired, the wielder is able to drop the obtained mine to leave a hazard for opponents)
- Teleportation (The teleportation item box switches the positions of two different characters between one another[40])
- Invocation (A skateboard is summoned underneath the user, allowing them to ride along and damage enemies by jumping on them with it)
- Fusionism & Size Manipulation (Combine Rings/Hyper Rings. When rings are lost after getting this power-up, the user will drop fewer but larger rings that provide them most of their rings back, Able to generate Giant Rings with the number of rings accumulated)
- Limited Fusionism, Number Manipulation & Quantity Manipulation (Super Rings. Rings Energy Users are able to merge Rings together and they become Super Rings with the value of how many rings he has combined)
- Limited Fusionism & Size Manipulation (Giant Rings. Merging more than 50 rings creates giant rings, collecting fifty Rings or be found behind in hidden areas. Giant Rings are used as transportation devices to Special Stages)
- Dimensional Travel (50 Rings) (The Chaos Emerald monitor sends the user to a Special Stage that holds a Chaos Emerald[42])
Phantom Ruby[]
Inherited Abilities[]
- Power Bestowal (Transformed a group of Eggrobos into the Hard Boiled Heavies)
- Magic, Aura, Flight, Summoning, Creation, Teleportation, Spatial Manipulation, Pocket Reality Manipulation, Shapeshifting & Power Mimicry (Able to use magic represented by a star background, able to summon objects or animals, able to teleport and copy the abilities of Fang, Bean and Bark by taking on their appearance)
- Afterimage Creation, Ice Manipulation, Weapon Creation, Explosion Manipulation (Can generate uplifting images, manipulate freezing ice with a simple touch, create explosive and ranged weapons)
- Energy Projection & Danmaku (Able to project energy)
Phantom Ruby Prototype[]
- Teleportation, Creation & Wind Manipulation (Able to harness the energy of a phantom ruby prototype from a distance, is able to teleport itself by generating cubes, in a tornado)
- Forcefield Creation, BFR, Teleportation, Energy Manipulation, Crystal Manipulation (Able to generate a constantly activated shield, able to teleport enemies to another location, able to generate energy and crystal constructions, able to generate electricity)
- Illusion Creation & Perception Manipulation (The Phantom Ruby creates a virtual reality that the brain believes it to be real, and thus becoming reality for that person)
- Teleportation, Gravity Manipulation, Reality Warping, Space-Time Manipulation (Able to teleport enemies to another location by making them fly through the air due to gravity, because of the space-time deformation created by the phantom ruby)
- Statistics Amplification (Grants its wielders increase stats)
- Weapon Creation & Explosion Manipulation (to create explosive bombs)
- Energy Projection (Able to project energy)
- Possibly Crystal Shapeshifting & Inorganic Physiology (The shape is probably made of crystal because when Giga Metal is beaten or imploded into veiled crystals representing the Phantom Ruby)
Phantom Forms[]
- Portal Creation, BFR, Dimensional Travel & Time Travel (The Ruby transported Classic Sonic to the future)
- Creation, Space-Time Manipulation (With its full power, the Phantom Ruby can create entire dimensions such as the Egg Reverie Zone)
Phantom Ruby Final Product[]
- Statistics Amplification, Power Bestowal & Energy Manipulation (Granted both Infinite their various abilities through its energy. Various abilities showcased from those powered by the Phantom Ruby are energy-based, Grants its wielder increased stats)
- Gravity Manipulation (Infinite used the Phantom Ruby to reverse gravity and actively mess with it)
- Beyond-Dimensional Existence (Type 2. Qualitative Superiority. The Phantom Ruby is able to create null space, which contains all cosmology existing as a background, and is said to be independent of dimensionality)
- Portal Creation, Pocket Reality Manipulation, Creation, Spatial Manipulation, BFR, Sealing, & Dimensional Travel Negation (The Phantom Ruby created Null Space, Null Space is closed off from all other dimensions. Within this space, no one on Earth was able to contact or detect Sonic, despite having the technology to communicate with Sonic from across dimensions)
- Weapon Creation (Users of the Phantom Ruby are able to create various weapons, from constructs of cubes, to artillery cannons and small turrets)
- Telepathy & Perception Manipulation (Stated by Tails to be influencing the perception of the planet itself with leftover Phantom Ruby energy, something that affects everybody born native to the planet. However, due to Eggman's inability to control it fully, the thoughts and impressions of others were gathered and influenced reality as well)
Resistance to
Enhanced Phantom Copy[]
- Summoning (Several worlds he created utilized weapons and entities against Super Sonic; such as the Space Colony Ark, Perfect Chaos, Dark Gaia, and the Mother Wisp)
- Duplication (Created several duplicates of Perfect Chaos that were only weaker due to the mechanisms of the Chaos Emeralds' emotional empowerment)
Enhanced Phantom Ruby[]
- Supernatural Willpower (Can activate a Phantom Ruby prototype, something which can only be achieved by a user with a strong enough will)
- Subjective Reality, Law Manipulation, Causality Manipulation, Memory Manipulation, Spatial Manipulation, Subjective Reality, Dream Manipulation, Law Manipulation, Causality Manipulation, Memory Manipulation, & Perception Manipulation (With the Egg Field, as it would have brought to reality Dr. Eggman's desired world as "truth" if it hadn't been destroyed. Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles were having false memories implanted in their mind. These “Otherworlds” are labeled as “infinite” and “super-other dimensional”. Due to Otherworld being powered by the Phantom Ruby, a far superior power source than what Eggman used to create his Test Run maze, and the Phantom Ruby demonstrating many of the same abilities as Test Run, along with Otherworld being created with a similar purpose to Test Run of trapping characters in alternate worlds forever, Otherworld should have the same dimensionality as Test Run, Created alternate worlds with his Phantom Ruby in an identical fashion to his Egg Field, which apply these effects to the world itself and the individuals caught in the alteration of reality)
Resistance to
- Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1, Independent Universal Concept) , Law Manipulation, Causality Manipulation, Dream Manipulation& Information Manipulation (Type 2, Fundamental.) (Endured blows from Super Sonic at his full power, which have said effects)
Phantom Ruby[]
- Pocket Reality Creation, Portal Creation & BFR (With the Death Egg Robot)
- Greater Duplication (Can materialize thousands of clones of Shadow, Chaos 0, Zavok, Metal Sonic, and Infinite to aid him in combat with the Phantom Ruby)
- Absorption (The Phantom Ruby-empowered Death Egg Robot absorbed Infinite and the Phantom Ruby prototype)
Cyber Skill[]
- Energy Manipulation (Many of Sonic's attacks when Cyber Corrupted revolve around harnessing its energy for attacks)
- Statistics Amplification (Red Seed of Power. is a fruit coming from Cyber Energy to amplify Sonic's abilities)
- Power Bestowal (Greater exposure to Cyber Energy bestowed Sonic with the Cross Slash, Cyclone Kick, and Grand Slam techniques, with Sonic acknowledging that the infusion of Cyber Energy in his body gave him a boost)
- Telekinesis & Flight (With Fortune Cards, Amy is able to levitate throughout the air in a steady décline)
- Attack Reflection, Poison Manipulation (With her Poison Parry, Amy can leave enemies poisoned for a short amount of time, This even works on the inorganic, robotic beings across Ouranos Island)
- Danmaku & Shockwave Creation (With the Spin Slash, which creates a shockwave-like multi-hitting attack. Sonic Boom allows the user releases a torrent of rapid-fire shockwaves. Cyclone Slash does this to an even greater extent with many more hits in quicker succession Cyclone Slash Description: Circle the enemy and let loose a stream of shockwaves.)
- Homing Attack & Explosion Manipulation (The Homing Shot. lets the user launch tracking energy spheres at the opponent Homing Shot Description: Launch a volley of energy spheres at the enemy. and the Multi-lock technique, which can lock onto 4 targets in close proximity before swiftly bouncing between them and causing a heart-shaped explosion to go off above them)
- Aura (With Wild Rush, which grants the user an aura as they hone in on their opponent)
- Self-Perception Amplification (Parry.which slows down her perception of time when she repels an attack)
- Aura, Light Generation, Barrier Negation, Telekinesis, Stamina Recovery, & Limited Creation (With Cyloop, which should be capable of everything Sonic's Cyloop has displayed; this includes negating barriers, telekinetically grasping objects, launching enemies into the air, granting himself infinite stamina for one minute by drawing an infinity symbol, and spawning Rings)
Cyber Physiology[]
- Data Manipulation & Information Manipulation (CyberSpace) (Type 2, Fundamental. Cyber Space a World of Information is a world comprised fundamentally of gathered data and information, a place Sage states countless pieces of information become one,[43] and where Cyber Energy originates)
- Creation & Abstract Existence (The Cyber Space created by the elders passively generated virtual robots to protect the islands of Starfall)
- Shapeshifting (Information can change appearance, fusee is others)
- Portal Creation (Soldiers are able to appear through portals that place them on the ground[44])
- Limited Resurrection (Non-combat applicable; Once every few nights, signified by falling meteors, a Starfall will occur that replenishes items and resurrects enemies across the Starfall Islands)
- Shockwave Generation (Chaos Island Soldiers can erupt shockwaves from the ground to provide cover and dissuade or harm attackers, Ouranos Soldiers can erupt shockwaves from the ground[45], Able to erupt spikes from the ground by slamming into it[46])
- Forcefield Creation (As well as the barriers they can hide themselves within, Ouranos Soldiers have red forcefields they can employ to protect them in one direction, Excavator and later variants are able to cast forcefields of energy to protect them[47])
- Statistics Amplification & Dimensional Travel (Portal Gear. With the Weapon Portal Gear created by the Ancients, which allows you to open and light up a Cyberspace, the mini bosses seem to be powered by this)
- Platform Creation (Squid being at least powered by a Chaos Emerald is capable of creating platforms)
- Fire Manipulation (Tank powered by Chaos Emeralds is capable of projecting fire)
- Intangibility (Ghost can become intangible)
- Hammerspace Manipulation & Death Manipulation (Ghost can steal rings from Sonic and his friends in their hammerspace and cause their instant death right after)
- Explosion Manipulation (Shoots out projectiles that explode with Cyber Energy)
- Forcefield Creation (Ninja are able to make red, transparent forcefields to shield from frontal attacks,Soldiers from Ares Island and onwards can create defenses in the form of barriers to shield against attacks[48])
- Teleportation (Kunoichi is capable of teleporting to initiate surprise attacks[45])
- Duplication (Master Ninja is able to create four duplicates it uses to attack enemies[45])
- Energy Projection (Master Ninja can shoot out laser beams,[45] and is able to do so through its duplicates as well if its attacks are parried[45], Can fire lasers and shoot out projectiles that erupt into pillars of energy[46], Silver Hammer is able to fire two spinning lasers to dissuade opponents,[46] and its pillars of energy travel much farther in distance[46])
- Danmaku (Excavator fires three shots at once, and does so faster than its previous variant, and Silver Hammer fires five projectiles at once, and at a faster rate than any previous variant)
Cyber Corruption[]
- Acausality (Type 5. Causality Transcendence) (Beings connected to cyber space transcend Causality)
- Corruption (Type 1 & Type 2, Physical/Non-Physical Corruption. 1 layer. Cyber Energy physically enters the body of those it comes into contact with, such as the energy guarding the Cyber Cages that held Sonic's friends. Tails stated that he was becoming more corrupted with every interaction with Cyber Space, with Amy and Knuckles also suffering from the corruption without interacting with Cyber Energy directly, as The End began corrupting everything on the island once it became free. Even Sonic, who resisted Dark Gaia's corruption solely by his strength of will, had ultimately become corrupted by it)
- Law Manipulation & Causality Manipulation (The defensive forcefield and portal leading to Cyber Space produced by approaching the Starfall Islands was stated by Tails to defy the laws of the real world, manifesting logical disparities to the bottom of causality. Sage alluded to Sonic's defiance of his Cyber Corruption as an attempt to transcend causality)
- Sensation Manipulation (Eventually caused Sonic to lose his sense of touch entirely, being unable to feel his body)
- Memory Manipulation (Those afflicted by Cyber Corruption eventually causes them to forget their own name)
- Paralysis Inducement (The progression of Cyber Corruption in one's body makes it harder to move over time)
- Power Nullification (Cyber Corruption nullifies access to certain abilities)
- Abstract Existence (Amy, Knuckles and Tails are part of Cyberspace as beings)
- Enhanced Limited Forcefield Creation (Tails, Amy and Knights are able to strengthen the sage's shield)
- Forced Intangibility (Digitization limits how much one can interact with the world around them)
Full Cyber Corruption[]
The effects on an individual when the process of Cyber Corruption is complete, on top of the precious afflictions.
- Soul Manipulation (Cyberization holds the victim's soul prisoner)
- Immobilization (Becoming fully corrupted renders the victim completely unable to move)
- Interdimensional BFR (An individual being overcome with Cyber Corruption will result in them becoming stuck between realities)
Starfall Forms[]
- Statistics Amplification (To control cyber corruption you must at least have super fitness, have a high enough level in terms of power and mastery to control cyber corruption)
- Plateform Creation (Utilizing his Cyloop, he has the ability to generate a platform both above and beneath his adversary, exerting immense crushing force)
- Possibly Density Manipulation (Executing his Cyloop on The End results in the platforms supporting Supreme exerting additional crushing pressure, yet it remains unclear whether this is due to an increase in the platform's weight or simply a surge in the applied force)
- Cyber Aura, Greater Information Manipulation (Type 2, Fundamental) & Cyber Corruption (Type 1 - Physical Corruption), Interdimensional BFR, Memory Manipulation, Perception Manipulation, Paralysis Inducement, & Power Nullification (Super Sonic's mastery over, Cyber Corruption enables himxto unleash a formidable aura explosion. This newfound control allows him to harness Cyber Corruption's, potency in conjunction with his Super State, affording him the ability to utilize this formidable power, as evidenced by the demonstrated effects of Corruption)
Cyber Forms[]
- Statistics Amplification (Sonic becomes considerably stronger than before in mastering cybercorruption to the point of becoming it)
Hyper Forms[]
- Water Breathing
- Afterimage Creation
- Summoning & Animal Manipulation (Hyper Form users have the capability to call forth Flickies, which then engage in offensive actions against nearby adversaries)
- Power Bestowal (Each Flicky accompanying accompanying the Hyper Form has an aura and color indicative of a state similar to a Super Form)
- Light Manipulation (With the Hyper Flash technique, an Hyper Form can emit a blinding flash of light that damages all enemies within range)
- Shockwave Generation (With the Gliding Shockwave Attack, Hyper Form users can cause devastating tremors that damage all enemies in their vicinity)
- Weapon Duplication (Hyper Forms can produce an endless amount of weapons for them to use)
Master Emerald[]
- Levitation (When she is positioned on Angel Island she makes her float)
- Omniscience (Eggman after being powered by the Master Emeralds claims to know everyone)
- Sealing (Tikal, can use the Master Emerald to seal Perfect Chaos)
- Clairvoyance (Knuckles can ask Master Emerald anything and she will show him)
- Power Nullification (Can negate the power of Chaos Emerald Chaos Emerald)
- Reverse Radiation Manipulation and Biological Manipulation (Can return Chaos to its original form)
Resistance to
- Electricity Manipulation, Paralysis Inducement, Power Nullification & Stamina Reduction (Despite Super Neo Metal being affect by the effects of the Chaos Spear, once he started to transforming into Metal Overlord by absorbing Chaos Energy from the Master Emerald, he was left completely unaffected by its effects. On this level Chaos Energy users can also withstand the Aura of full power Super Forms, which have power nullification effects)
- ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 251
- ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 220
- ↑ Knuckles (miniseries) Issue 2-3
- ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 185
- ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog issue #225
- ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog issue #224
- ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog Issue 170
- ↑ Sonic and the Secret Rings
- ↑ Sonic Frontiers: Vs The End
- ↑ Sonic Frontiers: Kronos Island
- ↑ Sonic Frontiers: Rhea Island
- ↑ Sonic Frontiers (JP): Introduction Cutscene
- ↑ Sonic Frontiers
- ↑ Sonic 3D Blast: Rusty Ruin Zone Boss
- ↑ 15.0 15.1 Sonic 4: Episode II Oil Desert Zone Boss
- ↑ Sonic Mania: Phantom King Boss
- ↑ Cite error: Invalid
tag; no text was provided for refs namedStH1GHZ
- ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog 1: Spring Yard Zone Boss
- ↑ 19.0 19.1 Sonic the Hedgehog 2: Hill Top Zone Boss
- ↑ Sonic Mania Adventures
- ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog 2: Metropolis Zone Boss
- ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode I: Mad Gear Zone Boss
- ↑ 23.0 23.1 Sonic CD: Tidal Tempest Zone Boss
- ↑ Sonic Origins
- ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog 1: Marble Zone Boss
- ↑ Sonic 3D Blast: Diamond Dust Zone Boss
- ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog 2: Mystic Cave Zone Boss
- ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog 2: Chemical Plant Zone Boss
- ↑ 29.0 29.1 Sonic Adventure
- ↑ Sonic Battle
- ↑ Cite error: Invalid
tag; no text was provided for refs namedSG
- ↑ Sonic Runners: Story Mode
- ↑ Sonic Shuffle
- ↑ Cite error: Invalid
tag; no text was provided for refs namedStH50
- ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog: Bad Guys #1
- ↑ Sonic Drift 2
- ↑ 37.0 37.1 37.2 Sonic the Hedgehog 3: United States instruction booklet, pg. 12
- ↑ 38.0 38.1 38.2 Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (Sega Genesis) United States instruction booklet, pg. 13.
- ↑ 39.0 39.1 Knuckles' Chaotix
- ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog 2: 2-Player Mode
- ↑ Sonic the Hedgehog Chaos
- ↑ 42.0 42.1 Sonic the Hedgehog Triple Trouble
- ↑ Sonic Frontiers (JP): Chaos Island
- ↑ Sonic Frontiers - Showdown Trailer
- ↑ 45.0 45.1 45.2 45.3 45.4 Sonic Frontiers: Ouranos Island
- ↑ 46.0 46.1 46.2 46.3 Sonic Frontiers: Ouranos Island
- ↑ Sonic Frontiers: Chaos Island
- ↑ Sonic Frontiers: Ares Island
Toon Force, sometimes known as Cartoon Physics, involves characters altering reality or sidestepping natural laws to accomplish impossible tasks for comedic purposes. They twist reality to create amusing and humorous situations, differentiating it from Reality Warping, which has a more serious impact on reality.
In the Sonic License the Force toon is quite present, it grants many abilities
- Statistics Amplification & Toon Force (Toon Characters strength when they want to make the spectators laugh they develop a ridiculously high strength)
- Elasticity (Can survive and recover from being crushed flat)
- Limited Flight (Can briefly float mid air)
- Sound Manipulation (Ability; Can stun others by yelling)
- Broadway Force (Sonic singing with Manic and Sonia demonstrates that he has his skills)
- Dimensional Storage (Sonic is able to absorb the rings and put them in him, Has all his weapons and objects in a dimension of pockets being behind his back)
- Regeneration (Low-High. regenerated by liquidating)
- Fourth Wall Awareness (This is having the physiology of the toon force can see the viewer)
- Social Influence (Can trick her opponents into looking up repeatedly within the same fight, which even works on the likes of Sonic, Sonic can manipulate his enemies easily)
- Plot Manipulation and Immersion (Capable of scripting, playing out, and leaving his own stories, Amy claimed that the events of Sonic Mania Adventure were the one that animated them and told the story)
Attack Potency: Town level (Having absorbed Sonic's power thanks to eggman's invention causes a considerable increase in his own strength, able to destroy beat a multitude of badnicks with Knuckles) | Universe level with Metal Sonic Armor (scales to Sonic, evolves massively above Sonic, able to tank multiple spin dash, putting him to the ground in a single point shot, able to pierce his body making him literally bleed) | Universe level (Capable of fighting and harming the likes of Classic Sonic and Classic Knuckles) | Universe+ level with Crossbows (While Tekno was in a bad situation, and Sonic was beaten in a single shot, Amy showed her superiority to her two colleagues, taking down the enemy in a single shot with a crossbow) | High Multiverse level (Able to Beat E-100 Zero and fought Team Sonic alongside Cream and Big, able to beat Mecha Knuckles thus causing him to explode, with his help Sonic is able to compete against Eggtech and Gemerl, intrinsically superior to Storm who suddenly scared them and started running away, and hurt him by sending the ark of the cosmos on his face) | Low Complex Multiverse level (able to hold against the Iron King is to break his Invulnerability) | High Hyperverse level (Can defeat a Phantom Ruby Clone by taking on the exact appearance of Metal Sonic, Amy is able to Pierce a Rough Zombot, The Zombot, even being civilians, were shown capable of resisting Espio's attack, Comparable to Egg Omega, can protect Sonic from a decisive Eggman attack) | Varies (Amy is empowered by the Chaos Emeralds, which possess immense chaotic energies with fluctuating power levels, with Amy being able to harness varying levels of positive energy) | Low Outerverse level as Super Amy (As Super Form is comparable to other Superforms during the Classic era, in the statements of Sonic the Hedgehog's Official it is said that he rewrites the story to implant his appearances in Origins so in everything that follows has CD) | Low Outerverse level as a Hyper Amy (As Hyper Amy evolves above Super Form)
Speed: Immeasurable (at the scale of Knuckles, Can follow Sonic into battle, Can easily react to Zomom, Can Attack Metal Sonic before he reacts) higher with Spin Dash | Irrevalant as a Super Forms | Irrevalant as a Hyper Forms
Lifting Strength: Class M (Can stop a Train) | Multi-Stellar (Able to Hold Metal for a few seconds)
Striking Strength: High Hyperverse (Piko Piko Hammer Strikes are harming Zomom)
Durability: High Universe level (Can take hits from Classic Sonic and get back on his feet) higher with Rings (Having enough Rings, shields damage from those as strong as, Void and Tethered Supreme) | Varies Low Outerverse level as a Super Form | Low Outerverse level as a Hyper Form
Stamina: Superhuman (Worked nonstop in evacuation efforts over the course of days during the Metal Virus despite the heavy mental burden and stress it caused her, and only stopped because she was forced to evacuate and retreat to safety herself)
Range: Extended melee range with her hammer. Tens of meters with tornadoes
Standard Equipment: Her Tarot Cards | Her Piko-Piko Hammer, which she stores in Hammerspace | Her Piko-Piko Hammer
Optionnal Equipment: Chaos Emeralds (up to all seven), Breeze (Her living car), Rings (maximum of 999), Pink Rose (Her Extreme Gear), Pink Cabriolet (Her Dodon Pa vehicles)
Intelligence: At least Average, Gifted in combat (Skilled with her Piko-Piko Hammer and can fight both against and alongside Sonic competently,Is smart enough to thwart Neo Metal Sonic's strategies)
Weaknesses: Amy is somewhat short-tempered and moody, and is obsessed with Sonic to the point of being nearly rabid