Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

Anakin Skywalker (Canon, All Forms)[]


Anakin Skywalker is a force-sensitive male, commonly known as the Chosen One or the Hero with No Fear, he was both a Jedi Knight and Council Member before becoming Darth Vader, he spent 22 years in both the dark and light sides, before fulfilling his prophecy and becoming the Chosen One.

Powers and Stats:[]

Tier: At Least Low 2-C | Low 1-C possibly High 1-C | 1-C possibly High 1-C | At Least 2-C | 1-A likely Higher

Name: Anakin Skywalker | The Chosen One | The Hero with No Fear | Dark Lord of The Sith

Origin: Star Wars Canon

Gender: Male

Age: 22 | 21-22 | Unknown most likely 22 | varies from 41-44 | most likely mid 20's

Key: Revenge of the Sith | Mortis | World Between Worlds | Original Trilogy | Dark Dimension

Classification: Jedi | Jedi | Force Entity | Sith, eventually Jedi | Sith

Powers and Abilities:[]

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Enhanced Senses, Various lightsaber combat skills, Skilled Swordsman, Precognition, Telekinesis, Telepathy, Telekinetic Blasts, Mind Manipulation, Psychometry, Forcefield Creation via Force Barrier, Energy Manipulation (Can reflect, redirect, and absorb energy attacks thrown at him), Possibly Matter Manipulation on a sub-atomic scale (To activate a Holocron requires one to make numerous precision alterations to it on a subatomic scale. Although the subatomic scale information is explained and comes from Legends, so it's unknown how he did it), Rage Power (Can become more powerful when sufficiently angered. Noted by Palpatine that his anger gives him more focus an makes him stronger. Defeated Dooku when sufficiently angered by his taunting) | Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Enhanced Senses, Aura-Sensing, Various lightsaber combat skills, Skilled Swordsman, Precognition, Clairvoyance, Telekinesis, Telepathy, Telekinetic Blasts, Mind and Memory Manipulation, Psychometry, Barrier Creation via Force Barrier, Energy Manipulation (Can reflect, redirect, and absorb energy attacks thrown at him), Regeneration (Mid-Low via Force Healing), Resistance to Poison, Matter Manipulation on a sub-atomic scale (To activate a Holocron requires one to make numerous precision alterations to it on a subatomic scale), Force Scream, Resistance to Force Drain, Rage Power (Can become more powerful when sufficiently angered. Noted by Palpatine that his anger gives him more focus an makes him stronger. Defeated Dooku when sufficiently angered by his taunting, has quickly overwhelmed Ventress on three occasions when sufficiently angered) | All Previous Abilites alongside Time Manipulation, Beyond Dimensional Existence (Type 1), Nonduality (Type 1), Transduality (Type 1), Invulnerability

Attack Potency: At Least Low Multiverse Level (Anakin is the most powerful Jedi to ever live, being this powerful, he scales near to Emperor Palpatine, who can do this whilst combatting Rey with the full power of the dyad) which transcends logic, time, and space | Low Complex Multiverse Level possibly High Complex Multiverse Level (Anakin Skywalker was able to make the manifestations of the force kneel before him, which were said to be a threat to the entire galaxy simply by existing. The Galaxy itself scales to at least Low 1-C due to its infinite size and Hyperspace lanes, which are Infinitely 5 Dimensional ) | Complex Multiverse Level possibly High Complex Multiverse Level (In the World Between Worlds, Anakin Skywalker manifests with the power of the world between worlds, a place beyond space and time and the binder of timelines within the Star Wars universe, due to many dimensions and timelines existing within the world between worlds we can assume it it above the regular Star Wars Universe and would scale Anakin higher, too.) | At Least Multiversal (Vader far surpassed Anakin, being spoken of as the Empire's greatest weapon and fairly close to ROTJ Palpatine's power level) | Outerversal Likely Higher (The Dark Dimensions exists beyond dimensions, and is descibed as an absolute void, it is also described as an abstract existence, which is able to become a reality, which was Exegol. It also could pierce the veil between life and death, meaning it could be transdual. Whilst in the Dark Dimensions, Vader was able to change the timeline by visiting his younger self, with all of these abilities, he also bested the entire Jedi council, killing all of them alongside Palpatine, then, Vader and Luke clashed within the Dark Dimensions, destroying it.)

Speed: Massively FTL+ (Was described as the fastest Jedi in history, being superior to Yoda who could hold pace with Sidious who is >40,000x FTL) | At Least Massively FTL+ (At least equal to himself without the Mortis amp) | Immeasurable (Exists, and can easily move outside of time) | Massively FTL+ (Despite what is commonly thought, Vader's speed is relatively close to ROTS Anakin) | Immeasurable possibly Irrelevant (Can easily move in a place beyond dimensionality, time and space)

Lifting Strength: Superhuman without amps (Stronger than ARC troopers) | Possibly Class G if not Higher (Can rip ships out of hyperspace) | Immeasurable (Can rip open a dimenional barrier)

Striking Strength: At Least Low Multiversal | Low Complex Multiversal Possibly High Complex Multiversal | Complex Multiversal possibly High Complex Multiversal | At Least Multiversal | Outerversal Likely Higher

Durability: At Least Low Multiversal | Low Complex Multiversal possibly High Complex Multiversal | Complex Multiversal possibly High Complex Multiversal | At Least Multiversal | Outerversal Likely Higher

Stamina: Very High | Very High | Most Likely Infinite | Very High | Immeasurable

Intelligence: Genius in both IQ and BIQ (built an advanced droid and a pod racer when he was 9 years old, designed custom starfighters and other devices, master starfighter pilot, skilled and experienced combatant. Unorthodox, yet brilliant, tactician and strategist.)

Notable Abilities:[]

  • Force Barrier: A defensive Force power that creates a barrier or wall of Force energy around the intended target, be it self, friend, or foe. Depending on the strength of the individual, the barrier could only withstand a few attacks before collapsing.

  • Telekinesis: Anakin Skywalker can use this through the Force to put his mind literally over matter, capable of blasting opponents, shielding himself or disarming people, its limits are only those of the creativity that Force User has.

  • Telepathy: Can easily manipulate others mentally with the Force to trick, deceive, maim, or even kill outright. Anakin Skywalker has a considerable mastery for the power, able probe for hidden thoughts in the minds of others and learn them for himself.
  • Tutaminis: Through the Force, Anakin Skywalker can draw potentially harmful energy into his body and diffuse it or channel it away completely.
  • Force Speed: A Force ability whereby one augments their running speeds with the Force to such degrees that they can move at inhuman speeds. Anakin is quite proficient with this power. The most notable instance of his usage of it was on Maridun where he ran across a battlefield at high speed towards the tank of Separatist General Lok Durd while cutting down a battalion of B1 battle droids. This feat is especially noteworthy since Anakin was still recuperating from serious injuries at the time.