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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
Ancalagon the Black by Giovanni Calore

Credit to Giovanni Calore


Though Glaurung was named Father of Dragons, Ancalagon, also known as Ancalagon the Black, was one of the most powerful and infamous of all the dragons bred by Morgoth during the first First Age and possibly the largest dragon to have ever lived. And his fire was thus far hotter than most other dragons.

Ancalagon's size is not specified but he was likely gigantic, as his sheer mass caused the destruction of "the towers of Thangorodrim", which are elsewhere identified with the three smoking peaks of the mountain, and he was said to be as big as a mountain. However, his size is never directly specified, and some other powerful but small creatures were able to cause great destruction even in death, as shown by Durin's Bane, who broke the slopes of Celebdil. Like all other Urulóki, Ancalagon breathed fire, which was said to be hotter than any other dragon's flame.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: At least High 6-A via sheer size, at most 4-B, possibly High 3-A

Name: Ancalagon the Black

Origin: Lord of the Rings

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Classification: Mightiest winged dragon of Morgoth

Powers and Abilities:

  • Acausality (Type 2 - The Past and Future in the "Music in being", aka the Present, are entirely immutable, and can only be altered by Eru)[2]
  • Resistance to:

    • Mind Manipulation (The Barrier of Unwill within every individual mind prevents mental entry by even the likes of Sauron and Morgoth without consent. Furthermore, this Barrier is an únat, a law placed by Eru that is completely impossible to break)[3]
    • Soul Manipulation (Soul with free-will are sustained by Eru Himself, making them indestructible to all but Him)[4][5][6]

    Attack Potency: At least Multi-Continent level via sheer size (Destroyed the towers of Thangorodrim just by falling on them,[7] and the resulting impact generated this much force[statistic value 1] and sunk Beleriand)[7][8], at most Solar System level (The mightiest of all winged dragons to ever exist. As he was the greatest dragon ever created by Morgoth, he should be far superior to the likes of Glaurung, who devastated the fields of Ard-galen, later known as Anfauglith.[9] Furthermore, he was treated as Morgoth's final trump card after even the Balrogs were defeated,[7] thus making Ancalagon comparable or potentially superior to the Balrogs, all of whom could injure Ungoliant, who withstood a scream from Morgoth that echoed across the entire world[10] and was empowered by the energy and power of the Two Trees of Valinor,[11] having devoured the Trees earlier)[12], possibly High Universe level (Drove back the Host of the Valar alongside other lesser winged dragons,[7] which included First Age Elves and Maiar such as Eönwë, who is superior to the likes of Ossë and Sauron, being the Chief of the Maiar and greatest of them all alongside Ilmarë.[13][14][15] Eönwë also personally overthrew Morgoth at the end of the War of Wrath)[7][16]

    Speed: At least High Hypersonic (Should be comparable to the Balrogs, who traveled from Angband to Lammoth in a relatively short period of time[17] with these speeds)[statistic value 2] with Massively FTL+ combat speed and reactions (Could keep up with Eärendil piloting Vingilot for a whole day and night. Vingilot could fly from Arda to the starless voids, aka deep space, and back all in less than a day[7] with these speeds)[statistic value 3]

    Lifting Strength: At least Class T via sheer size, likely far higher

    Striking Strength: At least Multi-Continent Class via sheer size, at most Solar System Class, possibly High Universal

    Durability: At least Multi-Continent level to Solar System level (Likely withstood the raw energy of Eärendil's Silmaril during their fight, which would have to be the case considering it took a whole day and night to kill him. As such, the Silmaril would have been this powerful)[statistic value 4], possibly High Universe level

    Stamina: Superhuman (Fought Eärendil and the Great Eagles through the day and into the night)[7]

    Range: Possibly Kilometers by his sheer size, likely higher with Fire Breath

    Standard Equipment: None notable

    Intelligence: Unknown (Whilst all depicted dragons have been shown as relatively cunning and intelligent, Ancalagon was did not have the chance to demonstrate this for himself, given he barely lasted a paragraph)

    Weaknesses: Dragons have been known to have substantially weaker bellies, but due to the very little information given on Ancalagon, it is unknown if this would apply to him as well.


    1. 13.2 Petatons
    2. Mach 30.5
    3. 54,750,000,000 - 33,960,000,000,000 c
    4. 206.062 Foe - 53.38784 MegaFoe
    1. Silmarillion: Chapter 21, OF TÚRIN TURAMBAR
    2. Morgoth's Ring: PART FIVE. Text III
    3. The Nature of Middle-Earth, Part Two: Body, Mind, and Spirit, IX ÓSANWE-KENTA.
    4. Letters of Tolkien: Letter 153
    5. Letters of Tolkien: Letter 156
    6. Letters of Tolkien: Letter 211
    7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 Silmarillion: Chapter 24, OF THE VOYAGE OF EÄRENDIL AND THE WAR OF WRATH
    9. Silmarillion: Chapter 13, OF THE RETURN OF THE NOLDOR
    10. Morgoth's Ring: PART TWO, The Annals of Aman, section 5
    11. Silmarillion: Chapter 9, OF THE FLIGHT OF THE NOLDOR
    12. Silmarillion: Chapter 8, OF THE DARKENING OF VALINOR
    13. Silmarillion: AINULINDALË
    14. Silmarillion: VALAQUENTA
    15. The Nature of Middle-Earth, Part Two: XII Spirit
    16. The Peoples of Middle-Earth: V. THE HISTORY OF THE AKALLABÊTH.
    17. Silmarillion: Chapter 9, OF THE FLIGHT OF THE NOLDOR