“ | Alright. Have it your way, pal. But I suggest you loosen up before you rust. | „ |
~ Android 17 towards Android 16 in "Deadly Beauty" |
Android 17 (人造人間17号, Jinzōningen Jū Nana-Gō), Lapis (ラピス) when he was Human, is a character in the Dragon Ball manga, and the anime series Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball GT. He is Dr. Gero's seventeenth android creation, designed to serve Gero's vendetta against Goku who overthrew the Red Ribbon Army as a child. Despite his interests not initially deviating from this expectation, Android 17 takes it upon himself to kill Dr. Gero, who is uncooperative with Android 18's curiosity in activating Android 16.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: High 4-C | Low 2-C | 2-C, Possibly High 2-A
Name: Lapis (his human name)
Origin: Dragon Ball
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown (Likely Mid-Late Twenties, as he was a teenager when he was made into a Cyborg)
Classification: Cyborg, Park Ranger, MVP
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Ki Manipulation, Energy Projection, Flight, Forcefield Creation (Can generate highly dense barriers of Ki around himself. In Super he create rows of barriers and also use them to trap his opponents) , Martial Arts, Longevity, Light Manipulation, Self-Destruction, Iron Will, Resistance to Emotional Manipulation (Was unaffected by Ribrianne's Light of Love, which causes anyone who smells the aroma released by the attack to become infatuated with her and the other Kamikaze Fireballs), Existence Erasure, and Mind Control (Upscaling from Base Goku and Vegeta, as he is far superior to them)
Attack Potency: Large Star Level (Easily defeated Super Saiyan Future Trunks. Fought evenly with Piccolo, who had fused with Kami prior, Pre-Fusion Piccolo was already compared to SSJ Trunks and Goku at the time) | Universe Level+ (Can fight on par with SSJ3 Goku prior to the ToP) | Low Multiverse Level, Possibly High Multiverse Level+ (After training for over 10 years he grew strong enough to fight evenly with a suppressed Super Saiyan Blue Goku while he himself was suppressed as well. In the Tournament of Power. Once he began to exert himself, he was able to ram through Anilaza's massive energy ball which was holding back serious attacks from the likes of Golden Frieza, SSB Vegeta, Ultimate Gohan, and SSB Goku. Later held his own against Base Toppo and clashed with him in a beam struggle while the Pride Trooper was using his full power, though he was being overpowered until Frieza assisted him. His Self Destruct was enough to disperse an energy sphere from Jiren intended to finish off Goku and Vegeta)
Speed: Massively FTL+ | Inaccessible (Far faster than base Goku, who moved in a destroyed timeline) | Infinite, Possibly Inaccessible (Comparable to SSJB Goku and Vegeta even towards the end of the ToP. Who may be comparable to a suppressed Jiren, who moved within Hits Time Cage. Which is literally described as time being frozen for Jiren)
Lifting Strength: Unknown | At Least Class M (Far above Yuzun in power) | Pre-Stellar (Resisted the Pretty Black Hole alongside Goku and 18)
Striking Strength: Large Star Class | Universal+ | Low Multiversal, Possibly High Multiversal+
Durability: Large Star Level (Stronger than 18, who no-sold Trunks Sword, and it even broke on contact. This sword could cut through Frieza with ease) | Universe Level+ (Took multiple hits from SSJ3 Goku) | Low Multiverse Level, Possibly High Multiverse Level+ (Took hits from a casual GoD Toppo, who could still warp the World of Void. Could take attacks from Jiren that were also intended to fend off SSBK Goku and SSBE Vegeta)
Stamina: Limitless
Range: Standard melee range. At least Planetary with ki blasts and attacks. | Standard melee range. At least Planetary with ki blasts and attacks. | Standard melee range. Universal with ki blasts and attacks.
Standard Equipment: Pistol, shotgun
Intelligence: High (Capable of going toe to toe with and even outsmarting experienced fighters such as Piccolo)
Weaknesses: Initially overconfident, though this is no longer an issue as of Dragon Ball Super. Despite his infinite energy, 17 can still be slowed down by physical trauma.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
- Android Barrier: A technique where energy is thrust out from the body in the form of a barrier with great force. The barrier can be used to both defend against oncoming projectiles and to expand and damage its surroundings, used in Dragon Ball Z and several video games.
- Energy Attack: The most basic form of energy wave used by androids.
- Finger Beam: A barrage of narrow rays emitted from the index finger of its user, similar in execution to the Death Beam, which his alternate future self and his sister use in The History of Trunks special.
- Flight: The ability to fly without the use of ki.
- Flip Cyclone: Android 17 flips backwards while dodging enemy attacks, and attacks the opponent with a forward kick. Used against Piccolo. Named in Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z.
- Kiai: Android 17 uses a special type of kiai that explodes on contact with the opponent, whereas a regular kiai would just blow the opponent away. He uses this attack instead of actual energy attacks during his fight with Piccolo.
Key: Dragon Ball Z | Dragon Ball Super Manga | Dragon Ball Super Anime
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: