The Angels are the fifteen giant monstrous entities who are descended from the First Angel, Adam. All 15 Angels vary greatly in size and shape, but all are universally hellbent on finding and coming into contact with their progenitor in order to trigger the Third Impact and destroy the Lilin, to reclaim what is rightfully theirs. As they possess the Fruit of Life (as opposed to the Lilin's Fruit of Knowledge), they are capable of manifesting a powerful barrier known as an A.T. Field, which is inviolable to any conventional weaponry, with only an Evangelion, beings made from the very flesh of their parent, being able to stand up to them and stop them from ending the world.
Universal Abilities[]
- Superhuman Physical Characteristics (Angels possess the Fruit of Life, as opposed the Fruit of Knowledge, which grants them superhuman strength and abilities beyond the scope of human understanding)
- Large Size (While their sizes vary greatly, Angels are generally shown to be very massive creatures)
- Immortality (Types 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8 - The Evangelions, which are clones of Adam, will live forever. The core of an angel is their only vital point, as long as it remains, they can survive and regenerate from any damage. Angels can likely be resurrected if their souls are salvaged)
- Self-Sustenance (All Types - Angels are blessed with limitless motive energy from the S² Engines inside of their cores and are not portrayed as requiring oxygen to maintain metabolic function)
- Regeneration (High-Low, Low-High overtime - Angels are gifted with the Fruit of Life, which allows them to regenerate relatively large wounds, and hypothetically can regenerate using just their cores given enough time)
- Self-Quantum Manipulation and Shapeshifting (A person's ego boundary is what forms their shape and keeps it from breaking down. Also, as shown by Shinji and other Lilin as a whole they are able to reform their bodies after being turned into a quantum state/pure LCL. Angels scale to Humanity as they share the same nature because of the latter being the 18th Angel/Lilin, furthermore they possess a stronger A.T. Field, which is shown to be the ego boundary during the events of the Third Impact)
- Extrasensory Perception (Angels are somehow able to accurately pinpoint the location of Lilith, who is sealed away in the Terminal Dogma, and the Adam embryo)
- Accelerated Development & Reactive Evolution (Angels are capable of developing quickly and adapting to their environment, such as Sandalphon, who is adapted to the high heat and high pressure environment of a volcano, and metamorphosed into an adult from larval form in seconds, and Ireul, who adapted to high concentrations of ozone and even began to absorb it to grow stronger. Angels are capable of learning and evolving)
- Forcefield Creation (While the A.T. Fields of the Lilin are weak and only serve as a mental barrier, those of the angels can manifest as a powerful barrier that cannot be penetrated by any conventional weapon. Only another A.T. Field can bypass the latter)
- Spatial Manipulation (A.T. Fields are stated in supplementary material to warp 3-Dimensional Space (see first cited source))
- Soul Manipulation, Mind Manipulation and Quantum Deconstruction (Scaling from the Evas, who were able to resist the effects of an Anti-A.T. Field during the events of the Third Impact. Moreover, it is highly likely that the Angels would have survived the Third Impact that they would have caused by coming in contact with Lilith (or Adam))
- Limited Resistance to Matter Manipulation (Angels are made of Particle Wave Matter (PWM), which has the properties of both matter and light, as opposed to conventional matter, which would allow them to resist matter manipulation to some extent)
The "core" of an Angel, once breached, means the absolute certainty of death for the Angel involved.
Humanoid Angels[]
All previously mentioned abilities plus:
- Energy Projection via Light Manipulation (Sachiel, Israfel and Zeruel can all fire blasts of energy from their eyes, which are referred to as Rays of Light in supplementary material. Sachiel and Zeruel can generate cruciform-like formations from their blasts)
- Self-Destruction (Both Sachiel and Israfel are capable of making their cores explode which produces a violent explosion. While this is never shown in the case of Zeruel, it is his core that elevates Unit-01 to God status, after she consumes his S² Engine)
With the arrival of the Angels prophesied 15 years post-Second Impact, Artificial beings, known as Evangelions were made, formed from the flesh of the First Angel, Adam. The Evangelions were constructed in order to combat the Angels and prevent them from causing a Third Impact, which would completely wipe all Lilith-based life off the face of earth, and thus restoring Adam's rule over the planet.
All abilities mentioned under Universal Abilities minus Self-Sustenance (Type 2 and 3 - Evangelions lack the S² Engines that the Angels have, and thus are reliant on an Umbilical Cable to function, if said cable is severed they run on internal batteries which last only 5 minutes) plus:
- Large Size (Type 1 - Eva Units are 70 - 80 meters tall)
- Acrobatics (The Eva Units are portrayed as being very agile and acrobatic for their large size)
- Empowerment (The strength of an Eva is dependent on its sync rate with the Pilot, the higher the sync rate, the higher the power of the Eva. Unit-02 was able to muster the strength to open Gaghiel’s mouth by increasing its sync rate)
- Berserk Mode (When the co-inhabiting soul of an Evangelion awakens, it has the ability to go berserk, raising it's physical parameters greatly)
- Weapon Mastery (The Evangelions have access to a wide arsenal of different weapons for combat against the angels)
- Close Quarter Combat (The Eva pilots receive training and thus tend to be very skilled with their Evas)
Standard Angel weaknesses. As previously mentioned, Evas do not have S² Engines inside of their cores like Angel's do, instead being powered by an Umbilical Cable. If this cable is severed, they run on internal batteries, which last only 5 minutes.