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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
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Angry Birds is a simple game about flinging birds at pigs and their structures to enact revenge for them stealing eggs.

Canon/What Will Be Considered[]

While Angry Birds thrives on basic gameplay above everything else, it's actually surprisingly well explained as to what the Angry Birds world is like, and what is canon to it, specifically in the sense that according to the website, there are four specific dimensions within Angry Birds, those being the Classic, Movie, Dream and Journey dimensions. These are all likely not canon to each other, however most of the other AB source material does seem to follow up on one of their footsteps.

Angry Birds Classic seems to be the primary source material, not only because it's where the original games come from, but because most of the games do seem to follow up on it, such as 2, Friends and Slingshot Stories. Also, while not listed as such, it's very likely Angry Birds Toons is also a part of this timeline, as Trilogy, which is meant to be a remake of the previous Angry Bird games, features cutscenes in the style of Toons, both 2 and Friends use the same voice lines for character in Toons, and 2 in particular tries to mimic the style of said series as well. This also connects the classic series to Space, as the promo and origin story for the series similarly used Toons's style. Finally, IDW released an Angry Birds comic series which also mimics the style of the Movies and Toons series depending on what kind. The latter of which are straight up called "Angry Birds Classic" on the website, meaning they likely are canon to the classic series as well.

Other than that, the Movies consist mostly of the two movies Rovio has released based on the franchise, Dreams is primarily just the Dream Blast game, and Journey is just the Angry Birds Journey game.

There does seem to be one contradiction though, in that Angry Birds Reloaded, while technically a part of the Classic Dimension, seems to take more focus from the movie, such as how Leonard is the King Pig instead of Smooth Cheeks, Terence and Matilda being married, and Zetta being the main antagonist for roughly three chapters, originally being the Mighty Eagle's love, none of which being mentioned in the Classic dimension otherwise. While there are events mimicked in the classic era in this game, since those seem generally less contradictory, it makes more sense for Reloaded to either take place in the Movie Dimension or be a separate one altogether.

Speaking of separate dimensions, none of the other Angry Birds spin-off games, such as Go or Epic, or crossovers with Star Wars or Transformers seemed to be mentioned in one of the main four dimensions, so they'll be looked at as separate dimensions to the world entirely. Also, while Leonard did technically appear in 2, since he is one of the few replaceable birds in the game, his appearance will be considered non canon to the Classic Dimension.

Powers of the Verse[]

Considering the vast amount of dimensions, it varies depending on the series.

