Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki


Angry Birds is a simple game about flinging birds at pigs and their structures to enact revenge for them stealing eggs.

Canon/What Will Be Considered[]

More detail is discussed about AB Classic canon in the series page, however, to briefly summarize, the Original, Seasons, Space, Friends, 2, Bad Piggies, Slingshot Stories, Toons and Classic Comics will be considered.

Powers of the Verse[]

The verse while relatively average, is surprisingly fast considering its origin, as various characters are capable of dodging a beam of sunlight at Relativistic Speeds at the bare minimum, which is consistent with a minion pig reacting to a another one flying to the moon mid-flight, and Island Level strength from Bubbles inhaling a storm, the same minion pig surviving very high Kinetic Energy at 65 Megatons, another Minion Pig surviving Kinetic Energy to fly to asteroids at 23 Gigatons, Various Minion Pigs surviving a volcano eruption that lead to Party Island sinking, and Terence shaking the globe at 33.7 Gigatons. It's also worth mentioning that the verse is hard to kill, as when a Pig and likely a Bird dies/is popped to nothingness, they are simply taken to an afterlife and can be revived, making it so in order to truly kill off the verse, one needs to find some way to interact with this second plane of reality, or harm the characters souls.

There are some characters that scale even higher than this, with Chuck traveling through time from sheer speed, as well as Angry Birds Space buffing the characters even more, with Big Bork, the boss of Utopia, being stated to be a celestial body, Cosmic Bubbles causing a Solar Eclipse and burping to another Solar System, Lazer Bird warping Space and Time from sheer speed and traveling to locations before he even leaves... somehow... Space Bomb reducing a small moon to dust, and The Incredible Terence being denser than the heart of a White Dwarf Star.




  • Pig Kingdom