Anilaza (アニラーザ Anirāza) is the result of Paparoni fusing with the Koichiarator, as a final, desparate attempt to help Universe 3 claim victory in the Tournament of Power.
Powers and Stats
Tier: 2-B
Name: Anilaza
Origin: Dragon Ball
Gender: Genderless (Appears to be Male)
Age: Unknown
Classification: Universe 3 Fighter, Fusion
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Martial Arts, Flight (With wings, likely with ki), Ki Manipulation, Energy Manipulation, Information Analysis, Afterimage Creation, Can detect ultrasonic waves, Able to punch through space by sheer power, Has its own energy reactor
Attack Potency: Multiverse level (Was overpowering SSB Goku, SSB Vegeta, Golden Frieza, a full powered Gohan and 17 in a beam struggle. Beerus also stated that its ability to bend space through sheer power was unbelievable)
Speed: Massively FTL+ (Easily kept up with Team Universe 7)
Lifting Strength: Unknown
Striking Strength: Multiversal
Durability: Multiverse level (Easily withstood attacks from Universe 7's top tier fighters, Android 17 had to give it his all in order to break Aniraza's energy reactor, which only weakened him slightly)
Stamina: Extremely high (Is made up of 3 separate robots and a mortal)
Range: Extended melee range via sheer size. Universal with ki blasts and attacks.
Intelligence: High (Is Universe 3's strongest and smartest warrior, made up of 3 highly intelligent robots and their creator, though it was stated its behavior was beast-like)
Weaknesses: The energy reactor on its head can be broken, temporarily weakening it.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
- Ki Blast: The most basic form of energy attacks.
- Continuous Energy Bullets: Can fire rapid and continuous Ki blasts at his opponent.
- Mouth Energy Wave: An energy wave fired from the mouth.
- Wings Generation: Anilaza can create wings to fly.
- Illusion Smash: Anilaza is able to open a portal near himself and near his opponent so he can punch them from a distance, by bending space through sheer power.
- Ultrasonic Wave Detection: Through his antennae, Anilaza is able to expertly locate any opponents that come into close range without having to rely on ki detection.