Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
It was fun being a puppet-master, but now i grow weary. It is time to put you in your place
~ Animdude


Animdude is one of the final bosses in FNAF World. He is referred to as the puppeteer who controls the universe. He appears in the after-game as a character who resided in a world of scrapped coding and will join the party to fight the final boss of the game if certain minigame-related conditions are met.

He is consistently used as Scott Cawthon's avatar and in a way responsible for creation of the entire franchise.

Powers and stats[]

Tier: 2-C | Low 1-C possibly 1-C

Key: FNAF World Avatar | Scott's Avatar

Name: Animdude, Scott Cawthon

Origin: There is no pause button

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Classification: Puppeteer, Author Avatar

Powers and Abilities:



Author Abilities

Attack Potency: Low Multiverse Level (Created the Fnaf World universe and by his dialogue before and after his fight, responsible for creation of the entire Fnaf franchise, upon his death, the universe is erased and doesn't comeback before the player restarts the game) Lower when Demoted (Is on the level of many other Party characters) | Low Complex Multiverse Level, possibly Complex Multiverse Level (Created and transcends the entire Fnaf franchise, which consists of Game Universe, Fnaf World Universe, Troll Game universes, Novel universe etc, besides that created other game's universes, like Desolate hope, created the Chipper Verse, which includes beings who transend time and space, Involved in creation of Fazbear Fanverse Initiative, which would make him superior to Flumpty, who transends time and space of the multiverse with potentially infinite universes due to there possibly being infinite amount of Birthday Boy Blams)

Speed: Unknown | Immeasurable, possibly Omnipresent (Superior to Flumpty who transends time and space, superior to Strange Traveler who transends time and space as well)

Lifting Strength: At least Class 25 | Immeasurable

Striking Strength: Low Multiverse Level | Low Complex Multiverse Level, possibly Complex Multiverse Level

Durability: Low Multiverse Level | Low Complex Multiverse Level, possibly Complex Multiverse Level

Stamina: Limitless

Range: Standard Melee Range, Low Complex Multiversal

Standard Equipment: 4th Wall, Security Orbs.

Intelligence: Nigh-Omniscient

Weaknesses: Forcefields can render Alarm and, only exceptionally powerful ones, 4th Wall, useless.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Standard Dash Attack - Dashes at enemies, can one-shot majority of Fnaf World Cast.
  • 4th Wall - A large wall of light which ignores durability and deals massive damage.
  • Alarm - Multi-colored orbs that deal 9999 damage, but are completely ineffective against Forcefields.
  • Mega Virus - Virus uploaded onto any enemy which destroys them from inside.
  • Neon Wall 2 - A forcefield protecting the user and the party against 50% of all damage.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
