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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

"The world we live in now is a time of war. The only way to peace is war and the only way to the future is to take down the past. Now get out of my way!"

"I'm no zen master. I have not attained enlightenment. But I have learned to let go of the things that I don't need. I know that without that balance within, I become my own worst enemy. Now I strive for equilibrium, and with that, I'm strong enough to get where I want… I'm strong enough to defeat him."

"Fire tempers iron, and temptation steels the just."


Anna is one of the main characters in the fanfiction Akame ga Kill! Trios' Revenge written by Kameron Wright. This background section contains in-depth spoilers for the entirety of Trios' Revenge.

Anna's adopted parents were the leaders of a village that aligned with the corrupt Empire. The village grew economically due to its alliance with the kingdom, and as such a great Imperial General was assigned to oversee the locale. However, this was simply bait to draw out the members of Night Raid. The resulting battle between the imperials and rebels resulted in the deaths of the village leaders and in Anna and her siblings discovering the great brutality of both the Rebels and the Empire.

After witnessing the death of her parents at the hands of Akame—Anna, Selan, and Ren were rescued by Imperial guards. The trio upon realizing that the guards would eventually leave them behind, elected to kill their way out of the ashes of what once was their home before the entire place became a frozen graveyard thanks to Esdeath freezing the village whole. The trio escaped to the northern mountains where they found a home in a secluded village known as IronHaven. The Elders would train and raise the trio. IronHaven was a home to wise warriors familiar with the art of war, but wise enough to only ever use violence for self-defense.

Three years later, the trio ended up being chased by both the Empire and the Revolutionary Army. After encountering Night Raid and the Jaegers, the family is separated as Ren decides to join Night Raid whereas Anna and Selan are inducted into the ranks of the Jaegers during their moment of confusion.

Esdeath reveals that the reason the Empire has been after the trio for so long is that Anna is the last known descendant of the First Emperor, making her one of the very few individuals capable of forging authentic Teigu. Yet Anna refuses to join those who put her family and village in danger. Nevertheless, she is forced to do so once Doctor Stylish uses a special pill to control Anna's mind and increase her strength tenfold. Left with no option, Selan agrees to help the Jaegers in an attempt to free Anna's mind, but ends up being forced to go work alongside them anyway.

During this juncture of the story—Anna is sent on a mission to slaughter a whole village as well as the man who calls himself the Forsaken, a murderer with a Teigu that will revive him from death the same number of times as the number of people he has killed. Anna barely manages to battle the Forsaken to a standstill, but she is nonetheless forced by her mental programming to slaughter the nearby village. This marks her descent from vengeful assassin to genocidal maniac on the Empire's leash.

Selan would do his best to reunite the Trio, but that only resulted in a situation where Anna and Ren battled. The result of their squabble was the death of their brother Selan who tried to stop the two from clashing. His sacrifice finally snaps Anna out of mind control. However, her rage is so overwhelming that she brutalizes one of the Jaegers, Wave, who was on location.

After Selan's death, both Anna and Ren return to IronHaven to give back the weapons of their fallen brother to the village Elders. Here Anna comes upon her biological father, Master Ino, who is disappointed in learning of his daughter's situation and of the death of Selan. Subsequently leaving IronHaven—Anna and Ren would become a part of Night Raid for about a year. During this time, Anna was kept away from battles and mostly focused on personal growth. She trained with Akame who became almost like a big sister to her despite the complicated fact that the Red-Eyed Killer was the one who killed her parents. The same becomes true for the other members of Night Raid who helped Anna maintain a sense of stability for a year of relative peace.

During this time, Anna decides to go on a journey of self-discovery after Akame gives her the suggestion to do so. In this journey, Anna plans to forge a new Teigu to help stabilize her power. To do so, she meets a Dragon named Kohryu after a long journey to the east. During this journey, she also meets her first love interest—a thief girl named Ichi, who witnessed her older brothers being killed after they attempted to rob Anna.

Upon returning from her journey, Anna proves her growth by defeating Akame in a sparring match. In the meantime, a faction known as Shade starts to make a move. This is a group assembled by other survivors from the massacre that took the Trios's village. Shade approaches Ren and attempts to persuade him to ally with them so they can demolish Night Raid and the Empire. Ren refuses, but nonetheless he attempts to convince the members of Shade to join his side. This attempt is cut short when Anna slaughters the members of this faction after they try to ambush her.

After seeing this slaughter, Ren starts to see Anna as a killer willing to do whatever it takes to win the war, a direct opposite to his growing pacifist nature. The loss of Shade lights up the spark that leads to the fight between siblings which results in his demise. Not long after this event, the final battle to take the Capital occurs. During this event, Anna defeats Esdeath and murders Syura. Following the end of a war, Anna feels she would never be able to forget her traumas and ultimately refuses to take the throne. Instead she exiles herself to the mountains in the north wherein she trains in order to master her powers and become a silent guardian of the world. Yet, this proves to be a mistake as in her absence a man named Araya rises from the shadows and snatches the throne away from the Revolutionary Army's grasp using the power of an artifact called the Ice Crystal.

Upon becoming the undisputed Emperor, Araya confronts Anna. His ominous, foreign power is enough to overwhelm Anna. It is later revealed by him that in the distant past, an eldritch monster from beyond the stars invaded the Earth, giving way to true Armageddon. This great horror murdered the Goddess that created the Earth and absorbed her powers. The various races that observed this nightmarish scenario take place dubbed this creature as Abbadon; the Endwalker. All seemed lost until a mysterious deity from the distant future rode into battle alongside an army of dragons. This enigmatic deity's name was Relaria, and through the use of an artifact labeled the Ice Crystal she was able to seal the Great Horror. The aftermath of this mythical battle marked the beginning of a new era. However, this is still a legend. Relaria dwells in the Throne of Chaos at this point, wherein she observes infinite parallel worlds. Her life doesn't abide by a linear progression of time. Because of this, the tale of the Endwalker and its legendary conflict with Relaria still lies in her future. To cement the destiny where Abbadon is sealed, Relaria must meet Anna and be made aware of Abbadon's presence in the past as well as her fated confrontation with it. However, the Endwalker Abbadon himself seeks to stop Relaria from ever being able to cement this version of events. To accomplish this, Abbadon resurrected a weak man named Araya, a man who had died long ago in the village raid that destroyed Anna's home. Now given the power to finally be someone of importance, Araya goes along with the Endwalker's plans to massacre Anna & Relaria before the history where Abbadon is sealed could be cemented.

Anna barely manages to escape the mountain thanks to the sacrifice of Kohryu, who burns his life away in order to send her back down to Earth and to call upon the mythical Crimson Dragon; an enigmatic, distant entity of unknowable sovereignty whose truth lies outside all structures of logic and conceptualizations that any mind can conjure. The Crimson Dragon's truths are a part of the nature of all dragons, something that underlines their deepest instincts no matter their origin. Knowing of this, Kohryu prayed in his last moments for an Envoy of this mythical being in hopes of giving Anna a fighting chance. Kohryu's dying wish ultimately summons Akaro Tenbatsu—the Envoy of the Crimson Luster. Armed with a degree of strength unmatched in the cosmology around him, Akaro makes short work of Araya, forcing him to retreat.

Akaro treats Anna back to full health and saves Relaria from the threat of Araya's underlings. The Goddess is at first quick to distrust the Envoy as according to him, he hails from somewhere outside the infinite Multiverse Relaria oversees. The Deity of Chaos deems this to be impossible as in her mind she is aware of all creation. Regardless, Akaro is able to convince her by showing her a modicum of his strength to defeat her.  After experiencing her first defeat in centuries, Relaria feels humbled by the experience and due to her nature as a part-dragon grows closer to the Envoy. She is introduced to Anna and helps the girl recover after her loss against Araya. The trio later manage to awaken the lingering strength left behind by Anna's union with Kohryu after a mana transfer, enabling her to reach new levels of strength by making that power entirely her own.

Anna goes through further training within a realm created by Relaria. The Goddess seeks to not only make Anna strong but to also turn her into a rival that could push her to new heights so that one day she'd be able to have a proper rematch against Akaro. To aid in the girl's training, the Envoy called forth a weak, nameless horror from a domain far removed from anything a goddess like Relaria could dream of. Anna ultimately awakens her "answer" in this fight which allows her to use the Plunder skill to completely absorb the nameless horror. The power gained from it changes Anna constantly as she adapts to the great, alien energy generated by the melding of Dragon & Horror. Through this new type of potency—the young girl is able to push the deity who sought to make her into a rival. Eventually, the Goddess is forced to use her Celestial strength as Anna continues to grow, and even then the girl puts up a fight worthy of praise. From there the two continue to break all limits by battling each other.

After a while the two achieve more impressive growth by sparring against Akaro to the brink of death an innumerable amount of times. Though the Envoy remained unmoved—the ordeal elevated the two to new degrees of power. Anna, in particular, completes the process of melding the forces of the Nameless Horror and her draconian aspects to transcend into a fundamentally different level of existence that alters the girl who was once human into a "Black Heavenly Dragon" that overshadows the gods of her cosmology themselves.

Alas, Anna elects to fully move on from the sins of her past by renouncing her mortal identity and taking on the name Kuroryū, or simply Kuro as she prefers. Akaro congratulates both her and Relaria, but he also tells them that the battle ahead is one that they will need to win on their own. Now resolute to take back the throne for herself so that a new, prosperous reign can be created, Anna battles Araya. Anna is able to best Araya while Relaria uses the full measure of her power to seal away Abbadon inside a replica of the Ice Crystal.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: High 8-C | High 4-A  | 1-A | 1-A

Name: Anna, Kuro after becoming the Black Heavenly Dragon

Origin: Trios' Revenge

Gender: Female

Age: 13 early on, 15 after the first time skip. Likely 16 at the end of Trios' war arc, 17 in the Advent Abbadon Arc. Ageless as Kuroryū

Classification: Human | Ryu-jin

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Proficient Combatant (Can kill imperial soldiers as just a ten year old and three years later can battle Teigu users and is consistently more proficient than the likes of Tatsumi, whom she easily defeats twice), Enhanced Senses (Characters in the AGK universe have the ability to sense emotion such as murderous intent and Anna in particular has the traits of a Danger Beast known as the Wyvern King making her senses significantly sharper), Poison manipulation (Has access to Wyvern poison, a deadly substance that can kill humans in seconds), Expert Blacksmith (Anna is one of the last individuals capable of forging Teigu), Enhanced Durability (Wyvern scales give Anna a defense that is considered nigh-indestructible in-verse), Floating with Ririsūwaibān (Can use her energy wings to fly close to the ground | All of the previous in addition to True Flight, Soul Manipulation (Kurushimi can destroy souls), Aura & Electrokinesis (Can generate red electricity when enraged), Regeneration (Mid-Low; Kohryu), Resistance to Poison manipulation (Fought for days on end while afflicted by Wyvern Poison), Pyrokinesis (Can generate fire and extreme heat through her power), Spatial manipulation (Moved a hundred thousand stars across the cosmos to absorb their power) | All of the previous in addition to Immortality (Type 3),  Regeneration (High-Godly), Time manipulation & Reality Warping with her Eldritch Eyes, Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1), Power Absorption and Death manipulation with Void Fang and Plunder | All of the previous greatly enhanced.

Attack Potency: Large Building level (Stronger than the likes of Early Series Tatsumi. Defeated Wave with her Trump Card and was considered a threat to Akame) | Multi-Solar System level (Absorbed the power from 100,000 thousand stars in their totality by plucking them out of the night sky) | Outerverse level (Anna is constantly adapting to the foreign energy she absorbed from the nameless Eldritch horror she slain. This horror qualitatively transcends the concepts of space and time), ignores conventional durability with Void Fang | Outerverse level (Fought Araya at full power, winning out against the full strength of the Endwalker who embodies the concept of Chaos)

Speed: Likely Massively Hypersonic (Scales to other Akame ga Kill! characters) | Massively FTL+ (Moved and absorbed 100,000 stars across the cosmos in seconds) | Irrelevant (Battles in one of Relaria's dimensions which functions in non-linear time. Fought a being that transcends the concepts of space and time) | Irrelevant

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: Large Building class | Multi-Solar System+ class | Outerversal | Outerversal  

Durability: Large Building level| Multi-Solar System+ | Outerverse level | Outerverse level  

Stamina: High (Capable of contending with trained killers and engaging in long battles) | Nigh-Limitless (Dragonkin can battle for years without rest) | Limitless | Limitless

Range: Melee range | Multi-Solar System with Severance of the Cosmos | Outerversal | Outerversal

Standard Equipment: Wyvern Killer | Seishin/Seishin Requiem | Void Fang, Gown of the Outer God | Same as before

Intelligence: Gifted (Despite her initially quiet and sometimes violent demeanor, Anna is nonetheless capable of keeping up with and eventually surpassing opponents with

Weaknesses: None notable

Keys: Early Trios' Revenge | Kohryu Anna | Awakened Anna | Black Heavenly Dragon

Notable Attacks/Techniques[]

Early Trios' Revenge:

Teigu Forging: Anna is the last descendant of the First Emperor and as such one of the last individuals on Earth who can create genuine Teigu—these being special class weaponry usually made from the remains of exceptionally powerful Danger Beasts. Anna uses her talents to create the Teigu that is later named Waibānkirā.

Waibānkirā (Wyvern Killer): A Teigu forged using the scales and fangs of Wyverns and a Wyvern King. The Teigu has two major parts, the armor and its wrist blades. The black armor plates forged from the scales of a wyvern are nearly indestructible and provide great mobility. It comes equipped with armored gauntlets and greaves. The gauntlets in particular have the fangs of a wyvern forged into their undersides as "wrist blades" which Anna can deploy by clenching her fist through a button mechanism on her palm. The blade on her right hand is a sword catcher or serrated blade and the one on the left is her main piercing blade.

The soul of a Wyvern King is infused into the Teigu giving the user the qualities of one of the most dangerous beasts. This includes abilities such as incredible durability, strength, speed, and enhanced senses. Anna designed and carved a seal into one of her greaves which looks like the claw of a wyvern with twin fangs underneath it. This allows her to unequip or call upon the Teigu on a whim by tapping the seal.

Ririsūwaibān: Anna releases the soul of the Wyvern King contained within her Teigu. Fiery green wings appear on her back coupled with poisonous and supersized green energy claws. This state lasts five minutes and gives Anna a vast boost to her combat parameters at the cost of rendering her useless for the rest of the day.

Teigu Forging: Anna is the last descendant of the First Emperor and as such one of the last individuals on Earth who can create genuine Teigu—these being special class weaponry usually made from the remains of exceptionally powerful Danger Beasts. Anna uses her talents to create the Teigu that is later named Waibānkirā.

Waibānkirā (Wyvern Killer): A Teigu forged using the scales and fangs of Wyverns and a Wyvern King. The Teigu has two major parts, the armor and its wrist blades. The black armor plates forged from the scales of a wyvern are nearly indestructible and provide great mobility. It comes equipped with armored gauntlets and greaves. The gauntlets in particular have the fangs of a wyvern forged into their undersides as "wrist blades" which Anna can deploy by clenching her fist through a button mechanism on her palm. The blade on her right hand is a sword catcher or serrated blade and the one on the left is her main piercing blade.

The soul of a Wyvern King is infused into the Teigu giving the user the qualities of one of the most dangerous beasts. This includes abilities such as incredible durability, strength, speed, and enhanced senses. Anna designed and carved a seal into one of her greaves which looks like the claw of a wyvern with twin fangs underneath it. This allows her to unequip or call upon the Teigu on a whim by tapping the seal.

Ririsūwaibān: Anna releases the soul of the Wyvern King contained within her Teigu. Fiery green wings appear on her back coupled with poisonous and supersized green energy claws. This state lasts five minutes and gives Anna a vast boost to her combat parameters at the cost of rendering her useless for the rest of the day.


Seishin (Spirit): An upgraded version of Anna's original Teigu fused with the spirit of the mythical Kohryu. Instead of short black hair Anna has long blood red and jet-black hair. Her eyes change to have different colors. One has a blood red eye the other a black color. Her armor is colored in red and black, but has a  golden sheen to it. Moreover, her red and black eyes seem to carry the motifs of wings as pupils. Her wrist blades are black and gold. Two long dragon claws replace the old wyvern fangs. These new claws are more powerful but they lack the poison of the Wyvern.

Kurushimi: A technique where Anna shoots an energy construct in the form of Kohryu from her hand which consumes the target's soul.

Mapping: Kohryu can passively map out the entire Imperial Capital and the Old Capital underneath it by sending out waves of his power.

Spirit Shot: Anna fires out a ball of spiritual energy composed of Kohryu's power.

Severance: Anna is engulfed in Kohryu's darker power before focusing it into an energy blade. Thereafter she darts across the battlefield before slashing down the opponent with this powerful weapon.

Gate Release: Anna can "Open the gates" to release more of Kohryu's power in the form of a red aura with red electricity swirling around her. At first, this causes her to become unhinged and violent but by the time of the final battle, she has full mastery of it. The boost provided by the Gate Release is substantial enough to allow her to speed blitz and instantly defeat enemies that were giving her trouble beforehand. So at the bare minimum, it should multiply her combat parameters by 2 times if not much higher.

Final Release - Supirittorirīsu: The full release of Kohryu's power. Black markings appear all over Anna's body as a red aura with a golden hue erupts around her. At the point in time where it was first introduced, Anna can only use this form for an unspecified period of time before she dies.

Wyvern Stomp: Anna raises her leg before bringing it down upon the ground with enough force to shatter several mountains.

Seishin Requiem (Spirit Requiem): A mastered and improved upon version of her Teigu. Anna's body dawns a shining red and gold armor composed of spiked shoulder pads and a chest piece alongside dark, reinforced chainmail that protects her midriff. Furthermore, her waist and thighs were protected by yet another inner layer of black chainmail enveloped by an outer layer of golden draconic armor. Lastly, two sets of twin claws full of poison materialized as attachments to her golden gauntlets. This poison comes from a King Wyvern who she single-handedly killed and used to reapply the poisonous effect to her claws.

Kohryu Total Chaos Release: A more refined use of the legendary dragon's power. Anna's body produces massive amounts of heat as her hair radiates a fiery strength. Thereafter her armor is completely dissolved leaving behind her shirtless torso and burnt-up pants. The Crimson Insignia of a Dragon marks the center of her chest and four flaming wings sprout from her back. Her teeth become like draconic fangs as the full potential of the fabled Kohryu is unleashed. The armor of Seishin is revealed to have originally served as a limiter for the power of the dragon, but now it is removed it starts eating away at Anna's lifespan.

Severance of the Cosmos: Anna commands all stars in the night sky, absorbing the strength of up to a hundred thousand stars to form a blade of pure power that can be used to cut apart an opponent with the strength to sever the cosmos.

Awakened Anna:

Ryu-jin Physiology: Proud, fierce, and intensely loyal. Dragonkin are beings driven by a deeply rooted warrior's instinct. They hold their loved ones and kin as the top priority. Even the weakest Dragonkin is more physically imposing and vastly more swift than a peak human male. This happens due to their unique physiology which grants them superior strength, speed, senses, etc. For instance, a baby Ryu-jin should be able to break apart a strong human warrior like an eggshell. Anna became a dragonkin when she first absorbed Kohryu's power. After Kohryu's death, she was able to fully make that draconic power her own which reaped her the attributes of a genuine dragonkin. As such, Anna is now faster, stronger, more perceptive of the world around her. In fact, Anna's sensory capabilities are so vast that she can discern a heartbeat on the other side of the planet.

Gown of the Outer God: A gown forged from the power of the Eldritch horror slain by Anna. The horror's body was made up of a foreign material similar to plasma, it can be described as "tenebrous", "slobbering", "gelatinous", and "greasily", giving it an almost incorporeal feel. Likewise, this dress carries those qualities. As such, Anna is able to manipulate her dress as if it was an extension of herself. The gown at first takes a liquid-like form before it can wholly envelop her body. The attire itself can be said to resemble a gothic lolita dress with the add-on of a chain collar that envelopes Anna's neck and proceeds down to her waist where a demonic red eye can be seen around where her midriff would be. Similar eyes can be seen decorating the circumference of her dark skirt.

Eldritch Eyes of Transience: Anna's eyes are imbued with the essence of the nameless Eldritch God she had slain. It can manifest visions of the past in the form of bubbles. This allows Anna to observe past events that occurred in her general vicinity allowing Anna to observe events up to a hundred thousand years in the past. In terms of offensive capabilities—her eyes are capable of bringing past phenomena (such as a "slash") into the present. These phenomena brought to the present have a physical effect on an intended target. For example, if Anna slashes the area in a room and later on a target steps into that room—Anna can kill her target by manifesting the slash from the past.

The eyes of transience have various other abilities. Anna's eyes can shut off any form of spatial interference due to transcending all of space-time. This means Anna has substantial resistance to reality-warping abilities, forms of transmutation, and other such capacities that seek to alter her conceptual framework. Due to her nature as one who exceeds all analogs of distance and time—Anna is also virtually immune to time-stopping abilities or powers that function in a dimensionally bound setting. However,  the truest and final ability of the Eldritch Eyes is the manifestation of Platonic Madness. When her eyes are fully unleashed, enemies that meet Anna's gaze will go insane. The platonic concept of Madness is forced to inflict insanity upon the opponent's conceptualization of their "Sentience", bending and breaking their mind to mush. This application of her powers bypasses any form of conventional resistances as it strikes on a conceptual level unbound by dimensionality.

Void Fang: A crimson scythe with a demonic eye. It embodies both the Fell Dragon powers Anna inherited from Kohryu and the strength of the Eldritch God she absorbed during her training under Akaro and Relaria.

Void Fang is conceptually guaranteed to always move faster than its target and is always ensured to strike the opponent. The ideas/principles of distance or time are bypassed as Anna's slashes are registered on a level of reality superseding all analogs of space-time. This enables Anna to cut her enemies without having to cross any distance at all. It also means her slashes can cut into other "worlds" such as other realms and Chaos Dimensions. Nevertheless, these traits are not what makes the Void Fang deadly.

A fatal strike from the scythe inflicts a powerful curse that destroys the opponent on a physical, spiritual, and conceptual level. Furthermore, a non-fatal hit instantly curses the target with a "stigma" which marks the opponent as part of Anna's domain. A marked opponent is doomed as any further form of damage caused by the Void Fang will slice away a fraction of the opponent's powers and lend it to Anna. The more fatal the slice the greater the loss of power.  Upon death, the opponent's abilities, memories, and even their conceptual existence will be fully consumed by the Void Fang scythe adding to Anna's reserve of strength.

Ryu-jin's Answer - Ryakudatsu "Plunder": Anna's answer to the great adversity she faced when battling an eldritch horror. This is perhaps her greatest skill prior to her final ascension. The girl can utilize the stigmata engraved in the palm of her hand to "plunder" the concept of something upon contact. Any stolen concept becomes a part of her identity enabling her to call upon what was plundered whenever necessary.

In practice, this enables a restrained Anna to halt the advance of an attack by simply reaching out to it or to adapt to a foe's techniques by simply plundering them during the fight. However, when going for the kill or immediate win, Anna can simply "Plunder" the opponent's concept of self or sentience to completely absorb everything related to a foe leaving no room for escape. When utilized in conjunction with the Void Fang, Anna is exceptionally deadly.

Kuroryū - The Black Heavenly Dragon:

Dragon Goddess - Kuroryū' (黒竜): Anna's ultimate ascended state obtained after fully mastering her draconian heritage and the power of the Eldritch Horror she consumed through her Plunder skill. The melding of Dragon and Eldritch horror births a new type of deity whose degree of power and skill is unequaled outside of her mentors. Due to her new status as a new kind of deity, the girl lets go of her mortal name and all the trauma that it entailed. She embraces the identity of Kuroryū—or simply Kuro as she more often identifies. Anna originally had the power of a Wyvern King, symbolically closest to a Dilong or an Underground Dragon, after attaining Kohryu's power she became a Shenlong or Spiritual Dragon which conceptually exceeds Fell Dragons who are classed as Yinglong, the Winged Dragons. Alas, after becoming the Deity Kuroryū, she attains the authority of a Tianlong or Heavenly Dragon.
