Anne Guildenstern & William Rosencrantz are the Timelord Couple of the famous Webtoon series "Everywhere & Nowhere".
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 9-C to possibly 9-B | Unknown | Low 2-C
Name: Anne Guildenstern & William Rosencrantz
Origin: Everywhere & Nowhere
Gender: Male(Willaim) & female(Anne)
Age: Chronically 200 years old; Physically around teenage years(Can forever stay young)
Classification: Timelords
Powers and Abilities: Time Manipulation(Can travel to almost any point in time & Capable of resetting the timeline;Even Rewind time itself),Regeneration(Mid Low to Mid to High Godly Levels;healed from Impalements,Decapitation & even can come back from being Erased from reality),Immortality(Type 1 & 2; Cannot truly die from conventional means and can live forever),Teleportation(can teleport from short to Mid ranged distances) Temporal BFR(Transported Nobunaga to Present Day Japan & Sent someone to the dinosaur Ages),Existence Erasure(Claims to be capable of Erasing their targets & was even stated to have Erased an Entire Day from the timeline),History Manipulation(Anne has shown to be capable of Altering someone's future and origins), Acausality( Type 1:Capable of meeting their Future Selves)
Attack Potency: Street Level to possibly Wall Level (William Twisted a Thug's Arm and slaughtered dozens of people; Sliced a Table in half and caused a small crack in the floor & was recommended as a Knight for Wessex) Universal+ Level (both are capable of recreating Entire Timelines & Anne at her absolute limit ripped apart the fabric of time and Space itself)
Speed: Supersonic(Reacted to Point Blank Gunshots without much issue) Inaccessible(Intercepted Evil Willaim who can move freely in a void outside of Time)
Lifting Strength: Unknown
Striking Strength: Street Class | Wall Class | Universal+ Class
Durability: Unknown | Human Level Regeneration & Immortality makes them hard to kill
Stamina: Average | Likely Limitless(confirmed to have Boundless Energy)
Range: Melee | Universal+ range
Standard Equipment: Medieval Sword,Umbrella Sword
Intelligence: High
Weaknesses: Using their Temporal abilities too much can be rather straining to their bodies.Anne generally relies on William for the physical category & William can make rather be Reckless at times.