Orange (also known as the Annoying Orange) is the main character of The Annoying Orange series and in most of the Annoying Orange shorts, as well as the show's lead protagonist. Orange is annoying, optimistic, dim-witted, cheerful, and witty; he loves to crack puns at every chance he gets
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 5-C to 4-B and 3-C normally likel 3-A at his peak
origin: YouTube
Gender: Male
Age: unknown stated to be a adult
Classification: fruit
powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics at his peak, Regeneration (Mid-Godly, quickly returned after being deleted) Size Manipulation (Can shrink others by crying and grow people by laughing), Self-Sustenance (Type 1; can survive in the vacuum of space), Magic,(has shown to cast magic with a magic and abilities) Transmutation (Can wish for someone to be a unicorn or a pot of gold), Telekinesis, Fourth Wall Awareness (Is fully aware that he’s a fictional character. Interacts with the audience on a daily basis), Time Travel (Can go inside any microwave to travel to the past. Was able to change the events of the first episode by time traveling, could Pause time to talk the viewers, and could push people forward and backward in time for a gag ) BFR (Can send people to the moon and under ground by laughing), Summoning (Can summon Daneboe to stab someone, put someone in a blender, cut someone in half, etc.), Flight, Martial Arts (Is skilled in Carrot-t which is based on karate), Vehicular Mastery (Was able to pilot an airplane despite having no prior experience), Fire Manipulation (with hot sauce) Weapon Mastery, Death Manipulation, Durability Negation, Shape shifting, Toon Force, Force field Creation,(made a force field to shield himself from bullets) Transformation, (could transform into other characters and animals) Clairvoyance, Plot Manipulation (Can change the script of episodes and tell daneboe to change it). Resistance to Possession, Soul Manipulation (his sould could not be captured by a and Mind Manipulation (has resistance to it because of his lack of intelligence and the others do to magic) Attack Reflection (can reverse attacks with a Magic shield) teleportation (can teleport with slender Man) ice manipulation (can throw balls of ice like sub zero) Hammer space (can pull out objects out of no where consonantly) Madness Manipulation (can drive people to the break of going Crazy)
Attack potency: Solar system level to galaxy level (Became a constellation in the episode how 2 use a Uber) Moon Level (destroyed The move by touching it with his tongue in the episode how to touch your tongue to your eyeball) Universe level (can alter plots of episodes and jumped out of the internet into the real world) possbily Universe level+ (could beat up Dane boe who made his universe)
speed: FTL normally (doges dozens of lasers from a Broccoli space ship) MFTL+ reactions (could pilot a spaceship that went through a entire Universe in the episode how to 2 tie your shoes) likely infinite to immeasurable at his peak (could go back in time with sheer speed alone and could move while time was being frozen)
lifting strength: unknown
striking strength: varies
durability: solar system level to galaxy level (survived becoming a constellation) universe level (as shown to tank attacks from people who's reality warping is just as good as his if not higher) Regeneration and Toon force/reality warping makes him harder to kill
stamina: likely high (could moderator boat for several hours, went on a long quest in episodes of the TV show, and has been beaten by grapefruit with inch of life and could still keep going)
Range: standard melee range hundreds of meters with powers likely Universe level with his Toon force
standard equipment: chain saw, explosives, sword, Knifes, magic potions, guns, Magic wand, Magic shield, a lot more with hammer space.
intelligence: below average (obvious reasons)
weaknesses: idiotic,is kind of insane, can annoy him back, extremely cocky and overconfident, if angry can be extremely reckless.