“ | Ponies may leave, but they stay in your heart even when they're gone. | „ |
~ Applejack chearing up Pinkie Pie |

Applejack is one of the main protagonists of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and its Comic series.
She represents the Element of Honesty. She works on Sweet Apple Acres with her little sister Apple Bloom, her brother Big Macintosh, and her grandmother Granny Smith. Applejack is hardworking and, even for an Earth pony, quite strong. She often gets into friendly competitions with Rainbow Dash.
Tier: 5-B, possibly 2-A, likely 1-B
Name: Applejack
Origin: My Little Pony (IDW Comics)
Gender: Female
Age: Likely 20s
Classification: Earth Pony
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Skilled Fighter (Should be comparable to Rainbow Dash. Helped fight against the Changeling horde during the Canterlot Wedding) & Skilled at lassoing
Planet level (Contributed to pulling the moon closer to the Planet, alongside her friends and a weakened Princess Luna, and Celestia), possibly Multiverse level+, likely Hyperverse level (Scales to Rainbow Dash, who slightly harmed Evil Celestia though is obviously much weaker, who warped countless nightmares across Equestria back into normal dreams with a wave of her magic. Harmed Dark Luna, who is on par with regular Luna)
FTL, Immeasurable (Was able to catch Rainbow Dash)
Class E (Comparable to Rainbow Dash)
Planet Class, possibly Multiversal+, likely Hyperversal
Planet level, possibly Multiverse level+, likely Hyperverse level
Standard melee range normally, several meters with lasso
Her lasso, her Element of Honesty (prior to giving it up)
Above Average (Runs the whole farm and plans everything, her intellect thoroughly shown in her great planning skills and detail in the making of the Apple Family Reunion)
She is a true workhorse, sometimes to her own detriment (Has overworked herself to the point of sleep deprivation, exhaustion, and hallucination), she can be stuck in her own ways and traditions at points and fail to see another's point of view
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: