Summary []
Aran Ryan is the Irish Boxer in the World Circuit.
Powers and Stats []
Tier: 9-B | 8-C
Name: Aran Ryan
Origin: Punch-Out!
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Classification: Boxer
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Martial Arts
Attack Potency: Wall Level (Can harm Contender Little Mac) | Building Level (Can harm Title Defence Little Mac)
Speed: Athletic Human (Can dodge and block up close punches) | Subsonic (Is comparable to Piston Hondo who can make punches which can create after images)
Lifting Strength: Class 25 (Is comparable to Don Flamenco who could send a bull flying with an uppercut) | Class 25 (Is stronger than he was before)
Striking Strength: Wall Level | Building Level
Durability: Wall Level (Can take hits from Contender Little Mac) | Building Level (Can take hits from Title Defence Little Mac)
Stamina: Above Average (Can repeatedly get up after almost being knocked out by boxers over twice to four times his size)
Range: Standard melee range
Standard Equipment: Boxing Gloves, Boxing Glove Flail
Intelligence: Average
Weaknesses: None Notable
Key: World Circuit | Title Defence