Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki


Aristokat is a boss Yo-kai. First appearing in Yo-kai Watch Blasters and the 2nd Yo-kai Watch Movie. He is one of Zazel's most loyal servants and will fight to the end in order to protect Zazel, Even if it meant his own life.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: High 7-C | 6-B

Name: Aristokat, Alicktokat (Boss Form)

Origin: Yo-Kai Watch

Gender: Male

Age: Likely Hundreds of Years old. (Implied to be around the same time as Enma)

Classification: Boss Yo-kai, S Rank, Cat Yo-kai

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Transformation (Can turn into his boss form, Alicktokat), Size Manipulation (Transformation drastically increases his size, Extend his tongue to increase it's size and range), Enhanced Athelticism (Can leap large heights), Immortality Type 3 & 7, At least Low-Mid RegenerationElastic Tongue, Resurrection (Can revive another at the cost of his defeat)

Attack Potency: Large Town Level (Knocked down Hovernyan in a single punch | Country Level (Superior to Robonyan 28, who created an explosion of this size )

Speed: Superhuman with At least Relativistic+ reaction and combat speeds (Efortlessly dodged Jibanyan's Paws of Fury) | At least Superhuman with At least Relativistic+ reaction and combat speeds

Lifting Strength: Unknown | Likely Class K (Should be superior to other bosses)

Striking Strength: Large Town Class | Country Class

Durability: Large Town Level | Country Level

StaminaVery High (Kept up and wouldn't stop his pursuit of the Yo-kai Watch Blasters)

Range: Standard Melee | Extended Melee. Several Meters with Extended Tongue

Standard Equipment: None Notable

IntelligenceAverage (Descrbied as not a quick thinker). Tactically Gifted (Fought off the Yo-kai Watch Blasters)

Weaknesses: Not a quick thinker. He likes to toy with his opponents rather than just get the job done.
