Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki


Artamos (アルタモス) is a character from Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea. He is the ruler of the Totsusa Kingdom and the father of Totsusahime. Artamos appears to be rather calm and friendly. He is, however, extremely protective of his daughter and will become enraged if she is injured or upset. He also might've been more strict/cruel in the past. Artamos was said to be turned into a robot by a witch, who is implied to be Tetsuzora. Prior to being mechanized, he used to be a lady-killer and "literally the size of a mountain"

Powers and Stats

Tier: 2-C

Name: Artamos

Origin: DSP Verse (Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea)

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown, at least thousand of years

Classification: Former rabbit, Robot, King of Tosutsa Kingdom, Divine Beast, Ruler of the earth

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Immortality (Type 1 and 3, Has existed for at least 1 thousand years), Regeneration (Mid-Godly, can regenerate from the attacks of WadanoharaSelf-Sustenance (Type 1 and 2), Cyborgization (Normal), Reality Warping, Spatial Manipulation, Time Manipulation, MagicDuplication (Even lesser Totsusa soldiers are capable of multiplying while fighting or chasing someone), Creation (Created his own kingdom/world), Higher-Dimensional Manipulation (Can interact with objects such as Chick which transcends the universe), Teleportation (Shown here), Holy ManipulationExpert Hand-to-Hand Combat, Technopathy (Technomagic), Energy ManipulationConceptual Destruction (Lesser creatures like mogekos can destroy concepts with their average attacks), Dimensional Travel (Can travel to other Worlds), Resistance to Corruption and Madness Manipulation (Implied to have fought against the Sea of Death which passively corrupts everything near itincluding one's mind and even control it), Mind Manipulation (Even weak creatures like mogekos can resist the effects of Mogeko Castle which can mess with Yonaka’s imaginations and trigger flashbacks on her), Conceptual Destruction and Existence Erasure (Even humans can resist the effect of the Big Knife)

Attack Potency: Low Multiversal Level (Can easily keep up with Wadanohara (Mid-End Game) and even surpass her)

Speed: Immeasurable (Can keep up with Wadanohara)

Lifting Strength: Immeasurable (Can interact with objects such as Chick which transcends the universe)

Striking Strength: Low Multiversal 

Durability: Low Multiversal Level (Was unaffected by the attacks of Wadanohara (Mid-End Game))

Stamina: Very High

Range: Low Multiversal (Upscaling from Wadanohara)

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence: Above average (Govers over his kingdom)

Weaknesses: Has limited battery, He can self-charge, but this takes some time.




Wadanohara OST 96 - "Boss 4" (Versus Artamos)


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
