“ | Even as I return to my kingly form, our oaths remain unchanged. I entrust my holy sword to you. Now, let us be off, Master! | „ |
~ Artoria |
Artoria Pendragon (アルトリア・ペンドラゴン, Arutoria Pendoragon), better known as Arthur Pendragon (アーサー・ペンドラゴン, Āsā Pendoragon) and King Arthur (アーサー王, Āsā-Ō), is a Saber-clss Servant, one of the main characters of Fate/Zero and one of the three main heroines of Fate/stay night.
She is the King Arthur who was regarded as a male in history, she is the "Once and Future King" and a legendary hero of Britain known as the King of Knights. She wielded the sword from the stone, Caliburn, but it was eventually destroyed. She later obtained Excalibur and Avalon from the Lady of the Lake.
Artoria led Britain from Camelot, which was built with the help of the fairies in the ruins of Londinium. After becoming a feudal lord like her father, she became a king with many knights under her, including the esteemed Knights of the Round Table. Her growth stopped at that time she pulled the sword because of its magic, so many knights feared it as ominous. Most instead praised their master's immortality as divine. Her battles thereafter were the acts of a god of war. She always led from the front, and no enemies could stand in her way. There was no defeat for a body admired as a dragon in human form. She only knew victory for ten years and twelve battles while she ran through those days as the king. She never turned back and was never disgraced. She was raised as a king and fulfilled her obligations as the king.
While alive Artoria pretended to be a boy and went by the name Artorius, with only Merlin and her adopted family knowing the truth. At night she was taught by Merlin in her dreams, so even in her sleep she never truly got rest.
In the main Fate/Stay Night series she is summoned as a servant by Shirou Emiya and fights in the 5th holy grail war alongside him.
Powers and Scaling[]
Tier: High 6-C | 9-A | High 6-C | Low 2-C, up to at least 1-A, 1-A with Excalibur | 1-A, High 1-A with Excalibur and Avalon
Key: Kiritsugu's Servant | Shirou's Servant | Rin's Servant | Top Servant (Extella) | Full Power and Excalibur
Key: Servant | Top Servant
Name: Saber, Artoria Pendragon, Altria, Arturia, King of Knights
Origin: Fate/Stay Night
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Classification: Heroic Spirit, Saber-Class Servant
Powers and Abilities:
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Power Nullification (With her A rank Magic Resistance any magic below A- rank automatically gets nullified), Statistics Amplification (with mana Burst, Transfers mana into a weapon and increases her overall combat ability and statistics), Light manipulation (Also transforms the user's magical energy into light), Limited Fate Manipulation (Could survive Cu-Chulainn 's spear with its true name released due to sheer luck, which manipulates causality itself), Higher Dimensional Manipulation, Invulnerability (She holds Avalon, which is an absolute defense that sends the target to avalon, a realm that cuts off everything up to the 6th dimension. Additionally due to existing in the deeper textures of the world, it is nigh-impenetrable as destroying it would require a person to bypass the first texture which the counter force wouldn't allow), Enhanced Senses (she has a sixth sense close to precognition), Wind Manipulation (Using wind release she can manifest waves of wind around her to use as an attack and use wind barrier as well)
Same as Before Immortality (Type 9, A servant is just a copy of a heroic spirit, in which a heroic spirit exist in a higher planes of existence called the throne of heroes) Invulnerability (Servants are divine mysteries that are invulnerable to modern weapons like guns and knives and because their spirits only a servant can hurt another servant with a gun or weapons except for exceptions like people who possess mystery that's enough to harm a servant), Soul Manipulation, Information Manipulation (Type 2), Conceptual Manipulation and Power Absorption (Servants can eat souls to rejuvenate their magical energy, which makes them tougher or whatnot), Incorporeality (Servants normally exist as spirits, they can transition between material bodies and spirit form. The latter turns them into spirits), Servant Physiology, Magic (Is blessed by the Lady of the Lake, Morgan, to walk on water without sinking. Can summon and dispel her armor. Invisible Air is made out of prana that Saber can dispel in order to use her sword's full potential and can even cover it back), Expert Swordswoman, Precognition with Instinct, Social Influencing with Charisma, Minor Technology Manipulation (Can apply Mana Burst to vehicles), Minor Fate Manipulation (Servants with B-rank Luck or higher can change their fates to evade inevitable outcomes such as having their hearts destroyed by Gáe Bolg) ,Statistics Amplification with Mana Burst
Invisible Air:
Air Manipulation & Invisibility (It is a Bounded Field of compressed air that covers Excalibur, refracting light so as to make the sword invisible even for Servants if they do not have extrasensory senses or skills like Eye of the Mind. Said wind can also be used offensively, generating a wave of air to blow away enemies or objects or in a narrow and concentrated line in the form of "Strike Air"), Forcefield (Can use Invisible Air to create a wall of wind for defense.)
Self-BFR & Invulnerability (It is a Noble Phantasm that completely isolates Artoria from all physical things in the world in Avalon, shunting off any and all physical phenomenon as well as abilities that operate on parallel worlds and multiple dimensions interaction such as the Five Magics and even Gil's Enuma Elish, a Noble Phantasm with the repeated ability to "cut apart the world"), Attack Reflection (Reflected Merodach back at Gilgamesh using Avalon), Limited Conceptual Manipulation (Avalon is considered a conceptual armament, and Shirou keeping it for a long time eventually overwrote his Origin into the concept of "Sword"), Immortality, Type 1 (The wielder of the Scabbard has their age halted, remaining forever the age they are so long as they have it on their person), Type 3 and Regeneration (At least Mid-Low; Low-Mid with Avalon; The Scabbard possess the ability to heal any wounds taken on the wielder's body, even those that are self-inflicted. When used by Shirou, it was able to heal various wounds such as a torn out stomach in ten minutes and various cuts over his body and later stated to heal his bones later. When used by Kiritsugu, [the scabbard healed injuries from a blow that destroyed his internal organs, and Avalon was continuously healing him every time he damaged his body while using Time Accel)
Acausality (type 1 and 2) (Heroic spirits is unbound from the concept of time and are separated from the time axis and are rendered immune from changes in the past and future and only exist and are summoned in the present), Beyond Dimensional Existence (Type 2, Heroic spirits exist qualitatively beyond space-time), Heroic Spirit Physiology
Resistance to Beyond Dimensional Existence, Higher Dimensional Manipulation, Acausality, Matter Manipulation, Mathematics Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Axiom Manipulation, Age Manipulation, Necromancy, BFR, Biological Manipulation, Organic Manipulation, Immaterial Physiology, Boundary Manipulation, Causality Manipulation, Perception Manipulation, Physics Manipulation, Plot Manipulation, Pain Manipulation, Plant Manipulation, Chaos Manipulation, Power Bestowal, Power Absorption, Possibility Manipulation, Damage Reduction, Probability Manipulation, Reality Warping, Empathic Manipulation, Earth Manipulation, Resistance Negation, Fate Manipulation, Size Manipulation, Soul Manipulation, Sound Manipulation, Heat Manipulation, Time Manipulation, Vector Manipulation, Transmutation, Illusion Creation, Ice Manipulation, Void Manipulation, Law Manipulation, Weather Manipulation, Weapon Control, Water Manipulation, Logic Manipulation, Life Manipulation, Death Manipulation (Greater Mystery Resists lower Mystery)
Attack Potency: Large Island level+ (Can fight against and kill Lancelot. Stated to be comparable to Gawain), Small Country level with Excalibur (As an A++ Ranked Noble Phantasm, it is stronger than Siegfried's A+ Ranked Noble Phantasm) | Large Island level+ (Despite being weaker in the Fifth Holy Grail War due to Shirou being unable to provide her with more mana, she can still fight and overpower Lancer and even trade blows with Berserker and parry his swings with Mana Burst if only barely) | Large Island level+ (Comparable to Berserker. Stronger than Gawain), Small Country level with Excalibur (Superior in power to when Shirou or Kiritsugu are her master. As an A++ Ranked Noble Phantasm, it's stronger than Siegfried's A+ Ranked Noble Phantasm) | At least Universal+ (She drove off Cu and defeated Archer in one strike and overwhelmed him again in close quarter combat with Rin as her master, Killed Berserker Herakles over 7 times with one attack), Outerverse level with Excalibur (Should be powerful as before), at least Outerverse level (She defeated Tamamo and Lubu in a 2v1 battle, the former was in possession of the regalia which had the power of the Moon Cell compressed into itself; she completely destroyed Altera in the Emiya timeline, who had the capacity to destroy the entire Moon Cell without the regalia, She defeated a team consisting of Nero, Tamamo and Charlemagne) | High Outerverse level with Excalibur (Though weaker than it would generally be, it should be at least as strong as Shirou's Excalibur Morgan. Should still be capable of bringing out the sword's full power when Saber is in peak condition or when she has Avalon. When combined with Avalon, it managed to briefly match Gilgamesh's Enuma Elish. The Excalibur she wields, makes use of sorcery that comparable to other Heroic and Divine Spirits Servants and Avalon is a plane of existence unreachable by everything blow it)
Speed: Relativistic+ and FTL Reactions and Combat Speed (as a servant she should be comparable to other servants who can traverse in speeds close to the speed of light) | Irrelevant (Scales to Regalia users who can amplify their speed with the power of the Moon Cell)
Striking Strength: Large Island level+ (Comparable to her Attack Power) | Large Island level+ (Comparable to her Attack Power) | Large Island level+ (Comparable to her Attack Power) | Universal+, Outerverse level with Excalibar | Outerverse level, High Outerverse level with Excalibur and Avalon
Durability: Large Island level+ (Comparable to her Attack Power) | Large Island level+ (Briefly withstood Enuma Elish. Can block attacks from Berserker) | Universal+ (Tanked Gilgamesh's EA) | Universe level | Outerverse level | Large Island level+ (Should be comparable to Gawain) | High Outerverse level with Avalon (Protected by the counter force as an extension of Avalon, that is being located in Deeper Textures)
Stamina: Very High
Range: Extended Melee Range, Tens of Meters with Mana Burst and Strike Air, Kilometers, up to Irrelevant with Excalibur | Irrelevant | Irrelevant
- Excalibur: A Noble Phantasm that belongs to Artoria Pendragon, the legendary king of Britain. Excalibur is the name of the holy sword of King Arthur, which was given to him by the Lady of the Lake, a powerful fairy. It is said to be the strongest and most beautiful sword in the world, and it can unleash a devastating beam of light that can destroy anything in its path. Excalibur is also the name of the hidden light of the planet, which is the source of its power. It is a manifestation of the will of the Earth, and it can only be wielded by those who are worthy of its blessing. In the Nasuverse, Excalibur is both a sword and a light, and it can function as an absolute offense that can overcome any obstacle or enemy. It can also be used to travel across time, as shown in the Fate/Zero anime series, where Artoria uses Excalibur to destroy the Holy Grail, a powerful artifact that can grant any wish, and returns to her original era. Excalibur is one of the most iconic and revered Noble Phantasms in the Nasuverse, and it is closely linked to Artoria's legend and destiny. It represents her authority as a king, as well as her duty to protect her people and land. It is also a symbol of her connection to the Earth, which is her true homeland in the Nasuverse.
- Avalon: A Noble Phantasm, a powerful artifact or ability possessed by a Heroic Spirit, the manifestation of a legendary figure in the Nasuverse. Avalon belongs to Artoria Pendragon, also known as King Arthur, the legendary king of Britain and the main protagonist of the Fate/stay night visual novel and anime series. Avalon is the name of the scabbard of Excalibur, the holy sword of King Arthur. It is said to have the power to heal any wound, grant eternal youth, and protect its wielder from any harm. Avalon is also the name of the hidden utopia of the fairies, where King Arthur was taken after his death. It is a place beyond the reach of humans, where only the pure and innocent can enter. In the Nasuverse, Avalon is both a scabbard and a utopia, and it can function as an absolute defense that completely shields its user in the domain of the fairies. It can also be used to travel across parallel worlds, as shown in the Fate route of Fate/stay night, where Artoria returns to Avalon after her death and reunites with her lover, Shirou Emiya, in another world.

- Caliburn: The first sword is Caliburn (カリバーン, Karibān), also known as the Golden Sword of the Victorious (勝利すべき黄金の剣, Shōri Subeki Ōgon no Ken). It is the sword of selection that was embedded in a stone by the Lady of the Lake, and only the rightful king could pull it out. Saber obtained this sword when she was a child and became the king of Britain. However, she later broke it in a battle against a powerful enemy, and it was replaced by another sword, Excalibur. The second sword is Artoria Caster's Noble Phantasm, Around Caliburn (アラウンド・カリバーン, Araundo Karibān). It is a manifestation of Saber's inner world, where she is a mage rather than a knight, and where she wields a staff instead of a sword. The staff is shaped like a sword hilt, and it can project a blade of light that resembles Caliburn. This Noble Phantasm allows Saber to unleash her magic power and create a barrier that protects and strengthens her allies. It is also a symbol of her hope and idealism, as opposed to the despair and corruption that she faced in her original timeline. Both swords are derived from the Arthurian legend, where Caliburn (or Caliburnus) is another name for Excalibur, the sword that was given to Arthur by the Lady of the Lake. However, in some versions of the legend, Caliburn and Excalibur are distinct swords, with Caliburn being the sword in the stone and Excalibur being the sword from the lake.
Intelligence: Genius (in combat) Artoria is an expert combatant and one of the most skilled swordswomen in the entire planet. She wields alot of experience from her various battles against various heroes throughout various timelines as well.
Weakness: She can't attack when she's in Avalon, as a result of her being moved to a higher plane if existence restricting her from interacting with anything else. The chivalric code binds Saber as a knight, and she'd thus never rely on underhanded or more pragmatic tactics. Her sixth sense can be fooled by things that Saber has never experienced. Unlike other Servants, Saber isn't a proper Heroic Spirit, possessing a physical body that cannot go into spirit form though she does not have this in the world of Fate/Grand Order. She harbors a great deal of self-loathing and regrets over her actions and perceived failures as the King of Britain, which can be exploited to rile her up or break her mentally. Losing the ability to use one of her hands properly will prevent her from using Excalibur to its fullest potential, reducing its range to that of an Anti-Unit Noble Phantasm and weakening it considerably.