Asgore is the king of the Underground and the father of the late Asriel Dreemurr. He is gentle at heart, having a great love of gardening, Golden Flower Tea, and his former wife's signature Butterscotch Pie. Although he's sworn to release the monsters from the Underground by absorbing seven human SOULs, he is reluctant to kill any other humans due to the loss of his son and subsequent estrangement from his wife, Toriel. Regardless, he faces Frisk in his castle on the Neutral Route out of a sense of duty to his subjects, going so far as to destroy the MERCY button to ensure the battle's conclusion.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 9-B
Name: Asgore Dreemurr, "The King Under The Mountain"
Origin: Undertale
Gender: Male
Age: At least thousands of years old (Fought in the war between humans and monsters and lived in the Underground for millennia ever since)
Classification: Boss Monster, King of The Underground
Powers and Abilities:
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Magic, Inorganic Physiology (Type 1) and Danmaku (Monsters' bodies, compared to human ones, do not have much physical matter because of them being made of magic to the same degree humans are made of water, being able to use their magic in various ways like making bullet patterns, which are showcased in most of their fights, with them also being able to control said magic), Limited Soul Manipulation, Absorption & Transformation with a Human's SOUL, Weapon Creation, Limited Immortality (Type 1), Fire Manipulation and Temperature Manipulation (Can use fireballs as bullets for the pattern of his attacks, while also being able to control its temperature. The temperature of these attacks is also high enough to harm Frisk, despite them being unfazed from an overheat explosion from a MTT brand oven, which can reach temperatures of 9000 °F), Power Nullification (Destroyed Frisk's ability to SPARE until he was defeated. SPARE is a peaceful aura of DETERMINATION exuding from a human's body which questions the enemy's desire to fight, ultimately giving up), Restoration (Restored the SPARE button), Spatial Manipulation. Resistance to Necromancy, Poison Manipulation, Heat Manipulation & Ice Manipulation
Attack Potency: Wall level (Has an ATK stat of "80" which is massively higher than all normal monsters in the underground. Was implied by Undyne to be the strongest monster in the underground)
Speed: Subsonic Travel Speed (Can move fast enough to create afterimages, and his trident leaves a blur that is wide enough to cover the battle box)
Lifting Strength: Average Human
Striking Strength: Wall level
Durability: Wall level
Stamina: Superhuman
Range: At least Extended Melee Range with Trident, Tens of Meters with Fire Magic.
Standard Equipment: Magic Trident
Intelligence: Possibly Above Average; At least Above Average in Battle Intelligence (Has ruled the underground kingdom for hundreds or thousands of years, far more skilled in battle than even Undyne)
Weaknesses: Refuses to fight at full power if he is doing something he believes is wrong.
Feats: List all of the character's amazing feats. Strength feats, speed feats, durability feats, etc. You can judge a person's power by their feats.
Notable Attacks/Techniques: A list of some abilities the character generally uses.
Note: Self-explanatory
Explanations (Optional)[]
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