Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

Human... It was nice to meet you.


~ Asgore before he fights Frisk.

I so badly want to say, "would you like a cup of tea?"

But... You know how it is.

~ Asgore


Asgore Dreemurr is the ruler of the Underground and its denizens, monsters. He is the ex-husband of Toriel, father of Asriel Dreemurr and adoptive father of the first human. While not evil or malicious, he serves as one of the main antagonists of the game planning to kill seven humans and use their SOULs to break the barrier which traps the monsters in the Underground.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 8-C, Low 2-C with The Six Human SOULs

Name: Asgore Dreemurr, King Fluffybuns (by Toriel), Mr. Dreamy (by Alphys)

Origin: Undertale

Gender: Male

Age: Over 5000 years old (He predates written history, which started at around 3200 BCE)

Powers and Abilities:

Attack Potency: Building Level (Can damage Frisk with his fire attacks, who can survive the Mtt oven exploding. As a Boss monster he should be far superior to the likes of Mettaton and Papyrus. Comparable to Toriel. Flowey thought he could have never gotten past Asgore without the players help), Universe Level+ with the Six Human SOULs (Has access to the Human SOULs that gave Photoshop Flowey his power), can bypass durability via Soul magic

Speed: Subsonic (Can create afterimages. Could dodge all of Undyne's attacks while while holding back), Inaccessible with the Six Human SOULs (Scales to Photoshop Flowey, who could move even after time was destroyed)

Lifting Strength: At least Class 5 (Far superior to both Undyne and the Ice Wolf)

Striking Strength: Building Class, Univeral+ with the Six Human SOULs

Durability: Building Level (Has the same attack and defense. Along with Gerson, he is one of the few monsters to have survived fighting against humans. Walked off a casual blast from Toriel), Universe Level+ with the Six Human SOULs

Stamina: High (Fought Frisk for a significant amount of time. Should be comparable to Undyne)

Range: Tens of meters with magic, likely Universal+ with the Six Human SOULs

Standard Equipment: His trident

Optional Equipment: The Six Human SOULs.

Intelligence: Gifted. Has lived since prehistory and ruled monster kind for thousends of years even once Toriel left. Considered as more skilled than Undyne by her and was the one that trained her in the first place

Weaknesses: Often refuses to fight at full strength, can often be shaken in the midst of battle should he be doing something he knows is wrong (i.e. fighting a child). If he's not determined to kill his foe and is facing against a foe with a strong SOUL and has murderous intent, his defenses will weaken.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Fire Magic: Similar to Toriel, Asgore is a master of fire magic, using it for numerous techniques. These include calling down undulating waves of fire, creating enormous, inescapable walls of fire, circles of fireballs which close in on his opponent, creating large trails of fireballs which track his opponent, and creating enormous bursts of dozens upon dozens of fireballs which are immensely difficult to dodge.
  • Trident: Asgore has shown to be extremely proficient with his trident, swiping it across the battlefield in an attempt to hit his opponent. The trident will leave behind trails of magic, making it impossible to dodge by conventional means. When the magic is orange, Asgore's opponent must be moving in order to not be hurt. When the magic is blue, his opponent must remain stationary. This is most effective against opponents without intel on Asgore as they will not be aware of these effects.

Note: Credit to Vs battles wiki for the Weaknesses and Notable Attacks sections



Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
