Ash's Pikachu in Base Form

Ash's Pikachu in Gigantamax Form
- Pikachu when referring to or introducing himself.
Ash's Pikachu is the signature Pokémon of both Ash Ketchum and the Pokémon anime, and the 1st Pokémon that Ash obtained on his journey as a Pokémon Trainer, given to him by Professor Oak. Originally a reluctant member of Ash's team, when the young boy tried to save Pikachu's life from a flock of Spearow, he warmed up to Ash, and ever since then, he remained an invaluable member of Ash's team, going through thick and thin to help Ash achieve his dream of being the very best.
General Information, Powers, Abilities, and Statistics[]
Tier: 8-C | High 7-A | High 7-A | High 6-A | High 6-A | High 6-A | High 6-A | High 6-A | 4-B | Low 2-C | Low 2-C
Name: Pikachu
Origin: Pokémon Anime
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Classification: Electric-Type Pokémon, Mouse Pokémon
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Electricity Manipulation and Absorption, Statistics Amplification and Reduction, Metal Attacks via Iron Tail, Forcefield Creation via Electroweb, Paralysis Inducement, Resistance to Electricity, Metal, and Air Manipulation (Electric, Steel, and Flying-Type moves are not very effective on Electric-Type Pokémon like Ash's Pikachu) | Same as Base minus Forcefield Creation, Metal and Explosion Manipulation
Attack Potency: Building Level (Can shock and harm Ash Ketchum, who survived the explosion of a lab mansion) | Large Mountain Level (Clashed electricity with Zapdos, who should be comparable to Moltres, a Pokémon stated to be powerful enough to change the seasons, which would take this much energy) | Large Mountain Level | Multi-Continent Level (Disabled a machine that was being used to manipulate Jurachi's power, which was needed to revive a Groudon from a fossil. Groudon is a Pokémon that is said to have raised the continents) | Multi-Continent Level (Defeated Brandon's Regice, who survived a super-effective Hammer Arm from Regigigas, a Pokémon who towed the continents of the planet using ropes) | Multi-Continent Level | Multi-Continent Level | Multi-Continent Level (Even after being weakened from having previously fought and defeated Alain's Tyranitar and Metagross, Pikachu was still able to harm and fight off against Alain's Charizard. For reference, Alain's Charizard in Mega X Form was able to briefly fight Primal Groudon, who supposedly raised the continents of the world in Base Form. Said Mega Charizard X took hits from Steven Stone's Mega Metagross, who brought harm Primal Kyogre, who was able to counter attacks from Groudon in both their Base and Primal Forms respectively) | Solar System level (Fought, matched, and defeated Tapu Koko, who could match Base Necrozma, who could absorb all the light from Earth and Poipole's world) | Universe Level+ (Comparable to Ash's Sirfetch'd and Lucario, who both fought Cynthia's Garchomp, who could cancel out Palkia's Spatial Rend. Palkia and Dialga's power combined could give birth to a new universe, simultaneously destroying the old one in the process) | Universe Level+ (Stronger than his Base Form)
Destructive Capacity: Small Building Level (Destroyed a helicopter) | Building Level (Pikachu's electric attacks threatened to destroy an entire blimp, which would take this much energy) | City Level (With a single Thunderbolt, Pikachu completely recharged the battery of the Mecha Wobbufet, which required being plugged directly into a hydroelectric dam to charge, and the robot's usage caused a blackout across a city. The average hydro electric dam generates 100 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity, which is equal to 359,999,999,999,997,100 Joules, or 86,042,065.0099559541941 Tons of TNT) | City Level (Destroyed a massive stone with his Thunder attack) | City Level | City Level | City Level (Alongside a Jolteon, helps start the backup power of a hydroelectric dam) | City Level | City Level | City Level | At Least City Level (Should be superior to his Base Form)
Speed: FTL (Comparable to Ash's Bulbasaur, who dodged it's Poké Ball's recall beam. Should be superior to newly hatched Pokémon, like Ash's Phanpy in Hatching a Plan, who dodged it's Poké Ball's recall Beam numerous times) | FTL | FTL | FTL (Dodged a Sealeo's Aurora Beam while it was in the middle of attacking a Seaking) | FTL | FTL (Dodged a Solar Beam from a Roselia) | FTL (Dodges multiple laser blasts) | FTL (In a "split second" manages to dodge his Pokeball's recall beam, pull a grate off a wall, and escape into an air duct (this is what this looked like to those watching)) | FTL (Comparable to Ash's Lycanroc, who dodged Tapu Bulu's Solar Beam) | FTL | FTL
Lifting Strength: Average Human (Alongside a Raichu, sent a Hitmoncham and Hitmonlee flying dozens of feet into the air just by running into them. Together, those 2 Pokémon weigh 100.017117 Kilograms, so the 2 Electric-Types overturned 50.0085585 Kilograms each) | Average Human | Average Human (Sent Arbok and Weezing flying backwards with a Tackle. Together, the 2 Pokémon weigh 74.5 Kilograms) | Athletic Human (Lifted and tossed a Milotic, which on average weighs 357.419 pounds (162 kilograms). Knocked a Camerupt off of it's feet and sent it tumbling back and even stopped it's Take down attack with Iron Tail. The average Camerupt weighs 485.016977 pounds (220 kilograms)) | Athletic Human | Athletic Human | Athletic Human | Athletic Human | Class 1 (Held and carried Cosmoem in his hands, which weighs 2204.40216 pounds (999.9 kilograms)) | Class 1 | At Least Class 1 (Should be superior to his Base Form)
Striking Strength: Building Class | Large Mountain Class | Large Mountain Class | Multi-Continent Class | Multi-Continent Class | Multi-Continent Class | Multi-Continent Class | Multi-Continent Class | Solar System Class | Universal+ | Universal+
Durability: Building Level (Survived the explosion of a lab mansion. Got hit by a lightning bolt and absorbed it power to weaponize it, but since he was already in a weakened state, this seemed to temporarily knock him out and leave him exhausted. Tanked the explosion of a helicopter (That he caused) point blank with no visible damage or signs of pain) | Large Mountain Level | Large Mountain Level | Multi-Continent Level | Multi-Continent Level (Took hits from Brandon's Regice, who was able to harm Regigigas) | Multi-Continent Level | Multi-Continent Level | Multi-Continent Level (Survived a Flamethrower from Alain's Charizard, but since he was already in a weakened state, this temporarily incapacitates him) | Solar System Level | Universe Level+ | Universe Level+
Stamina: Superhuman (The average Pokémon is hardwired for battle and can go on fighting for lots of time despite being injured)
Range: Standard melee range, tens of kilometers with ranged attacks | Standard melee range, tens of kilometers with ranged attacks | Tens of kilometers
Standard Equipment: None notable
Intelligence: Above average (At times he seemed to actually be a bit smarter than Season 1 Ash, as he knew more about the Pokédex than Ash did and came up with ideas that Ash didn't, such as using his tail as a Ground Rod to endure a powerful Thunderbolt from Lt. Surge's Raichu. Is capable of communicating despite his inability to speak. Saw through Ash's disguise as Ashley. Single-handedly stopped Team Rocket without Ash's help on 2 separate occasions)
Weaknesses: Pikachu is weak to Ground-Type attacks | Same as before, Pikachu will damage himself in recoil whenever he uses Volt Tackle | Same as Before. He can only use Z-Moves once per battle, and can't use them at all without outside help from Ash. | Same as before. Also can't Gigantamax without Ash's help and Gigantamax is only possible in the 1st place in specific places in the Galar region | Gigantamax Pikachu is weak to Ground-Type moves and can't use Z-moves. He will also revert to normal after using 3 moves
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
- Regular Moves:
- Thunder Shock: Pikachu's cheeks glow yellow, then it releases multiple lightning bolts from its body at the opponent.
- Thunderbolt: Pikachu releases a powerful bolt of yellow electricity from its body at the opponent. Sometimes, yellow sparks appear around Pikachu's tail and cheeks before launching the attack. On occasion, this will paralyze the opponent.
- Agility: Pikachu starts to run forward on all fours, leaping from side to side. Other times, Pikachu appears to repeatedly vanish and immediately reappears in different spots while running. The opponent may become confused.
- Quick Attack: Pikachu runs at a fast speed with a white or light blue outline surrounding his body and a white or silver trail of energy being created behind it, disappearing and reappearing before tackling the opponent.
- Thunder: Pikachu fires a massive beam of yellow electricity from its body at the opponent.
- Double Edge: Pikachu charges at the opponent and tackles it.
- Tackle: Pikachu tackles the opponent.
- Leer: Pikachu glares at the opponent and yellow electric sparks come out of its cheeks.
- Iron Tail: Pikachu's tail glows white and/or turns into iron and it hits the opponent with it. Sometimes, it leaves behind a white trail of energy where it swings.
- Volt Tackle: Pikachu runs at the opponent. Its body then becomes surrounded by golden electricity, and it tackles the opponent. While covered in electricity, Pikachu's body looks black and white. After hitting the opponent with this attack, Pikachu will sustain recoil damage. When hit by recoil damage, its body becomes surrounded by yellow sparks of electricity. On occasion, this will paralyze the opponent.
- Electro Ball: Pikachu's body becomes surrounded in yellow electricity and multiple yellow sparks come off Pikachu's body. All the electricity then condenses at Pikachu's tail and forms into an orange-yellow orb of electricity with sparks of yellow electricity coming off it. Pikachu then jumps into the air and flings the orb at the opponent.
- Electroweb: Pikachu creates an orange-yellow orb of electricity on its tail. It then flings the orb, which then transforms into a circular yellow electrical net that traps and electrocutes the opponent.
- Z-Moves:
- Gigavolt Havoc: Pikachu strikes a series of synchronized poses with its Trainer to build Z-Power. It then gathers a large ball of yellow electricity and launches it towards the target with a punch.
- Breakneck Blitz: Pikachu strikes a series of synchronized poses with its Trainer to build Z-Power. It then becomes surrounded in an orange aura and charges at the opponent with a full-speed tackle.
- 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt: Wearing its Trainer (Ash's) Cap, Pikachu strikes a series of synchronized poses with its Trainer to build Z-Power. It then leaps into the air and absorbs electricity from dark storm-clouds that have formed above it. Pikachu then fires seven bolts of electricity, each a different color of a rainbow, at the opponent. The lightning bolts can be controlled individually by Pikachu, thus changing trajectory and target.
- Corkscrew Crash: Pikachu strikes a series of synchronized poses with its Trainer to build Z-Power. It then jumps into the air and spins around rapidly, turning into a yellow drill that strikes the opponent with full force.
- Max and G-Max Moves:
- Max Steelspike: Gigantamax Pikachu's tail glows white. It then grabs its tail and slams it into the ground, creating a series of gray spikes that extend forward and strike the opponent.
- G-Max Volt Crash: Gigantamax Pikachu fires a bolt of yellow electricity into the clouds above it. Moments later, multiple bolts of lighting shaped like its tail strike down from the clouds onto the opponent.
- Max Strike: Gigantamax Pikachu jumps into the air, creating yellow glowing cracks on the ground as it lands. The cracks spread towards the opponent, and as they reach them, a burst of yellow energy erupts from the ground underneath the opponent.
- Improvised Moves:
- Shocking Tail: Pikachu stores electricity in his tail and uses it to strike the opponent in an attack similar to Slam.
- Thunder Armor: Pikachu uses Thunder on himself and absorbs the power of it's attack, causing his body to become covered in a golden yellow glow and greatly increasing both his Attack and Defensive power.
- Triple Thunder Rings (Fan Name): Pikachu uses Quick Attack and runs in a circle. Pikachu then uses Thunderbolt while running, creating a large ring of electricity. Pikachu then uses Iron Tail to divide the ring into three rings.
- Quick Tail (Fan Name): Pikachu uses Quick Attack to rush towards the opponent and hit it with Iron Tail, thus boosting the power of the latter move.
- Thunderbreak (Fan Name): Pikachu fires a Thunderbolt at the battlefield, breaking the ground apart and sending large rocks hurtling at the opponent.
- Volt Tail: Pikachu uses Volt Tackle to charge towards the opponent and hit it with Iron Tail, increasing the power of the attack.
- Counter Shield: Pikachu spins on his back while using Thunderbolt, releasing yellow sparks everywhere, forming an electric barrier that disallows movement for the opponent, protecting himself from the opponent's attacks.
- Thunder Ball (Fan Name): Pikachu uses Electro Ball, and then uses Thunderbolt on it to increase the speed of the Electro Ball.
- Electro Tail (Fan Name): Pikachu forms an Electro Ball on his tail, and then uses Iron Tail, slamming both the Electro Ball and Iron Tail into the opponent at the same time, dealing a notable amount of damage.
- Iron Tail Root (Fan Name): Pikachu roots himself to the ground with Iron Tail to resist getting blown back by any attacks.
- Iron Tail Climb (Fan Name): When a projectile attack is used against Pikachu, he uses it as footing to launch itself upwards by pushing off the projectile with Iron Tail.
- Thunder Tail (Fan Name): While using Iron Tail, Pikachu uses Thunderbolt to surround himself in electricity.
- Electroweb Barrier (Fan Name): Pikachu creates an Electroweb and surrounds himself from it, using it as a shield to protect himself from any damage.
- Electro Springboard (Fan Name): Pikachu creates an Electroweb which he uses like a springboard to launch himself at the opponent before hitting them with Iron Tail, dealing incredible damage.
- Electroweb Terrain (Fan Name): Pikachu creates an Electroweb that spreads out over the opponent's side of the field. If the opponent tries to charge through the electric threads, they not only slow down, but also take damage.
- Ultrasonic Shield (Fan Name): Pikachu uses Iron Tail on the ground before using Quick Attack to start vibrating, creating ultrasonic vibrations around his body that he can use to repel incoming attacks.
Key: Indigo Leage | Orange Islands | Jotho Journeys | Advanced Generation | Battle Frontier | Diamond and Pearl | Black and White | X&Y | Sun and Moon | Pokémon Journeys | Gigantamax Form