“ | You'll go no further! For her sake, I will not fail! | „ |
~ Ash's prebattle quote |
Ash was the apprentice Chroma who was being taught by Marona's parents. One day, they encountered a shadow a Sulphur who killed them, however, Marona's father, Haze, tried to save Ash's life but what happened instead was that he became a being who was trapped between both life and death. Ever since then, he has raised Marona and helped her on any missions she goes on.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: High 7-A, Likely 6-C | 5-B | High 2-A
Name: Ash
Origin: Phantom Brave
Gender: Male
Age: 26 (18 when he died)
Classification: Phantom
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Immortality (Type 5, Has been stated to be neither dead or alive), Non-Physical Interaction, Soul Manipulation, Soul Mutilation (Can physically attack ghosts while others can't even see them), Power Mimicry (Can use the abilities of any object he is confined to), Invisibility, Intangibility (Can choose when normal people can see or interact with him), Water Manipulation
Attack Potency: At least Large Mountain Level (Is leagues above people who can make a magical bomb that has a yield of one Gigaton), Likely Island Level (Is able to defeat one of Sulphur's Shadows which are leagues above the fodder in the game) | Planet Level (Defeated Sulphur who can destroy Ivoire on his own) | High Multiverse Level+ (Has fought against people like Laharl and Mao)
Speed: Massively Hypersonic+ (Can fight people who use natural lightning) | Massively Hypersonic+ (Is faster than he was before) | MFTL+ (Fought against people like Laharl)
Lifting Strength: Unknown
Striking Strength: At Least Large Mountain Level, Likely Island Level | Planet Level | High Multiverse Level+
Durability: At Least Large Mountain Level, Likely Island Level | Planet Level | High Multiverse Level+
Stamina: High
Range: Standard melee range to Several kilometres
Standard Equipment: Sword
Intelligence: Average
Weaknesses: He has to be confined into an object in order to fight
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
- Water Dragon Stroke: Ash makes a water dragon that attacks the enemy.
- Eccarlate Blast: Ash traps the enemy in a whirlpool before charging his sword and slashing the enemy.
- Super Rising Dragon: Ash uppercuts the enemy into the air and transforms into a giant water dragon that eats them.
Key: Beginning of Phantom Brave | End of Phantom Brave | Disgaea Series