“ | Remember when we saw Gary before? Back then, he asked me how much closer I was to being a Pokémon Master, but... Being Champion's not my goal. I still consider myself a challenger. I wanna have lots more adventures, and meet more Pokémon. All the things that happen each day... Every one of them matters. Like when I met that Latios. I wanna make friends with all the Pokémon in the world. That's gotta be what it means to be a Pokémon Master. | „ |
~ Ash fully realizing what his dream entails |
Ash Ketchum (Japanese: サトシ Satoshi) is the main character of the Pokémon anime. He is also the main character of various manga based on the anime, including The Electric Tale of Pikachu, Ash & Pikachu, and Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl.
He is a Pokémon Trainer from Pallet Town whose goal is to become a Pokémon Master. He shares his Japanese name with the creator of the Pokémon franchise, Satoshi Tajiri. His English surname is a pun of the English motto, "Gotta catch 'em all!"
Tier: 9-B | High 7-A | Low 6-B, higher with Absorbed Electricity or Combo Moves, High 6-A with Blue Orb | Low 5-B, higher with Ash-Greninja | Low 2-C, higher with Z-Moves | 1-A, higher with Mega Evolution, Z-Moves, or Dynamax
Name: Ash Ketchum, Satoshi
Origin: Pokémon
Gender: Male | Varies for his Pokémon
Age: 10
Classification: Human, Pokémon Trainer, Orange League Champion, Alola League Champion, Pokémon World Champion, Monarch
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Sealing (Via Pokéballs), Aura, Extensive knowledge on Pokémon, Resistance to electricity (has survived being electrocuted numerous times) and freezing (survived in a temperature so cold that his tear froze before it hit the ground), Can Mega Evolve and Dynamax his Pokémon | Varies with the Pokémon
Attack Potency: Wall level+ (Ran with and tossed a log much larger than himself several meters with ease. Took down steel bars with a tackle. Comparable to other Trainers as Jessie or James) | Large Mountain level+ (Fought and matched several well-trained, fully-evolved Pokemon such as Drake's Dragonite, Gary's Blastoise, and Harrison's Blaziken. Such Pokémon are capable of feats like this) | Small Country level (Capable of defeating trained Legendary Pokemon such as Brandon's Regice and Tobias' Latios, the former of whom can damage Regigigas. Later fought off the Forces of Nature relatively early into his Unova journey), Small Country level+ with Absorbed Electricity (Absorbed Therian Form Thundurus’ power, with Thundurus being able to damage Pikachu. Ash’s Pikachu used this electricity to create an Electro Ball significantly larger than what it could create normally) or Combo Moves (Combines the power of two moves into one. Ash’s Pikachu one-shot Trip’s Serperior, who can harm it, with a combination of Electro Ball and Iron Tail. It also defeated Tobias’ Latios with a combination of Volt Tackle and Iron Tail), Multi-Continent level with Blue Orb (Upon absorbing the Blue Orb, Ash’s Pikachu could cancel out an attack from Kyogre, who is comparable to Groudon, who is capable of raising the continents) | Small Planet level (Not much weaker than Ash-Greninja. Fought Lysandre, who could fight Alain's Mega Charizard X), higher with Ash-Greninja (Fought and matched Alain's Mega Charizard X, which can match 50% Zygarde, who should be 1/2 as strong as Complete Zygarde, who is capable of destroying the Megalith that was stated to be able to destroy the world) | Universe level+ (Fought and matched Gladion, who could damage Base Necrozma, who could affect all of Ultra Space), higher with Z-Moves (Overpowered Guzzlord with a combined Gigavolt Havoc on two occasions. One-shot Mother Beast Lusamine and overpowered Tapu Koko's Guardian of Alola Z-Move to defeat it with 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt) | Outerverse level (Fought and defeated Cynthia in the Masters Tournament Semifinals, whose Garchomp could cancel out Palkia's Spacial Rend, with Palkia existing beyond the concept of dimensions. Fought and defeated Leon, who is even stronger than Cynthia, in the Masters Tournament Finals), higher with Mega Evolution, Z-Moves, or Dynamax (All three power-ups provide major boosts to his Pokemon's power. His Pikachu's 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt heavily damaged Steven's Mega Metagross despite not fully connecting and matched Leon's Gigantamax Charizard's G-Max Wildfire. His Mega Lucario defeated both Cynthia's Dynamax Togekiss and her Garchomp, the former of whom gave his Pikachu trouble in its base form. His Gigantamax Gengar overpowered and defeated Leon's Inteleon. His Gigantamax Pikachu one-shot Leon's Gigantamax Cinderace)
Speed: Superhuman (Ran so fast that his speed let him walk up walls. Comparable to, if not superior to Goh, who could perform a similar feat) with Massively FTL+ to Infinite Reactions (Can dodge and react to attacks from fully evolved Pokémon as Arbok or Garchomp, along with Pokemon like Tapu Koko and and the Avatars of Dialga and Palkia) | FTL (Kept up with teams of fully-evolved Pokemon, such as those belonging to Drake, Gary, and Harrison, which can dodge Solar Beam), higher with Agility or Quick Attack (Both of these moves temporarily raise the user's speed) | At least FTL (Kept up with the likes of Brandon's Regice, Tobias' Latios, and the Forces of Nature), higher with Blue Orb (Comparable to Groudon), even higher with Quick Attack (Quick Attack temporarily raises the user's speed) | At least FTL, likely far higher (Should not be much slower than Ash-Greninja. Kept up with Lysandre's Pokémon), higher with Quick Attack (Quick Attack temporarily raises the user's speed), far higher with Ash-Greninja (Kept up with Alain's Mega Charizard X, who kept up with 50% Zygarde) | Infinite (Kept up with Silvally and Tapu Koko, both of whom are comparable to Necrozma and the Ultra Beasts, which can traverse Ultra Space), higher with Quick Attack (Quick Attack temporarily raises the user's speed) | Irrelevant (Faster than before. Kept up with a Heatran that was amplified by the Flame Plate, the Lake Guardians, and Cynthia's and Leon's teams. Comparable to Palkia, who exists beyond the concept of space), higher with Quick Attack and Bullet Punch (Both of these moves temporarily raise the user's speed), far higher with Mega Evolution or Dynamax (Faster than before)
Lifting Strength: Class 5 (Lifted a Cosmoem, which weighs 999.9 kg, in both hands without any visible effort, meaning he could carry much more than that with effort) | Class G (Commands a team capable of fighting fully evolved Pokémon, which are capable of withstanding Meowstic's psychic energy) | Class T (His Snorlax was able to defeat a Machamp, which can move mountains), Class Z with Blue Orb (Comparable to Groudon, who can raise the continents) | At least Class Z, likely far higher (Not much weaker than Ash-Greninja), higher with Ash-Greninja (Clashed with Alain's Mega Charizard X) | At least Class Z, likely far higher (Clashed with the likes of Silvally and Tapu Koko) | Irrelevant (Comparable to Palkia, who exists beyond the concept of dimensions), higher with Mega Evolution or Dynamax (Stronger than before)
Striking Strength: Wall Class+ (Jumped hundreds of feet in the air, climbed up a tree and then used it to impulse himself and make a big jump) | Large Mountain Class+ (Traded blows with Drake's, Gary's, and Harrison's teams) | Small Country Class (Traded blows with the likes of Regice, Latios, and the Forces of Nature), Small Country Class+ with Absorbed Electricity (Much stronger than before) or Combo Moves (One-shot Trip’s Serperior. Defeated Tobias’ Latios), Multi-Continent Class with Blue Orb (Comparable to Groudon) | Small Planet Class (Not much weaker than Ash-Greninja), higher with Ash-Greninja (Traded blows with Alain's Mega Charizard X) | Universal+ (Traded blows with Gladion's Silvally and Tapu Koko), higher with Z-Moves (Stronger than before) | Outerversal (Comparable to their Attack Power), higher with Mega Evolution, Z-Moves, or Dynamax (Stronger than before)
Durability: Unknown (Has survived giant explosions and lightning bolts head on. Tanked a large amount of attacks from Pikachu and many of his other Pokemon such as Charizard. However, he's also been hurt by the likes of a wild Riolu and other Pokemon of a similar level, making his durability inconsistent) | Large Mountain level+ (Took hits from Drake's, Gary's, and Harrison's teams) | Small Country level (Took hits from Regice, Latios, and the Forces of Nature), Multi-Continent level with Blue Orb (Comparable to Groudon) | Small Planet level (Not much weaker than Ash-Greninja. Took hits from Lysandre's Mega Gyarados), higher with Ash-Greninja (Took hits from Alain's Mega Charizard X) | Universe level+ (Took hits from Gladion's Silvally and Tapu Koko) | Outerverse level (Took hits from Cynthia's and Leon's teams), higher with Mega Evolution or Dynamax (More durable than before)
Stamina: Very high (Sprinted from daylight to sunset without stopping and didn't show any signs of exhaustion afterwards) | Superhuman (On several occasions, Ash's team managed to keep fighting and even win battles despite fatigue and heavy damage. Most notably, Ash's Pikachu could shock itself awake after briefly losing consciousness, enabling it to fight beyond its limits)
Range: Standard Melee Range | Standard Melee Range with physical attacks, Hundreds of Meters to Kilometers with ranged attacks
Standard Equipment: His Pokémon, Pokédex, and Poké Balls
- Notable Pokémon: Pikachu (All Series), Charizard, Snorlax, Heracross | Sceptile, Infernape, Krookodile | Greninja | Incineroar, Lycanroc, Melmetal, Naganadel | Dragonite, Gengar, Lucario, Dracovish, Sirfetch'd
Intelligence: Average normally, Extraordinary Genius in battle (While ordinarily a 10-year-old boy, Ash has shown his ingenuity in battles time and time again, creating complex strategies [such as having Pikachu stand on the ground with Iron Tail and move rapidly to generate shock waves from its sheer velocity to mitigate Bea's Hawlucha's Sky Attack] on the fly and admitting to having done no prior planning. His battle intelligence is such that a complex supercomputer exploded upon attempting to comprehend his battle data, having failed to do so)
Weaknesses: None notable
Note: Ash's Pokemon's tiers are based on at the end of a journey.
Key: By Himself | Pokémon Team (Original Series) | Pokémon Team (Advance Generation - Best Wishes) | Pokémon Team (XY) | Pokémon Team (Sun and Moon) | Pokémon Team (Journeys)