Character Stats and Profiles Wiki

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Character Stats and Profiles Wiki
Asriel Dreemurr
Asriel / Flowey

Flowey Tarot card
In this world, it's kill or be killed.
~ Flowey's adopted worldview

I still need one more... Before I become GOD. And then, with my newfound powers... Monsters. Humans. Everyone. I'll show them the REAL meaning of this world.
~ Photoshop Flowey

Asriel Tarot
You know... I don't care about destroying this world anymore. After I defeat you and gain total control over the timeline... I just want to reset everything. All your progress... Everyone's memories. I'll bring them all back to zero!
~ Asriel

Asriel Dreemurr tarot final form
Every time you die, your grip on this world slips away. Every time you die, your friends forget you a little more. Your life will end here, in a world where no one remembers you...
~ Asriel

Oh, and Frisk... Be careful in the world, OK? Despite what everyone thinks, it's not as nice as it is here. There are a lot of Floweys out there. And not everything can be resolved by just being nice. Frisk... Don't kill, and don't be killed, alright? That's the best you can strive for. Well, see you
~ Asriel


Asriel Dreemurr is the son of Asgore and Toriel and the best friend of the fallen child. He is the former prince of the Underground, he is a very kind and gentle boy, being extremely innocent and naive, he was loved by all in the Underground and his friendship with the first human brought hope to all of monsterkind, and his death despair to all. After the human died due to buttercup poisoning, Asriel absorbed their soul, crossed the barrier in order to get enough SOULS to free his people, but he refused to listen to his best friend orders to destroy the humans village, and then the humans killed him because of it. Years later Dr.Alphys injected DETERMINATION in the first flower that grew in Asgore's garden, and thus Asriel was reborn inside of a flower, but without his soul, and thus the ability to feel anything. He then took the identity of Flowey the Flower, marked by his choice before he died he adopted the view "kill or be killed" because since he didn't follow what the fallen child wanted, they both died. He then experimented with his new powers to see what the world had to offer, first doing good but when he felt nothing he turned to evil, doing anything he could think of to sastify his curiosity, but he still got bored, with Papyrus being his favorite "toy" and Sans causing his fair share of resets. One day another human fell down, one that looked very familiar to his old friend, he tried to take their SOUL but got stopped by Toriel. Then after several plans and manipulation he finally gets the equivalent of seven human SOULS and gets his original form back, but that also brings back his ability to feel, and with his feelings back he realizes the errors of his way, and decides to sacrifice his chance to be himself in order to break the barrier, finally succeding in the goal that got him killed.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: Likely 9-A | 8-A | Varies from 9-B to 8-C | Low 2-C | At least Low 2-C possibly 2-A

Name: Flowey the Flower, Asriel Dreemurr

Origin: Undertale

Gender: Male | Formerly male, though still uses male pronouns | As before | Male

Age: 100+ (Chronologically. Its implied that Undertale takes place 100 years after chara's fall, in which Asriel was shown to be alive before the fall happened. Chara's fall didn't happened too long after when the monsters where forced into the underground)

Classification: Prince of the Underground, Boss Monster | "Your Best Friend", Sentient flower, Soulless being imbued with Determination, Former Prince of the Underground | Flower-like monstrosity, Former Prince of the Underground, "God" (By himself, though he admits he's yet to become one) | Former Prince of the Underground, Boss Monster, God (Described as one by the Underground's lore), "The Absolute GOD of Hyperdeath!" (By himself), the Angel (Presumably the angel of a certain legend)

Powers and Abilities:

  • Superhuman Physical Characteristics
  • Magic
  • Genius
  • Non-Physical Interaction (Via Magic Attacks)
  • limited Acausality (Type 1: Capable of keeping memories of reset events, although other factors such as his increase in strength or damage he sustained will be lost. With his "control over the timeline"/Time Manipulation matched, repeated deaths make his grip in the timeline slip away, which can eventually result in him forgetting everything experienced little by little)
  • Time Manipulation (Has the ability to SAVE into a point in time when particularly determined, and LOAD back in time to the last SAVE they made at will. He can even do so after dying, simply by not wanting to die)
  • Soul Manipulation (Can attack one's SOUL with his regular attacks. Destroyed a weakened Asgore's SOUL in a single attack.)
  • Absorption (Can absorb SOULs of defeated humans)
  • Body Control
  • Plant Manipulation (Moved an elavator with his vines.)
  • Danmaku
  • Small Size (Type 0. Is a flower roughly half the size of Frisk)
  • Immortality (Type 4 and 8: As long as the determination user is determined to live, they can bring themselves from death via LOADING)
  • Resistance to:

    Almost all previous abilities to a much greater extent, lacking his Immunity to Soul Manipulation and Resistance to Empathic Manipulation, but now having

    Resistance to:

    Attack Potency : Likely Small Building level (Is a boss monster which is the strongest type of monster in the underground. Stated by Gershon that he would gain the power of his parents.), can bypass durability via SOUL Magic | Multi-City Block level (Absorbed a human SOUL which are more powerful than every monster SOUL put together.), can bypass durability via SOUL Magic | Varies (His power greatly varies based on how much determination and LOVE he has.) from Wall level (Almost one-shot an early game Frisk who can survive falling to the underground) to Building level (Stated that at some point he had killed everyone in the underground, including Asgore and Toriel.), can bypass durability via SOUL Magic | Universe level+ (Destroyed Frisk's SAVE FILE, which is a timeline.), can bypass durability via SOUL Magic | At least Universe level+ (His Hypergoner was causing the timeline to collapse. Far superior to Omega Flowey.) possibly Multiversal+ (Has infinite attack from Frisk's perspective), can bypass durability via SOUL Magic

    Speed: Unknown | likely Subsonic (Should be comparable to Undyne the Undying) | Varies Up to Subsonic (Could fight Asgore, who can create afterimages) | Inaccessible (Could move around and fight even after the timeline was destroyed) | Inaccessible

    Lifting Strength: Unknown | Unknown | Class 5 (Could move an elavator with his vines, which weigh around 1,2 tons) | Class K via Sheer Size | Unknown

    Striking Strength: Likely Small Building Class | Multi-City Block Class | Varies from Wall Class to Building Class | Universe Class+ | Universe Class+ possibly Multiverse Class+

    Durability: Likely Small Building Level | Multi-City Block Level (Took countless bloodlusted attacks from a large crowd of humans while refusing to fight, exposing all of his weaknesses, and still managed to make it all the way back to the underground before eventually giving in to his injuries) | Varies from Wall Level to Building Level ( Survived a casual fireball from Toriel) | Universe Level+, Unknown at 0 defence (Took significantly more damage from Frisk's attacks than before do tohis defence dropping to 0) | At Least Universe Level+ possibly Multiverse Level+ (Has Infinite defense)

    Stamina: Unknown

    Range: Likely tens of meters with magic (Should posess similar magic to his parents) | Tens of meters with magic | Tens meters, (His vines could solve puzzles and pull elevators from dozens of meters away) | Likely Universal+ with his powers (He can break the fourth wall and alter some minor parts of the game itself) | Universal+ with his powers

    Intelligence: Unknown | Unknown | Genius. Flowey is incredibly clever, being able to manipulate many of the game's characters into doing exactly what he wants (even across different timelines), due to living out almost every possible outcome and knowing exactly what certain individuals will do. He has decent combat experience as he has killed mostly everyone in the Underground, if most of them were easy targets | Genius | Genius

    Weaknesses: Asriel is extremely innocent and naive, being easily convinced into carrying Chara's empty body across the village. Has no real desire to hurt anyone, refusing to fight back against a crowd of bloodlusted humans which eventually leads to his death. As a monster, his defenses will weaken if he refuses to fight his opponent, and is more vulnerable to opponents with powerful souls who have murderous intentions | Same as before, shares control over the soul he absorbs and can come to a standstill in the face of conflict with the soul in attempting to take different actions | Similar to Frisk, whenever a reset occurs, his LOVE and stats drop back down to their base. While extremely difficult, sufficient failure can make a user of Determination give up, though this can result in a Reset much earlier than the last SAVE; This is likely what happened when Flowey faced Sans, hence he never got the Human SOULs himself. Someone with his same Determination (as it exists in Undertale) and higher determination will result in his ability to SAVE and LOAD being disabled. If a monster doesn't want to fight, its defense will weaken. The crueller the intentions of their enemies are, the more their attacks will hurt them | As before. Does not have full control over the six souls which power him, and someone as determined as Frisk was able to make them leave his body | As in the third key. Will begin to lose his homicidal intentions and craziness due regaining the ability to care and having a soul again, eventually reversing to a much more innocent child, though it took a while and special care for Frisk to "save" him. Tends to hold back and toys with opponents such as when he used a fraction of his power throughout almost his entire fight with Frisk.

    Key: Asriel Dreemurr | Chara's Soul Absorbed | Flowey | Photoshop Flowey | The Angel

    Notable Attacks/Techniques:

    • DETERMINATION: The source of their power and abilities. The user is empowered by the feeling of determination, allowing it to strengthen their capabilities and use certain new powers. In Flowey's case, being infused with DETERMINATION turned him from a regular flowey where the dust of Asriel fell into what he is now, although, notably, it's likely that Asriel's "essence" lived in that flowey.
    • SAVE: When particularly determined, the user can "SAVE" the current moment in time, filling a file inside the game with information about their current process, LV, etc. This file may or may not a physical object that exists somewhere, as Flowey was able to destroy Frisk's while potentially outside any physical land in the Underground, breaking the 4° wall and being outside the places one should "normally" visit in the game. A user may create a SAVE when really wanting to anywhere, finding the yellow flash shown in-game isn't necessary. Someone else with the same use of DETERMINATION and higher determination will result in this ability to SAVE being disabled from Flowey.
    • LOAD: Turns back time to the last SAVE made, this can even be used after dying. Another user of DETERMINATION, Frisk, often dies by having their SOUL shattered into pieces, and can still LOAD after it. Someone else with the same use of DETERMINATION and higher determination will result in this ability to LOAD being disabled from Flowey.
    • Reset: Turns back time to the beginning of the game. In Flowey's case, it's possible this may take him way back before it, when he first woke up as a flowey or when he discovered his ability to SAVE and LOAD.
    • True Reset: As before, but overpowering certain characters' ability to remember events after being reset.

    Note 1: Credit to Vs Battles wiki for the powers and abilities section

    Note 2: Credit to Theuser789 for the Summary



    Notable Victories:

    Notable Losses:

    Inconclusive Matches:
